Step Sister Corruption Part 273 – Day 140 Free Use Vacay Pt 17 – Aphrodite Games Pt 5 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I stood with my fellow contestant as a slow mischievous smile spread on my lips when *we* entered the room.

It was the sneering *bitch* otherwise known as contestant number six.

We stood in the room for a minute before a small group of people walked into the room and sat at a table with a TV above them showing Contestant # 5 and Contestant # 6 on the screen.

The group consisted of three guys and three girls as we were informed they would be the judges in our head to head battle.

They introduced one of the guys as one of the male contestants as he would be one of the judges for the time being.

I looked at the man, who was much like myself and my fellow contestant…..nude.

The second and third guy’s were fully clothed and looked like any other guy in my book….not Gabe.

The girl’s on the other hand, due to my awakened respect and attraction for the fairer sex, were cute as I imagined each of them nude as I imagined what each one would taste like.

But my imagination was shortly lived as the next person came in and informed us that these ‘judges’ would be judging us for each of our events in our head to head battle with one another.

I looked at the sneering princess and smiled at her, deciding to be supportive, “Good luck to you.”

And just like earlier she sneered at me not saying a word and faced the judges.

And our ‘*match*’ started.

*Woman Judge # 1: Do a jumping jack*

I don’t know how doing a jumping jack would pertain to my looks but I did as asked and proceeded to do five jump jacks as I tried desperately to not hold myself as my new enlarged breasts bobbed almost painfully as they slapped against my body each time I landed.

*Clothed Male Judge # 1: Turn around and bend over*

Not really understanding how this pertained to my *looks* as this was the first part of the event.  Still I did as they asked, I turned around and bent over.

*Woman Judge # 2: Spank your own ass*

Still bent over I reached behind and smacked my own ass.

*Clothed Judge # 2: Come here and bend in front of us*

I stood up and approached the table of judges and bent over in front of them facing them.

*Woman Judge # 1: Come over here*

I stood up and walked in front of the female judge.  She reached out and fondled both me and my *challenger’s* breasts while I tried to not moan as the sensation sent pleasure through my body.  It didn’t help when *Woman Judge #1* kneaded my nipple shooting even more goodness throughout my body as I knew my breath was becoming shallow.

Eventually *Woman Judge # 1* stopped before commanding us to return to our original position.

I watched each of the judges look at one another as they bent and conversed with one another in hushed tones.

And just like that the event was done.

That was it.  I did some jumping jacks, bent over, spanked my own ass, bent in front of them and let one of them fondle my tit was all it took for the judges to determine my *looks*.

How **any** of that represented my *looks* was beyond me.  Though I’m sure doing the jumping jack showed the judges how much fat were in my perky tits.  Or having one of them fondle me represented something to the same effect or how turned on I could get when one of my sensitive areas was stimulated.

Whatever their reasonings were they had made their determination for both of us.

I secretly hoped my ‘*looks*’ ranked higher than the sneering *bitch*.

Up on the screen above them showed our results.

Event # 1

Contestant # 5

Looks: 7/10

Body: 8/10

Breasts: 7/10

Ass: 7/10

Pussy: 6/10

Overall: 8/10

Total: 43/60

Contestant # 6

Looks: 7/10

Body: 7/10

Breasts: 5/10

Ass: 8/10

Pussy: 6/10

Overall: 7/10

Total: 40/60

I was instantly surprised that I had squeaked out a win so narrowly, thinking my looks were far more superior than my sneering fellow.  But somehow she scored nearly as high as I did…..barely.

Should I be offended that I didn’t get a higher score?

I’m sure if Kelly were here she would more than likely get a 10/10 with every category.

I mean how in the hell did this *bitch* get a higher score in the ass category when I *knew* my ass looked better than her flat ass.  How?  It made no sense but I wasn’t the judge so I had no idea how they *scored* each of our features that they chose.

Still a win was a win.

I looked over at my competition to see that the results obviously irked her as her nostril’s were flaring as she breathed before giving me the *dirtiest* look ever.  

