The One that Got Away

I couldn’t believe it, I wanted to yell at the lady in front of me, but I was trying to be polite. The sign on the register said ten items or less, but she had over twenty items and still putting things on the belt.

Finally, the manager up front noticed the same thing the rest of us had and started to help the cashier bag some of them to quicken the line.

I went through the line and purchased my items. As I was heading to my vehicle, a lady waved at me.

“Nate?” the lady said as she approached me. “Nathan Drayson?”

“Yes,” I said as I looked at this petite woman approaching me.

“Kimberly Stracken,” the lady said.

“No way,” I said as I looked at her.

Kimberly was one of the girls I went to high school with. She was in most of my classes.

“Yes, I know, all grown up, right?” Kimberly said.

“Yes,” I said.

“Well, you haven’t changed, look at you!” Kimberly said.

“That’s a lie,” I said, noting my bald head and grey moustache.

“Well apart from that,” Kimberly said. “What brings you back here?”

“I am overseeing the construction of a new building,” I said as we got out of the way of passing cars.

I worked as a supervisor for a large construction company, and one of our projects was falling behind schedule and was going over projected costs.

‘Ah,” Kimberly nodded.

“And you?” I asked.

“Never left,” Kimberly said. “I work, right over there,” she pointed to a salon. “I know sad story, but the truth is, went to college, Mom got sick, came back home and never left.”

I nodded. On the other hand, I left and, until this week, had no thoughts of returning to this dump. I even begged my boss to put someone else on this project. He said it was fun to see me squirm.

“Well, some of us still go to the old hang out, you should pop in and see us,” Kimberly said.

“Same place?” I said.

“It’s not an arcade anymore, they tore it down a few years ago and now it’s a bar,” Kimberly said.

“Ah,” I nodded. Hoping that grown people weren’t still hanging out in an arcade joint.

Kimberly walked away, and I watched as her blonde hair bounced as she walked away. That wasn’t the only thing I watched as she walked away. “Still has it,” I muttered to myself.

Kimberly was the one that got away, not that I ever tried to get her. She was part of the cheerleading and jock crowd, while I wasn’t part of any groups, except for the bad crowd that always got into trouble. I was in detention and the councillor’s office more often than most.

Over twenty years had changed this place. It wasn’t the small-town USA that I had grown up in. Now it had more of a city feel to it. Gone was the open field next to the school. Now it was a strip mall with a Starbucks and a Subway inside. I remember we played pick-up football there at the end of school.

“Wow,” I said as I passed what used to be old man Haggerty’s field. I remembered running away from him one night as we had placed bets on who could run across it.

To this day, I still have a scar on my lower back from where the rock salt from his gun punctured my back.

Gone was the field with the cows and the barbed wire. Now it was an intersection. There never used to be a road there. To get to the other side, we had to drive the long way around Haggerty’s property.

There were many changes, including my hotel. Where the hotel stood used to be a bike shop, we used to ride our bikes down there to get them looked at, plus we wanted to look down Ms’ Toppan’s shirt. She always wore these button flannel shirts that, when she leaned over just right, we could see down them.

I swear she knew what she was doing.

After I checked in and got settled, I called the contractors and told them I would be setting up a meeting first thing in the morning. I wanted in and out of this place as soon as possible. I had no plans on having a trip down memory lane.

Twenty years may have changed the city, but it was still the same to me. Our school was home of the cowboys for a reason. And I was no cowboy then and certainly not one now.

A few of my friends and I were the only minorities in a school of mostly country teens. We were made fun of daily; it wasn’t how it is now where we could report what was happening and something would have come of it. No, we were alone. Even some of the teachers didn’t want anything to do with us.

So, to say I had bad memories would be putting it lightly.

“Where is a good place to eat?” I asked as I went downstairs.

The lady behind the counter told me of a few good places, and I remembered the directions as I plotted a way to a local business she recommended.

