Platonic Friends 03 (fiction, M/F, Con, Friends, Roommates)

Well that was *weird*.  

If I didn’t know any better I would say Felicity was trying to seduce me.  

I smiled and thought that was silly as I stood in the shower washing off my accumulated stink after hiding in my vehicle’s for nearly two weeks.  

Though her ass *did* look nice.  

I slightly imagined what Felicity’s ass would look like without the clothing.  

Only problem is I suck at imagination and I’ve never seen Felicity naked.  And it’s not like I’ve been with a whole lot of girls so I couldn’t really compare her to anything.  

Curse of having a big cock not many takers want to ride something that would hurt them.  

And like I said it *has* been a while to where I had *almost* forgotten what a naked girl in real life looks like.  My only reference to what a naked woman looks like anymore is the internet.  

Still not the same thing.

I looked down at my *friend* finding that my *thinking* of Felicity’s ass got **his** attention as he was at half mast and reminded me that I needed to give him some attention and get rid of my frustration.  

I sighed as I poured an extra dollop of shampoo and lathered him up going into my *spank bank* as I started stroking him.  

Within a few strokes my lower anatomy had fully lengthened and I sped up my strokes as I kept my *spank bank* in mind.  

Now came the arduous journey of me stroking myself at various speeds until I finally cum as my other problem happens.  

My other problem is when I cum it isn’t a *small* amount.  

No no no no.  

When I cum it’s quite **a lot**.  

And this time was no different as I literally *sprayed* the wall with my load causing my body to tremble as I gasped and grunted from the exertion as each spurt of fluid fired out of me making my hips jerk with each repetition until the last rope of fluid shot out.  

I stood in the running water letting the hot water relax my muscle’s until I finally got enough strength to wash off my load from the wall and resumed *cleaning* myself.  

After some time I finally stepped out of the shower with my bathroom gear in tow as the only thing on me was a towel wrapped around my waist as I walked off to my bedroom to change.  

In my bedroom of chaos as my room was messy. 

Against one wall was my closet where my clothes hung with a dresser thrown in for my pants, shorts, socks and boxers.  A drawer with *items* in it. And finally a junk drawer.  Along the top shelf was various items with an open spot where I put my bathroom supplies in.  

Against the wall below the window was my portable ac unit that was hooked up to vent out the ac’s hot air out the window.  Next to that is my desk where my TV sits on along with my laptop.  

On the other side is various shelf’s I’ve installed using glue strip where various items reside.  

Then finally against the last wall was my queen bed.  

And then there’s the floor with my chaos with smuggled soda boxes and all sorts of things littering the floor.  


I told you my room was a mess.  

I stood there as I added my damp towel while I stood in front of my closet letting the last remaining bit of water on me air dry while I figure out what to wear.  

I walked out of my room after deciding on simple boxers and my jersey knit shorts.  

I would have worn a shirt but I felt like going shirtless for tonight as I wasn’t expecting much.  

Watch some TV of *our* show try to not have a repeat performance then go to bed.  

I walked out and realized that having a simple night in might not be in the cards for me.  

Why did I suddenly *realize* that?


Because standing in front of me was Felicity in a short thinly fabric robe that showed me she was wearing a lacy teddy.  

Naturally my jaw immediately hit the ground and I was bulging in my shorts.  

After I finally recovered and saw that Felicity had a smile on her face showing the she was satisfied with the reaction she got out of me.  

Once I recovered I noticed all sorts of things that she had never done before.  

Things like she had her dirty blonde up in a manner that looked like she was going for comfort but it was everything but comfort as I could tell she took some time to put her hair up in this manner.  

She actually had makeup on but it wasn’t your *normal* I’m going out makeup.  This was more of your….light touch as she was trying to go for this natural look but I know it wasn’t natural as her face isn’t normally that put together as her natural blemishes were missing.  

Her lips normally aren’t that….pink.  

And she was wearing eye shadow for gods sake.  

Between the hair, the makeup, and the outfit told me volumes.  

She was out to *seduce* me.  

Felicity spoke with a sly smile, “I hope you don’t mind but I ordered some pizza from Gio’s.”

Gio’s the place with *the* best pie in our fair city.  And I would bet that Gio’s could beat just about any place in any town or city and come out on top.  

And now she was buttering me up.  

The only thing left was….

Felicity continued, “I was thinking maybe we eat some pizza and drink some wine while we finish off *our* show.”

And there it was……alcohol.

The ultimate recipe where *seduction* is guaranteed.  

Normally I’m not much of a wine guy I’m more of a beer or hard liquor guy.  

I mean yes I do drink wine but it’s not my *go to*.  

I smiled, “Sounds great,” I motioned towards the couch, “shall we.”

