Fucking my deputy on every desk in the office [MF]

I saw the monthly contest post and thought I really should post this again. Because, as the contest post mentions, I *was* naughty on my boss’s desk and I *did* get down to it in an empty closet. Getting into a workplace affair means I have a lot of content that fits the bill here, from sneaking away at lunch times to escaping to a work conference for wild hotel sex, but I think this story is one of my favourites. So, yes it’s a repost – sorry to those who’ve read this already. I have, however, added some extra bits in. Like when a film re-releases with a few extra scenes in.

For those who are unfamiliar with this, I’ll provide a bit of background and a summary of the story so far for you as best as I can. Added context, this was pre-pandemic times and WFH was not really encouraged back then.

Ella and I met at work, after the more senior management decided I should head up a different section temporarily. I was dead against this idea at first but reluctantly agreed. Management tried spinning it as a “development opportunity” or some other bullshit but really it was clear there wasn’t going to be much choice anyway. So off I went to look after a section that was underperforming, with a team of unenthusiastic staff. It was a classic mix of people who were angry at the world and thought they were owed a promotion and those who just turned up for a chat each day.

And then there was Ella. She had her own reason to be angry as she really wanted the job that I’d just been placed in. She was to be my assistant manager, where she wanted to be manager herself. In hindsight, this probably just added fuel to the fire. Our first meeting consisted of her giving me the evils in a 1-to-1 meeting room for about 10 minutes whilst *she* had to get *me* up to speed. It was awkward for sure, was always going to be. I’d noticed Ella before in the workplace. She used to have one of those side-business things selling beauty products etc. So I saw her pop up to my old office every so often. I thought she was quite attractive but never really thought much more than that. I’d never noticed her in the way I was about to. I never really imagined any of what was about to happen ever could. I mean, I ended up fucking her in that 1-to-1 room way more than I ever had genuine work meetings with her.

To describe Ella, she was in her 30s, slim and petite, long platinum blonde hair, pale skin, big beautiful brown eyes, C-cups and her defining feature? Her arse. I’ve never seen one as incredible ever before and may never do again. The sort of thing that truly leaves a lasting impression. For her frame, it’s truly out of this world – seems to defy logic. If I had to compare her to anyone or give you a visual to work with, think [Mia Malkova – a pornstar famed for her arse](https://happybooty.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/PAWG-Mia-Malkova.jpg). But, in my opinion, better.

Also, her sex appeal, her “aura” was something else. It’s so hard to actually describe this and I think you only ever really understand it fully if you’ve come across someone who’s had this affect on you. I didn’t see it at first but eventually, she became the sexiest woman I’ve ever known. Everything she did captivated me; I was totally ensnared by her.

So now is probably also a good time to describe myself. My most recently posted stories are from several years back and I was quite different back then. As this story is much more recent, I’ll give you the most current description of me. I’m just shy of 6ft, an average/in-shape kind of build I’d say – I try to stay fit but don’t push it overly far. Short brown hair, brown eyes, have a bit of a tan (but this is England, so…) and then the bit you’re probably more concerned about given the sub you’re reading this on, I am reasonably well-endowed. Enough to give girls a struggle when they go down on me and most recently a girl described it as “a giant cock”, so make of that what you will.

Anyway, back to the story! Eventually things got a little better, a little less awkward and the team even started performing well. My own performance however started suffering a little. Ella and I got to know each other well and through our many work and non-work conversations, we clearly grew to like each other quite a lot. The conversations were purely friendly for a couple of months but then something changed. We were chatting over the company’s internal IM system and things just got flirty one day. She said something I was just not expecting and I had to do a double take. I tested the waters by flirting back and it was clear there was now something between us.

I’m not going to go into all the nitty-gritty here but, suffice to say, things escalated. A lot. Picture Ron Burgundy saying “Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean that really that got out of hand fast!”

