Connected to Teachers Vibe Part Three, Threes A Part

Just like a couple of days ago I was very much looking forward towards my lesson with Miss K and the toy she’s was wearing… But today I was wearing mine hoping Miss K will try and connect to my toy so we can both enjoy the day…

So the moment she entered the class room I had her toy connect to my phone and made it buzz on low the very second her heel entered the room. Normally I would sit alone but today my friend was sitting next to me and as Miss K got half way to her desk my friend reached her hand over and turns the toy to max. Miss K stumbled I what I could tell was some brand new shinny blue heels. I quickly turned to toy down and pushed my friends hand away.

Well Miss K regained her composure and finally made it to her desk as I let the toy pulse on a very low setting trying to turn her on more. Miss K sat at her desk and began to explain what the lesson would be about as she seams to be playing with her phone… I was hoping she was looking for my toy but suddenly my friend next to my gasped and grabbed the desk. Turns out my friend was also wearing a toy and had turned it on after I had connected to Miss K. This was when I released I had forgot to turn my toy on…

I wanted to see how Miss K would react to what I did so make her toy go full power and watched as she flinched at her desk, this was followed by my friend sharply closing her legs as Miss K was doing the same to my friend as I did to her.

Miss K set the class to work and stayed at her desk so I begin making the toy get stronger slowly before letting it drop to off so it would almost edge her not letting it get enough for her to cum. Well in response Miss K made my friends toy pulse on high power over and over again. I was turned on watching my friend try to continue with her work as her pussy was getting buzzed hard, her legs shacking under the desk. Every so often covering her mouth.

Miss K soon lowed the power to my friends toy so I decided to make Miss K have a difficult time like she made my friend so made the toy start jumping from off it full power very quickly… I heard a thump and noticed Miss K had dropped her phone to cover her mouth. I took this opportunity to turn my toy on and switch my friends off and back on again causing it to disconnect… Miss K picked her phone back up and I’m guessing she tried to reconnect to my friends toy and connect to both mine and hers. Miss K turned both our toys to full power in response to what I did to her.

I want from soft to hard in seconds and tensed my legs as the vibrations shocked me, my friend feeling her toy on full covered her mouth and bent over her desk…
“I just came.” She whispered to me trying to regain her composure.

I bring Miss K’s toy back down to low and she dose the same for ours, my friend breathing a sigh of relief. Miss K was now looking around the room trying to see who had the toy on, she was making our toys pulse to medium power over and over obviously trying to get a reaction out of us. Luckily this wasn’t the first time I’ve had to keep a straight face while a toy is trying to make me cum. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for my friend who was red faced and struggling to even hold her pen let alone do the work.

I couldn’t tell I’d Miss K had noticed my friend but the our toys where brought down to a low setting just enough to keep my hard but wouldn’t make me cum and the same for my friend, enough to keep her wet but not to let her cum. Miss K then gets up leaving her phone in her desk and walks to to the board to begin writing some more work for the class

As she was writing my friend reached over and made Miss K’s toy buzz from low to high to medium back to high and low randomly, this definitely took Miss K by surprise because she stumbled in her heels and drop the pen, not wanting to bend over she simple get another one. I didn’t stop my friend as I knew she wasn’t to get her own back for Miss K making her cum.

My friend pulled her hand away and let the toy return to low power so I showed her the looping setting and told her it would repeat anything she did so she done the same making the toy go form low power to high and medium randomly and sat back to watch Miss K struggle to keep writing on the board.

I could see Miss K’s legs where shaking and bending at the knees and one of her hands what coving her face and she dropped the pen. Miss K squatted down to get the pen but stayed down for longer than I’d expect.
“She just came .” My friend whispered in my ear.

I let Miss K recover by turning her toy down to low and let her finish writing on the board but my friend did have other ideas because when Miss K began to walk back to her desk my friend make the toy go to full power and we watched as Miss K stumbled around almost falling into her desk. Miss K was able to sit down at her desk and I pulled the power down but it was too late as Miss K made our toys start pulling to high over and over quite rapidly.

I could deal with this better than my friend who almost let out a loud moan, I noticed that Miss K wasn’t looking at us and ether knew it was us and don’t let in or really couldn’t tell who was playing with her and who she was playing with. This didn’t stop me from now making Miss K’s move in waves at the high end of the toys power. This definitely made her flinch and I watched as she held her hand over her mouth and could see her eyes kept closing like she was biting her hand not wanting to moan.

Miss K brought our toys down to a low level doing the same I did to hers moving up and down slowly like a wave. This did keep us both on the edge of an orgasm but wasn’t enough for us to cum… It was almost like torture being so close to an orgasm but not allowed to despite letting Miss K have a couple herself.

My friend reached under her desk to take her black heels off so she could flex her toes as the heel where stopping her, she cums harder when she can flex her toes. She takes her last heel of and hands it to me under the desk saying “When you cum, don’t waist it.”

We where at the back of the class room so nobody would see what we where doing so I unbuckle and placed the heel in a way that if I did cum it would go all inside my friends heel. Well it wasn’t to long after that I could get my wish as Miss K made both our toys go high for a second before making it pulses in full power over and over. This is what caused me to cum, and I came hard as my cock twitches I shot a massive load into my friends heel, the toy kept pulsing and with every pulse shot another, I think Miss K milked me dry.

My friend had also just came hard and was crying at the pleasure that Miss K had just give her. Unfortunately it was then that the bell rang to end the day and our toys turns off. I gave Miss K a couple more quick buzzes before turning it off and changing to toys name to “Tk 4 Fun Miss.”
I noticed Miss K had changed our toys names too, they both read “Not Sorry.” And I wasn’t sure if she knew it was us or what she done to us but I didn’t care.



  1. Little extra I couldn’t post in main post:

    I handed my friend her heel back and she look at me wide eyed at how much cum was in them. She simply smiled and slipped the heel back on with a giggle. I could hear the squelch as her toes pushed my cum around her heel. She did stumble a little as she tried to stand up as her panties rubbed her very sensitive clit. After school she thanked me for giving her this idea as she had never came so hard…

  2. Bro, some feedback for you, there’s quite a lot of spelling errors. Didn’t really want to be that guy, but it does take out a bit of the pleasure from reading, at least in my case. Anyways, thanks for the story!

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