Step Sister Corruption Part 274 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 18 – Aphrodite Games Pt 6 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


The games were officially on hold due to Mc*Bitch*y’s sudden conflict with me as, as I was told, she was taken to the brig to ‘cool down’.  

As for me I was still semi confused and semi hurt that that girl had to go that far by insulting me using a no-no word because she couldn’t handle some mere competition.  

Though at the moment I was melting because I was in Gabe’s arms feeling completely safe.  

Gabe simply held me in his embrace while I sat in his lap not saying anything.  

After the *incident* happened and Mc*Bitch*y was carted off by the remaining guy’s as *Mr Representative* congratulated me on my win against Mc*Bitch*y while I was confused at the moment she’s lucky I didn’t know the word or I would have knocked out her teeth.  

With how often I work out with Kelly I was pretty confident I can do it in one punch after I guessed which word she used.  

I thought it was a fair trade for uttering *that* **word**.  

Eventually *Mr Representative* released me from the room letting me calm down after my confirmation of the word and was asked if there was anyone I needed to see.  

I quickly answered with Gabe and Kelly’s names so they could be found.  

It wasn’t long before Kelly came running in closely followed by Gabe.  

Good I don’t feel like repeating myself and relive that scene more than once.  

They asked me what happened and I relayed the events as they happened until they heard that Mc*Bitch*y had called me a name in a different language.  

Kelly asked me which word was used in my direction and when I told her the word  it instantly pissed off Kelly.  

Kelly looked around as her muscles reflectively flexed and showed exactly how my body and her body were completely different as she growled, “Where is that **bitch**?”

Sure Kelly *may* look like a bimbo with her huge ass tits and hour glass curves.  And sure she *may* look and act submissive.  

BUT when she flexed her arms they showed exactly how toned and how much muscle was hiding there.  Her chest flexed making her tits seem to grow.  Her stomach flexed showing her eight pack abs that hid in her wash board almost flat stomach.  Her legs flexed and calves flexed.  

It was like she changed in front of my eyes in one blink.  

One moment she looked like Kelly the closest image of a sexual bimbo or sexual goddess depending on your view.  The next moment she looked like a hardened fighter.  

It was like she powered up right in front of me.  

I lightly chuckled as I imagined that Gabe might associate what just happened to one of his….. weird cartoon’s that he always randomly talks about.  

Though I have no idea *which* one of those cartoon’s he might associate this with. 

*Mr Representative* spoke after Kelly growled for the location of Mc*Bitch*y telling us that she was escorted to the brig until she could be calmed down.  

As for Gabe though he looked pissed like Kelly but he gently ran his hands along my face making me want to melt instantly as he spoke, “Is there anything I can do?”

I looked at him and spoke the only thing I could think of….hold me.  

He gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.  And I freely let him.  

And that’s where we are now.  

Me in Gabe’s lap while he had his arms wrapped around me turning my ire into lust wishing something would pop up in his lap and into me.  

Kelly stood by looking pissed and fuming like I would be if I knew the word….until I was put into the one place that could easily reverse my feelings.  

I nuzzled my head into Gabe’s neck inhaling his scent getting lost as my body buzzed with need. 

*Mr Representative* who had remained silent cleared his throat causing all of us to look at him.  

He spoke, “Are you willing to go on Ms Prior?”

It was clear what his question meant.  He was asking if I could go on playing in the games as I fucked my way to the top.  Or if being called the obvious *C* word has dried me up unable to compete.  

I looked at him with my head still nuzzled in Gabe’s neck, “I don’t know.”

I pulled my head away from my catnip to look up at my lover, “What do you think Gabe?”

He looked from me to Kelly to *Mr Representative* to the judge’s who hasn’t moved from their spot watching us.  He looked down at me and smiled, “It’s up to you babe.”

I looked over at Kelly who was looking at me while her body was still flexed into fight mode ready to do battle.  Though her face looked like she was still pissed there was still concern for her friend.  

We shared a moment as if reading each other’s thoughts until I spoke with a warm smile, “I still say don’t be mad at me if I’m crowned ‘*Queen*’.”

Her face softened as she smiled with a light chuckle, “And I’ll be sure to share the money when I wear the crown.”

I chuckled for a moment as a tear escaped my eye that I let travel down.  

*Mr Representative* and the judge’s remained silent during our exchange.  I looked at the seven people and spoke, “I’ll continue.”

*Mr Representative* looked at the judge’s who all nodded to him before he looked at me and smiled, “Then let us congratulate you on your win Ms Prior.”