A small flirtatious comment on Skype was quickly followed by intense moments alone in the staff room together, which was quickly followed by us kissing out of view of everyone after work… which was quickly followed by a staff night out that we arranged purely for the benefit of sneaking off afterwards. Long story short, one Friday night we went out for a meal and drinks but snuck off afterwards, where Ella squirted all over my hands and swallowed my cum down by the riverside.

That’s not the story I’m here to tell though, because although it’s technically a workplace story, I’m going to tell you what happened *in* our office following that Friday night encounter.

I expected things might be a little awkward between Ella and I come Monday morning. “The morning after the night before” kind of thing. We had most definitely crossed a line now that we had not intended to cross before. That’s the thought that was running through my mind as I walked away from her that night. I had just filled her mouth with a huge load of cum only minutes after she had came all over my hand, squirting all over. Hell, my shirt was still damp as I got into a taxi.

I needn’t have worried though or dwelled on any potential awkwardness. As much as I built things up in my head and thought (and probably overthought), come Monday morning the atmosphere was completely… normal. Looking back at this point I should have known it clearly was never going to be just a quick office fling. There was something special between us.. Chemistry, connection, a slow and powerful burn.

Ella shot me a smile as I walked into our big open plan office and sat down. I instantly located her when I entered, it was as if I didn’t even see anyone else in the room. I smirked back at her as cheekily as I could have done – it was completely involuntary as if my face muscles were betraying me. We didn’t chat straight away, we just caught each other’s glances for a while. It wasn’t until I went to make my morning cup of coffee in the staff room that we finally spoke. She came in shortly after and we talked to the others that were in there for a little bit. You know, just the general Monday morning small talk.

One of the girls who was unable to make our meal out asked, “How was Friday night? Did I miss anything good?”

I responded, “It was pretty tame really. Food was good though.” Whilst staring into Ella’s soul almost, sharing this silly little in-joke I’d just started.

She caught on and added, “Yeah, didn’t miss much. No wild shenanigans, just a couple of *innocent* drinks after the meal.”

She stared right back at me. You know when two people are talking to someone else but subconsciously they’re actually talking to each other? It was exactly that. The tension between us was already unbearable. I could feel myself getting hard again already – the sexual appeal this woman exuded was off the charts, even early on.

I added, “I felt worn out by the end of it, not used to such nights out anymore…” my eyes barely left hers. Someone must have noticed. Someone other than Ella must have understood the subtext. It felt like playing with fire.

A little bit more small talk and the others left whilst I finished making my coffee. Ella stayed, making something for her breakfast. Her usual Monday morning breakfast of some kind of overnight oats, a recipe she’d picked up from on-trend fitness coach at the time. I picked up on way more little details about her than I should have done!

“Morning” She said. She was grinning ear to ear. The kind of playful grin she seemed to reserve for me.

“Good morning. Nice weekend?” I tried asking as casually as possible.

“Was pretty tired on Saturday, no hangover though. Just needed a long cold shower in the morning.”

The in-jokes, the innuendos… They were always quite full on between us.

“Me too.”

Our bodies were getting closer, like magnets pulling each other in slowly.

“Any particular reason?” she grinned again.

Bodies getting closer still. So effortlessly, almost naturally. I could feel myself getting turned on and had no doubt she was too. And then… Door opened. Bodies separated. Random change of conversation to something that made no sense, “Yeah, I’m sure I’ll get that done today!”

Tracks covered? Maybe.

I walked out of the staff room and looked back at Ella as I did. God that tension!

I got back to my desk and then, a couple of minutes later, so did she. 5 minutes after that my IM pinged. “Pretty *tame* ey?”

I smirked. What the hell was this feeling? I could feel my cock growing again under my desk. It’d become a running joke about her confining me to my desk because getting up would reveal a bit too much that the wider office was not to see. Hiding a bulge in office attire is not the easiest.

I replied, “Well… some of it was. Think there may have actually been a ‘wild shenanigan or two.’”

“Yeah, slipping your cock into my mouth was pretty naughty.. think that counts.”

Sometimes she was just a bit more direct – a trait I definitely admired.