‘Fuck me,’ I thought as I pulled up to the bar.

I should have known she would tell me about the bar Kimberly said they hung out. Maybe they weren’t there. I thought to myself as I went inside.

As I entered, country music blared through the speakers, and I immediately wanted to turn back around.

“Nate! You made it!” Kimberly yelled.

She was dressed in a cowgirl outfit, complete with short jean shorts, a tied shirt and a cowboy hat.

“Don’t mind the get up, it’s part of the theme,” she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

‘Like it couldn’t get any worse,’ I thought as she pulled me to the back of the bar.

I was met by some of the old gang, most of them were jocks from the past, and others I knew right away.

“Nate!” my old friend Joshua shouted.

“Josh!” I said, grabbing his hand as I sat down.

“What brings you back here?” was the first question.

Of course, after that, the ball got rolling. Most of them had either never moved or moved and came back.

Kimberly worked at the salon as well as this place. She had married Toby, and they had three kids. Two were out of the house, and they had one left to leave the nest. By the looks on Toby’s face, he thought the child would never go. He was too much of a momma’s boy.

I told them about myself. I went to college, found a job in construction and now was looking to make an assistant. If I did, it would end these stupid trips to God knows where. I would be set behind a desk and making decisions instead of just implementing them.

“So, no kids?” Debra asked.

She was one of the others I vaguely remembered from those days.

“Nope,” I shook my head as I drank my beer. “Never been married, no kids.” I nodded.

“Lucky bastard,” Josh said as he shook his head.

He had told me he was on his third divorce and had seven kids. I told him he should have done what I did and fixed the problem immediately with a simple snip.

I knew I didn’t want kids the moment I graduated from college. I saw what a few of my friends were going through and went straight to the doctors to ensure it would never happen to me.

“Man, it’s good seeing you again,” Josh said, shaking his head as he walked me to my vehicle. “Nice ride!”

“Rental,” I nodded. “Job has it’s perks.”

“It shows,” Josh nodded.

“Have to ask, why are you hanging out with them?” I said as I looked over at the others.

“It’s not like that anymore,” Josh shook his head. “Times have changed, they have changed along with it. Look around, you see any fields? Any cops pulling people over just because they feel like it?”

I had to say the place had changed. “Might not be big city change, but it’s coming around,” Josh nodded.

“I don’t know,” I said, looking over at the guys still hanging outside the bar.

“You still see them as they were, always making fun of us, and calling us names,” Josh nodded.

“Hard not to,” I nodded.

“Hang out with us more, you’ll see,” Josh said as he walked back to them.

I got in my vehicle and started it up. “Leaving already?” Kimberly asked as she came up to the window.

“Yeah, have a meeting early morning,” I answered.

“What are you doing tomorrow, unless you’re one of those cooperate types that work all day,” she smiled.

“I haven’t worked a full day in years,” I said as I leaned back.

“Well, call me, there is something I want to show you,” Kimberly said as she left a note with me.

“Damn!” I said as I watched her pert ass walk away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I always had a thing for cheerleaders. I had it then and still have it to this day. It started watching Kimberly in those tight white skirts back in the day, her long blonde hair and tight red top. Too bad she was off-limits.

Toby and the other jocks made sure to let everyone know all the cheerleaders were their property, and no one could put a hand on them.

I watched Kimberly come out of the salon and run towards my vehicle. She still had that bouncy chest that she would wrap her arms around to stop her chest from hitting her in the face.

“You really don’t work a full day,” Kimberly said as she got inside.

“Perks of being in charge,” I nodded. “So, what do you want to show me?”

“Head for the school,” Kimberly said as she pulled the seat belt over her chest.

“Okay,” I nodded.

I asked about her past, and Kimberly told me there wasn’t much to talk about. She went to college for a few years, then her mom got sick, her father had passed a few years before from cancer, and her mom was ill with another life-threatening disease I couldn’t pronounce to save my life.

