The Pact of the Witch. [Ch.01] [F/m] [Fantasy] [Tentacles] [Female MC] [OC]

Note: This is a fantasy tale, quite unlike other stories I have written. It’s not quite perfect, and far from finished, but I figure I will share it in bits as I work on it. There might be typos to iron out as well as some other mistakes here and there, but I hope you will enjoy this first rough draft.

The setting is medievalish fantasy and we will follow Kami, a young woman aspiring to be a witch. It will feature (light) dubcon, different races (orcs, elves and such), bdsm, tentacles, cumplay, corruption and much, much more. Everyone figuring in sexual encounters will OF COURSE ALWAYS BE ADULTS. If you like it or have constructive things to say, please let me know! I am writing this mostly for myself but it is always pleasant to hear that others enjoy my stories. Enjoy!

The mirror was dirty and cracked. It showed the reflection of a young woman, maybe in her early twenties. She was pretty, with long dark hair in a thick braid down her back. Her blue eyes were studying her face, the full lips twisted in a curious expression of introspection. She stepped back from the mirror, moving over to the middle of the room.

Kami looked nervously down at the bound man on the floor. He was naked. His smallish cock was flaccid, laying against his thigh. Her hand was shaking. She slowed her breathing, forcing herself to stay calm. All she had to do was stick to the plan, she told herself. After this, she was done. Done with this damned village, done with the bigoted, small-minded people in it, done with working at that dreary tavern.

The small hut was empty of furniture. It had been in disuse for years, and Kami had had to clean it thoroughly to get it ready for the ritual. The faint moonlight shining through the small windows illuminated the tiny space. The symbols around the man, painted in fresh goat blood, shone almost blue from the reflection.

Kami had double- and triple-checked the runes, but now she did it a fourth time. Better safe than sorry, she thought. Everything seemed to match the grimoire’s description, so she relaxed a little, looking at the man. He was no-one, really. A traveller from the tavern who Kami had seduced, telling him to meet her here for a late night romp.

He had been easy to drug, but heavy to carry. She had cursed herself for giving him the drugged wine outside the cabin several times as her petite frame had sweated with the effort. Now, though, everything was in place. The man was stirring. He tried to say something, but the bundled up cloth in his mouth prevented him from speaking.

Kami felt a little pang of guilt at the sight of him struggling against the restraints, but technically she hadn’t lied. She was going to sleep with him, just maybe not in quite the way he had imagined. The drug still seemed to have an effect on him, because he seemed to be taking the sitiation he had woken up to quite lightly. Or maybe this wasn’t the first time he had been abducted. He had already stopped struggling when Kami knelt down beside him.

She hesitated for a second. This was what she had been working on, ever since she found that grimoire. She swallowed, hard. Damn it all. She was too close to quit now. Her hand shot out, reaching for the man’s cock. It twitched at her touch, and she stroked it without conviction. It started to slowly rise as she moved her hand up and down the soft skin. The man shifted a bit, but didn’t seem displeased. Not in the least.

As the cock grew in Kami’s hand, her strokes became more sure. She hadn’t had much experience in this particular area, but the man seemed to enjoy it all the same. A muffled moan escaped the cloth in his mouth as he ran a soft thumb along the tip.

It wasn’t an impressive cock, perhaps, but Kami hadn’t seen that many. She felt a surge of something more familiar between her thighs; the first careful notes of her own arousal. She kept stroking him, and the man’s moans grew more frequent, his breathing heavier. His fat stomach started to rise and fall in an almost comical way, as if it was more filled with air than fat.

Kami reached down between her legs, gently rubbing herself. She felt a sudden surge of anticipation. She was so close now, so close to achieving what she had been labouring over for months. The thought of it made her excited, and she could feel the wetness on her fingers. She spit in her hand, rubbing the saliva over the man’s twitching cock. He groaned in response, and something about the power she held over him made her almost… giddy.

She straddled him, her soft calves tingling from the touch of the man’s hairy legs. She held his cock up to her now wet cunt, exhaled one final time and then-

She slowly let him fill her up, making the man moan even louder. A mingling sensation of pain and pleasure filled her, and she moaned in a strangled voice. She sat there for a second, feeling the cock twitch inside her, getting used to the feeling. Then, she started to slowly move, more and more enjoying the sensations. Her soft, round breasts slowly moved in concert with her body.

She could feel a pleasure building, the first familiar signs of a building orgasms, but she wasn’t really here for that. She only needed him. Or rather, his seed. The man was groaning under her, and she placed her hands on his hairy chest. Her fingers curled up in the coarse bush there as his cock started to throb inside her. He kept riding him slowly, carefully, afraid of more pain, but it was actually quite pleasant. She started grinding back and forth a bit, starting to enjoy the experience, and slowly-

The man spasmed. His cock throbbed harder, one, two, three times, and then stopped. Kami looked down in surprise. Was that it? She had just started to enjoy herself! She stood up, probing herself with a finger. The stickiness there proved her right. She giggled.

