A New Life: Part Four [MF] [Straight Sex] [GILF] [Oral Sex] [Blow Job] [Busty] [Huge Boobs]

I had to say the single life was starting to feel good. No more thinking of what someone else wanted or what they felt or needed. It was just me. If I wanted to go somewhere, I went. If I wanted something, I got it. It was complete freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted to do it.

The other wives and I were as close to best friends as possible. I could never have a friendship like this while I was Benjamin. He was always looking at and judging my friends.

“Don’t try to hide it,” Sheila said as we sat down for our weekly dinner.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I smiled.

“You enjoyed the party last week,” Sheila smiled back. “Don’t try and say you didn’t.”

I couldn’t. I thought I wouldn’t like an adult-themed party with just women, but it was fun to let loose.

“I bet you enjoyed the toys just as much,” Sheila said without batting an eye.

“Sheila!” As many people were around our table, I said we were at our favourite café downtown, and it was always crowded.

“Tell me I am wrong,” Sheila laughed.

I just shook my head. It had been just over four months since the divorce was final. Benjamin had taken my advice and left. He didn’t tell me where he was going or what he would do. All I got was a farewell text that was his way of ending everything we had, and I was more than willing to let everything go.

“They don’t compare to the real thing,” I stated.

I had tried out all of the toys I had gotten that night, and except for the one that I sometimes used in the shower that could suction to the wall so I could bounce back on it, all the others did nothing for me.

“Well, you should take that police officer up on his offer,” Sheila shrugged.

I told her about the two run-ins with the police officer who frequently patrolled the road strip leading to my development. The first time he had helped me out, the second time he nearly threw the book at me, and the third, he asked if I was trying to get his attention.

None of the times had anything to do with him. I loved speeding in my new car, I barely had to press the gas pedal, and it was shooting past 60mph.

The thought had crossed my mind. Nearly a year without male contact was pushing it for me. I knew they said a woman hit their prime sexual peak in their forties, but I was still peaking, and toys of any nature didn’t satisfy the urge.

“I might just do that,” I said without thinking.

“Mom, I was joking!” Sheila said.

“Well, it’s been a while, and I have needs,” I laughed back at her.

I knew I had caught Sheila off guard. She hadn’t expected that from her conservative mother. Usually, I kept that side of me hemmed inside and only let it out in the bedroom, but something pushed me to be more aggressive.

That feeling followed me throughout the day and into most of the afternoon. It wasn’t until I was heading home that I decided to act on it.

As I was driving home, I saw the familiar silver and green on the side of the road up ahead, and I punched the gas pedal, sending the speedometer way past eighty.

The familiar sound of the officer chirping his horn and flashing his lights filled my ears and eyes as I looked back.

I waited until he came close to the door, unbuttoned some of the buttons on my top, and pulled it slightly open, just enough to show I was sporting a more than the average-sized chest.

“Now that was to get my attention,” Henry said as he stepped up to my window.

“Absolutely,” I nodded.

Henry’s eyes fell directly to my chest. Having large breasts usually did that to most men. I was glad to see being a woman of my age. I hadn’t lost my touch.

“Next time, keep the speed down,” Henry said as he dropped a card onto my lap.

“Of course, officer,” I nodded.

Henry walked away, and I proceeded to do the speed limit the rest of the way home. Once I got home, I sent a text to the number on the card.

‘Sorry, if I got you into trouble.’

‘No, trouble, just caught me by surprise.’

‘Well, I hope it was a good surprise, wouldn’t want to disappoint,” I knew I was flirting with a cop, and I didn’t even know if he was married or not, something told me he wasn’t, but you never know these days.

‘You could say it was more than good,’ Henry replied.

‘Oh, really? Was it me that surprised you or something else?’

There was a moment of silence as I didn’t get a response back. I thought I had pushed too far.

‘How about I answer that at dinner, tonight?’

I was floored. I hadn’t been on a date in forever. Benjamin and I had stopped going on dinner dates a long time ago. I didn’t know how to respond for a few minutes; I just looked at the screen.

‘Well, you wanted my attention,’ Henry added.

‘Yes, dinner, tonight,’ I responded.

‘Good, I will pick you up at eight,’ Henry said.

‘No,’ I said; part of me still wanted to be the new independent woman I had become. ‘Send me the address and I will meet you there.’

‘Will do,’ Henry replied. ‘See you tonight.’

I had some time before the night’s event, so I decided to clean. It was something I did when I was nervous about anything. And now I was nervous about going on a date with a guy I hardly knew.

My only involvement with Henry was through my newfound need for speed.

I couldn’t believe I had agreed to meet him. He was a cop, and I still didn’t know his age, what he liked, if he was married, had he been married. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to pick up my phone and call it off.

Just as I was about to call it off and settle in for the night, I got a call from Debra. We talked about many things, most of which involved my grandchildren and the times that I would see them, but then she mentioned a few problems that she was having with her health. Before I knew it, the time had flown by, and I was nearing the time to meet Henry.

