Corvette girl [FF]

I found myself in an interesting arrangement for a while. I suppose you should keep in mind that this was before being LGBTQ was as socially acceptable as it is now.

I met this sorority girl at a party. She found out I was bisexual and got “permission” from her fiancé to make out with me.

*This was not exactly uncommon then. I’ve been the experiment of many “straight” girls. Eventually I got kind of annoyed with this because who TF wants to make out with someone who is allegedly not attracted to you? But whatever.*

TBH, even though it was in front of a group of guys I just felt like she was very, very into it.

*A little into it, straight girl.*

At the end of the night we exchanged socials and stayed in contact. I also saw her fiancé cheat on her at multiple parties. I asked one of her friends if someone should tell her and she was like, “She knows. She just can’t leave him.”

I felt bad for her though and the two of us kept talking. Eventually she asked if she could pick me up and go for a drive to talk.

This bitch had a corvette. It turns out she was INSANELY wealthy. Like, if I said her dad’s name some of you would know him.

She did pick me up and we talked for a while. It turns out her engagement was as close to an arranged marriage without her parents signing their marriage contract. He cheated on her constantly and 100% emotionally abusive. He used to tell her she needed to lose weight while they were fucking.

*This is a sad side note but I’m also 90% certain he hit her. Some of her injuries never made sense to me.*

Anyway, long story short, this girl was definitely gay. She wasn’t bi or pan. She was 100% only attracted to women. She told me she had to close her eyes when she fucked her fiancé because she was repulsed by dick.

*They had sex everyday because she was afraid to say no. I’m telling you, this relationship had all the red flags.*

I tried to get her to go out to eat, but she was terrified of being seen in public with me. Apparently her fiancé had decided I was a bad influence when he saw us chatting and didn’t like our friendship. So… we hung out a lot in her car.

We hung out out in the backseat of her car to be more specific.

I don’t even remember how exactly it happened. We picked up food and parked to have a “picnic.” She pulled me into the backseat and after we had eaten she very politely asked if she could touch my breasts.

I pulled my shirt down and let her fondle me for a bit. She had to sit back and catch her breath. I felt bad by how much she was shaking and worried she was feeling guilty.

It turns out she was just REALLY turned on. This poor girl had never enjoyed sex before.

“Are you bi?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I’ve known what I am for a while. I’ve just never been with a woman.”

I nodded. This was making me very sad… but also she was cute and I’m human. I wanted to hook up.

“How do women usually make you come?” She asked.

“Either with toys or their tongue. Do you want to…?”

I didn’t have to wait. She pushed me back, tore my jeans and underwear off, and had her tongue between my legs before I could finish my sentence.

This poor girl was fucking starving. She licked me so hard I had to tell her to slow down. I gently played with her hair and started describing how good it felt. She reached a hand up to grab my breast and very, very sweetly ran her hands up and down my body.

I pushed her head down a final time as I came and moaned her name.

“Can I reciprocate?” I asked.

She refused. She had SEVERE body issues that made it really difficult for her to get naked or enjoy it.

Instead she asked if she could just explore me. I let her touch, kiss, rub, and lick every inch of me. She wanted to try fucking everything.

*Not an easy task in a corvette btw but we managed.*

She turned me over and rubbed my ass, kissed my back, bit my ear, and played with my hair. She wanted to play with my breasts for a very long time and licked every fucking part of me. By the time she started fingering me again, I lasted for like a second and orgasmed again.

Then she dropped me off at my apartment, thanked me profusely, and informed me this could never happen again.

It happened again and things got a little weird.

This was the closest thing I ever had to a sugar daddy. Several times a week she’d pick me up, bring me a gift, buy me food, eat me out, and drop me off.

It was not a bad arrangement on my end, especially considering she was lovely company.

She loved animals, spoke fluent French, unapologetically adored Taylor Switch, and had a remarkable intuition about people. She wanted to be a vet and probably had the grades to do it (not an easy task) but her fiancé told her grad school would be a, “Waste of her time.”

