Marias lesbian experience [FF] part 1

It was the middle of summer when I rang the Marias doorbell and it was probably 35 degrees Celsius (95f) It had been a while since we had last seen each other.

Maria had broken her ankle i six different places while playing basketball. She had undergone some surgery and had had her foot in plaster for many weeks. in addition to this, she had contracted a mild depression, gradually sought solitude and spent most of her days at home watching Netflix and eating chips.

«Come in» I heard Mary shout, so I went straight in as I had done hundreds of times before. Inside Maria’s the air was standing still and it was even warmer than outside, the cotton fabric in my crop top clinged to my back. I walked into the livingroom and found Maria butt naked on the couch with a fan sweating lik a hog whit her sextoys laying all around «What the fuck Maria. Why are’nt you dressed,? I tried to act surprised and not look directly at Maria’s naked body or her dildos. Give her time to cover herself but she did not seem the least bit embarrassed by my presence. «Stop being such a prude Norah. You’ve seen me naked many times before and I’ve seen you.» «What do you mean»? «What about all the times in the shower at the gym or the times skinny dipping» She was right. We had seen each other naked, but still not like this, this was different.

Maria was lying on the couch and I could see how she was sweating. I tried not to stare, but there was something mesmerizing about her body. Maria must be what is described as a busty petite blond with a typical Scandinavian look, she was lying halfway on her back. She made no efforto to cover her large, soft breasts. Her breasts with large blue blood vessels that shone through her chalk-white skin. The belly, which had previously been flat and on the verge to be muscular, was now rounder and softer at the edges. She was using her broad hips and phat ass as a throne to sit on. Her pussy that I know she had previously been careful to shave, was now hairy. I struggled to tear my eyes away from her and felt this surprise finding her like this actually made me a little horny.

I sounded more insecure than I liked when I asked her why she was not dressed. Maria replied “It’s a million degrees outside and none of my clothes fit anymore” I walked around her living room and opened the windows wide open. She just lay there looking at me with her big brown eyes and says «That won’t help. Stop beeing such a church girl and get naked like me» I try to laugh it of. «Mariaaaaa, just drop it» i say in an dramatically resigned tone of voice. «Why? Just why. We all know you like girls Norah. Why want you just undress and be naked whit me? Ain’t I the kind of girl you fancy? If thats so, just say it to my face. I can handle it» Maria spreads her legs ever so gently and I have no problem seeing the lips of her unshaved pussy. She careful strokes her belly whit her fingers «Norah, i’m going to put i stright up! I have’nt had sex in ages, I have’nt had a real orgasm for as long as I can remember. I just want you to undress and fuck the living shit out of me! I’m desperat, I need this sooooo baaaad, and you are the only one I can turn to»

I look at her with what must have been the world’s most surprised facial expression. «WTF did you just say»? « Norah!!! Stop beeing such a freaking prude and fuck me. I am dead serious»! It’s first now at this point I realizes that Maria actually wants this to happen. She grabs the bottom of my crop top and starts to slowley pull it asking me, pleding if I won’t take it of. Just for her eyes. Nobody will ever know, if I don’t tell it to people myself.

«Please Norah I have’nt had sex i ages, I’m your best friend. Dont you want your best freind to be happy»? I blush and try to put my eyes to the ground but i can’t rip them of Marias svollen boobs. They look so soft and wonderfull like clouds, unlike my small b-cups. She pulles my top even harder and one of my small tits are about to pop out. Maria gives me her biggest smile and says «This will be alot easyer if you’d help me out a little, but you know me. I ain’t shy to rip all your clothes right of your back, and you can’t fight back. It’s illegal fighting injured chicks»
