Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 18: Day One [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][sfw]but with mentions of sex

**18: Day One**

***|Saturday, camping trip day one***

“Goodbye, Aunt Liz!” Charlie yelled waving his hands to Liz who was in the kitchen preparing Chloe’s breakfast.

We walked to our parked car in the driveway where I assisted him inside and put seatbelt on him as he sat in the backseat.

Paige, along with the twins, then came to our driveway in a few minutes while I was arranging stuff in the trunk.

“Hey,” Paige greeted me with a shy smile on her face.

“Hey,” I smiled at her before giving her a side cheek courtesy along with a sneaky ass grab.

She then shot a grinning *stop, there are kids here* kind of look at me to which I chuckled as I said, “I’ll take your bags.”

I proceeded to stock up the trunk with everyone’s bags including Charlotte’s who was still inside giving Chloe a last minute breastfeeding session.

I then checked on the four of them cramped in the backseat, “Everyone feel comfortable?”

The twins who were sitting on Paige’s left side along with Charlie who was on her right shouted in chorus, “Yes!”

Paige then giggled as she looked at me before raising her brows as a yes.

Sadie requested to include Miles to our trip leading us to decide to cater the twins and Paige in our car. Good thing was that three kids and one slim adult to fill the backseat isn’t really the most uncomfortable scenario.

I sat on the driver seat while all four of them in the back were chatting when Charlotte came out of the house. She walked towards us while Liz was holding Chloe and waving her hands by the door.

The road trip then began and so were the kids nonstop chatting. I’ve heard Paige join them for a while but stopped after an hour or so of driving, so I briefly glanced at the rear view mirror to check on her thinking she probably fell asleep.

I noticed she was awake so I asked, “You guys okay back there?”

The kids synonymously uttered, “Yeah!,” while I heard a faint one from Paige.

I looked at her through the mirror again now noticing she looked a bit pale.

“Actually, um, I’m sorry I—I think I’m gonna throw up,” Paige mumbled before covering her mouth.

I quickly pulled over while Ellis’ car in front of us continued on its way probably missing that we had stopped.

As soon as I parked the car on the side of the road, Paige got out and vomited.

Charlotte went out to follow her and patted her back until she stood back up breathing heavily.

My heart began pounding so hard in my chest at this moment, I thought I even blacked out for a second overthinking all the possibilities causing her being nauseous.

I got out of the car as well, grabbed a bottled water and some candies from my bag, and went to check on her, “Do you feel better now?”

She nodded taking a sip off the bottle I handed her.

“Thank you. I’m sorry I got carsick for some reason,” she muttered in a hoarse voice before putting a mint candy in her mouth.

“Don’t worry, I usually get carsick from Trent’s driving too,” Charlotte joked still rubbing Paige’s back.

Paige chuckled and I smiled as I spoke, “Just tell us when you’re ready to start experiencing my driving again. I promise I’ll be more careful this time.”

“I’m better now. I think we should go. Dad may start thinking we got lost on the way,” she muttered with a soft smile on her lips but a worried look on her eyes as she made eye contact with me.

Charlotte then offered to her, “I think you’d be more comfortable sitting in front, don’t you think? Sitting in the middle might be the culprit. We could swap seats.”

Paige nodded smiling at her before we all got back to the car and continued driving.

I took quick glances at Paige who was now sitting beside me from time to time to check on her. I then noticed she fell asleep within 15 mins after resumption.

Half an hour passed when Charlotte received a text from Olive saying we’ll take a stop at the next gas station to take a break.

As we got there, the kids with Charlotte as a guardian went out to buy some snacks at the shop.

I asked her to get me some iced coffee and some isotonic drink for Paige for when she wakes up.

Paige and I were then left alone in the car. I rubbed my beard as I stared at her still in a deep sleep.

I reached in and caressed her cheek softly. Though I only touched her lightly, it still managed to wake her up.

“Hey,” she sheepishly greeted.

“How are you feeling? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” I uttered in a low voice.

She looked around realizing we had stopped then said, “It’s okay. I’m not nauseous anymore.”

I smiled at her before hesitantly asking, “Have you, uh, been feeling a bit off lately?”

With a dash of worry in her eyes, she replied, “I, um, I’ve been throwing up. Random times a day. Since, uh, maybe this Monday.”

I breathed heavily as I muttered, “Have you seen a doctor?”

“I was supposed to ask you to check. That’s why I came by the clinic. I just got a bit nervous and then a lot happened so,” she explained staring intently at my eyes.

“Come here,” I whispered motioning her to get closer to me.

She did while I wrapped my hand at the back of her head and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

“I’m scared,” she then mumbled looking like she was about to cry.