“Mom?” Debra asked as she saw me peering at the clock behind me. “Do you have a date?”

“What, no, I mean, it’s okay,” I said as I felt flustered.

“Go, you haven’t been on one since, well before all of us were born,” Debra smiled back at me.

“I don’t know anything about him,” I said.

“Staying home, won’t help that, now, will it?” Debra said as she shook her head. “Go, have fun!”

I finally agreed with what Debra was saying. I needed to get out there. Even though I had been going out with friends, it would be nice to get out again and even pursue a relationship.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Henry’s eyes went wide as he saw me walking toward him. I had dressed semi casually as the place seemed like a regular steak restaurant.

“Well?” I asked. “Is it something I said?”

“No, not at all,” Henry said. He was still staring at me. “I just didn’t think you would be so, stunning.”

“Good choice of words,” I said as I walked inside.

The date was going fine. I learned a lot about Henry. He used to work in security and then decided to join the police force. He wasn’t married, and he was only two years older than me and was soon retiring from the workforce.

I told him about myself, and he told me he knew all about me. After he stopped me the second time, he decided to look more into me. Finding out about my divorce and, of course, Benjamin and all the others, he got more intrigued.

I had to admit that I was having a good time talking to someone other than my children, and the female friends that I had come to like, Henry, was a welcomed change of pace.

Of course, the other thing I missed was the occasional stare at my cleavage. Henry tried to play it off by looking elsewhere when I caught him, but I knew he was looking, and I liked the attention.

After dinner, we went for a walk in the old part of downtown. It was a nice chilly night, not too cold and not too windy for a change. We talked more about things we had interests in. He wanted to leave the big city, go out to the country, buy a house on an extensive stretch of land, and disappear.

That sounded nice, but I always had been a city gal. I loved the noises and the bright lights. Sure, my house was outside the big city but not too far. I could still see the tall buildings from my bedroom window.

I told him about eventually starting my own real estate company or a small diner. I loved to cook. It was how most of my children got as big as they were, he wanted to meet them all eventually, but I told him they were all grown up and had lives of their own.

“This was nice,” Henry said as we made a full circle back to the restaurant.

“Very,” I said as I looked up at him.

Henry was slightly taller than me, not too tall. His black hair had some grey in it, and his beard was salt and peppered. He looked down at me through those steel-blue eyes. I knew he wanted to kiss me, and I wanted him to, so I leaned forward and let him.

I loved being held tightly, and Henry held me tight against him as he kissed me. It wasn’t the best of kisses. I am sure we were both out of practice. After we kissed, we lingered for a while, staring at each other. His strong hands were around my waist and just above my ass.

“I think, we should call it a night,” I said as I pushed off him.

“You’re right,” Henry said.

Henry followed me to my car, and then we said our goodbyes.

I felt the usual afterglow of a good date on the drive home, and I wanted no more than to see Henry again.

When I got home, I texted Henry to let him know I was safe at home. He replied quickly, letting me know he was also home.

That’s when he called me. We spoke for hours way into the night and the early morning.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“How did it go?” one of my friends asked as I met her for lunch.

I smiled as I remembered the night. “It was memorable,” I nodded.

“Oh yeah,” Sabrina said. “That memorable, huh?” she smiled.

“No, nothing like that,” I shook my head.

“Uh huh,” Sabrina nodded. “I am sure he was thinking about it.”

I nodded. From our talk later that night, I knew Henry was very interested in me in more ways than just talking. As a typical male, he asked the usual questions about what I was into, and I was not ashamed to answer them.

After all, I was a very sexual person when the time came, and I was sure Henry would find out about that firsthand sooner than he thought. After all, I wanted what he wanted.

“Oh no,” Sabrina smiled. “I know that look.”

“There is no look,” I said, shaking my head.

“Poor guy doesn’t know what he is in for,” Sabrina smiled.

After lunch, I returned to work, and my thoughts dwelled on tonight’s meeting with Henry. It was my time to pick where we would be going. I knew of a perfect spot. It was secluded and had excellent music. I went there a long time ago with some potential buyers. It would be perfect for a second date.

I met Henry later that night, and as usual, he had his eyes on me the moment I stepped out of the car. “If you keep that up, your eyes will fall out of your head.”

“I can’t help it, you always look so stunning,” Henry smiled as he took my hand as we walked inside.

Henry was a perfect gentleman, always opening the door and ensuring I got seated first. He even tried to pick up the tab this time, which I fought for, and eventually, he caved.

I was sure he would get his way the next time, but tonight was my turn, and I wouldn’t give it up.

We danced at another place down the road from the restaurant, and I had to admit to Henry he was a much better dancer than Benjamin ever was. He took that as a compliment.

The night got late, and we were both getting tired, but at the same time, we didn’t want to leave each other’s side.

As he walked me back to my car, he pulled me close to him. “You sure you want to go home?” Henry asked.

