My husband’s best friend [F/M] [Cheating] [Ch.02]

Thank you for the comments, upvotes and messages for the first part of my story! Here comes chapter 2, please let me know what you think!

I wake up wet. I’m ashamed of what happened, but somehow I can’t bring myself to fully regret it. I was more aroused by my little encounter with John than I had been in… well, ever, I think. My husband, Mike, who I should be feeling those things for, is still snoring next to me. I look at him. He’s handsome, more handsome than John. He’s smarter, too, and funnier, but there’s just something… I don’t know. John makes me feel something else entirely.

Mike has already gotten out of bed. He’s by the dresser, putting on a t-shirt.

“Getting started already?” I say, pretending a yawn. I’m wide awake now, and painfully aware of the wetness between my legs.

“Yeah, we said yesterday we wanted to get an early start on the patio. John says the entire undercarriage, or whatever, is all rotten and needs replacing.”

“Well lucky for us John is here to… help out.” I say, and can’t stop myself from blushing slightly. Mike doesn’t seem to notice.

“Yeah, totally! See you later, honey.” He comes over and kisses my forehead, then leaves. I listen for his steps, waiting for him to reach the bottom of the stairs, then I toss on a t-shirt and sneak out into the hallway. The door to the guest bedroom is ajar. John’s a neat guy, I think to myself as I open the door and look inside.

The bed is already made, and all his clothes are piled neatly on top of a drawer. He’s staying for a full week, and the thought of what might happen in that time makes me both anxious and… agitated.

I move as quietly as I can into the room, carefully closing the door behind me. I go up to the dresser, and pick up one of his t-shirts. It smells clean, fresh, but I can also catch a whiff of him on it. Something like woodsmoke, cedar and… something I can’t quite put my finger on.

I take it with me to the bed, breathing in deeply as my hand starts exploring my body. My nipples are stiff in anticipation and I pinch them, first gently, then harder. One of my hands trail downwards, towards my little bush, towards the wetness, towards pleasure…

And then I stop myself. I look at the t-shirt in my other hand. I feel a pang of shame, anxious from the wrongness of what I’m doing to my husband. As long as I don’t touch him, I think to myself, and then I slowly let the soft fabric of John’s shirt slide down my body, placing it between my legs.

I rub it, slowly, feeling the soft plushiness rub against my wet cunt. I moan softly, thinking about last night. Thinking about John’s large, calloused hands, and how different they would feel against my labia, against my sensitive clit…

And about his cock. I imagine taking John’s long, throbbing cock in my mouth, slowly savouring the veiny, warm skin, tasting every part of it, letting it fill my mouth until he finally-

I have to slap my hand over my mouth as I cum, violently, my whole body almost convulsing on the bed. I grind John’s t-shirt into me, spreading my juices all over it as I revel in my own ecstacy. Then, after the panting aftermath, I carefully hide the now heavily stained t-shirt underneath John’s duvet, and slip outside.

Time for a shower, I think to myself, pretending not to feel the guilt and the arousal mingling in my chest.



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