Simon Says

Disclaimer: Hypnosis/Mind Control elements and Daddy/Daughter incest scenes. This is the first 5000 words of my new short, ‘Simon Says.’

**Simon Says**

When I wanted to spend some quality time with my only child and daughter, *this* was not what I was expecting.

“Heidi, baby.” I leaned into my daughter’s ear, which proved to be a major mistake because her delicious scent waffled into my nostrils.

Fuck. I easily recognized the expensive perfume. An intoxicating mixture of bergamot and rosewood—the perfect date night scent.

My daughter clicked her tongue, making her annoyance clear. She partially turned towards me, her gaze still set forward onto the stage, and when she parted her rose painted lips, her usual breathy tone was nowhere to be heard. “What, Simon?”

I didn’t know which was worse. My frustratingly rock hard erection because I was aroused by my own daughter’s scent or the fact that she had no respect for me, calling me by name.

What happened to ‘Daddy’? Ever since her mother received custody of her, my sweet Heidi had changed, being fed poison about me by that bitch for years.

But she was eighteen now, free to do whatever she liked. And of course, on our first outing together, my sweet daughter forced me to go to a fashion show with her, intending to use my face to garner connections to further her career as a fashion designer, as if my name was not enough.

The fashion show had ended an hour ago. It was already late, with heavy clouds looming overhead. I had requested for us to go for a walk or grab a coffee, but there was a hypnotist show ongoing a few blocks away and Heidi had pulled me to the attraction, interested in all this hocus-pocus.

Because that was all hypnosis was. Just a magic show with some acting.


“Ladies and gentleman.” A voice boomed from the stage and a man stepped out in a sharp tuxedo, his gait purposeful and confident. Not what I was expecting from a hypnotist. I had pictured a man in a top head with a ridiculous coat.

He surveyed the audience with a bright smite, teeth flashing. “Welcome to the show!”

The hypnotist bowed at the applause before continuing. “I must warn you fine people. This show of hypnotism is only for the eyes of the brave. There will be nudity, acts of lust and depravity, with an added dark spin on the emotion we call ‘love.’ If you do not wish to see these acts, I’d advise you to leave now. You will be fully refunded.”

The hypnotist waited for people to leave. No one stood. It felt like everyone was holding their breath, an uneasy silence prickling the air around us.

I assumed everybody started nervous because we all had to sign a contract before we entered the venue, preventing us from suing the organizers or the hypnotist if he made us do something that we didn’t like.

A load of crap just to get us in the mood. A brilliant strategy, though.

“Alright!” He clapped his hands once, his voice booming through the theater. “Looks like I have a brave crowd today. Love it.” The hypnotist dropped his hand to his side and scanned the audience. “For my first act, I would require volunteers from my fearless audience. Two married couples. Two men and two women.” He spread his hands wide. “Any takers?”

Hands shot up. I looked at my daughter as the showman chose his volunteers.

Fuck. She looked especially ravishing today, especially in that midnight backless strap dress. If I were to be put into a trance, it would be from looking at her.

Heidi had semblances to her mother. Golden luscious locks that fell down in waves to the curves on her back, high cheekbones that framed a perfectly symmetrical face, and full lips that were painted a beautiful rose, almost gleaming under the theater lights. Her dark eyes were inherited by me, but that was the only trait she took.

Heidi was her mother’s daughter through and through, and she was acting more like her every day. Disobedient, spoiled with no respect for me; she lost her golden innocence that I wished would return.

I missed my angel.

I must have been staring too long because her diamond earrings glittered as she turned.

“What?” she said, almost in a snap.

I sighed. “Nothing.”

I focused my attention back on the stage. The hypnotist had his volunteers mic up and already seated, the two men on the left, and the two ladies on the right, the couples facing each other.

A hush fell when the hypnotist took out a pocket watch seemingly out of thin air, a confident smile firm on his lips.

