[MF] Hooking up with her at the last possible chance, and starting one of the best summers of my life

Disclaimer: Everyone in this story is over 18

If you want to skip to the more “gonewild” part, skip down to the line.

I had first met her in my classes, our college was fairly large, but she nevertheless always stood out to me, so I would notice her from time to time around the campus. Her name was Sophia, but she preferred people called her Soph. She was part of a few of my classes, so I would usually see her regularly even though we never properly had a conversation before. That is until we had a group project together, and we got to know each other.

We were only a pair in the group, so we would work together. One afternoon after class we decided that we wanted to continue working, as we were in an awkward position in our project, and we wanted to finish something. So when we both got back to our homes we called each other. Something that was new since we had only interacted through text, since it was largely inefficient to work through text and therefore we agreed to video call each other in order to get the project done faster.

I didn’t think much of the call, we stayed on task, and I didn’t want to start anything with her, having reasoned from the start that I had not the slightest chance with this girl. (A description comes later) The project overall went well, it was a significant chunk of our grades, so we were both aware of how important it was that we do it successfully. I won’t bore you with the details of the project and what it was, since they are irrelevant. After that our interactions were limited to short friendly chats when we would bump into each other from time to time, but nothing more than that. Either way, after the project was done we started approaching the end of year examinations before the summer, and everyone became more and more busy with revisions, limiting social interactions as well since classes were over.

I didn’t think much of her until the exams ended and the end of year parties started, having focusing on my grades myself. But in the most college fashion ever, parties quickly started in full swing since most people were going home after the year was over. I went to 2 of them, honestly not expecting much to happen in the lady department but I did just in case bring a condom for if the situation arose, better safe than sorry. The first party I went to nothing happened of interest, mostly I talked with my friends about their plans for the summer, and talked to some of the girls about what they wanted to do later on after graduation in a year with their degree. Soph didn’t go to the first party that I went to, later on I learned that she was at another party with a small group of her close friends.

However, I did see her at the second party I went to. The second party was hosted at a good friend of mine’s apartment. Calling it an apartment would be insulting, since it was like a house had been build on top of a building, his parents were fairly deathly and seemed to have various properties everywhere, this one being the penthouse of a building. While he was studying at the college he lived alone in the apartment, since he was originally from another country, he didn’t live with his parents.

It had two floors, where you would enter through the first floor of the penthouse which would lead you to directly into the living room. This living room was by far the largest I had seen, even counting those in homes. It spanned the two floors, with a massive chandelier in the center of the room hanging way out of reach. The floor had a beautiful carpet with on top of it some exotic looking couches seemingly held together with strings, (that’s the only way I found to describe them, I had never seen anything like them).

I was one of the first to arrive at the party, having agreed to help out my friend set up and pick up some of the supplies, since I knew that the invite list was fairly long and that setting up would not need a one man job. This party was more formal than the previous one I had gone to the night before, it had some requirements for how to dress, I knew that it wasn’t a strict dress code so people might just take it as a suggestion but the turn out surprised me a little. As time passed and the party started, people would start coming into the apartment, but in order to get in you had to ring on the first floor, and with the living room being where the party was going on, and therefore where the music was. It was sometimes difficult to hear the intercom ringing over the loudness of the party, so I would periodically go to the entrance and check to make sure that no one was stuck outside.

In once such instance I checked the intercom and I saw Soph outside waiting, so I buzzed her in and waited for her to get up to our level. Once she stepped out of the elevator I was awe struck, she was absolutely beautiful, she was probably around 5’6(~168 cm), she had long flowing blond hair that probably ended at the middle of her back. Often keeping it up, I rarely saw her with her hair down, except that night where she seemed to be more relaxed, being at a party does that I guess. She was the kind of person who you would glance at and then look back at to make sure you weren’t hallucinating, that’s how good she looked.

She had the most beautiful butt, not a massive dump truck looking butt, but she had a round butt that had sufficient proportions that made people turn around, and take a good look. I’ll have to be honest, I prefer the back of women more than the front, but with this girl she was gorgeous from both front and back. Her boobs were of slightly larger than average size, proportionate to her butt. What I think made her one of the most beautiful people I have ever met is the proportions of her body, it was simply perfection. To be honest I don’t know if she was fully aware of her beauty, we were still in college so people started to build their own self-confidence and their own image of themselves.

