My sister and I share a bed (PART 5) [M/F] [Incest]

[Part 1]( : [Part 4](

We left the pub without any additional dramas, the waitress apparently unaware of our bathroom tryst. We spent the rest of the afternoon walking the length of the town’s quiet fishing port, our hands inseparable. At the arranged time, we reunited with mum in the main square. A quaint stone church dominated the space, and I tried not think about the rap sheet I would produce now if I were to go to confession.

“Did you two have a good time?” mum asked. We nodded.

She frowned.

“Why are you holding hands?”

We remembered ourselves and Elise swatted away my hand like it had dog poo on it.

“It was really crowded…”

“…Didn’t want to get lost…”

“…He kept wandering off…”

We babbled over each other, trying to get our lies to intersect. Fortunately, mum didn’t seem to think it was a big deal.

“Ok,” she said. “You two seem to have gotten a lot closer over this holiday.”

“Haha, yeah,” Elise said. I almost kicked her. Nobody actually said the words haha. She must have been nervous. She’d always had a tendency to crumble when under pressure.

“That’s good,” she said. “Your relationship had a rough patch when you were younger.”

“I was an insufferable teenager,” I admitted, causing Elise to look at me with loving admiration before marshalling her face into a stoic mask.

“You both were,” mum laughed. “Still are, sometimes. Trust me, I had to raise the both of you. Will almost be good to have one of you out of the house.”

My stomach sank at the reminder that Elise was headed to college, but I didn’t let it show.

“Anyways, that’s enough nostalgia for now,” mum said. “I’m starving. Let’s get some dinner and then head back to the hotel.”

We ended up getting dinner from an authentically Irish Chinese takeaway, and ate it outside to soak up the last summer rays of the anemic sun. I chowed down on a sweet and sour pork while mum rambled on about our childhood stories. I got the sense she was starting to feel a bit conflicted about the fact her kids were growing up and about to leave the nest. I felt a jolt of empathy as I tried to imagine a life without Elise in the house.

It was because of this empathy that when mum asked us sheepishly if we wanted to watch a movie on TV for our last night I said yes.

Elise shot me a look of betrayal, her hand on the doorknob to our room.

“Great,” mum said. “I think I saw it starts at eight. Meet me in my room at seven fifty?”

I checked my watch and saw we had five minutes for a quick toilet break and change of clothes. “Sure,” I said.

Mum smiled warmly and hurried down the hall. “See you then,” she said.

Elise opened our door and as soon as we were inside whipped around on me.

“What the hell was that for?” she hissed. “This was our last night.”

“It’s her last night too,” I said. “She’s going to miss you.”

“You always were a momma’s boy.”

“She raised the both of us alone,” I said hotly. “I think we owe her a bit of empathy and company.”

She sighed and smiled at me, her irritation melting away. “That’s not what I’m saying, of course I think we should spend some time with her. It’s just…” she checked her own watch, hung by a delicate rose gold strap around her thin wrist. “…You have four minutes and thirty seconds to fuck me.”

I double-checked the door had closed behind me and locked it. “What!?”

“Four minutes and twenty five seconds now,” she said. She leant up against the wall of the room’s narrow entranceway and hitched up her dress, exposing her bare ass. Faint tan lines outlined where her swimsuit normally sat. With her thin waist her backside was shaped like an inverted heart. My member swelled and bulged down the leg of my trousers.

“You got the pack of condoms we picked up by the port?” she asked, still facing the wall, ass pressing against my thigh.

“Yes,” I managed, almost swallowing my tongue as I salivated over the view. I had discarded the box and filled my pockets with the foil packets. I pulled one out, then dropped my trousers and boxers to around my ankle. I slid it on to my dick, the latex stretched thin by its girth. With an awkward penguin waddle I re-adjusted and pressed my hot, hard dick against her butt. With my shaking hand, I guided it so it sat in the crack, then levered down until it pressed up against her pussy lips.

I entered her with a shared gasp, and then started to thrust, taking care not to drive her into the wall. She started moaning, which was not good right by the door. I had no doubt it could be heard from the hallway.

“Keep it down,” I said, still thrusting inside her.

“Make me,” she whispered, then let out a particularly loud moan. I knew when she was trying to rile me up, but I had no choice but to do something. I reached forward and clamped my hand over her open mouth, enveloping the entire lower half of her face. The veins popped on my forearm as I tried squeeze a tight seal over her lips. Her hot breath steamed against my palm. She moaned again, muffled now. Her hips started to push back against my thrusts, threatening to send me stumbling into the shoe closet. I placed my free hand on the small of her back, controlling her movement. Her legs started to buckle as my thrusting got more frantic, the thrill of an orgasm stirring in my groin. I took us to the ground gently, her lying on her stomach on the cheap hotel carpet while I lay atop of her, still thrusting into her pussy and still holding a hand over her mouth. She moaned loader, still muffled by my palm, and stiffened beneath me. I arched my back and pressed my dick as deep as I could go, imagining it was almost kissing her cervix. I came. The spurting semen, desperate to enter her womb and impregnate her, was thwarted by the condom. I let my hand fall away from her face and she gasped for air, panting. I fell off of her and lay on my side beside her, the cheap nylon carpet scratching at my legs. She smiled at me, satisfied, blonde hair fallen over her face.

