Step Sister Corruption Part 275 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 19 – Aphrodite Games Pt 7 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Man this is harder than I thought. 

I did well when the judges judged my body giving me solid 8’s and 9’s.  

But the next round I had *no* clue how to ‘tease’ a guy.  

Usually Summer is the one who knows how to tease….and tempt…..and all around control a situation.  

She’s the dominant one in our weird relationship.  

Ok so is Gabe.  

More Summer than Gabe but he does have his moment’s where he easily controls Summer…. And when she obviously lets him.  

I’m mostly submissive.  Sure I have my moments where I *might* ‘control’ a situation.  But usually I rely on Summer controlling an outcome.  

It’s my role in our relationship.  I’m submissive.  Summer is the dominant.  And Gabe is the one who holds our reigns…..and our hearts.  

I know Summer had told us briefly what happened as that girl had called Summer the ultimate fighting word all because she couldn’t handle that she was losing to Summer.  

Granted Summer didn’t know the word used and I did. 

So I was expecting the ‘looks’ test and found she was right. It was fairly simple as I had to stand around, turn this way or that, bend over, spread my cheeks.  Though doing the whole *lift your own tits and then drop them* was kind of embarrassing.  But whatever.

What was **hard** was this event that Summer briefly grazed over as she said doing the whole ‘teasing’ portion of the event was a unique challenge but she found it easy.

Of course it would be *easy* for her.

I looked down at the guy they had served as my ‘subject’ as he laid on the ottoman that they wheeled it in.

I was completely clueless on how exactly I was supposed to ‘tease’ this guy.  Usually I do the things *after* teasing.

Though at the moment I was *slightly* happy I didn’t have to blow this guy as he had an untamed bush surrounding his little penis.

God both Summer and Gabe had spoiled me by always remaining **shaved** that after my last *test* and this one I had forgotten how bad having hair sucked.  And not literally as after that *test* I felt like a cat as I had coughed up hair more than once.  If I coughed up a ‘hairball’ I wouldn’t be surprised.

But **still** how in the **fuck** was I supposed to ‘tease’ this guy.

I mean I could look at his penis all I want and *wish* it would grow of it’s own fruition and pop it’s own top without me having to do anything beyond just *looking* at it.

But that wasn’t going to happen.

I looked over at my competitor and saw she was actually making some momentum with the challenge as she had started running her hand along her guy and he was already ‘hard’.

I mean I could follow her example but I didn’t want to ‘copy’ her as the judges might think I couldn’t ‘tease’ a guy to save my life without something type of ‘prop’ to help assist me.  And they’d be right.

No I had to approach this from a different angle just so I wasn’t copying my opponent’s tactic and made it look like I ‘knew’ what I was doing.

I scoffed at my own internal dialogue thinking *yeah right like I knew how to do that*.

Then it dawned on me….I could do what I’ve seen Summer do a million times before….I *tempt* them and have them do *my* work.

With that idea in my head I finally moved from my position being a couple steps away from my ‘guy’ as he had intently watched me just standing there.

God standing there for so long, though it was a few moments, really did make me look like a bimbo.  

Jesus this *formula* felt like I was losing IQ points by the day.

But could you blame me?  

I mean in *ALL* my relationships I didn’t control *sexually*.  I basically laid there and took whatever the guy did to me.  The only thing I did was push them away fearing my *talent* would make them think less of me.

The only thing I did was *brag* how good I was in bed to my friends hoping they would never find out exactly how *insecure* and *inexperienced* I truly was.

That is until Summer and Gabe found out.

Since then I had kind of blossomed and was no longer *inexperienced* nor *insecure*…..ok not **entirely** secure.

Now I knew there was ‘power’ in my *talent* and was confident it wasn’t disgusting.  Just seeing how many ‘tips’ I get from my adult account told me exactly how ‘*hot*’ guys thought my *talent* truly was.

