My [M](31) Premature Jobud [M](27)

I have been with a few jobuds over the last couple months after being curious about it for a long time. Most of them have been one-time things with guys I met online and met up with very quickly. Those weren’t terrible but also not that great either. There is one guy, Adam, that I have met with a few times and that has proved to be much more comfortable and fun. He is about four years younger than me at 27 years old, similar stocky/muscular/dadbod build as me and very similar interests when it comes to masturbating. We are both really into edging and taking our time, as well as all sorts of toys and porn. We have met five or six times over the last three months or so. This story is about the most recent time.
I hadn’t talked to Adam in several weeks, we usually don’t chat too much in between meetups and usually it’s only a day or so of chatting each time (sometimes only a couple hours if everything lines up). This last time was different as he texted me on the second day of a five-day trip saying that he would like to meet up once he got home. I was a little surprised by this given how our conversations normally went but was in the right state of mind to get into it right away. We quickly agreed that we wouldn’t cum until he got back from his trip, and that we would try to have an epic edging session at his place for our next orgasm. I went from excited to very horny once that plan was made and I realized I had three, almost four days before I could cum again.
We chatted consistently from that point forward: exchanging videos, expressing our difficulties, teasing each other about how much longer we had, and planning exactly what we were going to do when the time finally came. Each day got progressively more difficult to not take matters into our own hands before he got home, but I don’t think we wanted to let the other person down by giving in. By the final day I know I was consistently at like an 8/10 for how horny I was. I couldn’t focus, was hard and leaking on and off, and had that almost ache in my balls (in a good way). He expressed that he was in a similar state throughout the day since he wasn’t getting home until that evening. Finally, I got the text that he was home and was going to shower and then he was ready. It was about a 20-minute drive over to his place and I was hard pretty much the entire time. When I got to his place, he answered the door in a t shirt and gym shorts and a shit eaten grin. We went right to his couch where he had some long compilation porn video on his big screen. We loaded up a bowl and passed it back and forth a few times as we talked about the times we almost gave in over the last few days.
The plan was to smoke and try to take it as slow as we could before edging as long as possible. In other hangouts we could go an hour easily, almost casually. As we sat there letting the weed kick in we compared the toys we had for the day. All I brought was a 3-in-1 cock ring that keeps me hard as a fucking rock. He had a single silicon cock ring and a fleshlight (that we didn’t end up using). He was the first one to start stripping down after we were thoroughly high and the awkward chit chat gave way to tense breathing. I felt like I would explode at any moment. Eventually we were sitting there with just our boxers on and it was decided that it was time to really get started. We basically replaced our boxers with our respective cock rings. I’m not sure if it was because we were so high or because we were both trying to be calm despite our hearts pounding and cocks throbbing, but we sat there for a moment not touching anything after we got our rings in place. I could feel my heartbeat in my cock and was having trouble keeping my breath steady.
Once I was acclimated to the feeling of the ring holding my completely hard I started to tease myself with the fingertips of my right hand. Adam did the same with his cock ring holding both his dick and balls at attention. His dick is definitely bigger than mine, in both girth and length. He’s probably seven inches and a nice amount of girth. I could see his veins popping out and he was kind of shaking as he teased for a couple minutes, not really touching his shaft. I grabbed mine first and started stroking myself really slowly while he just watched for a second. He started not too long after with similar long and slow strokes. We were less than a minute into stroking before I quickly let go of his dick and basically froze. He was staring at his cock for what seemed like a long time, causing me to pause what I was doing. As the seconds crept by he started half whispering the word ‘no’ over and over again. Just before it happened, I realized that he had already pushed himself over the edge on accident, after less than a minute of stroking. Next he let out a long groan, let his head fall back, started stroking himself furiously. He pumped out a thick load of five or six substantial spurts on his chest and the pillow next to him.
I sat there pretty stunned as this whole thing transpired next to me. It was pretty amazing to watch him be unable to control himself and basically be on his own planet while he had what looked like an incredible orgasm. Once he came back around, he apologized and was definitely embarrassed. I told him it was no big deal but I planned on edging still, not realizing how different the dynamic was now since he was definitely more calm and relaxed compared to me being as worked up as I can remember being. He cleaned himself up while I kept teasing myself and got back to slowly stroking. For the next 20 or so minutes I edged myself to whatever videos he had on the TV while he got himself into his second round pretty quickly. He kept egging me on, trying to get me to keep edging. Almost like he was an edging coach. I couldn’t hold out forever and eventually it became too much. I got myself on the absolute edge and realized I couldn’t back off so I started stroking myself as hard and as fast as I could. I don’t know how loud I was but I’m sure I wasn’t quiet. My load was similar to his, all over my chest and stomach. As I recovered he went hard to have his second orgasm way faster than I had expected him to.
After all of that we ended up sitting there in our boxes, super stoned and verrrry relaxed, a compilation video still playing in the background. Usually I would leave pretty quickly after cumming but sat around to recover a little longer this time. A while later I said it was about time for me to leave and was about to start getting dressed. He said that was cool, unless I wanted to try to stroke out another one before I left. I thought about it for a second and decided to go for it. Normally it takes a bit longer to be able to go again but this time I had no problem. I didn’t wait for him or take my time on this one either. I dropped my boxers to the floor and started stroking myself to finish as quick as I could. A couple minutes later I blew another load on my chest, got cleaned up, and we said our goodbyes. It was a very relaxing 20 minute drive home.