We got back to our feet and straightened ourselves out. I chucked the used condom in the bin; she brushed her hair away from her face. Then, we changed into our pajamas, left the room again, and joined mum in her room for a movie.

The movie was whichever one the free TV channel could get licensing for, which is to say it wasn’t very new or very good, not to mention the immersion breaking ad breaks, but it was nice to sit on the sofa and watch a movie as a family. Mum sat on a separate armchair with her arms crossed, while I shared a couch with Elise, who fidgeted, obviously not invested in the movie at all. She got up, her hand trailing over mine where they’d been resting.

“I’m cold,” she declared. Mum tore her eyes away from the screen.

“There’s extra blankets in the closet,” she said. Elise fetched one and returned to the sofa. She threw the blanket over the both of our laps and snuggled up next to me. We continued to watch the movie for a bit longer, but then she obviously got bored, so she feigned a big yawn and then lay her head down on my lap. She looked up at me and smiled. Her soft features, lightly freckled skin, and pink lips bewitched me, and I had to fight the urge to lean down and kiss her.

“Ohhh, how sweet,” mum said. I almost jumped out of my skin, remembering that my mother was still there in the room with us. “That would make a cute photo.”

“Please don’t,” I said. Blood was pumping to my dick, a tangible whoosh-whoosh-whoosh as it swelled. Elise must have felt it, must have, as it pressed up against her ear.

“Why not? I think it’s cute.”

“It’s embarrassing,” I said.

“Embarrassed to be seen snuggling up with your big sister?” Elise chimed in. She always liked a chance to tease me. I tensed my pelvic muscles, making my penis twitch against her head. Her eyes widened and she broke out into a grin.

“Can we please just watch the movie,” I implored the both of them.

“Ok,” mum said, “but I think it’s sweet to see you two hanging out together.” She went back to watching the movie, and I sighed with relief.

Elise didn’t say anything, instead sliding a hand up under the blanket and rubbing my cock through my pajama boxers. The boxers had a loose open fly and when she shifted her head my dick fell out through the gap on its own. Her hand gripped bare cock, while our mother sat feet away from us. I lay a restraining arm over her chest and stayed her hand. She wriggled, scrapping her erect nipples against my forearm. I tried keep my eyes glued to the screen but my dick betrayed me, swelling further in her grasp.

She couldn’t stroke anymore, which would have been pretty obvious even under a blanket, but her fingers were free. She rubbed her thumb concentrically on my tip, whisking away beads of pre-cum as they sprung out. My breathing got shallower, and I completely lost track off the movie. Then, as quickly as it had started, the rubbing stopped. She pulled herself upright and sat beside me again.

“Mum’s asleep again,” she said. I glanced over and mum was slumped in her chair, her eyes closed. It was a common occurrence for mum to fall asleep during movies, so much so it was easier to count the times she didn’t doze off. Elise half-stood, and slid her butt over top of my lap, my dick still hanging out of the boxers.

“What are you doing?” I said. “Mum could wake up any time.”

“I’m just sitting on my brother’s lap,” she said, holding my dick upright in one hand and pulling aside the very short leg of her pajama pants in the other, exposing her bare pussy. She lowered herself down onto my lap, my penis sliding inside her vagina. She re-adjusted the blanket so it covered us.

“I don’t even have a condom on,” I hissed.

“Don’t care,” she said.

That was as far as she was willing to risk it at first, so we watched some more of the movie. From the outside, it looked like she was just sitting on my lap with a blanket over us. I was hopelessly lost on the movie plot. The best friend seemed to have betrayed them, maybe? My eyes were looking but not seeing, my entire brain power devoted to the warm, wet embrace my throbbing penis was wrapped in.

As time passed, and mum did not stir, Elise rediscovered her appetite for risk. She shifted her hips, feeling me flinch against her. She sat up, and started to gyrate. I stole glances at mum but she stayed asleep. My penis was in heaven, her hip movements hypnotic. She only moved slightly at first, little twists of the hips that might be mistaken for readjustments, but as she got into it the movements became unmistakable. I snuck another glance at mum as Elise rode me, terrified she’d wake up but too lusty to stop. At least Elise was restraining herself from moaning. She arched her back until her shoulder blades rested against my head, continuing to buck her hips. Both of our breathing had sped up to shallow panting. I wrapped my arms around her and held her against me. My searching hands ran over her muscular stomach and groped at her perfect, perky breasts, feeling her nipples through the thin fabric. She half-turned her head so our cheeks were touching and our lips not quite. Hair had fallen over her face again, rogue strands obscuring her expression. I strained to kiss her but our lips were just to far apart to meet. The stimulation proved too much and I came, shooting hot, thick ropes of cum straight up into her womb. In the grip of orgasm, I made no attempt to ensure mum hadn’t awoken, just clung to Elise and prayed as my body jerked a third and fourth spurt from me. Finally, the cum stopped coming, and Elise fell beside me, panting. I checked on mum again. Still dozing. I slid my dick free from Elise’s grasping pussy and tucked it back into my boxers, and pull the blanket further over us. Elise chose to remain laying there, recovering her breath, while I feigned attention to the movie, the best friend apparently good again. We stayed that way until the movie ended and the credits rolled.

