[MF] To control his lust

*Another (fictional) story I have written. Hope you like it!*

*Kink-Content: Masturbation, Soft Femdom, JOI*

She was waiting for him to come online. He was late – ok, maybe not in a technically sense since it was only the time he usually would show up (and they didn’t have any appointment he would be late to) – but still … she felt that way. It was like an unspoken rule that he would be online around that time.

“Twenty-five minutes to more precise”, she mumbled to herself, followed by some impatient mouse clicks in order to reload the website in search for at least any new postings or activities which could distract her for more time. During the past few weeks that website, which was consisted of a huge community, had become an important, but quite time consuming part of her life (it admittedly was definitely a great way to spend her free time when she was not working). With the vast possibilities it offered, she usually found more than one way to involve herself – not only in topics she was already interested in, but also those to which she didn’t have any relation so far.

The community also did have a section dedicated to adult topics with possibilities to indulge the exchange of stories and pictures. While she kinda liked the idea of users sharing erotic vibes, she also felt a bit reluctant to get involved actively at first. The thought of sharing intimacy with a huge number of unknown people was arousing but made her feel uncomfortable at the same time. This contradiction was confusing but in some way also still attracted her to spend an inconsiderable time there. So for quite some time she was only a non-contributing member for that part of website, which changed after a disappointing und unsuccessful night at the club.

On that night she had felt a strong desire to get some intimacy with someone else, and since the club had turned out to be a complete failure, she decided to give it’s online counterpart a try. She also had been thrilled for quite some time to read the opinion of others about her body as she – like most other people – had some insecurities about it and she hoped it could help her to come more in terms with herself this way. The feedback she had from a body shot of hers received (due to anonymity reasons she didn’t show her face) was overwhelming and mainly positive. Of course there had been some negative and nasty comments which were hurtful – but that was probably just the way the internet was and she also knew some portion of that admiration was because of the hornyness usually involved in such topics. Still, that overall positive experience made her feel so good and the desire to get more involved in that.

So shortly after her first contribution, she was already taking part in different activities of the adult-community, like writing erotic stories, exchanging thoughts with collaborative writing colleagues and of course also sexting through the site’s chat. It really turned her on to read the thoughts of others about her and also living her fantasies by sharing them. The combination of imagination and interaction was like reading a book which was written at the very same moment. This was an aspect porn movies weren’t able to provide to her, at least not to that extent. Yes, porn movies also had their attraction, but in a different and less intense way.

Unsurprisingly that aforementioned sensational feeling didn’t appear at every erotic chat she had – for example when the chat partner only cared about his own fantasies; and in some cases it simply didn’t click between her and the other one with no particular reason at least she was aware of. But if it did, and they were able to fulfill mutual desires, the experience always turned to be an incredible instance of passion and lust. Sometimes when she was at work, her mind was already thinking of that time when she would get home and turn on the PC to indulge in those erotic chats.

And it had been at one of those chats where she had met him the first time. She actually didn’t know much of him – speaking of personal details beside his adult age – as they always went pretty straight forward to the part of exchanging sexual fantasies. But from the very first moment it seemed that anything else was not really necessary as he always was able to hit just the perfect spot to make her body tremble in an instant by a few well written words. It was not just those erotic fantasies which made the time with him pleasurable; she also liked his writing style in general. He had a funny and sympathetic style which made her enjoy even simple exchanges about random topics.

The chats with him also made her learn some things about herself she had not been aware of so far. While she always thought that she was sexually more on the submissive side, she soon started to discover that there were actually some cases where she rather loved to take the lead and be in a dominant role. It really turned her on to tell him that he should start masturbating, and then, after having some time passed, write him that he should now stroke faster including unwritten words that she naturally expected him to comply. She loved in particular the small details which came along when taking that dominant lead: like the little pause in his responding time whenever she wrote something similar (she always had the impression that he was double checking if she really had written that) or simply the overall slowing down of his typing speed when he (obviously) had only one hand at the keyboard anymore – which of course came handy to her, as she was usually also typing only with one hand at that time.

The more she took control of his lust, the more she got hooked on that specific part of her sexuality. The imagination of milking him whenever she felt like, caused such a huge attraction to her. In some way the exchange of sexual thoughts beforehand – like an written foreplay – felt like becoming less and less important to her; it was the aspect of being in full control which applied the most attraction. She loved the impression of somewhat pure and raw lust she was capable to initiate and end solely by her will. And all of that was purely at her grace: he would cum when she desired and it was a mutual unspoken agreement that he would oblige, which made that so appealing to her.

Sometimes she would even start to talk with him casually without any little sexual remark, just to drop a plain message like “Start stroking now.” without a warning, just to simply continue talking about whatever the initial topic was. She loved how it always took him a few times to respond – and when she was in mood to tease him a bit, she would even pretend not to “see” his attempts to get the conversation more sexually involved by sticking to the original topic, only to tell him somewhat later to increase his speed or to cum at some point. And when he had finished, she often would grant him some minutes of regeneration to tell him (of course without any warning!) to start stroking his dick again. In some way, doing something like that made her feel like an ancient goddess. And this goddess demanded to be worshiped in that and only this particular way – and this had to be obliged!

“35 minutes”, she mumbled while reloading the page. “Two times … no, not two times … at least *three* times today … !”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vakmt7/mf_to_control_his_lust