I stood over my ‘guy’, more specifically I stood over his head, letting him look up at what I was born with….and what I allowed to be *changed* as it was *enhanced*.  But it was still *mine*.

And I knew what my pussy could do.

I looked down at my guy no longer seeing his face and let me view the perfection that was represented in my pussy….and what it was currently doing.

It was ‘drooling’.

Just like yesterday when I found out about my pussy’s new ability to ‘drool’ and make such a big mess if left unattended, meaning if I haven’t cleaned myself for longer than an hour or so.

I spoke, feeling embarrassed as I was about to say something I would never say, “Do you like what you see?”

I know it sounded like a stupid question even for me but I guess it was a good way to start off.

And of course it was a stupid question to have a guy look at a pussy and not like what he sees…..unless he’s gay.  Which I highly doubt my guy is gay…..unless they were being assholes about this test.

I watched my guy’s chin move up and down confirming he did appreciate the ‘view’.

I continued, “Does my ‘mess’ offend you?”

Now that was a loaded question and might tell me more about the guy.

I watched his chin move side to side.

I smiled thinking *good*.

I blushed as I spoke my next question because up until now the only people who have partaken in my ‘mess’ was Gabe…..and Summer.  And now I was about to offer it to this rando….maybe.  “Would you like a taste?”

Again I watched his chin go up and down.

I spoke, “How badly?”

And for the first time I heard my guy ‘speak’, “Badly.”

I smiled thinking *Hook line and sinker*.

Now comes the hard part for me…..’teasing’.

I gulped before I continued, “What would you do to ‘taste’ me?”

He didn’t say anything as I’m sure his mouth was watering to taste my ‘mess’….that is for a moment before he answered, “Anything.”

I wanted to look over at my opponent to see what she was doing but had to remain focused on my own task.

I had to pretend that me and this guy were the only ones in the room……and remind myself that I was being judged on **my** ability to tease.

I breathed out my tension….and embarrassment.  Though having so many people watch me felt odd…..and made me feel ‘*horny*’.

I looked at my quarry and asked, “So you’d be willing to ‘touch’ yourself.”

I watched his hand shoot up to his now hard penis and I blinked at both the speed his hand moved and wondered when did his dick get hard.

I mean really when did **that** happen?

I knew before I stood over him his penis was limply resting on his bush.

Was it when I stood over him letting him look at my pussy.  Is that when it grew?

Was it when I let him see my ‘mess’?  Is that when it grew?

Just looking at his….I want to say cock but it wasn’t a cock in comparison to Gabe.  It was a pale imitation.

And dick didn’t feel right to me.

Nor did penis.

I mean it wasn’t *small* nor was it **big**.

It just looked ‘average’ or slightly smaller than ‘average’.

I couldn’t think of the right word to describe the ‘object’ I was looking at.  And realized that ‘object’ might be the right word for it.

An *object* that I both ‘wanted’ and ‘didn’t want’.

It was like a food that I could go for right now and at the same time I could care less about all at once.

Though there was *one* thing I wanted…..and that was what was residing *in* the ‘object’.

The more I looked at the palpable ‘object’ the more I wanted what was inside it.

My mouth watered for what it held.

My stomach growled begging for more of the protein rich fluid.

*AND* my pussy created more juice to leak out.

I felt a drop create itself in between my lower lips before it broke away.

And that must have been enough for my ‘guy’ to start masturbate furiously.

I blinked in astonishment.

*Did this idiot just start masturbate simply because my pussy **leaked** for him?*

And I didn’t tell him to do anything but ‘touch’ himself.

He did this on his own.

Should I stop him?

Or should I let him continue?

I spoke, realizing that him furiously masturbating defeated the purpose of ‘teasing’, “Stop!”

I felt myself nearly scream those words as I *felt* every eye in the room focused on **me**.

I looked around to confirm my suspicion and bleakly blushed when I found out that I was right.

Even my opponent had stopped what she was doing.

Hell, even *her* guy was looking at me.

I looked over my shoulder to see the same guy who represented Summer’s match was staring at me.


