Prior to the appointment in the country

“Hi, Darling, can you drop by on your way from the airport?” were the words I was not happy to hear from the manager as I listened to my saved messages while waiting in the queue to get through Immigration at Terminal 5.  I had just travelled for twenty-one hours from Melbourne, Australia and had before me a further two-hour drive to my family home in Gloucestershire.  “It is really important,” she had emphasized, “since you’re in London, the client lives out your way, but you need training for this one and I need to talk to you in person.”

The thing about starting a new job, career, school year etc., is that you really want to set the tone from the beginning, to make a good impression and to be taken seriously.  “Okay,” I found myself agreeing, as I climbed into a waiting black cab and directed the driver to take me south of the river.

When I arrived at the Shard office, the manager was busy, but a petite and attractive goth-like woman with tattoos over most of her body and one of those nose piercings, among others, smiled at me and asked in a gentle voice, “Ruby?  Please follow me”

“Yes,” I smiled back, as I walked behind her, her narrow hips curiously hypnotic.  Her gait, especially how her leather-clad upper thighs swished by each other was incredibly attractive to me.  I was fixated on her backside and almost bumped into her as she stopped to open an office door.  “Oops,” I said.  “Oops,” she said, smiling at me as I brushed up against her bottom.  She had perfect teeth, which shone bright white against her charcoal-coloured lipstick.  “After you,” she gestured, smiling, and I walked into a darkened, windowless room that looked like a medieval torture chamber.  She closed the door silently behind us.

I looked around.  The yellow lights in the wall sconces threw long shadows over pieces of equipment I had never seen before.  It was like walking into a personal training gym where the trainer had to explain what each exercise machine was and how to use it.  The floor was covered in soft, spongy black exercise mats and there were various pieces of equipment hanging from the ceiling, as well as lots of ropes and manacle-type clasps.

“Welcome to the dungeon,” my beautiful host said.  “You did excellently in your course.  You almost got one hundred percent. It is hard to believe you’ve never done any of this before, but it’s important that you become familiar with each of the pieces and how they work. Safety first,” she intoned, referring to the hour-long online course I had recently completed.

An hour later, I walked out of the dungeon with a leather briefcase in hand, my ‘stock-in-trade’, and was greeted by The Manager’s, “Hello, Dahling, how was it?”  I was not sure if she was referring to my trip to Melbourne, my trip from the airport or my tutorial on BDSM.  “Fine,” I replied, happy to see her.

“While it’s early in your career for whips and ropes and cuffs, my dear,” she said, “This client is trustworthy, lives in your neck of the woods, and most importantly, pays very well.  This is a longer appointment, but not longer than two hours and always in the late morning. He says he is a descendant of the local inhabitants of that area and his family were raided by the Danes more than a thousand years ago and were brutally treated by them.  He likes to take revenge on the Danes.  You my dear, will be that Danish she-warrior that he has captured.  Play the roll.  Relax. Enjoy. Do not panic. Never panic, my dear.”

I hardly remember the trip home to Gloucestershire.  What the hell had I let myself in for.  Yet the two-and-a-half-hour drive seemed to have disappeared as the driver wended his way down our drive and up to the front door. Jack, the farm manager had seen us arriving and followed on the ATV.  “Afternoon, ma’am,” he said in his brogue-Welsh accent, “welcome home. I’ll get the bags.”  It was so good to be home.

The kids were still at school, and I wanted to have a shower and rest before they got home for the weekend.


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