“Many of you think that hypnosis isn’t real.” He circled his seated volunteers. “I’m not only here tonight to entertain but also to convert the non-believers. I can assure you that hypnosis is very much real. It’s just unexplored, with the top minds of today, brilliant scientists, still puzzled by this mysterious art form. Watch.”

He walked up to one of the women.

“Miss,” he said. “What is your name?”

She shot him a nervous smile. “Amanda.”

“Amanda.” He gestured to the man sitting opposite. “This is your husband?”


“Will you ever cheat on him?”

“What?” she shook her head. “No, never.”

“And you?” He looked at the other lady, who was fidgeting with her fingers.

She smiled. “Lucy.”

“And the gentleman in front of you is your husband?”


“Will you ever cheat on him?”

Her tone was adamant. “Never.”

The hypnotist clicked his fingers and stood in the middle of all of them. He dropped his pocket watch and clutched at the chains so it was hanging in the air, visible to all the participants.

The showman addressed them, his voice dipping low and smooth. “I want you four to look at the watch. Keep your eyes on the watch and your ears on my voice. Good.” He started swinging the pendulum, clicking his tongue and snapping his fingers in an interesting interval. A snap every ten seconds and a click every fifteen.

All four volunteers were swaying their hands in sync with the pendulum while the audience held tense breaths as we watched. A minute passed. We all gasped when Amanda swayed to the side, almost toppling over. The volunteers were dozing off, eyes half closed, eyelids heavier by the second.

I shook my head. Who were they fooling? They must be actors. Good ones.

Sucking in a breath, I stole a look at my beautiful daughter. She seemed entranced by the show, her lips parted slightly, her hands squeezed together.

“Sleep!” The hypnotist voice boomed, echoing off the walls of the theater. I snapped my attention back towards the stage, seeing all four volunteers sitting slack on their chairs, heads down.

The hypnotist smiled at his work, but there was no applause. Only the showman’s footsteps could be heard as he walked over to Amanda and patted her head as if she was his pet, stroking his hand over her auburn hair.

“Amanda,” he said softly, but the speakers around the hall made it so that we could hear him clearly.

“Yes?” she whispered back, even lower, her voice a dull monotone.

“Open your eyes.”

Slowly, robotically, she raised her head, her eyes open but her gaze blank. Her lips were parted and saliva was leaking from the right edges of her lip.

Damn, she was a good actor.

The hypnotist fished out a silk handkerchief from his front pocket and wiped Amanda’s lips before he turned towards the audience and addressed us all.

“Amanda,” he spoke out, louder this time, his voice booming. “Is the person in front of you your husband?”

“Yes.” she replied, her voice still in a dull, low monotone.

“Look at the man at his side.”

She switched gaze, her movement eerily robotic, and he continued talking without even checking if she had obeyed. “That man you’re looking at. He is now your husband and the love of your life.” He clicked his tongue and snapped his fingers to punctuate the order. “Show him how much you love him.”

Amanda rose from her chair and walked towards the man that was definitely not her husband, her movements slow as if she had drank too much liquor. She slumped on his lap, straddling the man, and a gasp rose from the audience when she began making out with him, shoving her tongue in his mouth.

I looked at Amanda’s husband, but he showed no reaction, his chin down, eyes closed.

“Oh my god,” Heidi whispered, and I stilled when my daughter found my hand and clutched it.

But the moment was broken a second later when she realized what she was doing and let me go, murmuring something under her breath that I couldn’t hear over all the commotion.

“Please.” The hypnotist laughed. “I warned you fine people. This is not like any hypnotist show. There will be acts of depravity. Just don’t tell my volunteers what happened after I wake them up.”

That got a laugh from the audience. Boom. He had won them over. Genius strategy with four paid actors.

The hypnotist repeated the process, making Lucy make out with Amanda’s husband, both men now kissing each other’s wives.

Then it got darker. The hypnotist made them all strip, and the audience went wild when the ladies went on all fours and the men began railing them from behind, pumping their cocks into the wrong wives.