That night she looked stunning, she was wearing a long black satin dress with no straps around the shoulders, and the dress sort of created loose folds around her chest so some cleavage was visible but only modest amounts. I assumed she wasn’t wearing a bra since I didn’t see any bra straps around her shoulders either (I didn’t know at the time that some bras existed without straps). The back of the dress was also open all the way down to her waist and sort of rested on her cute little round butt, meaning that every step she took the fabric would bounce a little as her butt bounced. As she entered I complimented her on her outfit, in a more polite way than anything else, but it seems like she understood it as a sign of interest.

After taking off her shoes, she headed towards her friends to say hi, and talk a little, but then to my surprise headed back towards me. She asked me to show her a tour of the place since she knew that I had come her before and that knew the host, so I showed her quickly around the place before making my way to the kitchen where I offered her some food. Soph had arrived a bit later than the others, so I guess that the host wasn’t aware that she had just arrived, so I tried to act as the de facto host, and make her feel comfortable.

I offered her a drink, after all we were at a party, and she accepted. Being in the kitchen, I jokingly opened the fridge and told her to take her pick. She opted for a cold beer, and we started to make some light conversation while she slowly drank it down. I myself had a small cocktail earlier in the night, so this is what might have given me that little bit of extra confidence, but once I saw that she was getting to the end of her drink I proposed that we go to the living room and have a dance. Now as I mentioned earlier, the living room is absolutely massive, and the couches had been pushed to the edges of the room, so the floor was sort of like a dance floor where people were milling around in groups dancing.

Once again, I was surprised at the fact that she stayed with me, and we danced together to the music for some time. I was honestly having a nice time, after the exams it felt really good to let some energies out and to be able to just be free, looking forward to the summer. If you know the feeling, you know it. I don’t know how much time passed, but probably some 30 to 45 min later I was starting to get tired of matching her pace.

Still, a little fatigued from the previous night I didn’t want to pass out or anything in front of her of course a scene, so I tried to motion to her for us to go to another room where we could continue chatting. At this point I was starting to question why she was staying with me all the time, especially while we were dancing around she had been a little handsy, holding an arm here, or grabbing my hands to swing around each other (I wish I could go back in time and slap myself, I was so oblivious). When we got out of the living room I told her that I was getting a little tired of all that physical exercise dancing around and that I needed a small rest from the noise as well.

Since I knew the place, I brought her to a quiet room where we could talk to each other without the need to shout. At this point I still just wanted some company to chat with, and wasn’t intending on doing anything. The room we were in had two doors, on one side there was a sliding door that receded into the wall and on the other there was a classical door. I closed both of them since I wanted a little bit of silence from all the noise.

At this point I made sure to ask her if she was comfortable with me closing the doors, I didn’t want her to think that something was going to happen to her or anything. Trusting my judgement that she was not drunk cuz she had only had that one beer, I accepted her ‘yes’ and closed both doors. Mind you they were still unlocked, I’m not even sure that the sliding door was lockable at least not from our side, but I knew that the master bedroom was on the other side of that door and that it was strictly prohibited to enter since we had put everything fragile in there.

As I came back to sit down opposite to Soph, I noticed that she was still standing up, so I told her that she could sit wherever she wanted. She didn’t reply anything to this though, and I sat on one of many exotic looking couches in the room, and she came and sat down next to me. We were in one of the guest bedrooms, so there was a bed in the middle of the room, but there was ample sitting space. As she sat down she caught me looking at her, I simply couldn’t resist watching her chest bounce as she sat down. She noticed me looking and called me out on it, I apologized profusely, but I slipped another compliment in there, saying that she looked gorgeous. We moved on from that though, onto the topic of the past year, and we quickly mentioned the exams and revision.


She then asked me a peculiar question that sort of caught me off guard, asking me about how my year had been in relation to dating. I told her the truth, that I hadn’t really been looking for a relationship in particular, and that I wasn’t fascinating in starting something during the year since I was mostly occupied with my classes and such. I however did say that there were some girls at our school that were extremely beautiful, with which I had fantasized about occasionally but that they had simply been day dreams. She seemed to perk up at this, and she asked me if she was one of the girls I had been thinking about. I probably only took a few seconds to answer this, but it seemed like I was taking eons to answer her, time stretching out as my throat became dry like the Gobi desert.

“Yes” I simply answered.

I saw her smile at me as I started to blush at the realization of what I had just said. She teased me about it, asking me some details about these day dreams, but I refused to budge. I had started to look down at this point, embarrassed of the situation and averting my eyes away from her. So I didn’t notice her get closer to me and was a little surprised as I felt her hand lift my head up.