We waited for the next part to start as two ottomans were wheeled in followed closely by two very nude men who walked in and laid down on the large ottoman.

The representative who had been standing there the entire time voiceless during the first portion of the *event* spoke, “Remember in this next round you’re allowed to tease your ‘subject’ as much as you want **WITHOUT** using any of your orifices.”

The sneering bitch looked at the representative and spoke, “But we’re allowed to use our hands?”

The representative nodded.

She quickly moved to her ‘subject’ and grabbed his dick and started masturbating his flaccid dick trying to get it hard.

I looked at mine and thought of the actual ‘wording’ of the event.

We had to ‘tease’ our subject while the ‘judges’ watched our performance.  If they meant for us to simply jerk off our ‘subject’ then that’s what they would have said.

No, the representative clearly said ‘tease’.

And I was good at teasing.

I smiled and waltzed up to my ‘subject’ laying on the ottoman.  More specifically I walked up to where his head was directly under me.  

I looked at his member as it laid there waiting for attention as I thought to myself *I hope he tastes yummy* as my mouth started to water semi disappointed this wasn’t the blowjob event so I could easily shine.

I looked over at my fellow contestant who was hard at work moving her hand up and down vigorously on her ‘subject’ as I watched it get red meaning it was almost ready to pop.

I looked down at my ‘subject’ and with a smile, “You like what you see?”

My ‘subject’ looked up at me as he was obviously looking at the one thing on me that every red blooded male focuses on… pussy.

Still the question averted his focus to look up at me and nodded.

I smiled as I spoke, “Does it look nice to you?”

He looked at it again before returning his attention to my eyes and nodded.

I spoke trying to sound sexy, “Would you like a closer look?”

He quickly nodded and kept nodding.

I smiled and lowered myself down right when I heard a male grunt.

I looked over to see my fellow contestant had made her ‘subject’ release himself all over her hand and himself.

I smiled looking at the scene *and this is where you’re going to lose*.

I looked down at **my** ‘subject and spoke coyly, “Is this close enough or would you like a closer view?”

My subject spoke quickly, “Closer please.”

I smiled as I lowered myself down slowly until I could feel his hot breath against my lips making me stop.  I lightly giggled, “I hope you don’t mind that I’m *SOOOO* wet.”

I couldn’t see my subject’s face as his mouth was so close that I’m sure if I **allowed** it he could stick out his tongue and it wouldn’t be far from actually licking me.

I was on the right track as my ‘subject’s” penis started to move as it started it’s hardening process.

I smiled thinking *yes just like that*.  I continued to speak, “I’ve been such a bad girl that I didn’t clean myself off for you.”  I moved my hips back so I can look down at my ‘subject’, “I hope you can forgive me as I’m sure I’m just a mess.”

My subject spoke hoarsely, “It’s completely fine.”

I smiled as I giggled, “You know all that could be for you.”

My ‘subject’ looked at me completely miffed as he looked between me and my pussy that was mere inches above his head.  I looked up to see my ‘subject’s’ dick was now at it’s ‘ON” position.

I was *kind* of upset the length standing for me wasn’t as high as I’d like it to be, though before Gabe what was standing at attention now I used to thinking that was a ‘BIG’ **cock**.  I smiled thinking *oh how time changes*.

I looked down at my ‘subject’ remembering that I had to *tease* him and an evil idea popped into my head.  I smiled at my own thought, “Want to know how this could be **your’s**?”

My subject vigorously nodded.

I smiled, “I want you to *show* me how you pleasure yourself.”

As soon as I spoke those words my ‘subject’s’ hand immediately shot towards his own dick and gasped it.  I spoke stopping him, “I want to see you do it *slowly*.”

My subject nodded and slowly his hand started moving.

I walked to the side of the ottoman making sure that the judges could see me AND my subject.  I knelt down as I spoke, “Spit in your hand to help give you some lube.”

My ‘subject’ followed my instructions as the hand that had a firm grasp on his manhood came up to his mouth as I watched him spit into his hand before he resumed shaking hands with his dear fellow.