“Well, that was easier than I had thought,” she said to herself. The man was quiet, except for muffled panting. Kami picked up the grimoire from the floor, flipping a page with cum-covered fingers. The words were all she needed now. She spoke the twisting, unfamiliar words, almost spiky in their sound, and waited. Nothing happened. She startled. The herbs! She had forgotten to light the damn herbs!

Rushing over to a small bundle in the corner of the room, she took out a paper parcel. With flint and iron she lit it, sending a sudden puff of strange, choking smoke into the little room. With the little package slowly burning in her hands, she went back to the circle and repeated the words. Hopefully, she hadn’t messed up the entire ritual.

The smoke curling from the little package started to intensify, both in scent and in volume. It seemed to darken and shift in colour, even though the faint moonlight made it difficult to see. Kami looked on in wonderment as the smoke started to twist, turn and finally bundle up into a small, dark shape in the air. She waited breathlessly as the shape started to refine into something… well, it was hard to describe. It was an orb, about as big as an apple, with a long, writhing tail hanging from it.

Then, suddenly, the orb spoke.

*Ah, finally. The scent… pleasure has been had here, I can feel it.*

It seemed as if the voice was coming from inside Kami’s head, and at first she was too rattled to speak.

*You are the one who summoned me, yes? Delightful. Simply delightful. Well, shall we get started?*

The voice was deep, pleasant, and inarguably masculine. It sent a strange sensation down Kami’s spine, and she felt compelled to respond.

“Are you- are you an incubus?” The orb floated closer, as if looking into Kami’s eyes, even though she was fairly certain it could not see.

*I am. Your incubus, in fact. This is a pact ritual, is it not? That means that I am to become yours, and you are to become mine. My witch.*

Kami swallowed, then nodded.

*Well then, I believe introductions are in order. My real name is terribly long and convuluted, so you can call me Rast. What is your name, witch-to-be?*

“Kami. My name is Kami. I- uh, that is, you look different from the pictures. Less… I don’t know. Different, at least.”

The orb bobbed in the air as the voice let out a hearty, deep chuckle.

*Ah, yes. This is just one form of many. Once I, and you, have gained some strength, I shall be able to change into more… proper attire, shall we say?*

Kami nodded, almost absentmindedly. She could not believe it. It had worked. The grimoire was real. Magic was real. Then, she remembered what she was doing.

“The book says we have to sign the deal, the pact that is. But it doesn’t say how. Do we… shake on it?” She said, giggling nervously.

*No, not quite. I shall simply consume the essence of lust you have taken from this fine man, and our pact will be complete.*

Kami wrinkled her nose in confusion.

“Consume? How?”

*Lie down. I will take care of it.*

Kami hesitated, but not for long. She had come too far to give up now, worked too hard. She laid down on the hard wooden floor, next to the bound man. He seemed to have gone back to sleep, which amused Kami somewhat. The orb, the incubus, hung in the air above her.

*I will now enter you, and seal our little deal. There will be no turning back after this, not until one or both of us is dead. Are you ready?*

The voice was calm, friendly, and Kami felt more relaxed than she thought was proper. This was somehow too strange to question, as if anything could happen now.

“I’m ready,” she said, surprised at the confidence in her own voice.

The orb lowered itself to her, its tail writhing quicker. It somehow managed to look excited, despite its lack of face or body. With slow, snakelike movements, the tail started to inch closer to Kami. She could feel the man’s cum slowly drip out of her, and the incubus seemed to sense it. It’s tail, or tentacle, or whatever it was, slowly moved over the cum, making a low, sucking noise. It tickled a bit, and Kami giggled, but then it suddenly moved up from her thigh to her still wet cunt, and her giggle turned into a moan.

The sensation was completely unlike the cock she had just had inside her. The tentacle seemed to almost hum as it sucked at her swollen labia, sending tingling waves of pleasure through her crotch. Kami arched her back in pleasure at the feeling, and the tentacle entered her slowly. She felt herself cramping up around it as it started to pulsate inside her, increasing the pleasure as it ate from the mingled juices of her and the man.

The tentacle went even deeper, and Kami groaned. She had never felt anything like this, not even close, and she felt an orgasm rapidly building inside her. Waves of pleasure echoed through her body and she tensed up, the tentacle vibrating wildly now as it hungrily cleaned her insides.

Just when the pleasure was at its heighest peak, Kami twitched and a wave of sensations swept through her body as her toes curled up, her wet cunt squeezing the tentacle tight as she started to cum. She was breathless, her mouth open in a silent scream as wave after wave of ecstacy swept through her mind.

Finally, she relaxed. She panted heavily, trying to regain her senses as the incubus withdrew from her. It seemed to shudder in pleasure after its “meal”, and the voice inside her head was almost giddy as it spoke again.

*Well now! It was far too long ago since I last fed. You truly are something, Mistress Kami. It will be a true delight working with you.*

Kami just lay there, breathing heavily, not quite able to respond.



  1. DUDE how is there no comment on this??? I loved it omg not only was it super hot but the story was unique and kept me intrigued! Good god I can’t wait for more to come!!!

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