“Movie’s over,” Elise said loudly, corralling her hair out of its post-sex muss. I jolted, already jumpy and feeling guilty.

Mum finally stirred, her eyelids creaking open. “Did I miss anything important?”

“Only the whole movie,” I said, “so no.”

Mum gave a guilty smile. “That just keeps on happening.”

“Uh huh,” Elise said, looking fresh and energetic. “It does. We should be getting to bed now.” She hopped up and gathered up the blanket. I let out an internal sigh of relief that I wasn’t still pitching a tent under it.

“Yep,” mum said, easing herself out of the chair. “It was nice of you two to join me for the evening.”

Elise made to go.

“Don’t I even get a hug?” mum asked.

“Of course you do,” Elise said. She bounced over and smothered mum in an embrace while I waited awkwardly for my turn. It was almost a wholesome family moment, if it weren’t for the drop of white cum running down the inside of my sister’s tanned thigh. Elise broke off the hug and I switched in quickly, giving Elise cover to wipe the errant drip away with her hand.

“Bye mum,” I said. “See you tomorrow.”

We went back to our own room and settled into bed.

“I just want to cuddle for the rest of tonight,” Elise said. I was happy to oblige, exhausted from the stress of risking it in the same room as our mother. I pulled her in close, feeling the rise and fall of her stomach as she breathed, and the heat of her body through our clothes. She nestled her head on my chest and I smelt the lavender scents of her shampoo.

We lay like that, content, for a moment that I wished could have lasted forever.

“I love you, Elise,” I said.

“Aww, I love you too,” she said. “You’re my little bro.”

“No,” I said. “I don’t mean like a sister. I love you as a woman.”

“Oh,” she said. I felt her body tremble and a slight dampness on my chest. She made to pull away from me. “I just need…”

“You don’t love me?” I asked, failing to keep to hurt from my voice.

“I do! I do. Of course I do,” she said hurriedly. She buried her face into my chest. “But I leave for college tomorrow. And you might think that’s only a year until you graduate high school too but you’re going to be a lawyer, Jack, everyone knows it, and you’re going to go to Harvard, or Yale, or some other East Coast school to be closer to mum, and you’re going to be amazing, but I’m going to LA.” The words tumbled out, like a dam had broken, and with them came tears, silent tears that ran straight onto my chest. My own eyes started to dampen, and run.

She continued. “I guess I hoped this would be some kind of fling, that maybe you were just really horny, but you kept kissing me and you whispered that you loved me when we were in the shower and now every time I look in your eyes it’s like my heart is about to explode.”

I kissed the top of her head, held her against me. “There are law schools in LA,” I said.

“It’s not just that,” she said. “We’re brother and sister. It’d always have to be a secret. You deserve an amazing girl that you can take home to meet mum, and marry, and have kids with.”

“Well you’ve already met mum,” I said.

She choked back a sobbing laugh and hit me weakly. “Stop,” she whined, trying not to laugh.

“And maybe we can’t marry but that’s just a piece of paper; and maybe kids is a bad idea but we could adopt. There must be millions of kids out there waiting for parents.”

“But you’re having to sacrifice so much,” she said. “You’re my little brother and I love you and I can’t bear the thought that I knocked you into another life.”

“You’re worth it,” I said.

She clung to my chest, shaking her head into it. “It can’t be. I love you so much and that’s why I can’t let you ruin your life for me.”

“Hey,” I said gently. “Look at me.”

She shakily raised her face off my chest, her blue eyes red-rimmed and wet.

“I know I’m your baby bro, but I’m a grown up now. I can make my own decisions about my future. You don’t need to worry about me. You just need to focus on what would make you happy. And right now, I don’t think you’re happy.”

She blinked away fresh tears, then leaned forward and kissed me with quivering lips. I could taste the salt of tears, hers or mine I couldn’t tell.

“One year,” she said.

“One year,” I agreed. “I’ll apply to schools on both coasts. And then in one year we’ll see where we’re at. Maybe you’ll meet an amazing guy in LA and decide you don’t want to be with me. Maybe the feelings will just fade. But if after one year you still love me, don’t deny that for yourself.”

Her hand traced a tear on my cheek. Her fingers scratched on a day’s worth of stubble.

“You’ve all grown up,” she said. She kissed me again, longer and firmer this time. “I love you, Jack.”

“I love you, Elise.”

We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

[Part 1]( : [Part 4](



  1. I love this story so much, your writing is too good… Do you plan to continue this series?

  2. Great story. Yes 1 more chapter is needed to shore everything up.

  3. Wow this is an amazing series! I love the end, it’s just so romantic!

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