I lowly moaned, “Yes just like that.  I want to watch you slowly pleasure yourself.”

I smiled as my ‘subject’ nodded and followed my instructions as his hand slowly stroked his own dick as my own *frustration* grew that I was watching a guy stroke his own dick and I couldn’t do anything about it beyond watching.

Granted the power I felt was invigorating but the power didn’t help my wet pussy nor did it stop it from getting wetter.

I inhaled deeply as my ‘subject’s’ musk rose to slowly fill the room the moment the first clear drop started to form on the tip of his dick.

I spoke, “Good.  Good.  Now rub your precum all over your dick.  *Nice* and *slow*.”

My ‘subject’ did as I told him as his thumb reached out and pressed down on the clear fluid and started to circle it around the tip.

I smiled, “Good.  Remember to be nice and slow.”

I stood up and walked around to where I was back to standing over my ‘subject’s’ head.  I huskily spoke, “God I’m *so* **WET**.”

I purposely lowered myself until I felt my ‘subject’s’ hot breath on my lips as I continued to speak in a near whisper, “See.”

I watched as my ‘Subject’s’ hand quicken his handshake.

I reached out and quickly pinched both of my ‘subject’s’ nipples causing him to stop and groan.  I twisted the flesh that was in between my thumb and finger as I growled, “I **wanted** to watch you **slowly** pleasure yourself.  *remember*?”

I tugged the flesh up keeping my grip on the sensitive skin as I spoke calmly, “Now ***SLOWLY*** resume.”

I watched his hand slowly start moving again before I released my ‘subject’s’ hairy nipples as I smiled and soothly spoke, “Yes just like that.”

Another blob of his clear fluid escaped and my ‘subject’ automatically worked the fluid in as he continued to slowly pleasure himself with my pussy mere inches from his mouth.

I stood back up and walked back to where I was as I walked down a little bit further south before I knelt down and leaned in and settled my face on my hands on the ottoman.

My ‘subject’ had his head raised keeping me in frame as he jerked himself off.

I smiled seeing that my ‘subject’s’ rocket had turned red and his veins were beginning to show as more and more of his clear fluid leaked out.

I refrained from sticking my tongue out, afraid to lose the round all because I couldn’t keep my mouth off something that I *craved*.

Even now the musky aroma that was coming from my ‘subject’s’ dick was so inviting.

I looked up at my ‘subject’ and smiled, “Is my little *pet* about to pop?”

My ‘subject’ nodded slowly.

If I *were* to extend this event and clearly show my *audience* how well I can ‘tease’ then I would tell my ‘subject’ to stop what he was doing to help prolong this session.

But between my ‘contender’s’ obvious stupidity and did ALL the work without doing one iota bit of ‘teasing’ it was clear that I was winning this event.

So I smiled at my ‘subject’ and spoke my finishing command, “I want to see **it**.  I want to see you *shoot* your cum as far as you can.  I want to see that you can fill my *womb*.”

I stood up and padded my pussy slowly stroking it as he watched I huskily spoke, “I want you to imagine you filling me **up**.”

That was enough to make my ‘subject’ quickly and furiously move his hand as it became a blur on his dick.

His hips started to buck as his hand kept moving at a blinding speed.

He was close.

He grunted and his hand stopped as his semen shot along his abdomen.

He continued to groan as another shot came out to contend with the first shot but not going quite as far.  Then a third shot but didn’t have much force.  And a final fourth shot came out only to fall just merely millimeters from his dick.

My subject laid his head back and released his grip on his manhood letting the puny thing to fall and start it’s shrinking process in it’s red irritated state as he panted.

I smiled at my ‘subject’ as I coyly spoke, “that’s good my *pet*.”

I knelt down and stroked his head, “That’s good.  You can rest.”

I stood up and simply looked at my ‘audience’ to wait for my verdict.

I watched my ‘audience’ who up until now I had pretty much ignored while I did my thing to see they were obviously captivated by my *performance*.

