[MF] Priestly Duties [1 of ?]

Ah, the privilege of an empty bed. Younger members of the priesthood loved to talk about how they would never be alone and be spreading the will of Erotius at all hours of the day. But at Simon’s age, he understood that nothing could replace the well-deserved rest that came from comfortably sleeping in a bed that was just right for him and him alone. Not that he was that old, just north of forty, but old enough to appreciate the little things.

Speaking of the little things; he’d barely sat up and stretched himself out, his back letting out a few mildly distressing pops and cracks, where there was a polite knock at the door. “Come in,” he called out in his deep baritone, the door opening to reveal Sister Melinsa. She was new to the order, barely nineteen and dressed as a maiden of the Order of Care: bare to the waist, her tear-shaped breasts bouncing perkily with a thin silken skirt dangling from her golden belt. More important to him was the steam rising from the tray she carried and the warm smile on her gorgeous face.

“Good morning, Father!’ she said cheerfully, shutting the door behind her. “I’ve brought you your morning tea, and Estelle made some wonderful porridge.”

“Ah, you are a blessing, child,” Simon said with a smile of his own as he shifted, letting his legs fall off the bed. He was always most comfortable sleeping naked, leaving his body exposed to her. Lean and hard, the life of a priest of Erotius being heavy on physical activity and light on heavy foods, his handsome face as clean shaven as his head. With a thankful smile he took the heavy clay mug of herbal tea, taking the first luxurious sip as Melinsa set the tray down. “Mmmm, wonderful,” he sighed. letting his eyes shut. “Is there something new in it?”

“A pilgrim brought us some elven honey as tribute,” she explained as she sank to her knees between his legs, delicate fingers quickly untying the red cord wrapped about the base of his limp cock and balls. “I thought you might like to try it.” Like all priests of Erotius he was empowered with the means to spread his will as often as possible, but that did make things like actual sleep difficult. The pause-cord was a handy solution, and as soon as the knot came loose his rod stiffened so hard it rose to smack Melinsa’s cheek hard enough to leave a mark. “Oh!” she exclaimed with a little laugh.

Another sip, the sweetness of the honey perfectly setting off the slight bitterness of the herbs. “It’s superb. We really must see if Mr. Vordin in town can start to stock it.”

“I’ll be sure to ask,” she promised before opening her mouth wide. Despite his size, grown to the very limit of human ability by Erotius’s will, it took the girl only a single stroke to bury him entirely in her throat with naught but a faint, wet slurp.

Simon barely noticed, his eyes rising to watch the sun coming up over the valley and the nearby village as the sister rapidly stroked his morning wood with her skilled throat. It seemed unlikely; elves rarely visited temples of Erotius, preferring the twin goddesses of Lovae and Desirae, and there was scant other reason for anyone to come to this part of the world. A shame, the honey really added to the tea. Another long, luxurious sip, the heat settling in his stomach and rising to chase away the last vestiges of bleariness from the night before. With a contented sigh he set the half-empty mug down and reached for the bowl of porridge, currants visible amidst the oats. “Many pilgrims today?”

There was loud schlurp as Melinsa pulled back, gasping loudly as she took her first breath in a few minutes. “Gahah…Not many,” she answered after a moment, her slender hand rising to rapidly stroke his throbbing, pulsing cock. He’d cum almost as soon as she swallowed him, holy seed backed up from a full night of inactivity steadily spurting out onto her face and hand. “It would be a good day to go to town and check-” she let out a needy whine, her heart breaking as more and more cum splattered uselessly onto her face and dripped from her chin onto her breasts. Rapidly she descended again, plunging him into her squeezing, milking throat to feel rope after rope of sticky spunk filling her stomach.

“That will be nice,” he thought aloud between mouthfuls of porridge. Estelle certainly was a wonderful cook; the food here was always simple, yet she put so much love and care into it that any day without her cooking just felt so lonely. And it was past time he went into town to visit those who didn’t have the time to visit the monastery and wait in the line of pilgrims. The war may have ended, but many husbands and sons never came back. It left a lot of wives and mothers in the town that needed guidance, and it was his role in life to provide it. “So sorry for making a mess.”

She could only gurgle in response, tenderly massaging his huge, swollen nuts. Simon had finished his tea and was down to the last few bites of porridge when she finally pulled back, letting out a shuddering, moaning cry after swallowing every last drop that had been deposited into her sucking throat. “Mmmmm…thank you for your blessing,” she sighed, a hand falling on her stomach. The massive morning load was her own breakfast, and lunch, and dinner; the Sisters needed no nourishment other than the holy seed of the priesthood. Thankfully they could produce plenty, as there were usually far more Sisters than there were fully developed priests.

“May Erotius smile upon you,” he responded as he rose, pausing only long enough for her to quickly lick him clean before he put on his own robes; a long white robe with red fringe, a large hole in the front through which his erect cock and balls would emerge all day long. Time to begin the day.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v7rovg/mf_priestly_duties_1_of


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