This I didn’t want.

I didn’t want to be the center of attention.

I wish I could just go hide in a corner for multiple reasons….mainly because so many eyes were on me.

I turned my attention back to my guy as I *tried* to ignore there were so many eyes on me to see that my ‘guy’ had stopped masturbating though his hand still had a firm grip on his ‘object’.

I needed this to be a ‘teasing’ session meaning I needed this to last.  And the way my ‘guy’ was going it would be over **way** too fast.

I didn’t want to prolong this any longer than it needed to be but him doing what he was doing it would have been over in seconds and that felt unacceptable as I was unsure exactly how I would be judged all from standing over my guy and asking a few simple questions.

I needed to showcase ‘how’ I can ‘tease’.  Though I still have no idea *how* to tease.

I felt like I was making this up as I went because I *didn’t* know and was just channeling Summer thinking what *she* would do.

And I knew my ‘guy’ furiously beating off wasn’t what *she* would do.  No she would prolong it.  She would ‘control’ the guy into doing what *she* wanted him to do.

You know what a **DOM** would do.

I gulped and swallowed my fear and *tried* to speak sexually, “Slower…..”

I thought and added, “I want you to **slowly** ‘touch’ yourself and I *might* let you ‘taste’ my ‘mess’.  You understand?”

I watched his chin move up and down and saw that his hand had released his ‘object’ to gingerly stroked his ‘object’ as a drop started to form on his tip.

My mouth watered seeing that ‘drop’ form and became entranced as the drop grew.

I licked my lips as I wanted that *drop*.

I spoke, “Now rub that around your…” I felt myself hesitating on the word as I didn’t want him to know what I thought of his ‘object’ until I found the right word that didn’t feel offensive, “‘friend’.”

I felt a pang of regret as I watched my ‘guy’ rub that drop of goodness on his ‘object’ causing his fingers to glide more easily along his ‘object’ and making more of that goodness appear.

I felt like I should reward him for following my instructions but didn’t know how as in this event I wasn’t allowed to have any of my orifices touch my ‘guy’.

Or was that my orifices couldn’t touch his *penis*?

I tried to recall what the guy standing next to the door said to outline this ‘event’…..and drew a blank.


Why can’t I remember?

And it wasn’t that long ago either damn it.

Just calm down and **think**.

I watched as more of that clear goodness showed itself and whatever thought I had disappeared as it called out to me.

*Lick me!*

*You know it’ll taste good.*

I closed my eyes and started an inner turmoil in my head as I screamed **SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!**.

I repeated my previous thought….before it disappeared.  And I *tried* to not recall **why** it had disappeared.

That’s better.

Let’s see here.  The guy came in then the judges.  The judges sat down and the guy spoke.  *In this round…* blah blah *tease your provided subject* blah blah blah *no orifices are allowed to touch your subject’s* blah.

Wait, what was that last bit?

I replayed the memory but each time I hit the very last bit all I got was…..nothing.  

I knew he said something after subject….but what was the word?

I replayed it a couple more times in my head and every single time I couldn’t recall the word.

**GOD DAMN IT!!!**

It’s NOT that hard Kelly.

I felt my frustration grow every single time I replayed the scene.

Finally I said *fuck it* and assumed that my pussy couldn’t touch my ‘guy’s’ body.

Stupid rules.

Stupid game.

I was about to pout and have a fit all because I was supposed to be celibate in this round.

And I had to do **something** or this whole *stand over my guy like a statue* wasn’t going to get me many points in this round.

Hell, my opponent was doing more than I was.

And all she was doing was talking to him as she glided…..

That’s **IT**!!!!

She was **TOUCHING** him.

Meaning I could touch him.

If I can touch him then that means…….

I can **TOUCH** myself and *transfer* whatever I **touch** to him.

I felt a smile spread across my face as realization dawned on me and a plan formed.

I instantly thought *You better watch out Summer because I’m coming for you!*