It took them a minute to blink as some of *my* ‘audience’ were so enthralled with my show that they started to follow my *instructions* like they were my own subjects as their hands reappeared back on the table.

Once I saw that I inwardly smiled knowing I had this event in the bag but didn’t let it show on my face.

I watched as the judges looked at one another before they input their ‘verdicts’ and let them be displayed on the screen behind them.

Event # 2

I blinked when my *competitor’s* results came up first.

Contestant # 6

Teasing: 0/10

Sexuality: 0/10

Cum Capability: 1/10

Show: 0/30

Overall: 1/10

Subtotal: 1/70

Total: 41/130

I smiled seeing that I was right in my thinking.

I watched as my score came up.

Contestant # 5

Teasing: 9/10

Sexuality: 9/10

Cum Capability: 9/10

Show: 28/30

Overall: 9/10

Subtotal: 64/70

Total: 107/130

I looked down at my ‘subject’ before I returned my attention to my ‘judges’, “So do we wait until they’re ready again or…..?”

I looked over at the sneering girl who looked pissed as she saw the results before glaring at me like she wanted to murder me.  

I simply shrugged and smiled at her speaking, “Sorry if I followed the rules.”

She quickly retorted by sneering, “Bitch!”

I wanted to retort back and return a different insult but the representative who had, once again, remained silent cleared his throat getting our attention quickly de-escalating the tension in the room. 

I looked at him and saw that now he was sporting a tent in his trousers diffusing my anger causing me to pay attention to him and re-igniting my lust.

I may have smiled seeing even I affected him as well and lightly wondered how big his dick was.  

The representative moved over to the door, opened it and spoke, “We need two new bodies in here please.”

Then he stepped aside as two new males walked in and closed the door.

They both moved over to the ottomans as the recovered ‘subject’ from the currently losing sneering *bitch* stood up and sat down against the wall.  One took his place while the other helped **my** subject get off the ottoman and helped him to the wall before resuming his place on the ottoman to become my *new* ‘subject’.

The representative spoke, “In this round you will be judged on your blowjob capabilities.”  The representative looked at sneery mc*bitch*y as he spoke slowly, “Where you will *demonstrate* your technique.”

He looked at me and continued semi smiling, “And show how you are better than your *competitor*.”  As he gave me a wink before resuming his status of standing and not saying anything as if he were a statue.

Now that the third round started where I could showcase my ‘talent’ for giving head.  

I watched as my *competitor* quickly went to work grabbing the guy’s flaccid dick and went to work.  

I blinked in astonishment thinking *was this bitch stupid?*

Did she not learn from her previous mistake?

I sighed and assumed that she was clearly not made for this particular game.  

I mean sure the **previous** game was to quickly blow a guy but **this** time it was all about the act.  

Like the representative said *showcase your **technique*** not power through it.  

After my initial shock of my competitor’s stupidity I decided that I wanted to beat this bitch into submission and get high scores all around again.  

I walked up to my new ‘subject’ and thought *please have high stamina* before I spoke, “You ready to have your soul sucked out *pet*?”

My ‘subject’ looked at me confused as to why I would call him ‘*pet*’.  

I smiled as I knelt down to actually face my ‘subject’ and spoke, “Because once I’m done you’ll be erecting a shrine in *my* name.”

I stood up and put his head in between my legs giving him a clear view of my pussy as I continued, “If you’re lucky and last I may let you have a taste of this.”

I looked over at my three women judge’s and smiled, “You may want to take notes,” before I looked down at my subject and looked at his meat as it limply laid across his groin and was instantly pissed that it was surrounded by a mound of hair.  

I put knees next to my ‘subjects’ ears and leaned across his body to get a closer look at my *challenge* as it slowly started to rise as it’s owner obviously appreciated my nude form pressing against his body.  

I wrapped my hand around the slowly stiffening object pushing it this way and that inspected the bush on my ‘subject’ and lightly tugged at the hair causing a few strands to come free.

Yep I’ll be picking hair out of my teeth after this if I continue.  