“I know. I know. I’m here, okay? I won’t leave you, I’ll be here,” I assured her holding her hand on her thigh.

Tears began rolling down her cheeks but she quickly wiped them off saying, “I can’t be though. Right? I’m consistently on pills.”

“In reality, there are cases were women get pregnant while on birth control,” I softly spoke caressing her hand with my thumb.

“I—I changed it. The pharmacist told me. She, uh, she gave me a different one last Saturday when I went to replenish mine after we had sex that morning. It was out of stock so she gave me a different one saying it’s basically the same. I didn’t have doubts about it but I thought I’d show you anyway but I haven’t. We had sex on Wednesday, too, but I’ve been throwing up since Monday. It’s confusing,” she uttered hastily it almost leave her out of breath.

“It’s okay. You’re okay. Do you have it now though? I’ll take a look. It might just be a side effect of that pill that’s causing you to throw up. And, uh, I think maybe we should get you a quick test kit from the store?” I calmed her cupping her cheek while wiping the remaining tears off with my thumb.

“I have some pills in my bag in the trunk. I’ll show you later. I—I’ll get a kit from the store,” she nervously volunteered.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine? You don’t feel nauseous anymore? I could come buy it,” I suggested though I thought it would be a bad idea for me to buy it while my wife’s currently inside the store.

“I’ll do it. I don’t think Charlotte would be happy to see you buying a pregnancy test kit,” she muttered tying her hair up in a ponytail.

“Alright, but I’ll watch you from here,” I said then she smiled and walked out to the store.

After a few minutes of Paige entering the store, I saw Charlotte with the kids walking their way back to the car.

The kids voices began filling up the car making me realizing how silent I was the past minutes thinking nothing but Paige.

The remaining hours on the road went smoothly as compared to the first half. Paige slept throughout while the kids and my wife never stopped chatting and playing at the back.

As soon as we arrived at the cabin and parked the car, the kids quickly got out running around the area. Charlotte followed them and greeted the Turners as well.

I lightly tapped Paige’s thigh to wake her up.

She slowly opened her eyes then asked in soft morning voice, “Are we here?”

“Yeah. How are you feeling now?” I asked rubbing her thigh.

“Better. But still scared,” she uttered putting out a faint smile.

“We’ll figure it out,” I muttered kissing her on the forehead.

– – –

It was around 2pm, Charlotte and I were in our room preparing to swim in the cabin’s indoor pool along with everyone else.

“Trent,” she muttered fidgeting her nails.

“Hmm?” I casually asked.

“I, uh, I didn’t mean to but I did something wrong and I need your opinion about it. I was a bit concerned about Paige earlier and, uh, I know it’s disrespectful but when she left her stuff in her room, I sneaked in to see what she bought from the store. I tried asking her at the store but she acted weird so I thought I’d just check,” she explained in low voice almost whispering.

“Why would you that? Shouldn’t her being uncomfortable when you asked be enough for you to understand she doesn’t want to tell you about it? Come on, Charlotte. You know better,” I confronted her sounding pissed.

She rolled her eyes sitting on the edge of the bed as she continued explaining, “I know it’s wrong. I said I know it’s disrespectful but I was concerned, okay? Will you please calm down? What I was trying to say is, I saw she bought some pregnancy test kits and some condoms. What would you make of that?”

I felt a splash of nerves pumping in my temples as I replied, “Why do I need to make something off that?”

“I’m worried she might be, you know, sleeping with Miles or at least planning to. We know they had a relationship before but in this scenario he’s already with Sadie. What if Paige is still sleeping with him? I don’t want her to make the same mistake I and her sister did. I felt like I need to talk to her about it, you know, to change her mind,” she reiterated with a hint of shame and guilt in her voice.

I stared at her for while not realizing I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that this wife of mine literally had no idea the condoms I wasn’t aware Paige bought were meant for me and that the test kit was meant to confirm if I’m gonna be a father to her child anytime soon.

I felt a lump in my throat as I uttered much calmer this time, “If that’s really the case, I honestly don’t think we have the right to intervene, Charlotte.”

She looked up at me with her brows furrowed visibly contemplating around what I just said and what she just did.

She then buried her face in her palms then brushed her hair upwards as a sign of frustration. I stood there like statue while my heart’s pumping hard in my chest.

“You’re right. I think I crossed the line. Fuck, now I’m feeling even more guilty over what I did,” she grunted standing up before grabbing her towel and leaving the room.

– – –


*As I mentioned last chapter, this one’s SFW so next chapter will be up in a few minutes.*

*Thank you for reading!*
