Clouds in the Sky Ch 1-5 Still a work in progress, Feedback welcomed

Chapter 1

“What a slow day.” I thought to myself while staring at the clouds. I had decided to take a “smoke” break outside, despite not smoking, a tip I had picked up from my former manager before taking his place after he left the company. I didn’t really need a break as my job was

mainly supervising and correcting the mistakes of my team. I had picked well during the hiring process, and they rarely needed my supervision and so I had a lot of free time to waste during the day.

On this particular Tuesday I sat in a park area built by the company as an area for staff to come and de-stress, though it had come to be known as the smokers hangout. Either way it was quite a lovely place to pass the time, especially when the flower bushes were in full bloom, although that hardly mattered given it was November. I preferred the cloudy days to the sunny days anyways, and the cold kept most of the staff inside, well mostly.

I had only been sitting down for about 3 minutes before I saw the door and noticed a woman approaching the park area. I didn’t recognize her however I had given my unofficial assistant manager Claire permission to hire new staff as she saw fit. She had always had quite the eye for finding talent.

As she approached, I took the time to size her up. Physically she was attractive but everything about her, from her body to her clothes, and her shoulder length curly brown hair, there was really nothing that set her apart from any other normal woman, not that that was a bad thing.

It’s just that in my experience women typically highlight the areas they find particularly attractive to themselves and focus on that to further highlight their beauty, she had not done any of that, not that it was required, She simply did not fit the mold I would have ascribed to most women.

I gave her a wave and a smile as she approached, before standing and offering my outstretched hand to her. I would have preferred to be left alone or ignore her out right but unfortunately that was not an option afforded to management.

“Hello, I haven’t seen you here before, my name is Xavier.” I said with a practiced smile on my face.

“I’m Samantha, but you can call me Sam.” She said quietly, meeting my handshake. “Todays my first day.” ,she said before turning and sitting. I took the opportunity to check out her backside briefly before she sat down.

“How are you liking it so far? “I asked as I sat back down this time genuinely curious.

There had been issues with new staff in the past not meshing with some or all members

of the current employees, and so lately we had problems retaining employees past the 90 probationary period.

“It’s been ok so far.” she said, not even looking up from the imaginary item she had been staring at on the ground. Clearly she did not want to talk. So I decided to do the polite thing.

As I stood up, her eyes rose to meet mine,” Well my times up, I’ll see you around the office. If you need anything, just have someone ask you where my office is.”

“Thank you.”, she said politely before I walked away. I could feel her watching as I left, but I controlled the urge to turn around. As with every situation it’s better to have the upper hand.

Chapter 2

I decided to walk to the side door which connected directly to my office rather than cutting through the office. I still wasn’t in much of a mood to interact with any employees. I sat down and took a moment to take a deep breath. I still didn’t have much to do so instead I logged into the security system and started checking out the cameras throughout the office. While the cameras were visible, no one was aware that I had access to the feed, and would occasionally spy on them when bored. Everyone was just working like normal, so I cycled the feed until I got to the garden. As I was about to move to the next camera, a movement caught my eye.

As I watched, I noticed that our newest employee had slipped her left hand under her skirt and seemed to be masturbating, certainly an interesting development. It was fascinating, her body was perfectly still and as she was facing away from the door, so if you approached her from behind, you would never suspect a thing. Her left hand was frantically rubbing her crotch, desperately trying to achieve the satisfaction she was seeking. I continued to watch her, alternating between her face and the hand under her skirt, when I suddenly realized. Not only was she masturbating at work, she was edging herself, stopping each time she was close to orgasm, before resuming her activities.

I watched her continue this pattern for an additional 10 minutes before seeing her hand movement rapidly increase before her body shook slightly, before her hand movements stopped. She sat there for a few minutes with her hands still under her skirt. She slowly slid her hand out from under her skirt and to my surprise brought her hand to her face, inhaling the scent of her essence deeply before sliding a pinky into her mouth. She took her time cleaning off each finger one by one before licking the rest off her palm all the way down to her wrist. She then stood up, fixed her skirt, and headed back into the office. I copied the last few minutes to an encrypted drive, “Seems like work is about to get a bit more interesting.”, chuckled to myself.

Chapter 3

The show was over which left me in an undesired state. I had long ago given up masturbating as it was never enough to satisfy, and as I was at work there was currently only one option, Amy. She was a HR assistant, but she and I had gotten to know each other over the 7 months we had worked together.