When Kimberly came back, she and Toby reunited. She got pregnant, so they got married, which was the end of that, as she put it. Her mother passed away shortly after the second kid was born, and it’s been her and Toby ever since.

“Okay,” I said as we got near the school.

“Do you remember how to get in?” Kimberly asked.

“It’s closed, ain’t it?” I said as I knew it was summer break.

“Didn’t use to stop you and the others from getting in,” Kimberly smiled.

“You know about that huh?” I laughed as I pulled around the back.

“I know a lot about things you did back then,” Kimberly smiled.

I shook my head and got out of the vehicle. “I wonder if it’s still there,” I said as we circled the large fence.

We went into the underbrush that circled the football field. Sure, enough, the place where some of us had cut a hole in the fence was still there.

“How did no one find this?” I said as I held it apart so Kimberly could get through.

“No one was looking,” Kimberly said. “Watch it!” she said, grabbing my arm. “Difference between then and now,” she said as she pointed to the cameras above us. “Technology has come a long way. This way.”

I followed behind her as we circled the large building. The moment we got close, it started downpouring. I had to admit it was fun breaking into my old school again.

We ran across the large area between the buildings, and she opened a trap door, and we entered the main building.

“Wow,” I said as I walked inside.

“Changed a lot huh?” Kimberly said.

“You can say that again,” I nodded.

Everything was updated and modern. “Come on,” Kimberly yelled as she ran down the hallway.

I followed close behind her.

“The girls bathroom?” I asked.

“Yeah, you will see,” Kimberly said as she pushed the door open. “They keep painting it over, so I have to keep coming back,” she said as she pulled out a small knife.

Kimberly opened one of the stalls. “See,” she said as she pointed to a heart with an arrow through it.

Inside the heart, it had the initials K.S loves N.D.

Kimberly re-carved the lines and smiled back at me. “Well?” she said as she looked at me.

“When did you carve that?” I said, stunned.

“Sophmore year, originally,” Kimberly said as she put the knife away.

“They redid the bathrooms since then, so I had to come back and carve it in again. Of course, no one knows who K.S. or N.D. is anymore, but,” she shrugged. “I do.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I said, staring back at her.

“Who’s there!” a loud voice said, entering the bathroom.

We both jumped onto the toilet, barely making it. The man stood there in the doorway for a few moments while we stood in silence.

When he left, we quickly exited the bathroom and ran down the halls. It felt like I was a teenager again, running from the older man and his dog that used to patrol the school when we used to sneak in.

We ran across the field and to the bleachers. We could still hear him yelling, but he stopped at the field. We were both out of breath as we looked out and saw the man standing under the building out of the rain.

Kimberly and I were both soaked to the skin. “Well? Did you have fun?” Kimberly smiled.

“Tons,” I smiled.

Here I was, forty-two and acting like I was sixteen again. “What about the other thing?” Kimberly asked.

“Still speechless, I didn’t know,” I shrugged.

“How were you to know,” Kimberly said. “My father would have killed you, then did who knows what to me,” she said, shaking her head.

Interracial relationships weren’t a thing in our time. Sure some risked it, but not like these days. “If I had known,” I started to say.

“I know,” Kimberly said.

We started to kiss, and I grabbed her and pushed her against the back wall. “You’re married and ….”

“Stop talking,” Kimberly said as she unbuckled my belt.

I lifted her off her feet and pulled her panties to the side. Luckily for me, she was wearing a short jeans skirt again, and I pushed inside her.

“Yes,” Kimberly said as she gripped me.

I started to fuck the high school cheerleader under the bleachers as it rained and thundered above us. So many years had passed, and I felt like it all went away as I fucked her hard and deep.

Kimberly’s nails dug into me as she held onto me. “Harder,” she said into my ear as her arms wrapped around my neck.

I dug my face between her ample chest as I pushed deeper into her.

