[F] I was dared to strip naked in the office after work for ten minutes and leave my clothes…it went very wrong, very fast

Dare from an anonymous user.
“I dare you to strip butt naked at work after hours and leave your clothes in a separate room for ten minutes.”
This one left me feeling nervous all day. I had a quick plan. I waited until work was close to being done, then discreetly packed everything, went to my car early and dropped it off, then went back to the women’s bathroom and waited in the handicap stall as everyone went home. I texted my husband I would be working late.
I work in a shared office building, with three companies on our floor. My company alone has about 100 employees. I am unfortunately one of six women. The rest are men.
I played games on my phone until it was 30 minutes after closing. I went to the door and peaked out into the hallway. Silence.
I went back to the handicap stall and quickly peeled my dress off, unclipped my bra and dropped my thong. I hung it all up on the inside hook of the stall door. Then, barefoot, I walked back to the hallway door.
I set my Apple Watch to ten minutes and pressed start. Then I just went for it, walking out into the open hallway. There was one camera around the left side so I went right, walking towards the elevator lobby. I went past the door to our office, darting across the windows quickly even though everyone was gone. I made it to the elevators and sat down in the cloth chairs to wait for the ten minutes.
My mental state at this point was hard to explain. I’m finding these moments where I’m doing something wild seem to shut down the logic part of my brain. My heart pounds, I’m shaking…but I’m also so happy.
And I remained happy for seven minutes, until the elevator suddenly dinged on my floor. I’ve never run so fast in my life. I cleared the corner just as the doors opened and slid to a halt.
The janitor was in the women’s bathroom. His cart was in the door. I heard low whistling behind me from whoever was on the elevator and quickly ran past the janitors cart and ran into the men’s bathroom. I just hoped Jamal wasn’t looking as I ran by.
I got into the handicap stall and locked the door, sitting on the toilet. A few moments later the bathroom door exploded open giving me a second heart attack.
The guy went straight to my stall, violently pulling on the handle. I think I almost blacked out.
“Sorry.” The guy said. Then he went to the stall next to mine. I saw his pants hit the ground. Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t want to scar you with the sounds I heard…but it wasn’t good. The whole time I sat there completely naked, the ten minute countdown fully passed.
As I sat there, with a man I didn’t know, just a foot away from me butt naked, I found my fingers drifting between my legs. I slowly massaged myself while trying to drown out the sounds. It was weird.
Finally he left. I crept back to the door, saw the hallway was clear and raced into the stall. Thankfully my clothes were still on the hook. I got dressed and ran to my car where I finished what I started in the stall.
Dare: complete!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v8r4u4/f_i_was_dared_to_strip_naked_in_the_office_after


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