I picked up my phone and typed, “Come here.” That’s all that was needed. See, she and I had an understanding from the beginning. Amy, like most of the women in my personal life, was submissive, initially I believed that I sought these women out, however over time I realized women naturally submitted to me. I simply put forward my expectations and they would simply be obedient to my will. I called it passive domination, a term I believed I coined.

There was a soft knock and the door slowly opened and she stepped in, silently waiting. Amy was a 25 year old Filipina, who had a very bubbly personality, a great body, and as a result was regularly pursued by people in the office, both male and female. She had always turned them down, even prior to our interactions. It was after a staff party that I happened to end up driving her and other staff members home as I was one of the few, who had not been drinking. She was not drunk, but as everyone else was we had gotten to talking during the hour or so I took to drop everyone off. It was in her driveway that she first sucked me off, swallowing her reward at the end of a job well done, and this relationship continued for the next 4 months. She looked quite lovely standing there, waiting for my touch.

I walked over to her and slipped my hand under her shirt, cupping her breasts. Most people incorrectly assume that men like large breasts but to me hers were damn near perfect, small, soft and perky and they fit neatly within my cupped hand. She had remembered to remove her underwear prior to coming in as she had been previously instructed, so there was no obstruction to my groping of her breasts, and tweaking of her hard nipples. I withdrew my hand, and slipped her shirt over her head. I resumed groping her right breast while simultaneously bending my head and gently sucking her left nipple in my mouth. I felt a shiver run through her body and she leaned herself more into my touch. I switched my mouth to her right nipple and slowly traced my hand down her body and rested it in between her legs.

I could feel the heat emanating from her, and her thighs were already soaked with her wetness. I cupped her gently and simply allowed my hand to rest there, allowing her juices to flow into my hand. She was slightly rocking herself into my hand trying to desperately get the friction she needed to achieve her release, but this was my intention from the start. The image of Samatha licking her juices off her hand was still in my mind and I knew from the moment Amy had entered the room, I would have her do the same.

I removed my mouth from her nipple and slid my left hand up her body, leaving a visibly shiny trail up her body, and traced my fingers around her lips. “Lick,” I said as I looked into her eyes. With no hesitation, her tongue came out and she licked her lips several times. “Clean,” I said as I raised my hand to her mouth. Again with no hesitation she began to lick her juices off my hand, and followed it up with sucking each individual finger until she was sure it was properly cleaned.

I placed my right hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her, tasting her essence second hand, but the effect on me was immediate. I was turned on before but I had reached the point where I was so aroused I felt like I was about to cum in my pants. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the edge of my desk.

She laid back and spread her legs inviting me into her depths. I took my time taking my pants off, all the while watching the juices dripping from her pussy, onto my desk, “I’ll have her clean that up later,” I thought silently to myself. I slid her butt closer to the desk and before sliding my dick inside her. I held still ,eyes closed, just enjoying the connection of our bodies. She was so wet I was able to slide into the hilt with no resistance, which was not the norm considering how tight she was.

I heard a whimper escape her lips and open my eyes. She was looking at me desperately, pleading for me to give her the release she needed. I slowly began to slide in and out her, and she let out a sigh, I quickened my pace, sliding deeper and deeper into her depths with each stroke, harder and harder, her every moan, her every shudder, urging me on. We were both so close, so desperate for some release, I reached between her legs and gently began to rub her clit. I soon felt her body stiff, her breathing coming out in gasps, a muffled moan escaped her lips as her pussy contracted around my dick. That was my cue, with almost reckless abandon I slammed myself into her until I released my pent up cum deep inside her, almost blacking out in the process.

I lay on top of her, still inside her for several minutes while we both caught our breath. She looked at me with adoration in her eyes. I always gave her what she sought, and so she was willing to submit to my will, anything to get her orgasm. I thrust my softening dick inside her a couple more times, before pulling out and my dick glistening with our juices. “Clean up time,” I said, and she immediately slid off the table and dropped to her knees, taking my half erect member into her mouth. The tongue bath felt nice and she gingerly sucked my balls clean when done with my shaft. I then turned her around, and pointed at the wet spot of our combined juices on my desk. I watched as she licked our combined juices up, and started to stiffen at the scene, but there was no time for a round two, sadly.

