Free Use Inn: Prolouge[MxM][gay][furry][]femboy][anal][creampie][oral][wolf daddy][knotting]

I hopped out of bed, stretching my limbs and shaking the drowsiness out of my head. The smell of fresh-baked bread filled my nose. The earthy scent filled my brain with visions of an early morning feast, my stomach was vocal about its desire for food.

I walked over to my colorful blinds and pulled them open. I lived on the top floor of a fairly large hotel. In my line of sight was the capital Linstadt, the largest hub of trade for thousands of miles. At the rear of the city was the castle of Groam, a large porcelain white building with a dozen spires topped with azure tiles. It was titanic in size compared to the shops and squares of the rest of the city.

It was always so peaceful looking out over Linstadt, I love working in this city. I walked over to my ornate chest of drawers and began to rummage around for my work outfit.

It was a frilly black and white maids dress. The intricate white lace was soft in my hands. The black silk was a little short but for its purpose, that was okay. I kept rummaging to find a pair of black panties and sheer black leggings. I smiled, dressing up has always been my favorite part of the job.

I set my clothes on the bed and went over to the spare room. Inside the marble room was a modest shower and a mirror. I walked in front of the mirror to check myself out.

I was a short guy, standing just a hair under one and a half meters. I had a long head of dirty blonde hair that was accentuated by my bright blue eyes.

I’ve always been really feminen, I had nice long shapely legs and wide hips that supported my nice heart shaped ass. I had a flat stomach and strangely enough, two small budding breasts. It paired well with my smaller cock. It was only maybe 10 centimeters erect, and even smaller soft.

I got in the shower, and began scrubbing myself in the nice hot water. After I finished bathing I hopped out of the shower and began dressing myself in my work outfit.

I slipped the small black panties up my legs and over my cock, the cloth was comfortable and familiar. The way it covered my private area felt erotic, making my cock grow slightly making a bulge. I slipped my legs into the sheer tights, they were soft and warm against my bare skin.

I smiled, and began putting the frilly dress on. The owner of the hotel had it specially made for me, so it showed off my curves incredibly well. The skirt of the dress came up short, only a few centimeters from showing off my panty covered cock. I slipped my feet into a pair of simple yet stylish black flats.

I began walking out of the room to start my day of work. I grabbed my leather collar off of its hook. On the heart-shaped bronze pendant was the phrase, ‘Free Use’. I strapped it around my neck, it was always just a little tight, not restrictive to my breathing, but just tight enough to remind me it was there. The light pressure was always the best part of getting ready in the morning.

I stepped out of my room into the hallway of the hotel. It was a cosy place,with long wooden walls with sconces with ever burning magic candles. I lived on the top floor, where my boss, his wife, and a few other staff lived. Boss said it’s easier to just let us live here while we work.

I walked down to the stairwell and began making my descent to the lower levels of the hotel. The smell of bread and warmth became stronger and stronger as I walked down the stairs.

I made it to the tavern part of the hotel, even this early there were still patrons talking and making merry at the tables. I walked up to the bar and sat at one of the stools.

After a moment, Boss walked over and set a plate of food in front of me. Boss was a Lycan, a burly one at that. He stood two heads above me. Lycans are your stereotypical wolf people, with thick fur over the majority of their body, a pointed snout with a wet nose and even pointed ears. Boss had a thick coat of grey and silver fur, his large eyes were a dull shade of brown. Even though his proportions would suggest a portly bartender, his arms ripped with quiet strength. His smile showed his sharp glistening fangs. He always seemed to smell like a fresh fire and wilderness.

“Hey Emil, sleep well?” He said.

I began digging into the plate of bread and eggs, they were delicious. “I did Boss. So what’s the plan for today?”

“Not too much, lotta work coming up though. Kings planning a speech for Remembrance day. Lotta travelers oughta start shuffling through.” he flashed a knowing smile. “Means you’re gonna have to make a lotta new friends.”

I felt blood rush through my cheeks. “Boss.” I swallowed the last bite of bread and pushed the plate back towards him.

“Oh, by the way, had someone ask for you, by name.” my heart thumped. I was kind of new to Boss’ team and had only been working for him for a couple of months. And haven’t had that many clients.

“Was it that ogre?” I said.

“Nah, they asked me to make it a surprise for Ya, they’re in room two-twenty-six. Said to head up as soon as you could. Said they’ve got a special present for Ya, cutie.”

I swallowed. I could already feel my heart rate jump.

See, in the world of Lyra, I’m kind of an oddity. Humans were such a small race of people that me working here as a maid was, well, odd enough that Boss figured I’d bring people in by just being a maid here.

