A Stranger on the Train

It was a rainy day in the Northeast. The air was crisp and cold on the platform, stinging the young woman’s skin through her thin blouse. She could feel just how cold the air was and tried her hardest to pull her cardigan around her, but nothing seemed to warm her already frozen skin.

Ada Myers looked around the train platform, noting dozens of other people that waited along with her. Among them, a man about ten yard leaned against a pillar with his airpods in and didn’t bother to look toward Ada’s direction. She’d been watching him for a while now, drawn to his every movement. From the moment she’d brushed past him and felt her breath leave her body, Ada felt completely consumed by him.

He was average height, lean, and the black sweater that hugged his body showed the perfect outline of each muscle. His blonde hair was pulled back in a bun at the back of his head and she wanted nothing more than to pull it down, run her fingers through it… tug at it. Just the thought of it, a tingle slid over Ada’s thighs and over her tight cunt. It took all she had to stop herself from letting out a soft whimper.

Just as if he sensed her need, the man looked toward Ada and caught her eyes.

Ada immediately looked away just in time for the train to make its way into the station. Smiling to herself, she boarded the train with the other thirty people and didn’t bother to look back at the beautiful stranger. Knowing her luck, the stranger would probably board the next train and she’d be forced to dream of what could have been.

Instead, she found herself standing in the crowded train car, pressed against others as all the other seats were taken. Soon, the doors chimed before sliding shut and Ada reached over, holding onto the bar to keep steady as the train began to move.

“You make it obvious,” A voice said softly, before a second later Ada felt body pressed against her side, angling itself so her ass would be pressed against the person’s hips. She looked over her side, only to meet the eyes of the stranger on the platform.

Her cheeks heated from this pleasant surprise, forcing her to turn straight ahead. “Make what obvious?” Ada asked, pretending to be oblivious to. She took a step forward out of his grasp. While Ada wanted to feel him deep inside her right then and there, Ada knew that she needed to pace herself.

“What a slut you are,” The stranger whispered into her ear, his voice heavy and deep in her ear. His hand snaked around her waist, pulling her back against his hip so her ass was planted against his lap once more. She could feel his hardness there, pressed against her smooth plump ass. While his arm held her in place, his left foot slid between her own feet and pushed them apart slightly. It opened her legs up just enough for him, allowing him to slip his other hand up her skirt and over the soft material of her cotton panties. “I’ve been watching you since the moment you stepped on the platform. You want something, don’t you?”

Ada let out a breath, biting down on her lip. Her cunt want so fucking wet for him… Now her panties were starting to get drenched just from the thought of his fingers slipping through the folds and feeling the sticky slickness. “I don’t want anything,” She whispered back, but her voice was heavy and Ada’s own tone was full of lies… of desperation. She wanted nothing more to turn toward him… to taste his lips, to taste… him.

His fingers slipped between her skin and the seam on her panties, before sliding against the wet fold of soft pussy. Only before pushing his two fingers deep into her tight wet cunt. “Liar.”

P.S. This is my first story so please let me know what you think! Will post more if you guys like!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v6k5cg/a_stranger_on_the_train


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