[F] I was dared to go to a pet store and ask for a collar and leash, then when they ask for what kind of dog, I tell them it’s for me. I tried a few collars on. I was embarrassed lol

This dare was from u/hungman1974
“So here’s the dare. You need to go the pet store and ask for a collar and a leash. And when they ask you about the dog and it’s size and breed, you tell them it’s for you. Bonus points for trying out a few of them.”
I was wearing leggings and a tank top when I walked confidently into PetCo (one further into town, not the one I normally go to). I went back by the dog collars and looked at the rows and rows of options. I waited a few minutes until finally an employee showed up. Kind of short guy, on the younger side.
“Excuse me? Could you help me?” I asked. He walked over.
Suddenly alllllllll of the nerves hit me.
“I’m looking for a dog collar.” I said.
He looked at me, then looked at the hundreds of collars for a long beat.
“Okay?” He said, confused.
We stared at each other for a moment.
“Um. What kind of a dog do you have?” He finally asked.
I giggled nervously. I probably looked like a crazy person.
“It’s for me.” I said.
He stared at me for another long moment. “Right, but what kind of dog do you have so I know the general size.”
“No it’s for me. I’m going to wear it.” For a moment he looked like he was about to walk away. He definitely thought I was joking.
This wasn’t going well.
“I mean, I know it’ll need to be bigger I bet.” I walked towards the middle rows.
“Well, just try any of them on to start.” He said smugly. At this point he must have thought this was all a game and didn’t think I’d do it.
I grabbed the first collar, all pink, and quickly snapped it around my neck. It actually kind of fit. He looked at me shocked.
“How’s this look?” I posed real quick like a dork, not helping my crazy person vibe.
“Umm. Thicker. You need a thicker one.” The guy said. Somehow that seemed sexual.
And for the next few minutes he helped me try on several collars until we settled on a thick, dark collar.
“Ok, now I need a leash.” I said. I grabbed one off the end display, ignoring the looks of a guy walking in, and went back to the employee.
“Could you do the honors?” I said, handing him the leash. His hand was visibly shaking but he clipped it on.
I was standing in a pet store, dog collar around my neck and leash being held by an employee.
“Did you need to, like, try it out?” He asked.
“Good point.” And before I knew what I was doing I was on all fours in the aisle, walking deeper into the store. I could feel his eyes on my ass as I crawled. The collar pulled tightly on me.
Finally I hopped up.
“This is perfect. I’ll take the collar, thank you.” I quickly unclipped the leash and walked up front to check out, leaving him standing there with the leash.
Dare – accomplished!
As I walked out I saw him standing with another employee whispering about me. I practically ran out the store.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v8mnzo/f_i_was_dared_to_go_to_a_pet_store_and_ask_for_a


  1. He was slowly getting into the mood when he asked you if you wanted to try it, Most likely he was edging to pull it and command you.

  2. Straight up. If I was that retail worker, I would have been 100% convinced that someone was pranking me

  3. I was driving thru a downtown Dallas neighborhood once and I saw a young white couple, looked like they were in their early 20’s. The guy was leading his girl by a leash, she was walking upright, not like a dog or anything. Aside from the shock value, which is what they were probably aiming for, I found this INCREDIBLY erotic!! The fact that the female looked more than willing to be so submissive in public was so hot!

  4. I’d have given you my number in case you needed help with it 😂

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