At this point I faced were quite close to each other to the point where I could smell her breath.

“Was your day dream like this?” she asked me

To this I answered her with a kiss, closing the distance between our mouths and seemingly melting into her face. She didn’t draw back, instead pushing me back a little while we continued kissing. I raised my hand to her face and cupped her check with one hand, placing the other on her back. I slowly went down her back with my hand, making sure that she was comfortable with where this was going. She placed one of her hands on my chest and forcefully pushed me back, where I rested against the back of the soft couch. This movement pushed us apart, but she lifted one of her legs over my crotch and straddled me, coming closer to me to kiss me once again.

We continue to make out with each other for the next few minutes, exploring each other through the fabric of our clothes. Soph was braver then me, since she quickly moved one of her hands away from my chest and down my shirt, tracing a line as she went down. She seemed to have much more experience than me at that time, and therefore was more comfortable than me in this situation, a bit ironic since I was the one that had fantasized about a moment like this. As she approached my belt she slowly lifted up my shirt, and we separated as it came over my head, now pretty confident with where this was going, I asked her if we could lock the doors, making sure that she was still comfortable, since I didn’t want anyone to come in.

The sliding door turned out didn’t lock, but I knew that the other door in the master bedroom was locked therefore it couldn’t be opened from there. Once I locked the door I turned around and saw Soph stand up, and I took the opportunity to look her up and down once more. She seemingly did the same with me, I didn’t have my shirt on, so I caught her looking there specifically. Now, I’m not super ripped, but I do regularly exercise, switching everyday with swimming and rockcliming to keep in shape, so I do have some muscle apparent, but I tend to try and not show it as much by wearing baggier clothes. Soph complimented me as I reminded her how wonderful she looked that evening.

Since we were both standing up, I walked towards her and picked her up. Holding her in the air by interlocking my arms underneath her butt and tilting my head up to kiss her. She cupped my face with both her hands and simultaneously started kissing me. Now I am a bit taller than Soph, I measure around 6’1″(186 cm), so carrying her around wasn’t too much of a burden. I walked her backwards and gently pushed her against the wall, which seemed to surprise her a little bit as she stopped kissing me for a moment. She took a deep look into my eyes to seemingly capture the moment and wrapped her legs around my waist. At this point the pressure from my body combined with her legs wrapped around my waist held her against the wall, so I moved my hands to pass them through her hair, in the process brushing them everywhere as we continued to makeout.

I slowly opened my mouth to hers, tentatively moving my tongue forwards until her mouth opened and I felt her tongue meet mine, and then we started to explore each others mouths, kissing in a way I cannot describe with words. I got so caught up in the moment that I stopped doing anything with my hands, which caused Soph to pull back.

“Is everything ok?” She asked

“Everything is perfect” I replied

“You know that I am comfortable with everything now, I want to you touch me everywhere” She whispered into my ear

So while keeping eye contact with her, centimeters from each other face, I slowly moved my hand up her thigh, pushing back the soft satin material from her dress as I moved on her outer thigh up to her butt. With my nails I delicately traced upwards to her ass, up till I reached it and cupped her ass. To my surprise as I moved higher up, I didn’t feel the fabric of any underwear. The entire right side of her dress was now on top of my hand, with the other sections still covering her.

“Are you wearing any underwear?” I asked

She laughed out loud and kissed me again

I brought both of my hands down back to her butt, now directly touching her skin and I picked her up from the wall, and we walked to the bed. When I stopped at the foot of the bed, I pulled back a little letting her down.

She turned around and pointed at her back, motioning to the small strap that held her dress in the middle of her back. I gladly obliged, struggling at first to remove it, since I had been bared chested in the cold room for a while now, my hands trembling a little bit from the cold, and maybe from what was unfolding.

She took the dress off and it fell to the floor, as she turned around, time slowed to a standstill, until she reached up and kissed me again. Guiding me down to lay on the bed, I got on top of her, now my turn to straddle her, but as we continued to makeout, she slowly felt down my chest, in anticipation of what came next I sucked my belly in for her to continue downwards. She however didn’t accept the invitation, and simply rested her fingers on the inside of my belt. I stopped kissing her, and sat up, still straddling her and there I fully appreciated her beauty, I slowly averted my eyes downwards to her boobs, almost tentatively glancing at them.

