Platonic Friends 01 (fiction, M/F, Con, friends, roommates)

“***WHAT THE FUCK!!!***” was clearly exclaimed from a shrieking feminine voice as the owner of the voice used her ass cheeks to walk backwards.

Yes I know someone can’t simply *walk on their ass cheeks* but explain to me when your in a dentist chair and as the dentist has all this metal in your mouth hits that spot that’s sensitive you ‘*magically*’ find yourself *sliding* in a reclined chair in a direction that is not possible to get away from the offending person that is drilling in your mouth.

Go on I’ll wait while you ***explain*** that one to me.

Yeah, I thought so.

Besides watching the girl who exclaimed her proclamation of shock back away in a manner that *seemed* like she was backing away using only her butt cheeks made sense to me though I clearly saw her use her hands and feet in a manner to where she was mere millimeters off the ground and was using a unique scurrying technique of fright to back away.

The girl backing away was Felicity Beaubond, a 23 year old in her last year in college and is working to live.

And my roommate.

The reason she was using her rear to back away was…..well me……and my standing friend.

A *friend* that hadn’t been glimpsed by a *real* person of the opposite sex since I left high school.

And the girl to see my *friend* immediately backs away **because** she had suddenly realized she had bitten off more than she can chew.


My name is Neil Haspon.  I’m 23 years old.  I’m 5’4″, shorter than the national average.  I weigh 140lbs, lighter than the national average, and have that wiry skinny frame.  I have your natural golden brown hair with a long coarse black beard that goes down to below my chest.  And I have ultra light green eyes that seem to have people look at me and wonder why my eyes are so *green*.

A…n….d I have a big slab of shmeat that should be on someone twice my size….or on a horse.  The shmeat currently standing on my small frame is 16.38″ long with a girth of 8.38″ in diameter with two extra large softballs attached to the offending object.

Why do I have that **BIG** of a cock?

Hell if I should know.  All I know is I have it and I *usually* don’t show it off for **this** particular reason.

And yes before you ask I do get light headed when my dick gets hard but years of having the monster between my legs I’ve gotten used to the subtle light headed affects.  

I always feel like a freak when girls see my dick.  They see it and then do the whole *how?* comparisons.  Or they run and hide as they hold their lower regions for fear of it being destroyed, kind of like what was happening in front of me now.

It’s a small miracle I don’t still have my virginity though it HAS been a while so it might as well have grown back.

I work as a delivery driver for a company mainly delivering goods from one building to another that is ALL OVER our fair city that I live in.  The pay is decent and the company works around my schedule which is nice.

Like Felicity I was in my last year of college on scholarship majoring in business though I have NO IDEA what I’m gonna do after that.  

I know Felicity and I go to the same college but for the life of me I have no idea what she is majoring in though I know she has told me more than once.  I think it was something in design but that’s all I can remember.

Felicity and I moved in together….well technically I moved in with her as she placed a want ad looking for a roommate.  I found the ad my second year in college after deciding that dorm life was not for me.  I applied and she agreed after other applicants fell through as they didn’t have a steady job and I did.

And that’s how we had been for the last two years.

At first we were *normal* roommates coming and going as she had made *rules* of the apartment where sticky notes of what was hers, especially in the fridge, was the norm.  The living room had to be clean at ALL times.  You cook, you clean.  You see dishes in the sink if they’re yours and they’re not clean within 24 hours then they would be in your bed the next day.  Don’t leave used towels on the floor in the shared bathroom.  All products for the bathroom MUST remain in your bedroom if left in the bathroom will be thrown away after a week of being in there.

You know the *normal* rules that most roommates have together.  Though I’ll admit SOME of those RULES were kind of strict, I’ll admit the first time one of my dirty dishes with leftover lasagna showed up in my bed made me make sure everything was clean after that.  Or when I realized I *forgot* my deodorant stick in the bathroom after a week and finding it missing I made sure to keep the bathroom clean, and I had my own laugh when SHE forgot her perfume for a week and threw it away.  She was PISSED but when I reminded her of her own rule she growled and left it at that.

Other than those rules it was pretty much fair reign as our bedrooms were ‘*ours*’.  

The way the payments were between us was that I paid MY half of the rent.  I had to have SOME of the bills, in my case I took care of water, internet, and gas.  She took care of electricity which was the biggest bill.  

Trash was included in the rent as there were trash chutes located at various points in the building that all of the tenants had to dispose of their trash down.

If electricity exceeded what I paid in MY bills monthly then I paid the difference, though between my bills and hers the difference was only minimal by a few bucks so it wasn’t too much of a big deal.

Eventually after the first six months we *were* your typical strangers, then we became, what I like to call *light*, friends as we got to know each other and occasionally hung out.

When I first met Felicity she already had a boyfriend who came over often enough but eventually something happened and she became single and that’s when we became light friends as I helped her get drunk and listened to how much she loved the idiot.  

That’s how we got to know each other.  At first we hung out as I helped her get over her ex as we did various activities like rock climbing, go karting, mini golf, movies, and other activities.

When our schedules synced up of course.

Then she found another beau….but he didn’t last long before she was single again.  Something about already living with a male as a roommate he found weird and constantly accused her of cheating when we hadn’t done anything other than the occasional hang out as I worked too much.