I could hear her phone ring as I fucked her, and I couldn’t care who was calling her. She was mine now. I was getting close to cumming. The more her tits bounced in front of me, the harder it was not to think about it.

“Don’t,” Kimberly said as she looked down at me. “Cum inside me.”

We locked eyes on each other as I fucked her until I pushed deep into her.

Slowly I let her legs fall back to the ground. Kimberly readjusted herself, and we slowly and quietly made it back to my vehicle.

We didn’t say anything the whole way back. It was as if what happened under the bleachers hadn’t happened.

“Thank you,” I said as I dropped her off.

“Thank you also,” Kimberly said.

I watched as she walked back inside. “Still got it,” I said as I looked at her ass.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For the rest of the days I was there, I hung out with everybody and realized it was I that hadn’t changed.

Even though I had fucked his wife, Toby had changed a lot, he still had the higher-than-thou attitude, but for the most part, he wasn’t that arrogant prick that I had once known.

“You’re right,” I told Josh as I told him I was leaving in the morning.

“Told you,” Josh nodded. “Maybe it won’t be twenty years, before you come back around?”

“Definitely not,” I nodded.

I was packing my clothes and getting things ready for my departure in the morning when there was a knock on the door.

I had no one I knew that would come to visit me, so I had no idea who it could be. I opened the door, and Kimberly came rushing inside.

“I told him,” Kimberly said.

“You what?” I said, shocked as I closed the door.

“Not about that,” Kimberly shook her head. “I told him about everything else, how I felt, and how I felt the moment I saw you and….” Kimberly sat on the edge of the bed.

“What did he say?” I asked.

“He laughed,” Kimberly shook his head. “He just laughed.”

“That’s it?” I said.

“Yeah,” Kimberly nodded. “He picked up his truck keys and said have a good life, that he would take care of Jimmy and everything else.”

Jimmy was the stay-at-home teenager that hadn’t left yet.

“What now?” I asked.

“Take me with you!” Kimberly said.

“What?” I said.

“You’ve been thinking about it, or you would have left after the second day,” Kimberly said as she stood up.

“How?” I asked.

She was right, I could have left after getting what I needed, but I stuck around to be in her presence.

“I told you, I know a lot about you, so, take me with you,” Kimberly said again. “There is nothing for me here, I am miserable.”

I didn’t even think about the next thing out of my mouth. It just came out.

“Okay,” I nodded. “Pack your things and meet me….”

Kimberly walked to the door and pulled in two large suitcases. “Packed,” she said.

“Okay,” I nodded.

That night I had sex with the woman I thought had gotten away, but in the morning, I left the town I hated with her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Three years later, we were still together and fucking like we were animals.

“Fuck!” I said as I watched her ride my cock like she was at a rodeo.

I watched her big tits bouncing up and down as she bounced up and down on me.

“Say it,” Kimberly said.

“We’re married,” I said for the fifth time.

We had gotten married the day before, back in our hometown. I left my big city job for a smaller construction company. Josh had been my best man, and Toby had driven Kimberly to the church.

“Love hearing you say that,” Kimberly said as she came down and kissed me.

I never thought a woman would ever come into my life and make me want to put a ring on their finger. Kimberly changed all of that. She was everything I wanted and more.

“Cum on,” Kimberly said as she looked down at me. “Cum in your wife!”

I pushed up and did just that. It was going to be the first of many, and as she laid down next to me, I couldn’t be happier.

“Where are you going?” I asked as she got out of bed.

Kimberly held up a small knife. “They repainted again,” she smiled. “I will be right back, you better be ready for a few more rounds, cowboy!”

Kimberly winked at me as she left the room.

“You work there now!” I shouted. “You don’t have to sneak in!”

“Where is the fun in that!” Kimberly shouted back. “You could come with me, you know!”

I lay in bed for a few seconds. Then jumped out of bed. “Coming!”



***Author’s Note: This story as well as many other stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
