[fm] I was deep in a cave when I first let a guy cum in me

I’m in day 4 or something having COVID so excuse my fever dream delirium, but to be honest this is how I write anyways. I think. Anyways. While coughing and tossing and turning, and somehow horny but dying, I remembered a tryst. Now! You may not know me, so just know I’ve only been with two boys my whole 19 years. And even then not very much… but the latter of them… well. He was something.

He took me on a date. I live in the northwest and there are these caves, called the Ape Caves (look them up! Really quite cool! Idk why they call them ape caves? But anyways they are long, dark, dank, oddly beautiful caves underneath a dense Washington forest.

Now I probably shouldn’t have followed a boy I barely knew into the caves, especially since x-files, stranger things, and my favorite murder have taught me this is a big no no…. But what the heck, he had a cute butt (omg I could have died…. Wtf dude). He was wearing some adventure pants that tapered down his legs, and some nice puffy jacket but.. The point is the pants. Slightly stretchy, rip stop… we descended into these caves both wearing head lamps.

This place can be kinda busy in the summer and sometimes in late spring. But we went early spring on weekday. I think I saw 4 cars in the parking lot… so the caves were empty. I just remember the laughs echoing off the walls as we climbed over boulders, used some rope to get up some of the tougher parts… I remember my foot slipping and his hand grabbing my butt from below as he steadied me. After that it was like a barrier had broke, he’d brush me when passing, or touch my shoulder when pointing out the sun coming through holes in the cave ceiling.

I could smell his sweat mixed with his cologne. I remember his headlamp light always blinding me when he spoke to me, cause his eyes would wander to my chest. When he was behind me, his light never passed me cause it was focused on my yoga pants.

I think boys are taught to make the first move, or maybe they just are too desperate, or maybe girls are often too shy… not sure. But this time, I just didn’t want to wait. My skin was electric every time I breathed him in. The hair on my neck standing when I heard him laugh. I felt like i was biting through my cheek not just to tell him to take me then and there.

Sublight was spilling down and rain sprinkling down, and we paused to look up at it… and I just looked at him. His eyes were catching that sunlight, the water hitting his forehead as he stared up. He wasn’t smiling, he was just looking. He looked almost boyish…. And… as he looked down I just kept staring.

Eyes locked, I just let my hand slowly slide up his pants. His cock was outlined, but not quite hard yet. My hand grip it against his leg, and I made a show of biting my lip and let out a soft moan. feeling him getting hard in my hand made my already wet panties beyond salvageable.

I was warm, wet, and ready. I put my hand behind his head and brought him in for a kiss, but he didn’t need guidance. I was pushed up against the walls of the cave, felt the air escape my lungs and his cock against my leg. I was unzipping and tossing and he was doing the same. The ground was wet, but our clothes fell to it.

I could feel his fingernails scrape my stomach and hips as he began to pull of my pants, but I wish he’d done it harder. I wanted him. The cold stone was against my butt, I grabbed his hand and shoved it down my panties and between my thighs. His teeth were dragging across my bottom lip and I could see the desire in his eyes. His hand was about to enter me.

“Let me taste you” is all I could muster. I wanted him in me, but I wanted to ride this… this fucking ecstasy of desire. I just wanted to ride that edge, and I wanted to feel his hard dick against my lips. My tongue, the inside of my cheek, the back of my throat. I wanted to smell his sweat as I took him as deep as I could in my mouth. Brought him to the ground on top of our jackets, and pulled his cock out. My pants still partially around my ankle, boots still on, and I took him in my mouth. I didn’t know till then how much I was salivating.

He was already dripping precum and I didn’t even know what that was at the time. I just loved the taste. Looking back I can remember grabbing him clumsily from the base of his cock and sort of pulling it towards my mouth like I was milking a cow… I didn’t know it at the time, just instinctually I wanted to taste every last drop. Fuck. I gave him a blowjob that was probably mediocre by my standards but it was passion. I wanted him and he knew that.

His fingers in my hair, my eyes were closed (I hadn’t learned how amazing it is to look into the eyes of a guy you blow) but I was moaning cause I was grinding my pussy against the heel of my boots as I blew him. I felt him throbbing… fuck he was basically cumming. I think he told me to slow down, but I didn’t fucking care. He wanted to save his ego, and I wanted to drink him in. I felt him starting to buck against me, he let out a moan. I didn’t even know guys could moan like that. I had been edging on the heel of my boot, panties rubbing against my Danners.

He said my name then, but it was partly a moan, and some part of me knew he was going to cum. So I let him out of my mouth, I crawled onto him and as if he knew, he ripped my panties over my ass cheek, and just using my hips I pushed into him. His cock. Every. Fucking. Inch. entered me.

Even now I’m tight for one of my own fingers, but I was so wet… so far gone. So turned on. I felt both his hands pulling my cheeks apart (I didn’t know at the time how much I wanted to be spanked in this moment). I rode him as he finished. I rode him sloppily, I rode him hard. I kept him deep as he came inside me. And I fucking screamed.

I’m pretty sure whoever was in that cave shit their pants, cause I came so hard I think I may have bruised his hips as I squeezed my thighs together, my abs bucking in, I fucking spasmed on his dick, and he just kept it in deep. My fingers tore into his pecs, I collapsed onto him, hair over my face, and I just kissed him and laughed and cried and bucked and kissed cause I just felt like I was gone…. I think a minute passed of me just spasming. He was still rock hard in me, but I could feel his cum dripping out from around his dick… I sat up a little, probably looked like a fucking harpy. He was half dead and smiling up at me. Soaked and dirty. Sun still in his eyes.

“You wanna grab a burger?” Is all I said. Now… I’m going to jill off to my story and get some rest. Fuck you Covid.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v5jdxh/fm_i_was_deep_in_a_cave_when_i_first_let_a_guy