This was insanity. My daughter shouldn’t be watching acts like this. Christ, she had just turned eighteen a month ago.

“Let’s go,” I said, getting up and grabbing her wrist.

“What are you doing?” She resisted and shot me a death glare.

“We shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be watching vile acts like this.”

“Fuck off, Simon. I’m a full-grown adult. If you want to leave, leave. I’m staying.”

I stood there for a moment, debating whether I should drag my daughter out. But that would cause a scene and a clip of me forcing my daughter out of the venue might surface on YouTube. Sighing, I lowered myself back down to my seat and watched the fucked up display in front of us.

Amanda and Lucy were shrieking and screaming, orgasming at the same time as cocks plunged in and out of their pussies.

When they were done, the hypnotist made them dress back up before sitting them down back in their chairs. The crowd by now had settled down too, the energy around the hall much more alive—a clear disparity to the sullen atmosphere just ten minutes ago.

More pendulum action, snapping, clicking.

“I’m going to count down from five,” he said to his hypnotized volunteers. “When I reach one and you hear the snap of my fingers, you will forget everything you did on stage. You will return to normal and feel very refreshed. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” all four said in perfect sync, their voices low and monotone.

The hypnotist smiled, swinging his watch. “Good. Five… four… three… two…” He turned to the audience. “One.”


Amanda jerked up from the seat while the three groaned, rubbing their temples or their foreheads.

The audience laughed and cheered. The hypnotist bowed before gesturing to the confused volunteers to return to their seats.

The applause grew in volume and the hypnotist bowed low again, this time with a flourish, twirling his hand as he bent from his waist.

God, this guy really was a showman.

“Now,” he started, and immediately the clapping and hooting ceased all at once. “I’d need two volunteers. A brave man and a beautiful woman.”

Hands shot up. This time, it was much more than the initial call out for volunteers. More than half of the audience had their arm raised, and my brows furrowed when I saw my daughter had her hand up in the air too.

“Heidi,” I said. “What are you—”

“The beautiful young lady at the back!” The hypnotist voice sent chills down my spine. He was looking at us. Shit. “And the handsome gentleman beside her. Why don’t you both step on stage?”

What the hell? Why was he calling us? We were not his actors.

A sudden thought shot into my mind.

Was… was hypnosis real?

No, no, it couldn’t be. There was no way.

“Heidi!” I hissed through clenched teeth as she stood up and headed towards the stage, high heels clicking on the steps. The wolf whistles and thirsty cries were deafening as all the men in the audience watched my daughter.


What could I do but follow her?

A mic was promptly attached to the lapel of my suit by a stagehand, and I was ushered to a chair right in front of my daughter, who was all smiles and waves. She loved being the center of attention.

“Senorita.” The hypnotist bowed his head and took Heidi’s hand, kissing it. “What might be this beautiful young lady’s name?”

More wolf whistles.

*Yes, yes, I know. My daughter is smoking hot.* Fucking savages.

“Heidi,” my daughter said with a giggle.

“Heidi,” the hypnotist tasted the word before turning to me. “And this is your boyfriend?”

“Boyfriend? What? No. He’s my dad.”

“Ah, your father.” The hypnotist gave me a slight bow. “What is your name, Sir?”

Hmm, weird. He didn’t ask for the men’s name during the first call for volunteers.

“Simon,” I said, shaking his hand when he offered it.

“Firm grip, Sir,” the hypnotist chuckled, then turned to the audience. “I love it when I get a Simon. You fine people will see why in a second.”

I adjusted my coat’s lapel as the showman stepped in front of my daughter, his back turned to me.

“Now, Heidi,” he said, his voice dipping low. “I want you to look at the watch and listen to my voice.”

I couldn’t see my daughter’s face, but I could tell the hypnotist was touching her, twirling her golden hair around a finger as he swayed the pendulum in front of her gaze, clicking his tongue and snapping his fingers every so often.