I sat up pushing my pussy into my subject’s face.  

I looked back at the representative and spoke, “Can I get a different subject,” I pointed at the object of my dissatisfaction, “with less bush, preferably shaved?”

I pointed to my previous subject who wasn’t shaved either, “And not him because his stamina sucks.”

The representative spoke, “So you’re unwilling to give the aid we gave you head because he has a bush?”

I looked at him but answered, “Not really unwilling.  Just prefer not picking hair out of my teeth after this.”

The representative smiled but coughed into his hand before speaking, “I’m sorry ma’am but you must use the guy’s in this room.  I will not be getting another.”

*In this room you say?*

I stood up and walked over to the representative, “What about you?  You’re in the room.  Can I use you?”

The representative was about to speak but I interrupted him as I leaned in, “Come on like you didn’t appreciate my little teasing session.  Show me you don’t have a bush and I promise I’ll make you see *God*.”

The representative cleared his throat but spoke, “I’m sorry ma’am but you must use the men we provide you.”

I sighed and walked back to my ottoman disappointed that I have wrap my mouth around a bushy dick.  

I heard someone clear their throat as I looked over to the source finding one of the girls judge’s was pointing to the downed men.  

I looked over to see both men from the previous round and noticed mc*bitch*y’s subject that had been jacked off quickly did indeed have a shaved dick compared to both my ‘subjects’ were hairy motherfuckers in the downstairs department.  

I looked at *fast jacked* and spoke, “You up for another round?”

*Fast Jacked* looked from my guy who was still recovering to me and pointed to himself.  

I nodded and re-spoke my inquiry , “You ready for another round?”

Fast jacked nodded and got up.  

I looked at *Harry* and spoke, “Sorry but you’ll have to get your soul sucked by someone else.  Now move.”

My subject looked at me giving me a shocked look.  I *tried* to push him to the side but wouldn’t move, “You only have yourself to blame Now move.”

My subject semi resisted and realized he wasn’t going to budge so I got down to his ears and whispered, “Unless you want me to use my **teeth** along your dick as punishment for not shaving.”

That got his attention as he quickly jumped up and moved as far away from me as possible and joined my now under controlled breathing ‘subject’ as *Fast Jacked* took the place of *Harry* and laid down waiting for me to blow him.  

I guess I had wasted enough time for subject number two for mc*bitch*y to grunt and thrust his hips into mc*bitch*y’s face signaling to the room he was cumming effectively ending mc*bitch*y’s show.  

Mc*Bitch*y added insult to injury as she opened her mouth and let all of her subject’s cum spill out onto her subject and got up.  

She wiped her mouth and looked at me, “I won **coño**. You took too long.  I clearly won this round.”

*What the fuck was a ‘coño’?*

I must have looked confused as to what my *comrade* just called me.  

It sounded Spanish but I don’t much Spanish beyond puta, which means female dog or slang for Bitch.  And the other word I knew was cerveza thanks to my dad which was beer.  

But ‘*coño*’ I have no clue.  Though how she used the inflection I wouldn’t be surprised if it meant something….bad.  

I guess my confusion was enough as the representative stepped out and simply looked at my competitor spoke clearly, “That’s it I’m calling it Ms Number Six you are disqualified.”

He looked at the men, “Please take Ms Six out of the room.”

The representative looked at me, “I’m so sorry Ms Five for ‘Six’s’ behavior but I would like to congratulate you for winning the round.”

I watched as the men escorted the now screaming Mc*Bitch*y as she kicked and yelled, “NO I CLEARLY WON THAT ROUND!!!” 

As the men pretty much picked her up by the arms and walked her out of the room while I looked at Mr Representative still confused as to *what* just happened.  

The only thing is I **know** she used a *bad* word but due to my ignorance I had no idea **which** bad word she used.  

I looked as my competitor could still be heard screaming as the door closed.  

I spoke, “Which ‘*word*’ did she use?”

Mr Representative bowed and spoke, “**Trust** me you don’t want to know.”

And by how he had said that I *knew* which **word** she used.



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