He waited a moment for the idea that up until this moment my answer determined how the rest of the game’s would be played out.  

Does my next contender get an automatic win and the games lose possibly three player’s as I’m sure Gabe would have automatically dropped out to *console* my feelings along with Kelly, who I’m sure wouldn’t let me have alone time with Gabe for very long, as she would drop out as well. 

Or do I stay in to face my next contender.  Gabe continued contending however he’s supposed to contend.  And Kelly meets me at the finals because she’s on the other side of the bracket.  

I couldn’t really *afford* to say no to the money that was at stake but I wasn’t desperate either.  

So I stayed sure I could out do any female they pit me against.  My only obstacle at getting $50,000 was the fighter who was transforming back into a sexual goddess as she relaxed.  

I smiled but was interrupted in my thinking as *Mr Representative* spoke, “I hate to break up the moment but I’m gonna need your lover as he’ll be the judge of the next round and I need to fill him in on the rules.”

I looked at him and wished I could turn myself into underwear just so I could remain in Gabe’s lap….and maybe be attached to his dick.



Man that was crazy.  

Or at least that’s what I heard when Summer told me what happened when she faced the girl who couldn’t handle the heat and called Summer a *no-no* word even I know not to utter though Summer didn’t know what the word meant…at that moment.  

If she had known the word I’m fairly certain the girl who used the word wouldn’t be able to speak for some time….or walk….or move her arms.  

I think Summer’s ignorance of the word is what saved the girl from *a lot* of pain.  

Seen one too many fights in high school.  Ok they weren’t really *fights* as they were *cat fights* as one girl fought another girl over something that seemed trivial to me at that moment.  

All I knew during one of those *cat fights* is when one of the female’s that was about to fight the moment the *C* word was thrown around and it was on.  

And usually someone loses an article of clothing….or some hair gets lost.  Definitely a fat lip and a black eye happens.  

I *think* the worst *cat fight* I saw was one girl was stripped of *all* her clothing, clumps of hair was pulled out, dislocated jaw, fat lip, broken nose, and some scratches across the face.  

The loser was some girl, a real prima donna, that had made the gross mistake of *accidentally* hooking up with one of the football player’s during one of the parties that I never got invited to.  

Only problem was the jock’s actual girlfriend was with her family and couldn’t come to the party.  

And honestly that *girl* scared even me.  

You know the type of the girl who looks cute and all that but did not take ‘SHIT’ from **nobody**.  

You know someone *like* Summer.  Though I’m using the resemblance loosely.  

In the loser’s defense, and I don’t think the school knew, no one knew that jock’s girlfriend, the winner, her dad was a trained boxer. 

Granted if **I** had hooked up with some guy who was taken I sure as fuck wouldn’t be wearing a dress….with no underwear underneath, the next day at school.  

But she did.  

Girlfriend found out.  She confronted boyfriend stealer.  Words were exchanged.  

The *C* word was used by the girlfriend stealer and Shit went down as *daddy’s* little girl broke out her daddy’s training as she used girlfriend stealers face as a literal speed bag.  

Girlfriend stealer tried to fight back back accidentally tore girlfriend’s top revealing an interesting bra.  And girlfriend returned the favor by tearing off the stealers dress to show the entire class little miss stealer wasn’t wearing Shit underneath.  

Ah good memory.  

But still you shouldn’t go around throwing that *no-no* word around all Willy nilly because there’s always someone who can knock your teeth in for using such an offensive word.  

And I sure as Fuck wouldn’t use that word around Summer **OR** Kel….even if I was describing what was between their legs.  

Yeah right I wouldn’t even dare uttering that *Unt* word as there was **better** and less offensive words to use.  

I kind of want to live….and keep my dick.  

Not saying that they’d cut off my dick if I even thought the word.  Just saying I’d be sleeping with one eye open if I even tried using the word.  

All I’m saying is using that word is at your own risk and peril.  

And don’t say I didn’t warn you.  

Granted I don’t know who I’d *have* to tell to not use that word.  

So after I had comforted Summer I was forced to separate from Summer and Kel to go ‘*judge*’ the next round seeing how we all didn’t drop out of the games.  

I got to meet the person who *ref-ed* Summer’s event when she was called the *no-no* word in a different language and found out his name was Sam.

Then I got to meet the judges *who* they represented.

The first clothed guy was from Triple S Studios, a site built on shame, sluts, and Dom/Sub.

The second clothed guy was from MSDB, a site built for the bdsm community.

The first girl was from Nix, a site (I Guess as I had never heard of them) that was fairly new and was getting some *MASSIVE* traffic as of late.