The audience was deathly quiet again, and I was not a person to get nervous. But right then, with that man trying to lull my own daughter into a trance that I was still internally debating was real or not—it had me riled up.

“That’s right, beautiful,” the hypnotist whispered, drawing his finger down Heidi’s cheeks. “Keep your gaze on the watch. Keep listening to my voice and my voice alone. Everything but the watch is a blur everything but the sound of my voice is a drone. Nothing else matters. Do you understand, Heidi?”


Her voice was barely a whisper.

“Good girl.” Even though I couldn’t see his expression, the smile was clear in his voice. He clicked his tongue and dropped his finger from her hair to tap her shoulder. “Sleep!”

I saw Heidi’s shoulder relaxed and her head dropping forward. The audience cheered and dozens of men started screaming different words.

“Fuck her!”

“Make her strip!”

“Give her a good pounding!”

“Make her fuck her dad!”

The last one made the audience laugh. The hypnotist chuckled, then turned to me. For a second, I caught a glimpse of my daughter, completely slumped forward in her chair, her chin down.

“Simon,” he said, pocketing his watch. “Is Heidi a good daughter to you?”

“Yes.” What else could I say?

I didn’t know how the hypnotist saw through my words, but he shook his head and said the words with utter certainty. “But that’s not true, is it?”


“You have a naughty daughter, Simon. Let’s not pander to the crowd.”

I thought the audience would react, but they were so silent, if a pin dropped, it could be heard from the other side of the room. I surveyed the crowd, only seeing men’s eyes all staring at my young daughter, not even bothering to hide the hunger in their eyes.

I chose my next words carefully. “She can be disobedient sometimes, yes. But she’s a good daughter.”

My daughter wasn’t reacting, frozen in her seat.

The hypnotist’s voice sliced through the air. “So you admit she is disobedient?”

“Well…” I shifted in my seat. This was not good. My composure was slipping. “Sometimes, yes.”

“And you wish she would be a good girl?” He flashed a grin. “Daddy’s good girl.”

I glared at him, wishing I could wipe that cocky grin off his face. “I’m very uncomfortable with where this is going.”

He didn’t skip a beat.

“Don’t be.” Turning to Heidi and the audience, he leaned forward and whispered in my daughter’s ear, his smooth voice carrying through the speakers. “Heidi, we’re going to play a game. Do you know how to play ‘Simon Says?’”

She replied immediately, her tone flat.


“Good. Because from now on, whenever your father says the words ‘Simon Says,’ whatever that follows, you will obey unyieldingly and unquestionably. Do you understand, my sweet thing?” He paused, and I swore he was sniffing her.


The hypnotist straightened himself and spread his arms wide for the audience. “Fine people, do you like where this is going?”

The response was ear-shattering. The theater went from a tense silence to people screaming their lungs out, mixed in with a thundering applause. More shouts of disgusting words being thrown at my daughter could be heard from the uproar.

The hypnotist waited patiently for the applause to die down, but it took a fucking long while. I fidgeted in my seat and stared at my daughter, her eyes closed, drool dripping down her chin. I wished I could take her hand and lead us out of the madness we were in, but my ass felt glued to my seat, even though I wasn’t in a trance—or I didn’t think I was.

It was real. Hypnosis was fucking real. Heidi was a lot of things, but she wasn’t the kind to act and be played for a fool, especially in front of an audience.

The commotion finally died down and the hypnotist’s words filled the air. “Now, Heidi. Wake up.” He snapped his fingers.

“Huh?” My daughter looked at me, then wiped the saliva off her face. “Simon—What…” she turned to the hypnotist, then the audience. “What happened?”

“Nothing interesting yet, beautiful,” the hypnotist replied calmly, then gestured to me. “Now, Simon. The floor is yours. You know what to do.”

I could feel hundreds of pairs of eyes on me. My daughter’s dark eyes were full of confusion as she gazed at me, wondering what the hell was going on.

A voice from the audience cut through.