“Not even sure that could be classed as naughty when you think about everything else”

“I’m sure you and I could do even *naughtier.*”

*Well, that’s game on* I thought. Am I starting to build up a good picture of this woman’s sex appeal yet? I cannot emphasise enough the sheer aura this woman gives off. Without even touching her, I would be in a constant horny state, ready to pounce at any moment. She could shift the atmosphere in an instant, going from 0 to 100 real quick. The conversation went on and I was not getting up any time soon. My cock was rock solid and leaking precum like a tap. I wish I could still access these conversations we had; I think they could be a gone wild story all on their own.

When we eventually took a break from talking smut and reminiscing about a few days earlier, the topic of overtime came up. It didn’t really apply to me but all of the staff below me were able to do extra hours on an evening and the odd weekend. Usually it was required that a more senior manager be around to supervise. So why not me?

“So is OT on for the office again this week?” I asked.

“It is.”

“Then I might just come in for the weekend.”

She wasn’t stupid and she knew exactly what I was getting at… “Hmm, wonder if I should put a bit of extra work in myself. You know, for the company’s benefit of course.”

“I’m sure the company could use your particular skillset to help get the job done. I know how effective you can be.”

I swear we didn’t talk in innuendo all the time. Maybe just about 96% of the time.

So the week passes and nothing physical happens between us, other than getting close, sharing looks and the odd touch. The tension was rising and rising – we both clearly wanted something to happen again but were being somewhat reserved still. But then Saturday overtime came. I left the house to go to the office and a weeks worth of this tension was getting to me. I was already primed and ready to blow upon arrival. It turned out she was very much the same. I walked into the office, first one there and my heart was pounding. I was actually nervous, like a teen going on a first date again.

Ella arrived about 10 minutes after me and, at first, it was just us in the office. Early bird and all of that… I was searching for a few things in the cupboards by our desks when she entered. I turned around and we locked eyes immediately. She walked straight up to me, direct as you like, and was then standing just inches away from me. We just stared at one another…

“Morning.” I said. You could practically *hear* my heart beating, ready to just explode out of my chest at any moment.

She leant in and kissed me deep before pulling away gently. “I couldn’t wait… morning.” She replied.

I probably looked pretty gobsmacked. Eyes about as wide as they physically could be.

One deep breath later and I said “I’m not sure how I’ve been able to this week…” and I went back in. I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her hard. Then it happened again! The door went wand we quickly jumped back from one another. This is something that would become a regular occurrence for us, as you’d expect from a secret workplace affair we were hiding from our colleagues. We both said acted as normally as we could, said morning to the guys who walked in and started getting to work – you know, actual work.

Obviously our IM started up, as per, but I actually said I had a lot to get through, and so did quite a bit of work. Another victim from a secret workplace affair productivity, it absolutely plummets. So I had plenty to catch up on. I concentrated on my work as best as I could for at least the first couple of hours with a bit of mild flirting here and there. I was doing my best not to get distracted her but between the IMs and the more casual dress she’d opted for, it was hard. Pun intended.

Usually dressed in office attire, because it was the weekend she had opted to dress down somewhat. Jeans and a t-shirt. It was unusual to see but I was enjoying it. I’d actually dressed the same way. Several staff told me it was weird to see me not in a suit and tie.

Ella and I caught each other alone in the kitchen a couple of times but didn’t have a chance to carry on what we’d started in the morning. At lunch time, we managed a few minutes alone together, where we finally resumed making out from earlier. We literally couldn’t keep away from each other from this point. When I went back to my desk, after having to let my cock settle down again, there was no more work getting done for the day.

Being pretty happy with what I’d got done already, I basically forgot all about work and started chatting to Ella. It was kind of difficult to get away with steady IMing working in such a big office. When it’s your usual Tuesday morning, there’s so much going on, you could barely tell what people were doing. On a Saturday with about 6 people in, your keystrokes sound awfully loud all of a sudden.