The second girl was from BB Entertainment, a site I was *kind* of familiar with as I *may* have watched a video or two from them.

And the third girl was from Evol, another studio I *may* have watched a video or two from.

The guys seemed nice enough and didn’t seem entirely too phased by what was going on…..or the fact that I was standing nude in front of them.

The girl’s on the other hand *may* have flubbed up their introduction more than once as their eye’s couldn’t seem to go higher than my low hanging fruit.  Granted I had the same problem looking them in the face as their ‘natural gravitation’ kept pulling my attention down.

Though there was *one* thing I noticed….ok more than **one**, was that all the girls were about *my* age as they couldn’t have been older than 21 at *most*.

Still each one was either cute or gorgeous in their own right but they all had one elemental flaw….they weren’t Summer or Kel.

Though I did appreciate their curves to linger on certain *aspects* while they stared at my tree trunk.

Sam introduced me to the ‘judges’ and then the ‘judges’, after the women stopped drooling, told me all the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’.  How to ‘judge’ each girl and the area’s they were going to judge each event.

In the first event I was supposed to focus on their looks, their body, their boobs, their ass, their pussy, and finally an ‘overall’ score of what I thought using various commands that I ‘could’ ask before judging their bodies on the tablet that will be in front of me on the table.  Then the scores will be combined and displayed to the contestants.

The second round, or the ‘tease’ round, I was to focus on how well the girl is able to ‘tease’ her subject that will be provided.  I was supposed to judge on ‘teasing’ potential, their overall sexuality during the event, if the subject came how powerful did it look to me, the overall show, and finally an overall score of what I thought of the show.  Once again I’d input *my* score on the tablet and then the overall score will be combined and displayed for the contestants.  I was allowed to deduct points if the contestant didn’t seem into teasing as the event entailed.  Deduct points if they use their mouths or any other body part.  The only body part the contestant was allowed to use was her hands on the guy’s dick that will be provided.

The third round, or the blowjob event, we were to judge their blowjob technique.  So things like if they ‘enjoy’ it, talk to their guy, and give an all around performance worthy of porn.  Then we will judge on ‘technique’, showmanship, interaction, after performance, and after preference.  Then give an overall score of what I thought of the ‘show’.  

I was a little confused by what they meant for a moment when they said ‘after’ but quickly realized that they meant when the guy came and what the girl does with the load.  In this round the girl was allowed to do ‘anything’ she wanted as long as her pussy or ass isn’t used, meaning the guy’s dicks can’t go in their pussy or asshole.  Everything else was fair game….though I imagine bodily harm was a no no.

The fourth round was where the real show started as the girl was allowed to use all of her orifices in order to get her guy off.  Once again we would judge it on show, enjoyment, length, bonus points if they go through more than one position, their actual interaction, how they handle when the guy came and finally the overall.  

Then the last round is to do it all again but this time use ‘every’ previous event as they would be judged by teasing, head game, and actual sex on their guy.

I was also told if the ‘special judges’ want to join in on this round we could but after the first round of girl’s we ‘special judges’ will be starting to ‘use’ the female contestants as we face off against each other for our own *score*.

I sighed and wanted to get this over with just so I could get to the action and maybe get my dick wet so I could get back to Summer and Kel.

We walked into the room as us ‘judges’ were introduced to contestant’s number seven and eight.

In the first round as I got to look at both contestants while the girl’s faced off with one another I asked my question for them to do.

I looked at them, “Are you flexible?”

I felt the judges look at me but returned their attention to the contestants as number eight nodded.

I spoke, “Show me.”

The girl proceeded to do the splits.

I spoke, “Can you do that standing up?”

Number seven nodded and stood then proceeded to hike her left leg in the air as she held it in place trying to remain upright but managed to hold a vertical split.

I spoke, “Turn to where your split is facing us.”

The girl twisted her foot slowly as she turned until her split was facing us giving us a clear view of her pussy and ass.

I looked at number right, “Can you do anything *special*?”

The girl reddened and answered, “Like what?”

I shrugged and said, “You tell me.”

Number eight thought of it before she shook her head.

I thought *huh a shame*.

I judged the girl’s using the ‘criteria’ on the tablet.  Number eight got a 6/10 for her face and body, 6/10 for her boobs as Kel and Summer had better tits than her, a 5/10 for her pussy and ass then gave her an overall score of a 5/10.  Number seven I gave a little bit better scores but not by much as I entered 6, 6, 5, and 6.

I looked behind me to see their *final* score show about the same as I entered.