“Make her strip, Simon!”

A cheer, then the audience went ballistic. People were standing, hopping, shouting words and giving me orders on what I should do to Heidi. Every scream filled with filth and thirst, none of them innocent.

Heidi stood up, panic coloring her beautiful features, and her look of dread made me stand too.

What the fuck was going on?

“Simon?” The hypnotist raised a brow at me, gesturing to the screaming audience. A can of coke sailed towards us, but it landed a few feet away. “The crowd has spoken. What will you do? What—”

Blaring sounded from all around us, causing the hysterical audience to quiet down. Everyone was looking everywhere, and for the first time, the hypnotist looked nervous, his confident facade slipping off as he looked from side to side.

A moment later, a female voice sounded from the speakers.

“This is an emergency. Please evacuate the premises immediately at your nearest exits. I repeat, this is an emergency…”

If I thought it was chaos with people hurling words at me to fuck my own daughter for their viewing pleasure, I hadn’t seen everything yet. The whole theatre erupted in screams and shouts. A mass of bodies fought to be the first to exit the double doors at the entrance where we came in.

“Simon?” Heidi’s terrified whisper grounded me back into the present. She looked at me with wide eyes, and I didn’t think—just reacted.

I grabbed my daughter’s hand. She didn’t flinch or jerk away like I half expected her to based on all the previous times I had tried physical contact. Her willingness brought back a surge of confidence. A warm heat in my chest I was familiar with.

While everyone was fighting for the exit at the front, I led my daughter past the hypnotist who was still frozen to the ground, looking utterly dumbfounded.

I brought Heidi to the side, towards a door with the words ‘exit’ displayed at the top, although it wasn’t visible from afar since it wasn’t lit—which I was sure was a serious violation of the law.

“What’s happening, Simon?” Heidi whispered from behind me as we climbed down the stairs, her trembling hand clutched in mine.

“I don’t know. But stay calm, alright? We’ll be okay.”

Her heels echoed off the walls. “Okay,” she huffed, her scared voice strangely turning me the fuck on. For a moment, she sounded like my little girl again, not whatever her mother molded her into.

We exited into the lobby, where firefighters could be spotted among the anxious crowd. We filed for the exit, and half a minute later, stepped into the cool night air. I allowed myself a sigh of relief.

“Simon.” I felt my daughter’s fingers tightening. “Look!”

I turned towards her, then stared in the direction she was pointing. There was a blaze at the far end of the building, thick billowing smoke surging upwards into the night sky.

We stood there for minutes, watching as the firefighters got to action, sirens mixing in with the excited chatter.

With the combined experience of attending the fashion show, taking part in a hypnosis show event, and then this emergency, I haven’t had this much adrenaline in years.

Heidi must have finally noticed we were still holding hands because she jerked her hand away. When I looked at her, she gazed to the side, ignoring me.

Back to her old self, I see.

“Let’s go,” I muttered, placing a hand on the amazing curve on her lower back, feeling her soft porcelain skin.

Heidi walked to the side, more than an arm’s length away. I dropped my hand back to my side, accepting her signals and admitting defeat. I just wanted a relationship with my daughter to be what it was like ages ago, before she was stripped away from me by a single court order.

They deemed it better that her mother received custody over her since I was always busy with work and I wasn’t ‘a great father.’ There was photo evidence of me getting rowdy with other women because of that damned private investigator that bitch had hired.

Now that I had Heidi back, all she wanted from me was to show my face around events she attended, to garner the connections she needed. She saw me as a tool for her own gain, and I would gladly be played for a fool as long as I could spend time with her, but it wasn’t looking good.

Heidi had only spent a month living withe, and she was already causing too many problems, so much so that our housekeeper, Laurie, requested a two week’s vacation because she couldn’t bear to deal with all the mess Heidi was creating. So until I could hire more help, I had to personally clean up after my daughter, since she refused to do so herself.

