My sister and I share a bed (PART 4) [M/F] [Incest]

[Part 1]( : [Part 3](

The next morning I awoke, my flaccid penis still inside of Elise. The realization of that, and the sensation of her naked body pressed against mine, caused my cock to stir, swelling inside of her. Her eyelids fluttered open. She looked at me and smiled.

“Morning handsome.”

The daze of sleep wore off and her vision sharpened. She slid off me, rolling out of the bed. She pulled on a pair of knickers from her bag and strode naked apart from them to the armchair. She popped out another Plan B pill and downed it with the stale water left in the glass.

“I hope there isn’t an OD limit on these,” she said.

“Check the box,” I said.

She shrugged. “Too late now.”

She sighed, retrieving her bra from where she’d dropped it outside the bathroom door. “We need to rein this in. You were out of control last night.”

“We,” I said. “We were out of control.”

“You were the one buying the condoms,” she said. “This should have ended the night before.”

“Stop saying stuff like that,” I said, getting up out of the bed.

“Stuff like what?” she asked, continuing to clean up the aftermath of last night.

“Stuff where you blame me for everything that’s been happening.”

She raised her hand apologetically. “Someone has to be the adult here.”

“I’m an adult too,” I said. “I’m eighteen now.”

“You’ll always be my baby brother,” she smiled, reaching up to pinch at my cheek. I batted her hand away.

“I just don’t like feeling I’m the only one who wants what’s happening,” I said.

She looked down and away from me, hiding her face. “I’m sorry,” she said with a bit of tremble in her voice. “You’re right, we’re both to blame for this. Look, let’s just clean up this room for now, ok?” She turned her back to me and started picking up the rest of her clothing, scattered around the room.

Together we made quick work of it and the room soon looked like it had been slept in rather than fucked in. So long as no one checked beneath the decoy tissues in the rubbish bin and found ten used condoms, anyway.

“It’s breakfast time, we should head down” Elise said, now dressed in a sundress and flip-flops. It was summertime and the forecast looked good, but I thought she was being very optimistic. I’d opted for a tidier pair of trousers and a white tee.

Breakfast at the hotel was continental, my least favorite kind of breakfast. Nothing more than a deconstructed sandwich on a table, in my opinion. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and joined Elise and mum at the table.

“I was just thinking,” my mum said as I sat down, “that since it’s our last day here before we head back home, that it’d be nice to spend some time in town soaking up the atmosphere.”

“Hmm,” I grunted, spooning some kind of discount coco puffs into my mouth. Elise gave me a little smile.

“That sounds like a great idea,” she said, then gave me a look that I knew through sibling telepathy meant: ‘*That’s how you talk to someone, numbnuts*’. I rolled my eyes in response.

“There’s this lovely local art gallery that I’ve been hoping to check out. I was chatting to the receptionist and she said they had great watercolors.”

“Mum…” Elise started to say, but mum waved her off.

“I know art isn’t either of your things so I thought that I’d go to the gallery and you two would be free to explore the town by yourselves. You’re both young adults now, and you have your own spending money.”

“That sounds like a great idea, mum,” I said, mimicking Elise’s cadence. She kicked me under the table. Mum pretended not to notice.

“That settles it then,” she said. “I’ll go to the gallery and you two can explore town.”

The weather forecast was holding out, the first blue sky of the holiday visiting us on our last day. The sun was pale and weak, giving off a sickly amount of heat, but it was enough to take the bite out of the air. The roads had dried overnight, and the town felt as if the past rain had washed off some of the grime.

“The gallery is here,” mum said. “Enjoy yourselves guys. Stay out of trouble.”

“Yes mum,” we said. She went inside and we walked around the corner and onto the main pedestrian street that cut through the heart of the town.

It was a pleasant day and the quaint walkable center of town was a pleasant place to be. I took Elise’s hand and laced our fingers together.

“Oho,” she said, “And what do you think you’re doing?”

“I think I’m holding your hand while we walk around town,” I said. “Unless you don’t want me too.”

Her cheeks were colored, and she was pointedly not looking at me. “I don’t mind it,” she declared. “I’ll allow it.”