I told her I couldn’t wait for everyone to leave and get her alone again. I said how I’d be fantasising about fucking her in every position all over the office and so we got on the topic of fantasies and things we both wanted to try in the bedroom. I told her how in the past I’d blindfolded women but wanted to take that further and was getting quite into BDSM. Turned out she was too and confessed that she got really turned on by rough sex, the idea of using nipple clamps, being tied up, spanked, bitten, being dominated and just about everything else. She said she’d noticed that I often wore a tie to work and would love to tie me up with it in our meeting room. Being more of a dominant person in the bedroom, I said how I’d sooner tie *her* up and use her before she’d get to me. I peered over my computer to see her eyes almost rolling back in her head.

A couple of hours went by and I was starting to get impatient. As the only manager in, I told everyone they should go home as we were ahead of schedule. Everyone agreed apart from Ella and they left. This would be the last time Ella would disobey me that day. We both lingered behind as the office cleared out. I was still very hard and very confined to my desk as the last couple of people left. I gave a very awkward wave and a “have a nice weekend” as they walked out of the door. All that was going through my head was that if anything was going to happen, I’d last seconds at best.

I noticed Ella get up and shuffle about at her desk. She had clearly decided to sort something out underneath it and I watched her crawling around on the floor. I got up, walked round to her desk and looked down at her perfect arse sticking out. Her jeans hugged it perfectly.

“Are you doing that on purpose?”

She backed up and looked at me, “maaaaybe…”

“Stand up.”

I didn’t really know I had this in me. Before this I was into the idea of dominance and enjoyed the thought of it but I hadn’t quite been this way with anyone so much before. I’d dabbled, sure… But giving commands was new. At the same time however, it felt very natural with her.

Ella did as she was told and stood up. Our bodies instantly came together and it was if we just resumed our kiss from earlier, almost like no time had even passed. It was deep, intense and passionate. There was no holding back this time. My hand ran up her back underneath her top. I gently scratched back down it – I was warned deep scratching was off the cards though, “no marks allowed”. Ella moaned as our tongues separated for a moment. I kissed down her neck and nibbled gently towards her chest. The next moment I pushed her backwards to the desk so she was leant against it. I sat down in her chair and rolled it back slightly.

“Turn around”

She did.

“Bend over.”

She did.

“Now take your jeans off. Slowly. Leave your knickers on.”

She obeyed again. Pushing her arse out as she did. Her jeans dropped to the floor.

“It’s so much better to see that properly.” – last time she stripped down, everything was dark. This time I got a perfect view of everything. And god was it amazing. Go back and have a look at that visual I gave you earlier and imagine that right in your face.

“Turn back around and take your top off.”

I had a very authoritative tone to my voice. I could give out instructions and ask my staff to do work and there was a level of respect for me that meant my employees got the job done when I asked. I definitely commanded a presence with my staff. This was very different though, as if I’d kicked everything up a gear. As if I couldn’t go wrong. I felt so in control, so powerful and yet it all felt so normal.

Again, Ella did as she was told, removing her top meaning she was now stood there in her underwear only. She decided to take back some control and traced her hand up my chest and my neck, and angled my head upwards to her lips. We kissed again and I stood up. She grabbed my cock through my jeans and flashed me a wicked look. I stepped back slightly, trying to take her body in. Her underwear was a sexy black combination. In my head I recalled how we’d had a conversation about how black was one of my favourites – she had definitely dressed deliberately. And fuck she looked gorgeous. A perfect combination of slim with curves in the right places.

She squatted down and undid my belt. Then she took down my jeans and I kicked off my shoes to give me more freedom. She started rubbing my cock over my boxers and I swear I could have blown already. She looked at the wet patch from all the precum and flashed me another wicked look – she looked proud of the achievement. I vividly remember how she then took my cock out and wrapped her hand around it, then kind of raised her eyebrows.

She looked up at me and said, “No wonder I couldn’t take all of this last week. I’ll try harder this time.”

