[F] I accidentally exposed my kitty to a security guard while I was chasing after my real kitties

This happened about an hour ago. This story isn’t as wild as others because 1) I’m a virgin so no sex and 2) I’m a Muslim hijabi meaning that in public I do not reveal myself, and men don’t get to see my body.

I think men and women alike know how liberating it is to get home from work and to be able to take off your pants and underwear and let your bits breathe. I usually don’t get to be totally naked waist down because I live with people. But today I’m alone in the apartment so I let loose.

So I’ve gotten off work a few hours ago and immediately took my pants and panties off. I kept my top and bra on just because. A little back story on how events took place: I’ve been feeling the big sad a few days now where I can just burst into tears whenever my mind wanders. And today I’m feeling it intensely, I cried a few good minutes lying on the bed naked waist down just thinking about depressing stuff.

And you know what happens when the depression hits you. You chop off your hair. So I decided to do that, and wanted to take before and after pictures. My top was a dark color and so is my hair so to make my hair more visible I took off my top leaving a light coloured bra. So now I’m only wearing a bra and nothing else.

I cut off just a few inches of my hair. But still, something’s missing. What else do you do when you’re depressed? You dye your hair. So I went to the kitchen to grab some stuff. As I open the kitchen door, my cats went running to go to the kitchen veranda. From the veranda we can see people on the walkway on our floor, and people there can see us. I went to go take my cats and tell them to go back inside.

It was 11pm, usually nobody’s there at this hour not even the patrolling security guards. I know because I’ve been almost nude at the veranda many times and no one saw me.

This time, as I was standing there with only a bra on, a security guard walked by, and I only noticed while he was halfway through the walkway. I looked at him and we made eye contact and I saw him adjusting his pants. I jumped back inside and immediately ducked freaking out because FUCK THIS DUDE JUST SAW MY BUSH.

For the first few minutes I freaked the freak out because this dude knows where I live, knows my unit, and if he looks for it, he’d know my parking spot too. I’m just hoping he won’t be able to recognise me with hijab and clothes on. My overthinking head was worried if he’ll tell his other security guard friends about it and they’d want to see too. FUCK. THEY ALL KNOW WHERE I LIVE.

I distracted myself by dying my hair and now I’ve calmed down a bit. I don’t know what to think now. On one hand I’m still a teeny bit freaked out and on the other hand, someone saw me naked, in real life, never happened before.

TLDR: Stripped down to only a bra and went to the kitchen veranda to get my cats inside but a security guard saw my bush all because I’m mildly depressed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v5hbko/f_i_accidentally_exposed_my_kitty_to_a_security


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