We walked the length of the street, hand in hand.

“I think there’s a nice park with a duck pond around this corner,” I said. “it could be a nice walk.”

“This is good practice for when you’re on a date with a girl you like,” Elise said. “Duck pond walks are romantic.”

“You are the girl I like,” I said.

“Smooth talker too,” Elise said, still not catching my eye. “They’re going to be all over you in college.”

I let the matter drop, focusing instead on enjoying the sensation of walking with her in public as a couple. Our feet crunched on the gravel pathway, and ducks quacked as they swam out from the reeds in the lake. A dispenser containing oats was installed by a park bench alongside a sign explaining that white bread was bad for the ducks’ health. Elise dispensed a handful and started feeding the ducks, laughing as they crowded urgently around her. I sat on the bench and smiled. She was beautiful, the sunlight silhouetting her crouched figure through the dress, and joy dancing on her face.

She rose and turned back to look at me, smiling. She then checked left and right, and, satisfied we were alone, yanked up her dress, flashing me. She was naked underneath it, apparently having discarded her underwear before we left the hotel. I got a glimpse of her manicured bush and perfect breasts backlit by the sun, before she dropped the dress back down, giggling. I choked on my own drool, doubling over and hacking in shock. She came up to me and offered me her hand, a blinding smile on her face.

“Come on,” she said. “Let’s walk some more.”

I took her hand and stood up. I leaned in for a kiss but she turned her head away.

“Someone might see,” she said. My confusion was clear on my face. She put a finger to my lip, her eyes downcast and the good mood slipping from her face. “Just trust your big sister,” she said sadly.

My words caught in my throat, so I just walked with her silently, hand in hand again, out of the park and back into town.

“It occurs to me that the drinking age is eighteen here, not twenty one,” I said as we strolled down another street lined with restaurants and shop fronts.

“So?” she said.

“So we could have lunch in a pub and have some legal drinks with it.”

“Not the worst idea you’ve ever had,” she said. “Ok, let’s go have lunch.”

We found a pub that looked nice and went inside. The interior was like something out of a period piece, the only sign of modernity the screen at the cashier’s till. We took a corner booth, tucked away near the toilet and in near shadow. It was a quiet day for business, only a couple of old regulars seated near the front. The waitress, a petite young woman, took our orders with a bright smile. She took a look at our passports for age ID and looked at mine intently before giving it back.

“You even manage to look good in a passport photo, darling,” she said in a charming Irish lilt.

Unsure how to respond, I just smiled and nodded, my go to in most conversations.

Once she left, Elise leaned over the table.

“She was flirting with you,” she said.

“Was she,” I said, oblivious.

“I guess my little brother is actually quite popular,” she said. She had a devilish look. She slouched back into her leather booth seat. A weight alighted on my groin. I glanced down. Her unshod foot was resting in my lap, her flip flop lying empty on the floor. She started to rub me through my trousers.

“I saw how you reacted when my foot touched you last night. Do you have a thing for feet?”

“No,” I gasped, gripping the edge of the table for dear life. “Maybe. I don’t know. Maybe just when it’s your feet.”

She maintained a disaffected air, resting her head in her hand and observing my face as she sped up her rubbing.

“You should stop,” I said. “Someone will see.”

She scoffed. “We’re covered by the booth and the table in low light, and there’s only two other customers here.”

Her foot stopped the rubbing and now her agile toes played with the bulging outline of my cock trapped beneath the fabric. My penis was crushed by the restrictive clothing, and pleasure and pain intermixed as she caressed at the sensitive head with her big toe. Sweat beaded on my forehead and I gritted my teeth, trying not to make any noise. She shifted her foot down and pressed up on my balls with the top of her foot, not enough to hurt, just enjoying the weight and give of them. I squirmed in my chair, feeling a wet patch of pre-cum form on my boxers.

“Seriously, Elise,” I said. “Stop.” I didn’t sound very convincing.

She continued to rub the outline of my penis, her toes sliding under my shirt and touching the bare skin of my stomach. Her face was playful, but seemed to show pleasure at my discomfort. A lightbulb went off in my head.