*Fucking prick.*

Meanwhile, I had a hard time keeping this hidden. My roommate at the time got suspicious when I brought home a Chanel bag and Dior perfume. I was working a minimum wage job and couldn’t quite explain it.

“Your mystery dude has good taste,” she said once when I got a pair of Coach shoes.

Why did Corvette girl buy me things? I honestly don’t know. I told her over and over again she didn’t have to. My only theory is that we couldn’t really do anything “normal” like a couple and she wanted us to have something to share. She once put the top down on her car and lit a candle as we ate takeout. It was sad but sweet.

That time I got a scarf.

One of the hardest moments of my youth came when I got a boyfriend and I told her I didn’t cheat. She started crying and whispered, “I need this.”

When she dropped me off a final time I told her she always had a place at my apartment if she ever decided she needed to change courses in her life.

I wish she had.

I wish I could tell you all she came out of the closest, left her douche bag fiancé, and now has a shaved head and joined a witch coven. Sadly, she married him, has three children, and regularly posts about how homosexuality is a sin on her social media (I always “like” the posts because I find this aspect a tad entertaining- I like to think she’s still thinking of me years later lol).

*I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but if you somehow stumble upon this account, I hope you know you’re so much stronger and incredible than you could possibly imagine. I never got the chance to love you, but I hope someday, somebody does.*



  1. V… This story hits me in right in the feels. Man, this was always one of my fantasies to like “save” a girl from a bad relationship like that. She hits all the right markers for me… car girl, animal lover, Taylor swift lover, wanted to be a vet.

    The ending to the story made me feel so sad. Sigh.

  2. One of my relatives has been so effectively isolated by her husband, I don’t even know how often she leaves the house.

    It’s a shame sometimes, to see what is and imagine what could be. If soulmates are a thing based on who you are (whether you know it or not), it would be disappointing if someone’s soulmate was never found because she never found the strength to stand alone. Perhaps such is life.

  3. > This was the closest thing I ever had to a sugar daddy.

    Ngl this part caught me off guard for some reason…..

    So it’s like “Brokeback Mountain” but instead of men and horses, it’s women and cars. So “Hatchback Mountain.”

    Can’t even imagine what she’s going through, bless her! Hopefully her tale concludes with a better finale than that film. She deserves to find a “Juliet” to her “Juliet” and have a proper “Love Story” of her own.

    But hey who knows, maybe you’re on to something with your “corvette backseat” idea. Cheers to cars and to you Ms. V!

  4. It’s sad to think that someone would treat a person they are in a relationship like he treated (treats?) her.

    It’s sad that conformity or fear or convention or expectation or whatever would cause someone to live a lie all their life.

    Maybe one day she will break free…

  5. Probably the social stigma for her based on her family, keep track of her and she will come out within the near future.

  6. Yeah I’m crying now this is almost exactly what was happening between me and my parents except they didn’t arrange a marriage and that enabled me to get out. It’s been hard but I’ve been extremely lucky but I can imagine how she’s suffering.

    I really truly hope she can get out one day like I did 😭

    Gods this is 3 days from the 2 year anniversary of when they threw me in rehab for being trans too 😖 I’m so truly sorry for her

  7. I am so curious whose daughter this is. This was really beautifully written. You have a lot of compassion for people. I know a lot of Christian men who are now powerful and well-known pastors who hooked up with a lot of dudes in their twenties. Even if some of them were Just experimenting, it still is really s***** but they go on to become hateful homophobic adults.

    Edited for typos and added some other thoughts

  8. hahahaha. I’m guessing a bmw. That’s the car Daddy’s buy their little girl.

  9. One of your saddest stories. It’s so terrible for meatheads like that “fiancé” to be so controlling. I hope that woman gets (got) some therapy (when no one’s watching her).

  10. This is a very, very sad story, V.

    How societal pressures result in people not living the life they want to is something that really resonates with me, albeit not in exactly the same way as described here.

  11. >*Not an easy task in a corvette btw but we managed.*

    Yeah, I can see how it might be a difficult thing to do on a car without a backseat :P

    (*lazily jokes to pretend he’s not feeling incredibly down after reading the story*)

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