When she was done she turned around and silently waited. I took a step forward and dropped a hand between her legs. She was so tight that even after having a load deposited inside her, barely any leaked out. I swiped a finger between her lips and as I brought it near her face she opened her mouth and sucked our combined juices off. “Good girl,” I said softly, “ You can go now.” I watched as she got dressed and headed for the door. Before opening it, she turned to me, and said the only words of our interaction, “Thank you, Sir,” and returned to her work.

Chapter 4

With my appetite temporarily sated I returned to work, as I had no intention of staying past 6pm. An employee named Kaite was throwing a party at her house, well her parents house, and typically her events were always a blast. The house was large and the areas well sectioned off, you could spend time in the pool, the jacuzzi, the billiards room, or anywhere else in the house and have a good time. I personally preferred the pool or jacuzzi area since there was no loud music and as a result it was easier to have a conversation. As a bonus Kaite was a very attractive women, and the fact that she was a self described staunch lesbian, only made her more alluring to me, although I’ve found her self-identified orientation, a bit more murky do to a past experience we shared.

It began with Kaite catching Amy and I having sex in the jacuzzi. In my eyes a strict lesbian would have walk away but she did the opposite. She came closer and eventually sat next to us, watching us with great interest. Amy was sitting with her butt hanging off the edge of the jacuzzi, while I was standing in between her legs, sliding my member roughly in and out of her. Kaite sat there, not saying a word, until I deposited my load inside of Amy’s warm orifice. She got up, and said, “Well that was hot,” and walked away to rejoin the other party guests, leaving us to our post orgasmic bliss. However, that was not the end of it.

Later that night I noticed that Amy and Kaite were missing. As I explored the house, I heard a soft moan coming from the garage. I peek through the door and saw Kaite on her knees, her head between Amy’s legs feasting. Amy’s eyes were closed, legs spread as wide as possible, while standing, allowing Kaite’s seeking tongue the most access to her depths. Kaite’s shapely ass was pointed directly toward the door I was watching from, and its movements kept my attention for several minutes, when something dawned on me. Less than an hour ago I had fucked Amy, and in all likelihood she had not had time to clean up afterwards.

The debauchery of the scene before me, had me on the edge of coming in my swim trunks. Here was a lesbian, who by all accounts had never even kissed a man, on her knees feasting on the pussy of another women, which in all likelihood was still full with my semen, and moaning while doing so. Amy placed her hand on top of Kaites head, intertwining her fingers in her hair, holding her head firmly between her legs. In response I watched as Kaite, slipped her hand between her legs and furiously began to masturbate as Amy began to hump herself against her face. Her eyes briefly opened and met mine before closing, absorbed in the experience to care who was watching her.

I pushed the door open enough for me to pass, and slowly walked up to them. Kaite briefly attempted to pull back but Amy kept her firmly pressed against her sex. I smiled at her and reached over and began to tweak Amy’s nipples. Her moans intensified and her movements became more erratic. I kneeled next to Kaite’s head and watched her tongue at work. She had Amy’s clit in her mouth and was giving it a tongue lashing like I’ve never witnessed before. My eyes traced down her body and I immediately noticed the white blobs against her skin. My suspicion had now been confirmed, Kaite had been eating my cum from Amy’s pussy, and by the amount still resting on her chin and chest, she had done so knowingly. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft moan from Amy’s lips as she flooded Kaite mouth with our combined juices, Kaite began to moan also and I watched as her hips trembled under her own handiwork, as she lap it up the juices flooding her mouth.

“Well that was hot,” I said , mirroring her words from earlier in the night, before walking off. Truthfully I wanted to try and fuck her pussy, breed her, and have Amy lick her clean, however this was there situation and I wanted to respect it, plus no matter what she had just done, she was still a lesbian. As often as she had parties I’m certain this scenario would repeat itself at some point anyways. That was my motivation for not only me leaving on time, but also everyone else. That way everyone would be well rested for tonight’s festivities.

Chapter 5

As I packed up my things for the drive home, my mind flash forward to tonight. Not to anything in particular but due to my experience at Kaite’s parties in the past odds, were very high that I would be able to relieve my rising needs for some wet pussy. Sounds vulgar, I know, but sometimes things just have to be stated as fact, and my balls were aching for some relief again, even after unloading in Amy earlier in the day.

As I walked out the door, I glanced at what remaining staff was still working. I didn’t speak to any of them but I gave slight nods when I caught someone’s eye as I left. This was my standard pattern: it was Friday and frankly whatever projects they needed help with could wait until Monday. It was something I had made everyone aware of a long time ago. I came in at 7 am every morning and went home at 6pm, anything that wasn’t addressed within that time frame could wait until the next business day.

