Steroids gave my boyfriend a weird kink [FM]

*I don’t mean to sound preachy on this btw. If you do steroids, I get it. Lord knows I’ve put far worse things into my body. They were just a HUGE point of tension between my boyfriend and me.*

I’m just going to say this now: steroids are the worst. Granted, I’m not really into muscles anyway, but even if that wasn’t the case, at what cost, bros?

I would MUCH rather fuck a skinny nerd without shrunken testicles.

My disdain for steroids comes from my ex who thought it was a good idea to cycle with his frat brothers so they would all roid TF out together. I’d be at their house and randomly one of them would start crying and then they’d break furniture for no fucking reason.

My boyfriend would get into fights CONSTANTLY when we went out and it stressed me TF out. I could not take him anywhere when he was on a cycle without him finding a way to punch somebody.

*I think this is where my hatred of men who fight comes from.*

I could even handle the mood swings, but when my boyfriend was on a cycle HE COULD NOT FUCK TO SAVE HIS LIFE. Dear god, I once sucked his dick for twenty minutes and he couldn’t get hard. He did start crying though.

*Like what is the point of allegedly making yourself more sexually appealing if you can’t fuck? You missed a piece of Darwinism.*

*I realize I’m being judgmental right now. I know so many men struggle with appearance and I’m sympathetic to the unrealistic standards society puts on them. However, I really needed dick and I resented TF out of steroids when it made us both celibate.*

Anyway, one day I fucking cracked. It had been a full month. “This is ruining us. I’m really sorry but I don’t know if I can go without it.”

He got pissed at this. He told me if I had a condition where I couldnt have sex he wouldn’t leave me over it. I pointed out he was willingly taking steroids so it was a little different.

The worst part? This dude didn’t eat pussy. He certainly expected head but he was grossed out by my his mouth on my vagina and made that very clear.

*I had sub par standards back then.*

He also inexplicably referred to using toys as “cheating” so I couldn’t get myself off. I once spent the entire weekend with him and was about to die.

“We have to figure out a way around this,” I finally said. “Seriously, how can we make that happen? Do you want lingerie? Do you want to spank me? Want to try anal? Anything? Seriously. What’s your fetish?”

“Ok. There’s this one thing.”


“Can we pretend like we’re getting you pregnant?”

*Whoa boy. I’m not one to kink shame but this freaked me out a little. He was a little too obsessed with me and I was slightly worried he legitimately wanted to get me pregnant and trap me. He told me his dream multiple times was to marry me and move to his hometown.*

*His hometown was 200 people.*

“Um… ok. But like what would that entail?”

“Not using condoms.”


*I was not on birth control at the time.*

“Just tell me you want to have my baby over and over then.”

*I can honestly think of nothing less sexy than this scenario, but I was desperate for sex.*

“Ok… um, I really want to have your child. Can you please fuck me now?”

“You have to say it with FEELING, V.”

I got on my knees. “Please, please. I need you inside of me so I can have your baby.”

“You want my baby?” He asked.

*Uggggg, no.*

“Yes, absolutely.”

He pulled his pants down and, low and behold, he was actually hard.

“Fuck yes!” I said as I basically jumped on him.

He pushed me onto his dresser and let me wrap my legs around him. “You have to keep going.”

“I um… I want our child to have your eyes?”

*He did have nice eyes.*

“You want to fucking carry my baby? You want it inside of you?”

*Not particularly, but he was finally pulling my pants down and putting a condom on.*

“Yes… I want to carry your baby and uh… give birth.”

*I’m not good at breeding kinks, y’all.*

“You want my cum inside of you?” He asked as he finally went in me.

“God yes!” I screamed as he finally fucked me. I pulled him in closer and felt myself getting close.

“Say you want to stay home and raise my babies.”

“Um… yeah. That’s what I want.”

“Say you don’t want to go to law school.”

“You have a problem with me going to law school?” I panted as I wrapped my legs tighter.

“It’s role play, Viola.”

“Um… is it? We’re getting pretty specific.”

“Say you were born to be my wife and a mother and that’s all you’re good for.”

*Am I a bad feminist? Yes. But I also had to get off, y’all.*

I said it as I came.

He did not come, which is probably for the best all things considered.

“Hey babe,” I said as we were cuddling on the floor. “I genuinely, 100% thought you looked better when you were skinnier… and I miss being able to make you come. I used to get myself off to the thought of your cum on me.”

That was his last cycle.

To his current girlfriend, you’re welcome.



  1. Lol this whole situation sounds fucked, but I chuckled. Have an upvote

  2. I was cringing the entire time I was reading this story. Jesus Christ. Dear god, that’s some awkward breeding kink dirty talk.

    >“Say you were born to be my wife and a mother and that’s all you’re good for.”

    I cringed super hard reading that line, oh god. That’s some super oddly specific roleplay regarding law school. That would genuinely scare the hell out of me and I would run out screaming.

    My current partner and I used to be fat kids… So “A” used roids to get freakishly ripped at before the pandemic, then he let himself go during the pandemic. I honestly prefer him a bit pudgey lol. More cushin for the pushin or somethin.

  3. Ok I died laughing at “I want to carry your baby and … uh … give birth” lololol

  4. I just wanted to thank you for writing another story that merges two of my favorite things: fitness and sex.

    Your ex was being an idiot and was probably taking too much because using testosterone “properly” should have helped him fuck like a God. Granted, it’s a delicate balance and is definitely unnecessary for a college aged male because they’re basically test factories. Also, 😂 at the irony of a man who was fucking his sex organs and fertility up while having a breeding fetish.