The car ride back was silent like usual. Only the soft hum of the music from the car’s speakers made the experience bearable as Heidi tapped away on her phone, only replying to me with grunts when I asked her if she was okay.

As depressing as it was, the brief stint of her talking to me when she was panicking was the most words she had ever exchanged with me, and I hated the fact.

After fifteen minutes on the road, we reached the driveway of my house.

I owned multiple places, but the small, modern residency was my most beloved. I hated large real estates with the endless amount of spaces. It made everything feel so cold and lonely.

As a statement name in the fashion industry, I had made sure that my home, although tiny, was as cozy and stylish as possible. The home had a heavy French touch, something that I had insisted on and I even committed a large part of my time to be an active part of the entire design process.

We exited the car and Heidi breezed past me without a word the moment I disabled security and opened the door.

“Heidi?” I called after her, but she ignored me and disappeared up the stairs, towards her room.

Heaving what seemed like the twentieth sighed that day—it couldn’t be good for my heart—I walked up the stairs and swung open my daughter’s door, which proved to be a fatal mistake.

Because Heidi was basically naked, in the process of stripping off her midnight backless dress. She wasn’t wearing one of those strapless bras, so her full breasts were in view, so fucking round and plump. Large too, bigger than I had expected.

Her curves seemed even more otherworldly when there wasn’t any fabric covering them, and the only thing that prevented me from fully seeing my daughter was sexy white laced panties, hiding her sex from my sight.

“SIMON!” she screamed, stomping towards the door and slamming it in my face. Luckily, I had withdrawn my finger from the edge or she would have chomped them off with the force.

Shit. Fuck.

This was bad, but why… why was my cock leaking under my pants and…

Why did it feel so right?

It had been ages since I was inside a woman because I had been buried with my work, but…


I knew my daughter was beautiful. It was like saying water was wet, but I had never once thought about Heidi in a sexual way.

Yes, my body reacted to her. But I had always blamed the jerk under my pants, or the way my heart hundred in my chest whenever we were together to primal instincts.

Blood relations or not, Heidi was an *objectively* stunning female and even though I was in my forties, I was still a man and had the sex drive of one. It was just the chemicals reacting to an attractive, fertile female in heat. I had never once *mentally* thought about my daughter in a sexual nature.

Until now.

God. Right then, I had never desired anything more in life than Heidi. She was my own daughter, for fuck sake, but she was also the hottest eighteen-year-old I had ever seen. Those lovely ladies in bars and clubs I used to frequent for one-night stands? None of them could hold a candle to her.

Holy shit. I was lusting after my daughter.

It felt wrong. Sinful. Vile. But after what I had witnessed in that dark theater, and after seeing my daughter naked for the first time, ‘wrong’ was not in my dictionary.

The door opened, and I was greeted by Heidi in her silk nightgown, glaring at me with dark eyes.

“What the fuck, Simon?” I had never seen her so furious, even during our worst arguments. “Why the fuck didn’t you knock?”

“That was my bad.”

Was it? It was my house, and she was my daughter.

“But, you need to learn some manners, Heidi,” I continued, knowing the full irony of what I was saying, but the point had to be made. I had been harboring the frustration of living with her for a month now, and the words rushed out of me before I could stop myself. “You call me by name, you don’t respect me, your own father. You don’t clean up after yourself. You aren’t grateful for what I have given you your whole life.”

“You didn’t give me shit!” She snapped back, and I could see her knuckles turning white at how tightly she was gripping the door. “What have you given me? What did you do to deserve my respect? Huh, Simon? What?”

Heat bubbled from my chest, and dark tendrils of anger breached the edges of my vision.

*Calm. I’m a man of composure, and I have to remain in control.*

I closed my eyes and took in several breaths. When I opened them, I felt more relaxed, even though the anger hadn’t dissipated in the slightest.

“Heidi, darling. I paid for your entire tuition from when you were a little girl until you graduated college. I gave you and your mother a house. I paid for every single purchase that you made, unnecessary or not. I spent so many nights making calls so you could have your start in the fashion industry. I give you the best life I could afford and this is what I get in return?”

