[MMF] my first time with two guys (Part 3)

I dried myself off and headed out of the bathroom. I looked over my outfit that was waiting on the bed for me. Is this too much? Am I going to look like a slut? I put on my new lingerie and looked in the mirror. The white lacey bra holds my perky tits perfectly. The garter belt accentuates my waist and has straps hanging down to attach to some tights. I slipped my feet into the sheer, nude thigh highs and pulled them up over my legs. I clipped them into the garter and ran my hands over the white lace panties. Damn. I look amazing. I pulled the blue dress on and stepped into some heels. My hair hung down in loose curls that brushed the middle of my back and I put on some lipstick. Some earrings and my favorite necklace that hung just above my cleavage completed the look. I turned to the mirror again to get the full sight. I looked like I was begging to be fucked. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. 

I felt anxiety and excitement building as I opened the door to the bar. I scanned the room and saw a decent sized crowd but the guys from the night before were nowhere to be seen. I noticed a few heads turned to catch a better look at me, making me blush. I made my way to the bar and asked the girl working about the live music. 

“Yeah, yeah. You just go to the end of the bar here and turn left. The stairs will take you to the rooftop” she pointed while handing me the seltzer I ordered. 

I thanked her and grabbed my drink. As I pushed the door open to the rooftop I noticed an dance floor and some bench seating to the side of the small stage. Tyler and Robby were on stage joined by two other band members. They were still setting up while the crowd hung around waiting for the show. I grabbed a seat on one of the benches and looked up at the stage and made eye contact with Tyler. He gave me a sexy crooked smile again and nodded before he tapped Robby on the shoulder and pointed in my direction. Robby’s eyes lit up when he saw me and he waved. I waved back and felt butterflies. The lights dimmed and the show was about to start. As the band started up some colored lights flashed on the stage and danced around the floor. The body of people grooved around in the colorful beams and the atmosphere was incredible. I made my way to the dance floor and moved to the rhythm. A cute girl from the crowd noticed I was alone and started to dance with me. She had long dark hair and plump lips that glistened when the lights hit them. 

“I’m Jasmine!” I yelled over the music.

“Charlotte!” she smiled back and danced around me in a circle. “Aren’t they amazing?” she asked, pointing up at the stage.

“Yeah I’m really loving their sound!” I admitted.

“It’s crazy that those guys own this place,” she laughed. “It’s one of my favorite spots.”

“Wait, they own this bar?” I questioned.

“Yeah the singer and the bass player are the owners! And they’re all super hot!” she said, fanning herself with her hand.

I couldn’t believe it. How could they have not mentioned that yesterday? Now I was really impressed. I stared up at the stage in awe and saw Tyler look me up and down before he winked at me. I got a warm tingle in between my legs and had to excuse myself. When I got into the bathroom I looked in the mirror and saw a pretty little slut looking back at me with yearning in her eyes. 

“Pull it together,” I whispered to myself. My cheeks were flushed and my lips parted as my mind wandered again with the possibilities. I went back to the rooftop and danced and enjoyed the rest of the show. When the band finished up their last song the audience cheered and whistled. I stood next to Charlotte and we both clapped along.

“Do you want to come meet them?” I asked her.

“Wait, you know them?!” she screamed excitedly.

“Well kind of. I met Tyler and Robby here last night and they invited me to watch the show. C’mon I’ll introduce you” I said as I pulled her toward the stage.

Robby was talking to some people and Tyler was kneeling down, putting his bass away. He looked up and watched as we approached. His mouth broke into that crooked smile and he popped a toothpick in.

“Hey I’m glad ya made it! And ya made a friend I see” he said winking at Charlotte.

I introduced them and we talked about how great the music was. Tyler put his arms around both of us and guided us up the stairs to meet the rest of the band. Robby wrapped up his conversation and met us in the middle of the stage. I waited politely while he introduced himself to Charlotte. As they were chatting I saw him look past her and smile at me with that sexy twinkle in his eye and I instantly melted. Damn, he is so fine! 

“C’mon, let me get ya a drink” I heard Tyler say to Charlotte as he whisked her away.

“Have fun!” I shouted after her and they disappeared down the stairs. 

I guess it would’ve been selfish to try to keep both of them for myself. The thought made me laugh as I turned around and practically fell into Robby. He caught me with his strong, rough hands. 

“Woah, careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you on my watch” he joked. 

I felt his touch radiate throughout my body making me hot all over. I put my hands on his chest and with a smirk said “thanks for saving me.” 

We both laughed and talked and before long the rooftop was empty except for us. His eyes were dark and I couldn’t tell if they were blue or gray in the dim lighting. A few times throughout our conversation I’d place my hand on his shoulder or he would touch my knee and it would send electricity through me every time. 

“You look amazing by the way” he said while checking me out, unabashed by the act.

“Thank you” I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. “I see you undressing me with your eyes,” I teased.

He leaned in without taking his eyes off mine and without skipping a beat he said “I’m doing more than just undressing you in my mind.”

My cheeks felt hot and I was speechless. One sentence and I was a puddle. I noticed my pussy against the wet lace panties and I couldn’t find my voice at all. Suddenly, I heard the door to the stairs swing open.

“Hey, hope ya didn’t miss me too much” Tyler laughed as he made his way towards us. “How about we all go back to my place and I can show ya my view of the beach?”

Robby looked at me with curiosity. 

“Yeah, I’d love to check it out!” I answered. 

Is this happening? Are we all on the same page?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vc1arr/mmf_my_first_time_with_two_guys_part_3


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