    The recipe for dudes is simple: lift weights. Eat fats, proteins, and carbs (the good kinds), get some sleep and make sure you’re getting your vitamins (food or supplement). End result: longer penis, stronger erection, and ⏫ ejaculation volume. No steroids needed.

  5. Wow. That was awful. I’m curious why you didn’t drop this moron earlier.

  6. Yeah your ex and his frat bros were obviously complete fucking idiots who had no idea how to properly use AAS (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids). It is douchebags like this that give steroid users a bad name and leave some, like yourself, with a totally negative and stereotypical opinion. I’m sorry you had to go through what you did. Had he actually ran anything remotely resembling a proper “cycle” instead of just abusing compounds you would have had a totally different experience. Have you ever heard of the term “Tren Dick”? Heh. 600mg of Test E, 50mg of Tren Ace, 60mg of Epistane, and 5mg of Cialis daily (with proper Estrogen/Prolactin support and HCG to keep ball from shrinking had me fucking as many times per day ad she would let me and thinking about it the rest of the time lol.

  7. For what it’s worth, with a few edits this would be the perfect story to use for a male supplement commercial, I mean…..


    “Sex life as dead as the dead sea?”

    > Dear god, I once sucked his dick for twenty minutes and he couldn’t get hard. He did start crying though.

    “Ice cream shop with nothing but *soft serve*?”

    > He pulled his pants down and, low and behold, he was actually hard.

    Putting the “V” in “Viagra” *get it? Ok I’ll show myself out*

    > “Can we pretend like we’re getting you pregnant?”

    “Introducing the latest iteration of male supplements, The Stork.”

    > “Say you don’t want to go to law school.”

    *insert irrelevant nature shot here*

    > “Say you were born to be my wife and a mother and that’s all you’re good for.”

    “Don’t just be a motherfucker, be *THE* motherfucker!”

    > That was his last cycle.

    “Consult your doctor today!”

    But hey at least you got some, despite your very chaotic take on a breeding kink lmao! Cheers to not being pregnant and to you Ms. V!

  8. If your boy friend is having massive mood swings he’s pushing too much roids. Just saying as a general observation and familiar with them.

  9. Men who don’t eat pussy but want head. What a strange hill to die on.

  10. I was ready to get off, and I ended laughing.
    He was clearly an idiot and all of his “role play” was so full of patriarchy

  11. This is so well written. It must have been hurtful and stressful but you made me laugh. Well done for moving on.

  12. Ngl, reading this gave me a strange sense of hope… as I am a vast contrast to such kind of guys… guys around me all getting muscular and fight, while all I want is to be thin and avoid confrontation and especially fights.
    So thank you I guess, for making me feel like am at least not all that wrong

  13. DAD BODS FOR THE WIN we like beer grilling and fucking constantly no sex killers

  14. So you mentioned one of his friends would start crying and breaking furniture. The same thing happened with my boyfriend’s former best friend. We were at his house one evening a few years back watching a race, it was me on one side of the couch. Him on the other side and my boyfriend in the middle. It was fine for most nights until he just started crying and shaking and then he flew into a rage and just slammed his fist against the TV, breaking it, then he goes and just throws the recliner on the opposite side of the room out his big screen window. Once that was done he walked into the kitchen and start just punching, kicking, smacking, and downright slamming the chair down on the dinner table. He sprayed shards of wood everywhere and his hand was absolutely drenched in blood. He then stands up, cracks his body and just jumps and body slams the table, breaking it completely. He stands, brushes himself up, screams loudly, sighs and then enters the garage where he starts loudly playing drums. We sat there for an hour in shock, surrounded by a mess while he never stopped playing. I finally mouthed to my boyfriend and asked if we should go and he immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me away from that house. As we left. We heard his friend start throat singing. Once things calmed down my boyfriend asked what happened, turns out his friend had been roiding very much for his workouts. I thought he just had a good routine. Needless to say we cut him out of our lives.

  15. Oof. Glad he’s off that stuff. The current gf I’m sure is pleased.

    Definitely cringed at his distain at eating pussy. I mean come on! If you want head then you need to give it.

    That role play was smooth though. I can definitely tell you were super into that breeding kink. </sarcasm>

  16. Just an FYI. I’m on TRT, and a simple Google search would tell you to get on an AI (aromatase inhibitors). Their estrogen is to high. And probably their dose too. Blood work is essential to your long term health. Hemoglobin, Estrogen, PSA levels.

  17. Holy shit I legit want to give you a nsa hug! Wow! Look, I openly take steroids. No lies. But I also get blood work done quarterly or pre, during and post cycle to make sure my e, t, and prolactin levels are in check. Why? So I don’t have gnarly mood swings, get emotional, get unwanted sides, and mostly so I can make sure Johnson is awake and ready to go work when needed! 1,2,3,4 times a day if she needs it! Also take HCG so balls are full as can be swinging and slapping said “needed areas” Sex life is phenomenal and have turned my wife into an addict. Lol I’m sorry you had to deal with the lack of experience and research. Genuinely feel bad for you and I hope your next is all that you need!

  18. If he was managing his cycle properly he would have given you too much sex. That’s what you get for dating a frat tard.

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