I knew I should say yes. Every part of me that was a good woman wanted to say yes and go back home, but the more significant part of me wanted to see where this night would indeed lead.

I knew where Henry’s mind wanted to go. He had stolen glances at my cleavage during the night and many times. His hands wandered over my body during the dances. If I had to guess, Henry was definitely an ass man. His hands had grabbed mine many times tonight.

“No,” I replied in a whisper. “I don’t.”

‘Traitor!’ my inner voice yelled.

“Follow me,” Henry said as he got in his car.

I followed him through the streets of downtown into the parking garage of an expensive hotel.

“You devil!” I said as Henry already had a room booked.

“What can I say after last night’s talk, I thought I would shoot my shot,” Henry said as we got in the elevator.

“Well, your aim is good, let’s see what else,” I flirted as I kissed him.

Now it was time for my hands to wander. I grabbed his groin and was pleased to feel that Henry was already semi-hard. He was no Benjamin, but at least it was the real thing and not a toy.

“Alison,” Benjamin growled in a low voice as I held and massaged his growing cock.

“Yes?” I answered as I looked up at him.

“Got two more floors, to go,” Henry said, breathing heavily.

I had his dick at full mast in my hand, and I could tell he was putty in my hands literally.

As the door to the elevator opened, Henry tried to walk correctly with a hard cock between his legs. I had to smile as I walked beside him.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” I warned him as he opened the door.

We quickly rushed inside, and before he closed it, I was already on my knees. Seconds later, I had his white cock in my mouth. Benjamin was a lot longer and thicker, so taking Henry’s cock in my mouth was an easy accomplishment.

“Holy fuck,” Henry said as he stood in the hallway with his back against the wall.

‘Not already,’ I thought to myself. I hadn’t even started yet.

I slowly eased off and slowed down, but it was too late. The flood gates had opened.

Henry came hard as he filled my mouth. His hands gripped my head tightly as he thrust his cock into my mouth. It hadn’t been a full three minutes since we came into the hotel room.

“Fuck!” Henry exclaimed as he finished.

‘Typical,’ I thought as Henry started to walk away, with me still on my knees.

“Well,” I said as I got up.

“No, sorry,” Henry said as he walked with me to the large living room.

“I am used to it,” I nodded.

“It’s just been so long since, well the last time and…” Henry started to explain.

“No, it’s okay, hopefully the rest of the night will be better,” I said.

As the saying goes, famous last words.

After a short break, Henry and I went to the bedroom, where things got progressively worse. First, Henry tried to go down on me, which was a feeble attempt. He mostly used his fingers and, for the most part, fumbled around as if he was in a hurry.

Then when we finally got down to having sex, he lasted all of two minutes, both times. Of course, he blamed it on not being with a woman for four years. Which I thought was a good excuse for the first night.

After the third night, when I went to his house and we had sex there, I realized this would be a recurring theme.

The moment Henry entered me, I could count until he would eventually finish. When I brought it up, he always had an excuse. Until I decided that he would have to start wearing protection, that was when things got hairy.

It was after another disappointing night, and I brought it up. It was something that I had thought about for a while.

I loved everything else about Henry. He was charming, a gentleman. He made me laugh and always cared about me and what I was doing, not like Benjamin, who wouldn’t listen to me when I tried to tell him about my day. Henry would listen and offer insight. He even came to see one of my house showings.

But in the bedroom, he was lacking, which was causing problems. I even tried to get him to use toys with me so that we could both get what we wanted, but he didn’t want to do that because it made him feel inferior.

“I don’t know what you want from me,” Henry said when I brought it up.

“If you don’t know, that’s half the problem,” I replied as I got out of bed.

“Janice never had a problem,” Henry said, shaking his head.

‘Yes, bring up your ex-wife while your girlfriend is trying to talk to you because that always works!” I yelled. “By the way, Janice left you and is fucking another woman! Newsflash! She had a problem!”

That lit a fire. I could see the look on Henry’s face. He was beyond pissed.

“Take it back,” Henry nodded. “Right now!”

“No,” I said as I started to put on my clothes. “She was the one that wanted the divorce, when the ink dried, you didn’t find it odd at all, that she left the county. Or that she started seeing women?”

“Alison, stop that, right now!” Henry said, shaking his head.

“Janice is right now in bed with another woman, that get this, looks like a male,” I nodded. “I’ve seen the pictures, her girlfriend looks like a male, and I bet you she doesn’t have to go back home to get herself off.”

“Leave!” Henry shouted.

“For a cop you really aren’t bright,” I said as I put on my shoes. “I’m already dressed, where do you think I am going?”

Henry slammed the door behind me as I left. I walked to my car and slammed the door shut. I screamed as I started the car.

If this was how dating was going to be, I would rather be single.

***Author’s Note: The rest of this story as well as many other stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shadowforce2/comments/slx1o1/just_as_a_reminder/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v9ipdg/a_new_life_part_four_mf_straight_sex_gilf_oral