[Scat, Femdom, M/F] Breaking Reality Ch. 5

In one small part of this chapter, I made a tribute to a Reddit story that I read on /coprophiles, by deviant_101, called ‘Eating my wife’s shit after a hard day’s work’. Just loved the graphic description of the scene, so slipped the same scene on this chapter of the series. Thanks to the original author!


So, we returned from Paris and began preparing for this ‘beach’ trip which she didn’t told me a thing about. I was clueless about the reason of the trip, but the Paris one was work-related for her.

I also skipped some work days with no justification in order to go eat her ‘french meals’, and now I was going to the studio to clarify things out.

When I arrived, my colleagues greeted me from a distance (I had the worst breath they ever smelled) and my boss called me to his office with a very serious and disappointed look on his face.

‘Look, Jarden, I think this is no surprise to you, but we’re gonna have to let you go. Your work performance has dropped enormously, all this days that you didn’t showed up or disappearing in the middle of the afternoon… I’m very sorry, I thought you would have a brilliant career here, but sadly that’s not the case.’

I couldn’t say I wasn’t sad, but my biggest concern at that moment wasn’t the one most people would have.

‘I understand, Boss… I’m sorry my work here had this downfall… I hope my great years still remain remembered.’

‘Sure, Jarden… But, to be honest… Besides all that perfomance claims, another thing has made the board make this decision. And that is your breath. What is going on in there?’

‘I think I should brush my teeth more often.’

I wasn’t really concerned that I just lot my job, that I worked and studied for years to achieve. I just couldn’t stopped thinking how I would pay Bia the monthly $2000 check as a shit-eating fee.

I was this addicted and serious about being her toilet slave.

So serious that I drove straight to her house, and was knocking on her door in just a few minutes later. She opened it, and once more I was magnetized for her golden hair, stunning eyes and better-by-the-month body. She was really working out recently, which I discovered by the after gym shits she took in my mouth.

‘Hi, Bia… I just..’

‘Woah, why in such a hurry? Show some appreciation for me, please.’

I nodded, and kneeled down to lick the bottom of her shoes. After I was done cleaning it, I thanked her for letting me lick the dirt of her heels and returned to stand.

‘I lost my job. They said it was because of my breath, my performance and my sudden disappearances.’

‘Well, they’re right in a way. That breath of yours can be smelled within a kilometer. I wonder why you have such a bad breath.’ She laughed while passing her hands through her light blond hair.

‘So… I won’t have the extra $2000 each month. I’m truly sorry, Goddess. I wish there was something I could do.’

She breathed and exhaled heavily.

‘Toilet, toilet, toilet… What should I do to you? I mean, that money was important. It helped me graduate and open my clinic, after all. But… you still have a car and your furniture, right?’

‘Yes, that is right, Bia.’

‘Let’s talk inside.’

We entered the house and she invited me to sit in the living room with her.

‘Would like some coffee, toilet?’

‘Yes, sure.’

She grabbed the nearby mug, filled with coffee from the bottle until it was half full. Then, she lowered her pants and gently asked me to hold the cup beneath her. She pissed on the mug until it filled all the way to the top.

These moments were extremely hot, because she didn’t even have to say or order me to do it. I just accepted my place and did whatever she wanted.

I sipped my special coffee and thanked her for it.

‘You’re welcome, Jarden. Would you like some sugar with that?’ She didn’t wait for me to answer and spat on it.

‘Very kind of you, thanks.’

She muffled a laugh and sat on the chair. She was wearing a old white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. It was cold, so she had some socks. When we entered, she tied her hair in a ponytails as well.

‘As I was saying… We are in a point of our agreement that I think we could take it to the next level. And as you got fired, it makes even more sense.’

‘What do you have in mind?’

‘I already use you in basically 50% of all the time I have to shit and piss in a week, right?’

‘And I’m very happy because of this opportunity.’

‘I know you are. What if – since you can’t even financially support YOURSELF anymore… (So pathetic, maybe that was the only thing that attached you to any remain of masculinity). What if you became my toilet 100% of the time? That would mean that every-time I had to use the restroom, I would destroy that little mouth of yours with my waste.’

My heart freezed once more. I mean, I loved being her toilet, but… 100%? There was no going back from this.

I looked at her while thoughtful. I looked at her wide legs beneath the sweatpants, her challenging yet feminine grin, her golden ponytail and pointy-round chin. Her flowery perfume. Her superior eyes. Her superior everything.

There was never a choice.

My mind went back to those high school moments, I looking at her during the classes intervals, imagining the shapes, sizes and smells of her dumps.

Imagining her dirty underwear beneath those tight, blue jeans. Remembering the videos of her laughing at the camera.

I knew that I was going to be her eternal toilet ever since the first time I ate her dump from a hotel bathroom floor.

‘Bia, from the moment I first saw you in high school I knew that eating your shit was my destiny.’

She proceed to crushing, but accepting my latest affirmation.

