My Daughter, The Love Of My Life [M/F]

Yes I love my daughter, and she loves me. 52 year old me is madly in love with his 27 year old girl. She is the love of my life. She always is there for me. She takes care off me. And yes, she knows how to suck cock. Fuck, she just is awesome. Perfect. The best thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life. But it hasn’t always been that way.

Before me and my daughter got together, before our relationship turned from an ordinary father daughter thing into a wild romance, I was with her mom – of course I was. Otherwise she wouldn’t be my daughter…

I met my ex wife 33 years ago. We both were around 19 when we accidentally bumped into each other at some house party. It was a long night. We hooked up. We fell for each other. We began to date, and a few years later, after I was out of college and a new member of the corporate world, we married each other. Two years after our marriage, our daughter came into our lives. We were totally happy back then.

But as time past by, things changed. We had a classic relationship up and running: I went to work, I climbed the corporate ladder, my wife stayed at home. She took care of the household, organized our private lives and looked after our daughter. It worked out great for a long long time. Well, at least I thought that it did.

My wife stopped being faithful 6, 7 years into our marriage, as I found out later. Yes, she was fucking other guys behind my back. The reasons for her doing, were partly my fault, because I wasn’t at home that often: Long hours in the office, business trips and similar stuff were occupying my life back then. None the less I still loved my wife. I still loved coming back home into a perfectly clean, well organized place, where I could relax and forget everything, and fuck the shit out of my wife.

But things were changing at home. Slowly but steadily. It took me a long time to notice it. My wife and I slowly drifted apart. I still loved her, but as I later found out her feelings for me declined, until they weren’t there at all anymore. But we stuck together. I still was convinced to be able to get her back, but it didn’t really work out. She pretended to be still in love with me. Even fucked me from time to time, when I was home. And I fell for her. She tricked me. She tricked me good.

The reasons for her doing so were simple: She enjoyed living in a relatively big house. She enjoyed being a stay at home housewife that could do whatever she wanted. She loved her freedom, because, I rarely ever was around. She had no sorrow in her life. Except one, finding a new cock to bounce on. I still hate her for doing the last one, but there is nothing I can do to change the past. Despite all progress technology has made, time machines still aren’t around yet.

While my wife was constantly chasing the next dick, she stopped full filling her share of our agreement: My home, my safe haven, slowly but steadily turned into a total mess. I was still working, and working, and working. And in my spare off time I had to keep my home up and running. It was a little bit too much for me to take.

Luckily my daughter jumped in the trenches. She saw me suffering. Suffering with the terrible conditions at home, suffering because my wife, her mother neglected me more and more. So she gradually began to take over her mother’s duties. I didn’t even had to ask her to do so. I was so damn proud that my 19 year old girl did that. I always hugged her when I came back home and she was there. I always gave her some gentle, fatherly kisses on her cheeks. She later told me that it always made her feel warm inside and her pussy wet.

My daughter also told me that her mother was cheating on me. That she was fucking different men every week: At home, in her car and everywhere else. But I didn’t believe her back then. What a fool I was. I stayed with my wife for another three years. My daughter and I, we got closer in that time. We had a little crush onto each other, but we didn’t act on it. We just spent some of our free time together. Doing daddy daughter things like going on hiking trips or getting some nice ice cream.

I was in love with my wife until the bitter end. And when we were out together – on some social gatherings, family meetings, I think you know what I am talking about – we played the happy couple. She was damn good at it. So good that it made me believe that there was hope for the two of us. I just didn’t want to give up, to loose her. Yes, love does that to you.

It lasted until that one day, when I came home from work early. I had an afternoon free and wanted to surprise my wife. I brought her some presents – her favorite sweets – and drove home. Her car was parked in front of the house, so I knew that she was there. And yes, she was at home. But not alone.

After entering the house I was looking for my wife. First I went through the first floor. No one there. Then I went up to the second floor. And there I found her. In the master bedroom. In our bed. Being tag teamed by two well hung, trained 25 year old men. One was fucking her throat while the other one was fucking her up the ass. Their dicks were sliding in and out of her holes. Her body was moving back and forth between them. Her boobs were bouncing in the rhythm. Her body shaking from excitement. A view, that stayed with me until this day.

Catching her that way broke something in my head. Something went boom. I was frozen. Unable to move. I stood there watching. Until the first man realized that I was there. He looked me in the eyes, pulled his cock out of my wife and began searching for his clothes. Then he ran. Past me and out of the house. The second one did the same as soon as he found out what was going on.

In the end, my wife and me were the only two people left in the room. She covered herself up with a blanket – as if I hadn’t seen her naked before, but at this point in time it has been a while – and stared at me. With some dead, shocked, desperate eyes. She knew that she was caught. She knew that he had fucked up. And she knew that there was no way out for her. Because she knew me.

My wife was the first one to open her mouth. A shitload of excuses came out of it. Followed by tons of promises. She tried really damn fucking hard to save her current life. But I had enough. Cheating on me is a no go. Breaking my trust is even worse. Stoic, well trained in keeping my emotions hidden inside as I am, I opened my mouth. I used my ice cold, very brutal commanding voice: “Pack some of your things. The things you need most. Then you leave. And never ever dare to come back again. Never.”