Then she took me in her mouth. She went straight for it and took as much of me in as she could. Her head bobbed slightly as she tried getting even more in before she came back up. My cock was glistening with her spit and precum now. I just looked down at this amazing sight before me. I ran my hand through her hair and down her cheek. I lifted her face up slightly and reached down to kiss her again, thrusting my tongue inside her mouth. Then I took a seat. She trailed her fingernails up both of my legs in unison and then grasped my dick with one hand, then both. She jerked gently whilst looking up at me, a slight smile on her face.

She upped the pace slowly but surely and then started sucking the head. She swirled her tongue around it over and over and flicked it up and down, moaning to herself. She’d alternate this with licking down the length of my shaft and kissing back up. She kept changing the pace too – must have sensed I was about ready to cum (probably from about four hours ago) so was keeping me on edge. She would slow down as I moaned harder. I may have been her superior but right now she was firmly in control. She took one of my balls in her mouth giving it a firm yet gentle suck whilst continuing to jerk me slowly, then she switched to the other one without stopping the jerking motion.

“Look at me”, I commanded. She did and I looked right back into her eyes. It was a few seconds but intense. Her eyes were a thing of beauty.

The jerking went on for a little while longer. I had no idea where my stopping power came from but she was about to test it. She started slobbering on the head, really getting sloppy whilst caressing my balls. Sometimes she’d hold them a bit firmer and sometimes she’d tickle my perineum. This bit seemed to happen in more of a flash but I remember her grabbing my dick hard at the base and sucking hard on the head until I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I erupted in her mouth, the cum was just flowing thick and fast. A whole week of sexual tension between us led to this. Just like last time, my orgasm seemed to last minutes and my legs felt weak – it was a good thing I was sat down. My entire body seemed to just be tingling as I continued cumming in her mouth.

She kept sucking gently as I calmed down. She got every last drop from me and when satisfied my orgasm was finished, she looked up at me again, beaming. She stood up and gave me a look as though “that’s not going down is it?”

As if replying, I said, “I’m going to fuck you so hard.” I was kind of shaking my head in disbelief and stood up to embrace her again, “First though, think I’m going to return the favour.”

After the last time, I was desperate to taste her. I’d had her juices on the tip of my tongue, we’d even shared them between us but I hadn’t eaten her out yet. I slid my hand between her legs – god she was drenched. I can’t overstate this, she was absolutely dripping. Her knickers were completely soaked, ringing wet. I rubbed her cunt over her panties briefly, slowly, delicately. In this motion, we’d kind of moved about a bit. I told her to turn around, bend over and remove her knickers for me slowly. She obliged, obeying another order happily and dropping her knickers to the floor, revealing her gorgeously smooth pussy. I needed it.

She pressed her hands down on one of our colleague’s desks as we’d moved away from hers. I got down on the floor and gently ran a hand up her right leg and I kissed up the left, starting at her calves and slowly weaving to the inner leg. I clasped my hands over her arse cheeks and spread them and then licked her from clit to arsehole. Slowly. I was savouring this taste.. this moment. I ran my tongue across her pussy so slowly, coating it in her juices. I thrust it inside slightly and then carried on going, getting a taste of her asshole too, just flicking my tongue gently. Just as I’d anticipated, she tasted delicious. I was instantly hooked.

It’s worth mentioning that I’m much more of a giver than a receiver. I love pleasuring a woman and I can spend hours doing it if given the chance. And that’s just what I did here. For a little while, I was knelt on the floor kissing her pussy all over from behind, mixing in with long licks and pointing my tongue to flick it over her clit. Then I got up and motioned her to move to another desk. Now she was sat on another colleague’s desk facing me. I managed to shake my jeans off and moved towards her and told her, “Take that off” pointing at her bra. She unclasped it and threw it to the floor. Now she was completely naked, sat on a colleague’s desk and spreading her legs for me. I moved towards her and kissed her lips, then her neck, then down her chest, I took one nipple in my mouth and gently nibbled it, I kissed down to her stomach and further, hovering over her clit for a moment. I knew she could feel my warm breath on it and it was driving her a little insane. She moaned at each kiss I gave her. I sat down in our colleague’s chair and proceeded to tongue fuck Ella for what felt like an hour.