Felicity picked up the two boxes of pizza’s handing me the boxes, “The Buffalo chicken and Canadian bacon on top is yours.”

I rose my eyebrow as she had mentioned the one pizza that I absolutely ***loved*** as I had ordered it multiple times as I spoke, “And the bottom?”

She smiled as she picked up the wine bottle with two glasses, “Gluten Free tofu and mandarin oranges.”


I rolled my eyes as I turned and sat down on the couch on my side as I moved *her* disgusting pizza to her side of the table while keeping my delicious pizza on **my** side of the table and pulled my first slice.  

I took one bite and immediately appreciated the heavenly concoction as my lower anatomy went back to sleep.  

Felicity set a glass next to me and filled the glass with wine before doing the same for herself and grabbing a slice before I turned on the TV and turned on *our* show.  

As I casually ate my pizza while we watched I started noticing things about Felicity’s ensemble.  

Like her thin robe as her nipples were poking against the material.  

Or the way she was sitting as her legs were tucked under her as she leaned against the arm of the couch as she lounged and holding her glass of wine.  

The way she was sitting her *short* robe rose up to reveal her bare flesh as I got to see her uncovered ass for the first time I’ve known her.  

This was *the* **most** I’ve seen of Felicity’s body causing a slight stirring in my pants but stirring was all that happened.  

I *tried* refocusing my attention back to the show as I barely missed the main character kill one of the people on her list.  

I reached forward to grab my wine as I drank more as the next episode came on just as it was barely a few minutes in when another *saucy* scene came on.  

I looked over to catch Felicity briefly looking at me before readjusting her focus back on the show.  

The scene ended as Felicity leaned forward to refill her glass before resettling as she spoke, “This is an amazing *show* don’t you think Neil?”

I lightly chuckled, “Yeah but it *does* have **a lot** of sex scenes.”

Felicity smiled as she looked at me, “At least this time it looks like it’s not effecting you as much this time.”

She took a sip of her wine as I looked down to see my dick went back to sleep after being rubbed earlier.  

I looked up at her and shrugged, “Maybe I don’t have a girl touching me when those *scenes* are on.”

Felicity smirked at me, “Is that an offer?”

I looked at her as the alcohol of the wine was affecting me but I felt like this was the ***perfect*** time for a *jab*.  

I smirked, “Why?  So you can run on your ass backwards again?”

She looked at me, “I didn’t run on my ass!”

I smirked, “Sure you did.”  Causing her to huff and face the TV.  

We resumed watching *our* show and nearly got done as the finale showed an extra saucy scene as the main character pulled off her mask as she **looked** like someone else and took care of a bad guy on her list. 

The bad guy recognized the character and as he climaxed she **took care** of him.  

And the scene ended the main character smiling as guards surrounded her the bad guys cum dripping out of her over her now dead target.    

Both Felicity and I screamed at the TV.  

I looked at Felicity, “Saw it coming.”

I giggled at my play on words.  

Felicity frowned at me, “I still say that was a shit ending.”

I leaned against the sofa facing Felicity, “And **how** would you have ended it?”

Felicity smirked as she shrugged, “I don’t know maybe not have the main character pull off her mask revealing it was her OR not have her surrounded by guards.”

She looked down at my crotch as she smirked, “Really all that sex and your *monster* isn’t bulging?”

I looked down and thought *wow that wank in the shower really did me in*.

Still I shrugged, “Like I said without a woman’s touch the scene’s don’t do much.”

I smirked and for the life of me I don’t know **why** I said this but somehow I sipped my wine and **added**, “Plus it helps that I masturbated in shower earlier.”  I leaned forward smiling, “Really helps with the frustration.”

Yeah shocked me too as I’m never this confident….or blunt, especially when masturbation is concerned.  

And no I don’t think masturbating is disgusting….just don’t see the need to broadcast it.  

Still it got the desired effect as Felicity’s jaw dropped at hearing that.  

Felicity recovered as she slyly smiled at me, “Well I don’t know about you but I’m sopping wet and could use a good flick of the bean.”  

She slightly turned her body letting a gap in her robe giving me glimpse of her boob smiling wickedly at me, “Or a good fucking.”

Again I don’t know what came over me but I smirked, “Is that an *offer*?”

Felicity smiled at me as she shrugged, “Maybe it is.  Maybe it’s not.”

She adjusted herself on the sofa to where she was facing me with her leg propped up on the sofa as she finally opened her thin robe revealing her lacy teddy didn’t cover shit on her body as it was cupless and crotchless.  

And I got to see her perky breasts AND her hairless pussy for the first time causing my jaw to drop.  

She smirked at me, “What are you going to do about it?”




  1. Where did you come up with that monstrous pizza. Felicity is a monster!

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