After the third guy she kind of gave up on guys and declared she was done with guys until she finished college and could afford to live on her own.

That’s when we went from *occasional* hanging out roommates to always hanging out whenever we were free roommates.  We go see movies together, sometimes I would pick and most times she would.  Go to the occasional dinner when our schedules allowed it.  She would cook meals for ‘*US*’ when our schedules aligned together.

We started doing A LOT of things together…..when our schedules synced up that is.  

Soon we moved from *light* friends to actual friends as she showed more of her personality and let her guard down around me.  And for the most part I did the same as we shared just about everything together to where we could joke around with one another.

Our relationship was completely platonic, we would joke with each other but *never* would go any further than frequent sexual jab at each other without getting mad at one another.

This entire time we had been roommates, she had never seen me have a girlfriend and after we became friends her *usual* jab was that I was shorter than the *competition* and could *easily* be put in the friend zone that every girl has.

My *usual* jab at her was that she couldn’t keep a guy **BECAUSE** she had me as a roommate and a friend.

Yes I knew my jab was weak sauce but it made her smirk and lightly chuckle as she said I *might* be right.

Tonight we had decided to binge watch OUR favorite show as the newest season had JUST been released after being on a hiatus for a few years due to various conflicts.  We **BOTH** waited until we both were free just so we could binge watch it while we honored the college tradition when you binge anything…

We were three episodes deep before Felicity decided to get comfortable meaning she laid her head in my lap as we watched the show.

Now *normally* I wouldn’t care if Felicity did this because *normally* I could control my urges or *normally* lay a pillow in my lap.

Two problems…..she didn’t want the pillow because she had a kink in her neck AND this *show* often has sexually explicit scenes.

Well a scene came on that was really *really* hot.  Nature took over as my oversized *friend* bulged against my sweats and **pushed** against Felicity’s noggin and was threatening take Felicity’s ear virginity.

Felicity noticed the *bulge* and decided to *jab* at me asking if the *scene* was too much as she smiled at me.

I chuckled and agreed that it was hot.

Felicity got up and readjusted herself and we went back to watching the show while I used a pillow to hide my *friend*.  And pushed him down ignoring the pain it caused pushing my hardened flesh down.

Then came the next episode where another *hot* scene came on.  I pushed the pillow harder down almost looking like I was grinding the pillow down causing Felicity to notice and make the joke ‘*You know usually women are the ones who grind on pillows*’.

I looked down and blushed *Yeah sorry*.

Felicity smiled and somewhere during the scene Felicity’s foot extended from her position and slipped in between the pillow and my *friend* causing me to jump as the slip happened.  I looked over at Felicity and spoke “Ummmm Felicity you might want to remove your foot.”

Felicity blushed and pulled her foot back ‘*Sorry*’ then lightly joked ‘*At least I now know you’re not into foot jobs*’.

I coughed and spoke “Yeah, feet are really not my thing.”

Then we remained quiet at the *jab* though we were joking was kind of during an embarrassing moment.

We went back to watching until the episode was finally over as she turned off the TV and exclaimed ‘*Wow that was really hot!*’

I nodded trying to keep the pillow in place and keep my friend down out of respect for Felicity.

Felicity looked at me weird but got up and spoke, “Well I don’t know about **you** *but* I’m gonna go into my room and handle some business.”

I grunted knowing what she was referring to but remained quiet.

Felicity smirked, “You gonna do the same?”

I felt my face flush from embarrassment as Felicity had blatantly asked if I was gonna go masturbate like she fully admitted she was going to go do but coughed, “*Yeah*.”

She smiled and softened her voice, “Relax Neil, that show made me *horny* too.  You can admit that to me.”

I looked at her and nodded as my answer as I finally stood up ready to go back to my own room as I still held the pillow against myself keeping my *friend* down as much as possible.

Felicity chuckled and before I could do anything she grabbed the pillow and wanked it out of my grasp revealing my *bulge* before I could recover and quickly cover my *bulge* with my hands making Felicity laugh even more.

She walked up to me seeing how we were nearly the same height as she cooed, “It’s just a **dick** Neil.  I know what they look like so there’s no need to hide it.”

*Not like this one* I thought.

I coughed and spoke, “Yeah well it’s still improper.”

Felicity gave me a wicked smile, “So polite Neil.”  She looked down at my hands as she licked her lips, “I have a **better** *idea*,” and without warning she quickly knelt down and tugged my sweats and underwear down, unleashing me to the room.

She made her proclamation to the room falling backwards and scooted back not realizing what I was packing and that’s where we are now as she protected her crotch while still scooting back. 

I finally recovered after Felicity had successfully scooted back far enough and possibly giving herself carpet rash on her ass as I pulled up my underwear and sweats feeling defeated and too embarrassed at what had happened I wordlessly walked into my room, closed the door and locked it.  Leaving Felicity right where she was in frozen fear. 



  1. Ha. I laughed when I read that she was protecting her crotch. Like that thing had a life of its own and was gonna ravish her. Good chapter, would love to read more.

  2. I like this and can’t wait for more. Although with that monster I bet this is gonna tie into SSC somehow at some point

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