“Are you… jealous?” I said. She responded by pursing her lips into a firm line, and the rubbing became rougher. Then it was gone, her foot withdrawing, leaving me gasping for air.

The waitress returned with a our lunches, a club sandwich and a burger, and two pints of the local draught.

“Enjoy,” she said, shooting me a quick smile and none the wiser of the erection I was sporting under the table.

We ate in silence, me enjoying the beer quite a lot. Elise, ever the fast eater, finished first, and after wiping her face down with a napkin declared she was going to the toilet. She looked at me pointedly, and then strode off.

I chewed my way through the last of my burger, finished off my pint, and realized she’d been gone quite a while. Oh.

I wiped my hands off with a napkin as well and slunk into the toilet. The pub had a set of unisex rooms, only one occupied. I knocked on it.

“Elise?” I asked. The door swung open and I was pulled inside.

She looked ravenous. “You kept me waiting,” she purred in my ear, causing my hairs to stand on end.

I pressed my hand to her groin, feeling the heat and dampness of it through the cotton sundress.

“I’ll make it up to you,” I said. The bathroom was thankfully sparkling clean. I sat her on the toilet, cover down, and knelt in front of her. I hitched up her dress, revealing her uncovered pussy.

I started with my hands, feeling out the shape of her lips, circling around the delicate bud of her clit, passing over the wet opening of her hole. Once she was excited enough I slid a finger inside, eliciting a moan, and then added another. I returned to the G-spot I had found on the first night, gently rubbing it, watching her for a reaction. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back. Soft breaths escaped her open mouth. I used my other hand to press at the spot from the outside, palpating gently on her soft skin. I was rewarded by her tensing up then relaxing into the pleasure, her mouth in a cute little o.

It was time to add my mouth to the equation. I leant in, continuing with my hands, but now my tongue explored around her clit. She moaned again, and her legs wrapped around my back to hold me tight. I tried different patterns until I got a reaction I liked, then held it and took on a steady pace. Her breaths were getting heavier, and her pussy was drenched with desire. I started to hum, a low-throated vibration that passed onto my tongue. She clenched around my fingers, once, twice, then bucked back, her legs releasing me and starting to tremble. I continued my attack, unrelenting, until finally her whole body relaxed with a relieved sigh. I stood up, admiring my handiwork. She was splayed out on the toilet, her exposed groin drenched in fluids. Slowly, she recovered her senses.

“That needs a reward,” she said, rising to her feet.

She unzipped my fly and slipped my penis out through the keyhole in my boxers. It unfurled to full stiffness, finally free from my tight trousers. She spat in her hand and rubbed my cock, not that it needed the lubrication. It had been marinating in pre-cum for a while now. She guided it between her legs, then slid it all the way through, pinched between her thighs. We stood chest to chest, me looking at the tiled wall behind her. I could her plump pussy lips pressing on the top of my cock, and her soft thighs squeezed it from either side. She was wet, the warm liquid drenching my cock. Over her shoulder I could see the tip of my dick nestled between her round butt cheeks. I started to thrust, her breath warm against my ear. There was some friction at first but soon her thighs were running with her desire and my cock glided between them.

I thrust like I was trying to get her pregnant, against all logic. Our legs slapped together as I drove my cock through. The softness of her thighs felt amazing. I held her tight against me and continued to thrust, using her like she was a sex toy and not my sister. My balls clenched up and I squeezed my cock all the way through, spurting cum all over the wall in forceful pumps.

Gasping for air, we disengaged. I took a moment to observe the splatter of cum staining the pristine clean tiled wall. She grabbed a square of toilet paper and rubbed from ass to pussy, returning it soaked with fluid. She chucked the square in the bin and pulled her dress back down.

“I’ll leave you to clean that up,” she said. “I’ve got the bill.”

She walked out, leaving me panting and drained. I pulled a few squares of toilet paper myself, and got to work wiping my cum off the tiles.

[Part 1]( : [Part 3](



  1. I just want to say im a huge fan of this series. It genuinely blends great characters with good erotic scenes and theres actual good substance between them (im a sucker for actual romance). You’re inspiring, and really making me want to write more. Keep it up :)

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