I remember the first time I stopped by, it was about six months ago.

I had just come to Linstadt from my home village. I didn’t have much, a couple of copper pieces and my simple leather clothes. It was the middle of the night, I had been traveling by myself for days. I was hungry, scared, and tired. I had stopped by several houses, but none of them answered. Until I hit the large building on the top of the hill overlooking the city. I still remember the smell of fresh bread, the sounds of warm laughter, and the music bleeding out into the night.

I breathed in and opened the door. Inside was an amalgamation of races, Lycans, Felinx, orcs, and dwarves. All of them had a grand time drinking and singing. I stumbled my way to the counter and sat on the open stool. Boss walked down cleaning a glass.

“Howdy, don’t see too many hummies here, what can I do you for?” His voice was warm and inviting.

I struggled to speak through my fatigue. I laid down why few copper pieces I had and weakly spouted. “Food.”

Concern immediately overtook his face. He nodded. “Hey, Marley. Watch the bar for a moment. I’ll be back.” a pink-furred Felinx in a bright purple apron walked over.

“What for?” Then she saw me. “I see, just hurry up okay?”

Boss walked around the bar to me and gently picked me up, his arms were strong, and his woodsy scent was even stronger. I felt myself slip into sleep in his arms as he took me up the stairs.

I woke up in the morning, the sun shone lightly in the window. Illuminating the sparse room. Next to my single-person bed was a nightstand with a bowl of steaming soup and a letter. My stomach took over, devouring the bowl in moments. It was vegetable soup.

After the bowl was empty my thoughts finally caught up. I was completely naked.

I picked up the sliver of paper and read the frankly awful handwriting as best I could.

Hey kid, come downstairs when you wake up, Boss ps. There’s a robe in the drawers you can wear.

I looked and sure enough, there was a fluffy grey cloak. I put it on to cover my nudity. The cloak was super warm and felt good on my skin. It smelt familiar.

I did as the note asked and headed back down to the tavern area, behind the bar was Boss cleaning a glass.

“Morning sunshine, you were chasing the ghost there for a minute.”

I laughed nervously. “Thank you sir.” I tried to be as respectful as possible. “Uhm, may I ask why I woke up without my clothes?”

He curled an eyebrow at me. “Well, it was disgusting, and you weren’t getting my nice linens all muddy. Besides, you’re too cute to be wearing those rags.”

I felt my heart jump in my throat. “Well, thank you sir.”

“So, hey, I wanna ask. Do you have any place to stay?” He said.

“Not really sir. I’m kind of a traveller.”

“I see, well, we’ve been getting busier with the warmer months. Let’s say you clean up after guests and maybe do a bit of bartending at night, I’ll let you keep your room in the loft?”

I thought about it for a little bit, but in reality it wasn’t a hard choice at all. I was sick of the open road. “ Are you sure?”” I asked.

“Yea why not. Plus hummies are a rare sight, might bring in some people just to look at you.”

And that’s how it started, for a few weeks I would help clean people’s rooms after they left, and helped Boss serve drinks during the night. I wasn’t great at making the drinks, so I just brought them to peoples tables. We spent a lot of time together during the first few weeks. Our routine was pretty simple, I’d wake up, eat breakfast with Boss, clean rooms, then serve drinks once the bar opened. It was a nice way to pass the time.

And then that one special night happened.

We had just got done with one of the busiest days in the bar. It all finally wound down, until it was just me and Boss left.

“Helluva night huh?” Boss said, cleaning a glass.

I rested on the barstool, drinking from a glass of water. “Yea. Can’t even remember how many people we served.”

We made small talk for a while about the night’s events. It became real quiet after a while.

“Hey, Emil,” he said.

“What’s up Boss?”

“It’s stupid, but, thanks for all your hard work, its been nice not having to run this place with just Marley.”

“Thanks for having me, It’s been nice not living on the road.”

“So, I’ve gotta ask,” he began. “How do you feel about, well, me?”

The question hit me strangely. “Well, you’re nice enough to let me stay, and you cook really well.” I thought a bit more. “You’re pretty alright.”

He chuckled. “That’s good, so, what would you say about me, physically?”

“Oh.” I felt my heart rate jump. “Well, I uh, I think you’re pretty handsome.”

He smiled. “Well, I have another proposition for you,” he sounded a bit nervous. “I think you’re really cute, and I was wondering, maybe we could spend some time relaxing after work?”

My cheeks felt hot, I felt an uncomfortable shift in my groin. Blood rushed through my body. It’s true, I’ve always thought Boss was attractive, he was strong, and caring, and he had that smell around him that honestly made me feel things I haven’t felt since I was back in my village.