I alternated between using my lips, my tongue, my fingers, my teeth. I gave long lashes of my tongue, I gave sharp flicks, I mixed my spit with her juices that were running down her leg and onto the desk. The wet patch left behind when I was done was something else. She came many times – I felt her pussy clench around my fingers, I can still hear the moans and screams. I can’t remember how many times but when I asked if she was OK, she replied she was on another world.

It was incredible how in sync we were. I’d noticed it prior to this. The days we had kissed and gotten close, the energy was unbelievable and everything felt and went right. When she wanted me to slow down with my fingers, I did without being asked. When she craved it faster, I sped up before she knew she wanted it. I’d never felt this with anyone before.

After eventually slowing things down and taking a breather, I stood up, still hard and looked down at her. She looked glorious, basking in the glow of someone who had just experienced some powerful orgasms. I wanted more and so did she. Unfortunately a car came round the corner of the office and I could see it through the window. It was a dark evening and all the lights were on which would it make it pretty easy for anyone to see in, me stood there half naked with my cock in hand. I quickly dashed out of sight and she did the same. We both sneaked away to another part of the office.

I sat down in my own chair, which was thankfully shielded by the blinds – no one could see this part of the office. We looked at each other, laughing. Then she climbed on top of me and said, “this is no good, the arms on your chair are stopping me.”

I agreed and asked, “What about this one?” Getting up and moving to Sarah’s (armless) chair, the desk next to mine. I sat down, expecting her to sit down on me but instead she popped up onto Sarah’s desk, moved everything out the way and said to me, “Or you could fuck me here?”

She spread her legs as wide as she could and started touching herself, playing with her clit. I stood up again almost immediately and moved towards her. I rubbed my cock against her pussy and she continued playing. The head was instantly coated again. I so badly wanted this but the reality had to kick in…

“Wait, I don’t have a condom…”

“There are other ways. You could finish elsewhere. How about here… ?” she replied trailing a finger up from her pussy and up her stomach and chest. Who was I to say no? For what it’s worth, I don’t endorse the pull out method at all but I was not thinking straight.

I slid my cock inside her slow at first. I pushed it all the way in, watching her eyes roll back as I did. I gripped her legs and pulled back out all the way and then went in again, still slow but a little faster than before. I did this several times, upping the pace with each, watching her face change in pleasure. I’d slide out so slowly and then shove my dick back in her with ferocity. I knew this wasn’t going to last and didn’t even care. I thought I’d be able to hold it a little longer but Ella started cumming on my cock – I felt her pussy clench down and it set me off. I pulled out and started firing ropes of cum over her. The first hit her neck and chest, the second went past her shoulder and hit Sarah’s monitor (whoops, sorry Sarah…) and left some trailing down her chest. The rest covered her stomach. As my orgasm faded and so did hers, we both regained our senses and looked at each other. There was that connection again.

“Oh. My. God.” is all she said, running her hand through her hair.

“That escalated… think we’ve just fucked on the majority of the team’s desks?”

She grinned wickedly. We got dressed and cleaned ourselves up. I put Sarah’s desk back together and wiped the cum from her monitor. We also had to clean up the wet patches left on her desk and the other one. The next day everyone would be in the office would be weird.

We walked out of the office together and towards our cars, chatting about something random. As it was getting clear we both needed to leave, the conversation simmered down. We said bye to one another and walked to our separate cars. Before I got to mine, she called back, “Think we could fuck on every desk in the office?”

I laughed and replied, “I have no doubt. I do have something better in mind though, I’ll keep you updated.”

There were over 80 desks in our office. We got through the majority of them.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vc7usi/fucking_my_deputy_on_every_desk_in_the_office_mf


  1. Nice story, but what she put in the IM if on a company site could be a game changer. Some companies have the ability to read IMs from one person to another since it’s on a company computer and site. Be careful what you put on there and let her know also.

    She sounds hot though ……enjoy.

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