You Give? [MM]

It had been a long week, but Saturday finally came. Work at the construction site, in 12 hour shifts and 90° weather had beaten Luke and Alex down, and they decided to hang out and have a couple beers to cool off. They’d been friends since high school, and got this gig together when college was out for the summer.

Alex buzzed the door for the apartment and Luke let him in. Alex’s huge body filled the doorway, he was at least 6′ 6″, and 220 pounds of muscle, towering over Luke’s skinny 5′ 8″ frame.

Luke pulled some beers out of the fridge and opened them, handing one to Alex.
“Mario Kart, let’s do this!”

After a few bad rounds Alex conceded,
“Alright, so you’ve still got the edge on me in Mario Kart.”

“Damn right I do!” Luke laughed.

Alex’s eyes lit up,
“God, remember how we used to wrestle back in junior high? Sure doesn’t look like a fair fight anymore,” he teased.

Luke smirked at Alex,
“Go on, try it! You might be twice my size but I bet I could still take you.”

Alex didn’t need a second offer, he dropped his controller and flew across the room, tackling Luke hard onto the bed. He held Luke’s wrists above his head with just one of his large hands,

“You were saying?”

Luke struggled hard, writhing, trying to get at least one hand free but Alex had him pinned down, and as he squirmed Alex held on even tighter, putting his weight down on Luke’s hips so he couldn’t get any leverage to dislodge him.

For a moment then, both stopped and looked at each other, breathing hard, sweat down their necks. Alex’s curly brown hair shining in the waning sunlight through the window, his dark eyes intensely focused on his captive, helpless beneath him.

Luke felt nervous, but he didn’t want this to stop. He loved it, intensely. The feeling of his friend’s raw power overcoming him, holding him in place, forcing him to submit, to surrender to him completely. He could feel his excitement growing visibly through the thin fabric of his gym shorts, as Alex held on, stronger even than before, and his face flushed. Unable to resist his desire, Luke struggled even harder, trying to provoke Alex into eliminating any possible avenue for escape, physically begging for his total control.

“Oh, you think you can get away huh?”

Alex shifted from his sitting position on Luke’s hips, coming down hard with his whole body, wrists still firmly gripped in one hand, and he wrapped his legs tightly around Luke’s legs. His bearded face flushed and masculine, hovering inches above Luke’s face.
He leaned in, intoning in his deep voice,
“You give?

Luke hesitated, if he did yes, it would be over, and this felt so *right*, but if he didn’t, where would it go from here? What would he do? How would Alex even react if he saw how much Luke wanted him in that moment, or worse, how hard he was? Couldn’t he feel it anyways though? He was right on top of him!

Alex repeated, “Do. You. Give.”

Luke barely managed to mutter, “I…uh…”

Alex pushed down even harder, pressing Luke with his full weight. With one hand, he shifted a sweaty lock of Luke’s long blonde hair out of his eyes, not breaking his hold.

Luke was desperate, his dick straining with every shift of Alex’s weight, any more of this and he was going to come! But instead of panic his mind went completely blank and he just groaned.

Alex took it as resignation and replied,

Alex shifted on him, keeping his wrist hold but unwrapping his legs, and Luke burst, his orgasm instantly obvious as his whole body went taut, his eyes rolled back in his head, he moaned involuntarily as his cum soaked through his shorts and even spurted onto his belly.

Alex jumped off the bed, looking suprised, and he burst out laughing,

“Oh, so *that’s* how it is huh? You wanted me to pin you down, didn’t you, you little slut?”

Luke was horrified at how he’d completely lost control, he had just orgasmed accidentally right underneath his friend! The embarrassment filled him, he flushed a deep red and pulled the blanket over him, hiding.

Alex waited, watched, until Luke was beside himself with angst, then spoke.

“Next time, just say so, we can work out an arrangement. I’m sure I could find some use for you.”

Shock and confusion hit Luke simultaneously. Did Alex really just say that? Despite his embarrassment the offer was more than he could resist, and the words came without thinking,
“Please? I really want to serve you.”

He instantly cringed, he was openly begging Alex to dominate him! But Alex’s eyes shone, and a trace of a smile flashed across his face,
“You want to serve me, what?”

Luke paused, confused for a moment, then answered,
“I want to serve you, Master?”

“That’s better. Same time tomorrow, then. We’ll have to work out the details, but I believe you’ll serve me very well.”
