The Sterling Club Part 1 (F4M)

*I’m deviating from my usual style and creating an episodic piece. As always I appreciate your feedback!*

Euphoric… pampered… worshipped… I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel last week in your hotel room. Although I miss you between your work trips, I like that we only see each other when you come to town for business. I like the anticipation that builds up over weeks of texting and I like trying to guess which hotel you’ll be at for our next romantic night. As if reading my mind, my phone pings with a text from you. It’s just an address, and a time to meet you tomorrow. A wave of excitement runs through me as I type the address into my gps but it doesn’t show up as a hotel. It just looks like a nondescript building. Intrigued and aroused, I add the address and time into my calendar… then contemplate what to wear. Again, as if you can hear my thoughts, I get a text from you saying “Wear that silver dress I got you. And nothing else.” I spend the rest of the afternoon trying to concentrate on my work assignment but my mind keeps drifting to memories of the way your beard tickles my neck when you cover me in kisses.

These 24 hours have crept by at a snail’s pace. I tried to keep myself busy today; I went for a long run, took a yoga class, bought fresh flowers at the Farmer’s Market… before finally allowing myself to get ready for tonight. I step out of the shower and into the silver dress you told me to wear, enjoying the feeling of the cool silk sliding up my naked body. You had this made to fit me like a glove and it hugs my every curve perfectly. As instructed I wear nothing else but a pair of heels. No lacy g-string, no fancy lingerie hiding beneath; just my naked breasts… my hard nipples rubbing against the silk, trying to poke through the fabric. The space between my thighs already warm with thoughts of your kiss.

My Uber is pulling up as I dab perfume on my wrists and I grab my phone & keys and lock the door behind me. The car heads deeper downtown, past the hotels where I usually meet you, and through the city. Sky-rises are replaced by warehouses and my excitement is twinged with a little anxiety. Where am I going? I pull up to a building, smaller than the industrial warehouses around it but it’s definitely not a hotel… or apartments… or even a house. A chainlink fence encloses the building and I can barely make out the address. The driver turns to look at me and asks “Are you sure this is the right place, miss?” I look around, unsure if I’m at the right spot, when I see a man in a masquerade mask walking toward the car… I’d know that bearded face anywhere – masked or not – and I thank the driver as I get out. A light breeze rustles my hair and the smell of your cologne greets me a moment before you do. Walking up to me, you merely smile and hold out a package wrapped in silver paper. “Open it”, you say, “Then we can go inside.” Always happy to do as I’m asked, I open the package to reveal a Silver Rabbit mask. You tie the strings around the back of my head, securing the mask in place then slide your hands down to rest on my shoulders and guide me forward through the gate.

We reach the entrance of the building and you slip a piece of paper to the masked man at the door. We enter into a dimly-lit hallway and I can hear the muffled sound of music and a woman’s laughter. My mind is racing, imagining what is this place you’ve taken me. The hallway opens up to a room half-filled with people, all in masks but wearing various levels of clothing. There is a bar in one corner of the space and what looks like a small stage along the back side of the room, equipped with a velvet curtain and everything. As I take in the scene I notice a four-poster bed tucked away in the corner. The woman who’s laughter I’d heard was lounging on the bed and I immediately recognize her Silver Rabbit mask… It’s just like mine. I look around the room again and notice two or three more women in Silver Rabbits. You slide up behind me and slip your arms around my waist while I shoot you a puzzled look over my shoulder. You laugh softly… your lips brushing my ear as you say “Welcome to your debut as a Sterling.”

[Listen here!](



  1. Ooh…I like this!!! Sometimes you and I really think alike. This scene reminds me of a story I wrote a few years ago!

    Count me intrigued!!! When do we get part 2?

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