‘You thought that crap would be romantic? You are declaring yourself to my shit, man. But, yay! That’s great news. Let’s make the arrangements, then. Everything you own it’s now mine. Your car, your computer, your clothes, the remains of your financial life. Of course, I don’t want literally your shitty car, sell it and transfer the money to my account. You’re going to live here now, and serve me as a full-time toilet. Do you accept these terms?’

‘I do.’

‘Let’s close the deal, then. I thought of a celebration ritual while we were talking. I’m gonna push a fat turd on this underwear that I’m wearing right now. You’re gonna wear my shit-filled panties in your head for a few hours, okay? So it really gets on your mind that this is the smell of every breakfast, lunch and dinner you’ll have for now on. Hold my hand, please.’

‘Yes, Bia.’

I held her hand while she grunted, shitting in her pants. She looked at me during the while thing, and every time she pushed she closed her fingers more strongly on my hand. Her hand was small and feminine and her fingers were thin. Her eyes were so sexy and gentle, and still she was shitting in her own panties as a toilet-slavery ritual.

When she finished, she ordered me to lower her pants so she could take off her panties. I lowered them and some overflowing shit fell on the ground.

She also asked me to put a chastity cage on. She said it would be better if I was always horny dealing with her shit on a regular basis, but that she would still let me cum a few times a week.

‘Clean that up first and then wear your new mask.’

I rapidly ate the shit on the ground, licking the shit stains, and proceeded to removing gently her panties from her ankles.

I looked one last time at the fresh fat wide turd on the middle of her light blue and white stripped panties, and put her panties on my face, smushing her dump on my mouth, nose and eyes. She got closer and tied up with a lace the panties behind my head.

‘The deal is sealed! Now go to the bathroom and stay there for a few hours. I’ll call you when it’s enough.’

I stood in the bathroom for a few hours, sitting on the cold tile floor, with the lights all turned off and my chastity cage put on. In that meantime, I could hear Bia had a visitor, and they had sex loudly on the floor above me. I got the impression that she moaned like that so I could feel even less masculine, having another man fucking her goodly while I was here with literally her shit-filled panties in my face. The worst part is that she never locked the doors or anything. She didn’t chain me, or even threat me. She knew I wasn’t going to walk away, and that was very humiliating since the start.


I moved to Bia’s house a few days later, after moving most of my furniture to the house and selling my car. She didn’t let me keep 95% of it, saying it would distract me from my duties. She even sold my bed, replacing it with a dog one, so I would sleep below her bed and eat her morning and late night dumps. She also bought a dog bowl, for ‘playing around’, as she said, but she would still let me eat from a regular person plate. I still had normal food meals and a lot of vitamins in order to keep my body running well despite of eating so much of her waste.

The trip to the beach was postponed, so we focused on making our new life work meanwhile.

I also now had the duty of cleaning the house, washing her laundry, and doing whatever chores she needed around home. She landed me a job as a Online Course Salesman, which I worked from a computer at home as well. All of my income would serve only as money to buy her presents, like clothes, purses, cellphones and new shoes. She had this habit of thanking me for each present and asking me what I would like in return. I’d always answer that shitting in my mouth would be more than enough and she gladly returned the favor.

When we had visitors, like family and friends, I would hide in a locked closet, sometimes for days, without showering. Bia would go to the closet and feed me food and water (Regular, this time!) and tell me things like:

‘Hi, toilet. Just one more night until they’re out, ok? Stay strong in there! I know you must be missing my shit so much.’

‘I truly am, Goddess, but I’ll wait for you.’

It was amazingly hot when she held her shit for all those days that her family were there. She would whisper to me behind the door: ‘They are leaving in two hours and I haven’t taken a dump since they got here. Today is going to be the best day of your life.’

She would let it out at once on my face seconds after they closed the door and waved their goodbyes.

She also had some very interesting rituals that makes my heart sink every time. That is when she gets home from a long, tough day at work and let me know from a distance that it’s time to feed me. Usually, in days like that, she comes come with a little bit of an attitude, and head straight to the kitchen to grab one of our ‘shit plates’. I hear the ceramic plates clinking and a cold feeling spreads all over my body.

She’ll usually squat over the couch and have me hold the plate under her beautiful ass, while she’s holding the cup under her pussy and just let it all out. Just imagine how it feels to let all that piss and shit out after a long day of work.

Sometimes she doesn’t use a plate and a cup and instead pisses and shits in a bowl for me, which I have to eat and drink like a soup.

With a few months being used to this new life, Bia arrived at home at night with a new suitcase and told me that our trip to the beach was finally going to happen.

‘I wanted to make this trip a while ago, Jarden, but – now I’m sure you’re prepared for the next step. Like our trip to Paris, it will be as amazing as always, we discovering all these new places and I destroying your mouth in each one of them. But this time, we’re going to have something new.’

‘What it would be, Bia?’

‘I’m bringing a friend with us.’

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vcngyv/scat_femdom_mf_breaking_reality_ch_5