The Sterling Club Part 2 (F/M)

*Part 2 of a three part episodic*

“What the fuck is a Sterling”, I thought to myself. This was not what I’d had in mind at all when I came to meet you tonight. I’m more of a private person, especially when it comes to being intimate, and here I was at what looks to be a sex club? A swinger’s party? A burlesque show? I wasn’t sure what this was, and while I felt intimidated I was also intrigued. A cocktail waitress in black lingerie brought us two glasses of champagne and before we clinked our glasses together you looked me straight in the eye and asked “Do you trust me, my little pet?”

There’s that delicious part of our dynamic: ultimate trust. You’ve spent months pushing my boundaries a little bit at a time… edging me further out of my comfort zone. And the further you push me, the more I realize what pleasure can feel like. You started with small things, like telling me what to wear… and telling me what to say… telling me when I could cum and when I had to keep still. I know I’m not supposed to like being told what to do… but I do. I like it. I need it. There’s a safe space inside our time together when I surrender myself to you completely; when you own me. I held your gaze and replied “Yessir. I always trust you. Aaaaand what the fuck is a Sterling?” You looked past me and pointed to the stage, “You’re about to find out.”

The velvet curtain had been raised and a petite woman was walking across the stage. She, too was wearing a Silver Rabbit mask and her body had been decorated with silver paint in such a way that it looked like she was covered in lace. Her brown hair was pulled to one side covering one of her breasts while the other was exposed. I noticed how her nipple sat high up on her breast and how hard it was… and how staring at her was making my own nipples hard, and how good the silk of my dress felt rubbing against them. She cleared her throat, waiting for the small crowd to quiet down before she began to speak.

“Welcome to this year’s Sterling Club initiation ceremony” she paused while the audience applauded lightly. “Every year one of our founding members is given the honor of selecting our newest initiate. Like the rabbits we are named for, the Silver is a rare breed with a unique athletic type and active disposition. Their small size makes them easy to handle as does their docile temperament…”

As she continued to describe this rare breed of rabbit I remembered that she wasn’t talking about rabbits… she was describing women. She was describing me. I felt that twinge of anxiety again. Before I knew it, I heard my name being called and felt your hand at the small of my back, guiding me up onto the stage. I stood there, grateful to be “hidden” behind my mask, while the woman slowly circled me. She stopped in front of me and slid her delicate fingers under the straps of my dress and off of my shoulders. The silver silk fell to the floor and I stood naked before her. She circled around to stand behind me, pulling my hair back away from my shoulders leaving me perfectly exposed. I felt everyone’s eyes on me and to my surprise, I loved it. I loved being the center of attention. I loved being exposed. I even loved being compared to a rare breed of rabbit… of being a little pet. I felt my pussy start to tingle; my anxiety shifting to arousal. The woman began stroking my neck and my shoulder as though I was a little rabbit. Murmuring words I couldn’t understand she continued to pet me while I stood there… her small hands moving across my shoulders and down my arms and back up, before sliding around my breasts. Goosebumps rippled across my skin as she took my breasts in her hands and gave them a firm squeeze. She continued assessing me, taking stock of my ‘rare breed’ and gave my ass a solid spank. Then pressing her palms together she gently wedged her hands between my thighs, spreading my legs slightly and told me to stay. I stood there on the stage, before a room full of strangers feeling my pussy getting wetter and wetter.

[listen to parts 1 & 2 here](