The walk to my car and the drive home was rather uneventful, and by the time I got home I had decided to take a nap, before the party. I didn’t need one, per se, but if things went as planned, the extra energy would be nice to have. I woke up at 10 and hopped in the shower as my customary pre-drunk night meal of oatmeal and eggs was warming in the microwave, sounds strange but both foods were not only filling and nutrient dense, but they slowed the absorption of alcohol. It was a trick I had learned to survive the rigorous schedule of college parties years ago.

I got dressed in a simple pair of brown cargo shorts, my black ninja cat shirt ,and a pair of Kswiss tennis shoes, including my boxers and socks. The whole outfit couldn’t have cost more than 50 dollars, but as they say, “Clothes don’t make the man.” The drive to Kaite’s was uneventful aside from a stop at the liquor store to pick up some Mikes hard Ice tea, and some ice. Kaite had fully stocked coolers spread through her house, but as I was planning on staying near the jacuzzi area, I wanted to have my favorite drink near me.

When I got to her house I exchanged the standard pleasantries before making my way to the jacuzzi. I stripped down to my boxers, placed my drinks in the cooler and slipped into water. The water was warm, not too hot , which was my preference, and anyways my favorite thing about Jacuzzis was the motion of the water, it was like a gentle massage. I just sat there head, back for what felt like hours, before I heard footsteps walking toward me, and stopping near me. I still kept my eyes closed and the person stood there for several seconds before I heard them sit on the edge of the jacuzzi opposite my position. Another minute went by, my eyes still closed, before I heard a voice say. “How’s the water?” I instantly recognized it as the voice of Cheyanne, our 21 year old accounting intern. I hadn’t had much interaction with her but her southern accent was very distinctive from the voices of the other women in the office.

“Feels great,” I said , opening my eyes, to catch hers, “Care to join me?” I asked politely. While she was attractive, I had little interaction with her and she was 14 years my junior, not that I particularly minded the age gap but I typically avoided women younger than me on principle.

“I wish I could,” she said with a slight smile on her face, “but I didn’t bring my swimsuit.” I closed my eyes, and focused my attention on the water again. I chuckled but didn’t take the obvious bait. I had watched enough movies to know what the expected response would have been. She remained silent for a while before telling me about how much she liked living in Berkeley Heights, and all the things she has been doing lately. While somewhat interesting, since I didn’t hang out with her crowd, nor visit the clubs and restaurants she went to, what she was saying held little interest for me.

Eventually there was a lull in the conversation. I opened my eyes, mainly to check if she was still there, and saw her studying me. Not checking me out per se, just looking, I gave her a smile and that seemed to encourage her to continue the thought in her mind. She took a deep breath and hurriedly said, “At the last party, I saw you and Amy, making love here before,” she said.

I took my time responding, trying to read her face. It was interesting as she was blushing, and constantly looking away but as I didn’t know she had been watching, there was no reason she would bring it up without wanting something. Though it was quite obvious what she wanted as she had approached me, while I was alone in the same spot she had been watching us before.

“Amy and I weren’t making love,” I began, her eyes briefly showed disappointment, as if she thought I would deny it, “What Amy and I were doing was fucking,” I said calmly. “Did you enjoy the show?”

Her breath had become labored, I could visibly see the rise and fall of her chest with each breath she took. Her eyes followed mine to the V on the front of her shirt, and she was silent as I admired her breasts. They looked to be about C cups, and even through her bra I could see that her nipples were visibly hard. I traced my eyes down her skirt, and as my eyes reached her crotch she turn her legs, sliding them into the water, and spread her legs slightly allowing my eyes to drift between her legs. She was wearing panties, they were a bright neon yellow color which was an unexpected visual. I traced my way back to her face and noticed that her breathing was now labored.

“You never answer the question,” I said to her in an even tone. She looked slightly shocked by what I had just said and it took her a moment to respond with a simple, “Yes.”

“Yes, what?” I responded, wanting to hear the words come from her mouth.

She took a couple deep breaths and replied, “Yes I liked watching you and Amy fucking.” Her voice was somewhat calmer now, although her face betrayed the desire she was feeling, and her breath was still somewhat erratic. I closed my eyes again and was silent for a minute. I already knew what my next move was but I wanted to keep her waiting. I guess it was a power move but it amused me also to keep her in limbo.