Chasing her away, no matter what she did, broke my damn fucking heart into pieces. It destroyed me. But I knew it was the only, the best thing to do. I couldn’t let her get away with it. I arranged it so that our ways would never ever cross again. Outside of court at least. I let her back in my house once more to collect all her stuff. Our daughter was there to watch her while she collected her belongings. I am still grateful for her doing so until this day.

The divorce itself turned into a nightmare pretty damn fast. My wife was suing the shit out of me. My lawyers went in full speed ahead to keep the damage as low as anyhow possible. And they did. They were worth their money. My wife still lives off my salary, but she gets by far less as she initially wanted.

After the whole thing I was a total mess. A heart broken depressive zombie. I went to work – I did even longer hours than before, because it distracted me from everything else – came back home to break down for a few hours and change clothes, then I went back to work. I was restless. I couldn’t hold still long, because my thoughts were killing me. I nearly worked myself to death. With no one being there for me. Or at least I thought that I was alone.

But I wasn’t. My daughter was still there for me. She was on my side. Since forever. She hated – and hates – her mom for what she has done. She kept the house up and running while I literally tried to work myself to death. She put some food in front of me when I came home. She kept the place and my clothes clean. She just did the right things. Just because she loves her daddy.

Besides keeping everything up and running my daughter constantly tried to cheer me up. She just smiled at me. With her damn beautiful smile. Or she said something nice to me. Or she showed some interest in me. She often tried to start a serious conversation with me about what had happened. But I blocked her. I went out of her way. For months. But she said persistent. She is even more stubborn than her father. God, I love her for what she did back then.

After a few months of blocking her off, I decided to go for it. I talked with my daughter about everything that happened. I let my guard down to let her in. And yes, it was the right thing to do. Talking about everything just felt great. It took weight of my shoulders. It helped me to relax. I wasn’t my old self yet, but it was a step in the right direction.

After our first time, my daughter and I met more often. Just to talk. To listen to the other one. To cheer the other – back then it was mostly her rebuilding me – one up. We often hugged. She began to kiss me on my cheeks back then. I made me blush a little bit. It felt great. It felt great that she was there for me. And I tried to be there for her.

Besides our talks, my daughter and I began to spend more and more time together. We went out for some dinner, watched some movies together or we went down to a bar for a couple of drinks. No, not I was initiating it all. It was my daughter’s doing. She dragged me out of my misery. And I, I fell for her back then. Slowly but steadily. Without even noticing it. As she told me later, it was her plan from the beginning. She wanted to be with me. She wanted to seduce her own father.

Even outside of our home my daughter and me got along more than just well. We got along that well that I began taking my daughter with me to official events I had to partake. I introduced her as my girlfriend. We were holding hands, dancing with each other and doing everything else that couples do. Yes, we even kissed. No, no passionate french kissing, but our lips were touching. It felt great. It made butterflies fly in my belly. And yes, she looked damn awesome in her dresses. She gave me some nice boners. That I tried to hide. Without any success at all.

It was great having her by my side during those boring soulless social get together. But it was dangerous too. I was hoping that no one would recognize her as my daughter. And I was hoping even more that those who’d do will keep their fucking mouth shut. Luckily, until this day, and a few years filled with many public appearances have past by, nothing had happened. Nothing bad has come out of it.

Around that time it happened. We landed in bed together for the first time. I did the dirty, taboo deed. I was fucking my daughter. And it was fucking awesome. She shares my opinion. And strictly speaking, we didn’t land in bed at all. It was the carpet in the middle of the living room. And it all happened after we survived one of those boring official events.

After we came back home, we looked each other in the eyes. For a long time. Then we got closer to each other. Our hands on each other’s bodies. The scent of the other in the nose. I pulled her closer. Our foreheads were touching. Then our lips ware touching. Then our tongues. For the first time. Tension was in the air. The kissing was the most passionate I had so far in my life.

Then we both lost control. Our inner animals took over. I ripped her dress off her body. She destroyed my suit. We were tumbling through the living room. Still kissing. Until we both landed on the carpet in the middle of the room. With my rock hard dripping dick pointing towards the ceiling.

My daughter landed next to me. We had to laugh. Then we began to kiss again. Fuck, she was looking gorgeous. Her curves, to die for. I really really wanted her. She wanted me too.

One of my hands wandered between her legs. I played with her dripping wet pussy for some time. She was jerking off my rock hard dick. Shortly after she was on top of me. My dick was sliding inside her pussy. Balls deep. Damn it, it felt so good. It felt awesome. As if her pussy was made for my dick.

Then she began to ride me. Her tits bouncing up and down. She went slow first and got faster with time. The air was filled with moaning all. Moaning that got more intense with every thrust. We were holding each others hands. Then I was getting closer. Just a few up and downs left. And boom. I nutted out a damn huge load. I had a damn hard orgasm. I filled up my daughters juicy pussy with my seed.

My daughter came with me. She came with her daddy. Her body was trembling afterwards. She collapsed onto my chest. We just stayed in that position for some time. We both were wearing our happy faces. I told her that I love her. And she told me that she loves me. It was mine, it was our best first time ever.

And we are a loving couple since back then. I even cut short on work to spend more time with her. Only idiots make the same mistake twice. Maybe I’ll share the tale of some of the hottest fucks my daughter and me had in the last years with you in the future. But well, I won’t promise you anything. Because now I have to leave, my daughter, sorry, my girlfriend just came back home. And writing those lines made me really horny.


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