She looked even better without the dress, her boobs had pale areola and small nipples, which only went to highlight their roundness. I leaned back down to her neck, cupping one of her boobs in my hand, and it fit perfectly. I started squeezing it, as I moved down her neck listening to her soft breaths until I reached the other boob. I started to kiss it gently at first, but Soph urged me to suck on them harder, and I happily obliged with her request.

Finding the right pressure to apply by listening to her soft moans, I continued until she started to undo my belt and tried to get down my pants. At this point I moved up back towards her mouth, so she could remove my pants, quickly took them off, and she started to feel my dick through my underwear. We stared at each other, as our hands worked each others bodies, until she suddenly pushed her way down into my underwear. My dick is probably some 6 inches long, so slightly above average, but I do have a big girth, so as her hands wrapped around it, I drew in a big breath and Soph giggled.

I got off her so that we were laying next to each other, and took off my underpants. We now lay next to each other, naked. Soph worked her way up and down my dick, getting some precum on her hand when she passed my head. I placed one of my hands on her inner thigh, making my way up to her pussy, gently stroking the skin until I reached her pussy. I stopped as Soph slowed her pace on my dick, and teased her by passing my hands around her pussy and down the exterior.

“If you continue at this pace I’m going to cum” I told her

“Then cum on me” she replied as she picked back up her pace

She started furiously going up and down my dick, and stopped everything I was doing to admire the hard work that she put in to make me cum. She told me to get on top of her, and I lay my dick on her stomach, she continued to work my dick.

“I’m gonna cum” I said

“Cum on me, please, oh fuck cum on me” she begged

I orgasmed so hard that it felt like I had a black out, I wasn’t on cloud 9, but cloud 81 (9 squared), it felt so good.

“Oh fuck, fuuuuuck that feels so good” I shot a few ropes of hot cum on her boobs and one even hit her on her cheek. She licked her cheek with her tongue and passed a finger to get the rest. I lay there next to her watching her try and get every drop of it off of her and in her mouth.

“My turn to make you cum” I whispered in her ear

She smiled and opened her legs up slightly offering me passage back to her pussy. I hadn’t noticed until now because I hadn’t looked down, but she looked clean-shaven, as if she had expected that something might happen tonight. I rubbed her lips moving around her pussy, teasing her. She tried bucking her hips to get me to stop, but I continued edging her.

I moved my fingers up towards the top of her pussy, gently drawing circles around her clit, and sensing her satisfaction as she put her head back and sighed, I continued like this for a bit. Getting her to squirm around, I wanted to make her ask for me to finger her. At this point my dick was starting to get hard again, having control over this girl and getting her to beg for me to finger her was making me rock hard again.

“Stop, fuck, please put your fingers inside of me” she was practically screaming that last part

That’s all the encouragement I needed.

I slipped two fingers into her, sliding in quickly from how wet she already was. She drew in a quick breath as my fingers started moving in and out of her. I hooked my fingers around to try and see what she liked the most, reading her body language and listening to her moans. I gently put another finger inside of her, feeling how tight she was, and started to ramp up my rhythm. As I continued to finger her, I kissed her and brought by body closer to her, pressing my now hard duck against her thigh. I saw her open her eyes and look down at me, taking for the first time a good look at my dick.

I slowed by my rhythm, taking keen attention to stroking her g-spot with every movement. Her breathing got quicker as she got closer to cumming, moving her hips around to my movement.

“Oh god” she moaned

Sensing her near her climax I moved my other hand down and started to rub her clit as my fingers continued to slide in and out of her.

She started moaning louder and louder, until she cummed, and lead out a loud sign of satisfaction. She relaxed back into the bed, a look of pure joy on her face, laying there for a couple of moments before looking at me.

“Who knew you had that in you?”

We kissed one last time and then cuddled in the bed, my dick resting on her ass, and fell asleep to the faint sounds of the party.

Please let me know if you want to read some more about the rest of the night, Soph and I did end up spending it together, so there are plenty more where this came from (Pun intended)!

There are also quite a few stories from the summer we spent together.

I do apologize for any typos or such, feel free to point them out, as this is quite a long story I might not have caught them all.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v6my3t/mf_hooking_up_with_her_at_the_last_possible


  1. Wow great writing and (assuming it is infact true) seems like a great night with a great girl

  2. She touched your duck, and your friend had deathly parents.

  3. Okay, reading this was definitely a hot way to start my morning.

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