“Take off your panties,” I said as I opened my eyes. I watched as she slid her panties off and placed them in my outstretched hand. I placed them behind my back while she sat, legs spread wider this time, giving me a clear view of her glistening labia. It’s always interesting the situations that turned on women, in my experience the less power they have the more turned on they tend to be, and Cheyanne was leaking. I walked over to her, pushed up her skirt and slowly lowered my head in between her legs.

Her scent was divine, and as my tongue licked at the wetness on her lips, I was rewarded with her sweet nectar. It was shockingly sweet actually, she tasted sweeter than any other women I’ve tasted, and she was so wet that she was leaking a spot on the wooden deck she was sitting on. My tongue ran on up and down her left labia, then the right one before dipping down the middle and lapping at the source directly. I alternated between them for a couple minutes before licking my way slightly north and swirling my tongue around her clit. I slipped my index and middle finger inside her and lightly pressed upwards while my tongue latched on to her clit. As my tongue went to work swirling around her clit, I simultaneously increased the suction on her clit, while sliding my fingers in and out, slowly increasing the upwards pressure. Very soon she began humping my face, hands tightly locked behind my head. Her moans weren’t all the quiet and she kept begging me not to stop, her movements becoming increasingly erratic.

Her body went stiff and there was a sharp intake of breath, and she didn’t exhale for several seconds, before letting out a long moan as her orgasm moved throughout her body, her legs were still shaking uncontrollably, as I stood up and increased the movements of my fingers. I could feel the wetness cover my head, and she rested her forehead on my shoulder and gently bit down in an effort to muffle her moans. When she stopped shaking I removed my fingers, washing them off in the water before gently grabbing her chin and kissing her lips.

She responded hungrily meeting my lips, her tongue dueling it out with mine, as my hands roamed her body. She slightly trembled as my hands played with her nipples but she was slowly coming down from her high. She pulled away from my kiss and her hands reached down for my dick. She stroked it a couple times before I took her hands away from it, before gently lifting her and pulling her ass to the edge, and slowly pushing inside her. I gently lifted her up and turned around and sat on the edge, feet in the water.

I reached around and grabbed her ass, before giving her a playful spank, “Get to work,” I said before laying back and closing my eyes. I felt her slow begin to move up and down, and occasionally grinding herself on me. “You know it’s funny, at the last party you were in the house spying on Amy and I fucking here, and here we are now, fucking, and in all likelihood someone is watching you,” I observed. She softly moaned and I could feel her tighten around me, and her tempo increased, gods it felt great. She leaned forward and placed her hands on my chest, and I raised my knees to help her reach the right angles to hit her g spot.

“I wonder what whoever is watching us now, is thinking of you? What did you think of Amy when you were watching us fucking? I bet you thought she was a slut, just letting herself get fucked cause she was horny, right? And here you are, now in her position, fuckin the same dick, that was fucking her? I bet that’s why you came down here, isn’t it? You wanted to get fucked, huh?” While I asked questions, I never really expected her to answer, as she was so focused on reaching another orgasm, but she did answer the last question with a simple, “Yes”

With that I pulled her down so she was resting against my chest, my left hand on her back and my right hand grasping her ass, and began to thrust upwards. She just moaned, her breath becoming more ragged before stopping completely, I felt her body shake, and her pussy tightly and released a warm flood of her juices down my legs. I continued my movements for another minute before laying there and basking in the glow of her orgasm, my hand still roaming her body.

I still hadn’t come but considering I wasn’t even sure if Cheyanne was on the pill, that was a dangerous albeit an enticing one. I sat up slowly keeping her pinned to my chest and picked her up and sat her down on the edge of the jacuzzi making sure to keep her clothes free of the water. I tilted her head and leaned in to give her a kiss, as I pulled out of her, and slid back into the water. I grabbed her panties from where I had placed them earlier, and tossed them to her. She held them in her hand for a second, debating on whether to put them back on again.

“You know, if you slide into the jacuzzi no one would know that you were wet for other reasons,” I said teasingly.

She paused looking at me inquisitively, “Fuck it,” she said sliding her panties on and and taking her skirt and shirt off before sliding into the jacuzzi. As I watched her do so I noticed movement from the upstairs windows, it was Kaite. I’m not sure how long she had been watching, but I decided to give her a wave. She responded in kind, and walked away from the window, before Cheyanne could turn around and see who it was. As she looked at me quizzingly, I simply closed my eyes and let the waters soothe me.