Then after a few moments for the girl’s to have their own internal dilemma about how harshly they were scored we moved on to the teasing round as ottomans and guys entered into the room.

Sam, the ref, told the girl’s what was going to happen and how we would judge them.

Then the girl’s *tried* to tease their guy’s using word play and hand movements on their guy’s until the guy finally popped his top.

The entire show as too painful to watch for me as it was nearly a train wreck in my mind as Summer had done better teasing techniques on me though granted these girls weren’t given access to ‘aids’ such as whips, cuffs, and other goodies to demonstrate their ‘teasing’ techniques.  But then I guess if they were it would be a much better show possibly….and much easier for the girl then.  

I rated the girl’s giving them just bad scores as I pretty much entered 3 in every category finding it completely disappointing.

Two more guys were called into the room to replace the original guys and the girl’s proceeded onto their head game event.

Now this is where contestant number seven shined as she was more interactive with her show.  She talked with her guy and asked him how it felt, whether he enjoyed it, smacking the guy’s dick across her face saying how big he was and how good he tasted.

Contestant eight didn’t so much ask as she took cues from the guy’s body language as she kept making his sausage disappear into her mouth and held it for various seconds until she came up for air.

Looks like both girl’s enjoyed the act as they approached the display differently.

Ummmm looks like we have actual contender’s here as their previous displays were complete train wrecks and made me think *this* round would be equally a train wreck.

Then came the end as number seven showed the guy his load in her mouth as she played with it before finally swallowing where number eight immediately swallowed his load before standing and waiting.

I gave the girl’s much better scores than their teasing rounds and hit 6 all around.

Then came the sex act as the previous guys stood up and replaced the blown guys.  The girl’s took different approaches as number eight let the guy be on top as number seven started on top.

At first it seemed like it was pretty much one sided until *seven* kicked out her legs and slowly spun herself around to be in the reverse cowgirl position.

Though it was impressive the girl’s didn’t do much interaction beyond moaning and groaning so that was a disappointment.

It wasn’t long before both guy’s finished as seven was forced to be creamed and number eight jumped off and ‘finished’ the guy as his load sprayed on her.

I had to admit the girl’s were good but not as good as their previous round and couldn’t give them anything higher than a 5 using the metrics that the judges told me.  I looked back at the screen to see the judges agreed with my judgement as nothing but 5’s showed on their finishing performance.

The final scores after everything gave eight a good 20 point lead between all the events but *if* seven did things differently and used **ALL** of the previous acts together she could easily beat eight the way things were going.

The final act started as Sam told the girl’s to use all the previous events together to their advantage for the best score and the highest score will win this event.

Once again the guy’s tagged out with the previous guy’s as they took part in the overall show.

And the girl’s started their ‘show’.

Eight started off weak with her teasing of the guy before finally deep throat her guy while the guy laid back as his previous fellow’s cum leaked out of her and onto him as he showed his obvious disgust.

Couldn’t blame the guy as I would be disgusted too.

Seven quickly stepped over to Sam and asked if she could get a towel before starting and Sam nodded as he opened the door and calmly said ‘Towel’ before a towel was shown in the doorway.  Sam grabbed the towel and handed it to seven. 

She wiped away the previous guy’s mess before coming to her guy and starting on him by actually talking to him asking him did she look better now that she was clean.

Bonus points as the guy nodded.

She smiled as she sat on his face and dug her nails into his chest as he obviously started eat her.

She started to moan grabbing her tits to fondle them before bending forward as she kissed the guy’s standing object before popping it in her mouth like a it were a Popsicle and bobbed her head before suddenly stopping and shuddering.  

She quickly got up and sat on the guy’s legs facing him.  She grabbed his dick smacking it against her pussy before lifting her hips and guided her pussy onto his dick.  

She ground her hips back and forward moaning as she screamed before gyrating her hips faster before she groaned as she spoke, “Fuck your cock is so big!”

She re-positioned herself as she laid her body against the man before she bounced her ass as fast as she could begging the man to fill her up before the man grunt causing her to stop. 

She smiled letting the man grunt before he stopped.  She got up stood and bent away from of us as she spread her ass cheeks letting her creampie exit and drop to the ground.        

It was clear that *seven* won that round.  

I gave eight nothing but 6’s as I gave seven a solid 8 performance in all her categories and added the bonus points giving her the extra 20 points.  

After the event was done and the scores displayed giving *seven* the win as it put her just mere points ahead.  

The match was done and I was excused shortly after the girl’s and their male aids left so the next group could come in.  