I don’t remember how, but we ended up in Boss’ room, he had carried me all the way up in his strong arms. The way I nestled my head against his chest, I could hear his heartbeat. His smell, my god the smell, so intense and warm. He smelled like home.

He opened the door and plopped me on the bed. He got on top of me, his face inches from mine.

“Just let me know if you like what I’m doing okay? If you feel uncomfortable, stop me.”

All I could do was nod, I could feel my erection growing against him. He kissed my neck, and I moaned. His strong hands pulled me closer to him. God his warm fur felt immaculate against me.

He slowly moved down my chest, smelling me. He kept going lower and lower until he found the buttons on my pants.

He undid them in one fluid motion. He pulled them off slowly. My heart jumped, feeling his warm fur against my bare legs.

“God you look amazing.” he said, starting me up and down.

I nodded.

“Are you okay?” he asked, I looked down to see his concerned eyes looking up from between my thighs.

I nodded. “Yea, I’m fine, just, please be gentle.”

He nodded. He hooked his fingers in my simple underwear and pulled them down my legs. I shivered from the cool air on my nethers.

He moved up his face right next to my erection. His long flat tongue snaked out and licked from the base of my shaft to the tip. It was wet and comforting. It felt immaculate. His tongue curled around my cock. He messaged me with his skilled muscles.

I felt myself moan, my voice tore through the quiet room. I was in ecstasy from my lover’s amazing tongue work. I placed my hand on his furry head and gave it a rub, encouraging him to keep going.

I was almost finished, my body rippled with orgasmic pleasure as I began to cum.

Boss dove his mouth down, engulfing me in his hot wet mouth, swallowing my cum as I shot it down his throat.

I finished, and he pulled up with a smile on his face.

“Simply delicious,” he said. He rose to his full height, eyeing me down hungrily as I spasmed and breathed deep.

He dropped his pants, revealing his large red cock. It looked amazing in the sparse moonlight.

“May I?” he asked.

I nodded. “Use me you big bastard. Fuck me till I can’t walk.”

He smiled a wolfish grin.

He grabbed my legs with his big strong paws, spreading them in the air. He laid his cock against my stomach, it pulsed warmly against me.

It reached about halfway up my stomach. I swallowed.

“Boss.” I spoke quietly, my adrenaline fading rapidly. “That’s a lot bigger than I thought, just, please be slow.”

“I would never hurt one of my friends. And I certainly wouldn’t hurt a cutie like you.” with that, he slipped the head of his massive member between my plump ass. Teasing his head against my virgin ass.

He moved a hand against my chin and held it gingerly. I stared deeply into his eyes, the softness in his face made me relax. I knew I was in good hands.

He trusted forward, slowly, gently. His cockhead pushed slowly inside me, filling me with his massive member. I clenched my teeth, it hurt, but it hurt in a way that felt amazing. His massive cock slowly spread my tightness. I could feel his heartbeat against my walls.

I moaned like a bitch in heat.

“Youre so fucking big.” I moaned in his ear.

He dipped down to whisper. “You feel amazing cutie. You’re so tight against me.”

He kept pushing inside me, centimeter after centimeter of his hot cock pushing inside me.

After so many agonizing moments I felt his knot against me. His cocks hot head rested against my hard pleasure button. The way it ground against it sent shivers of pleasure ripping through my body.

“Please, fuck me.” I moaned.

He didn’t waste any time, he began thrusting hard inside me, long slow strokes from the base of his cock to the tip. Each hard thrust sent more rippling pleasure through me. God it felt so good.

“I’m close Emil, can I knot you?”

I didn’t have to think about it. “Yes you big furry monster. Fill me.”

He made one final thrust, pushing his engorged knot inside me.

I was so full, his giant knot stretched me so much. I began panting in intense pleasure, feeling a second orgasm rush out of me, coating Boss and me in my semen. We were a hot mess.

That’s when I felt it, his cock began twitching and spasming inside me.

And then, I felt his warm cum rush inside, filling me with hot fluid. His knot grew even bigger, grounding him inside me. He held me right as he came, his strong arms keeping me close as he filled me.

He whispered in my ear. “Well be here a while, just rest.”

I nodded and we fell asleep, his massive member still inside me the whole time.

And that’s how we came to our arrangement. He realized how much of a slut I could be, and well, we kind of made a deal. I would work as a maid and offer additional services to whoever I wanted.

But Boss said he gets me whenever he wants.

(Lemme know if you enjoyed! If you did check out my patreon page please!)


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