If looks could kill, I would be a bloodied corpse.

“Fuck you, Simon. Leave me alone.” She tried to slam the door in my face again, but I held the door with a foot and a firm hand.

“We’re not finished with the conversation, young lady.”

“The hell we are! Go away!”

I closed my eyes again, wondering how I should deal with her. I had only a few years’ experience raising a child, and now she was back, but as a fully grown adult.

What the fuck should I do or say to make her get the point?

“Simon!” she spat, trying to force the door close. “Go away!”

*Simon.*> Of course. The hypnosis show.

The hypnotist had placed Heidi in a trance, woke her up, but…

He never reversed the single command he implemented in her mind.

And if hypnosis was real and Heidi wasn’t acting when I knew she wasn’t, then…

I opened my eyes. “Simon says you should apologize to me.”

I sucked in a breath. Fuck. Had I really said that?

If my daughter thought I was crazy, then those words sealed the deal. She would move away, get her own place that I had to pay for because no matter what, I still loved my daughter and would support her, no matter the state of our relationship.

Shit, I have to—

I took a step back when Heidi came forward a step. There was something different in her eyes. There wasn’t anger in them anymore. There was just… guilt?

Her next words had me gripping the stairs railing.

“I’m sorry, Simon,” Heidi said, her words clear. “I was wrong. Please forgive me.”

My daughter… she… she just apologized.

That meant hypnosis was real.

And she was still playing ‘Simon Says’.

I stared at her dark eyes, watching those browns go from shame to confusion.

She shook her head, her dazzling golden waves following her movements, the scent of her delicious shampoo eliciting an unconscious growl from my throat.

I couldn’t believe I had created this beautiful woman. Heidi had grown up to be way sexier than her mother—than all the women I had ever set my eyes on.

“What…” She looked down at her feet before meeting my gaze, and I became lost in those deep, dark eyes that had the same depth as mine. “Wh-why did I say that?”

I didn’t even realize I was smiling until I forced myself to break away from her hypnotic gaze, almost in a trance myself.

“Well, maybe because you’re really sorry, Heidi. It’s not a crime to apologize when you’re in the wrong. Especially to your father.”

“But I’m not wrong! You are! You know what?” She tried to close her door, but my foot stayed firmly in place. “Simon, fuck off!”

“Simon says you will allow me to enter your room.”

“What are you—” Her eyes went wide and the pressure on the door ceased. I couldn’t break off my smile as I watched my beautiful daughter take a step back, her movements robotic.

I stepped into her room, noticing the messy state. Her bed was unmade and clothes were spilled everywhere: on her bed, on the floor, on her chairs, and I noticed the backless strap dress she had been wearing pooled at the side of her room.

“Simon, I don’t know why I allowed you inside, but you have to get out. Now.”

I turned to her, chuckling at the fiery in her expression. Jawline locked, furious eyes, dark brows furrowed together.

I spoke calmly. “Simon says you are to address me as ‘Daddy’ from now on, and you will treat me with utmost respect.”

Heidi was motionless for several moments, and my heart almost went still alongside her. But then she moved, and the fury in her expression morphed into shame once again.

“I…” She looked down at her bare feet and rubbed her hands together. “I—I’m sorry, Daddy. I don’t know what came over me.”

This… this was what I wanted all long. A docile, submissive daughter willing to do whatever Daddy wanted her to do.

My dream daughter.

“It’s okay, baby girl,” I told her, and the tiniest of smirks crack the straightness of his lips. I closed the distance between us and took a strand of her golden hair, twirling it around my finger. So soft, so smooth, and she still had that exotic date night perfume on her, making my cock throb painfully. “I want you to do something for Daddy.”


“Give me a blowjob.”

Author’s Note:

Hope you enjoyed it! If you want to read on, you can purchase the full story [here](


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