The full story of my sister [F]20 and I [M]21 (Part 1)

This is the first part of what I plan to be a series of posts about the story of my sister and I, and how we went from being normal siblings our whole lives to start dating secretly.

All parts of the story will be linked and ordered in this [post](

This is a real story, but I am not, by any means, suggesting that you try it on your own life or that this is how every situation can turn out to be. Also, my native language is Spanish so excuse me if some parts are written terribly.

This first part is mainly background that you need in order to better understand the whole story and our first interaction out of the normal.

Let’s begin. (All names are fictional)

Dani is a year younger than me. We both have birthdays on September, but we are a bit different physically. She has a very cute face with long straight dark hair and pale skin. She’s 1.72m (5’7) and has a slim hourglass body with a worked-out ass and her breasts are (now I know) 32D’s. On the other hand, I’m 1.85m (6’1), slim but very athletic body with short soft-wavy dark hair and medium skin tone.

Our parents are not divorced but they are not a couple anymore either, they haven’t been pretty much since Dani was born. They decided to stay together so that Dani and I could grow with both of our parents. However, there’s never been a feeling of union, our parents don’t show us much affection and neither side of the family is close. Don’t get me wrong, they give us a very good life, but it’s like two really good strangers got together to let us live at their home.

Because of this, Dani and I have grown to be each other’s family. When our parents get unbearable, we go out to get some coffee or walk around the city. We even have our weekly routine involving movies and going out for dinner.

The main reason we hang out that much is not our parents but that we actually enjoy each other’s company like no one else’s. We both are sarcastic, teasing, creative and are natural flirts. Coming from a lack of it, we express our affection physically; we hug a lot, kiss each other on the cheek occasionally and sleep together from time to time. We also tend to be flirty towards each other every now and then, but nothing sexual or anything. We have both admitted that we would totally date each other if we weren’t related.

For me it had always been completely off the table doing something with her or being with her in anyway other than just as siblings. Thus, I never felt guilty or nervous by any of the above. I was sure she was only my sister and no other thought had ever crossed my mind.

Things began to take a turn when I started senior year. I began dating a girl named Sara. I had dated girls before but this time Dani seem to be somehow annoyed about her. It also didn’t help that our weekly routine was almost always interrupted by my plans with Sara. However, Dani was aware that I wasn’t doing anything wrong so she began going out with her friends more often.

This is where it gets interesting.

You should know that by this point everyone knew how close Dani and I were, so it was a common thing to be teased with us being together. I would never feel uncomfortable tho, because of what I said earlier.

One day she had this party with her friends on a place near Sara’s house, so the plan was for me to go out with Sara, drop her at her house and then go pick up Dani.

It was 1am, I was already at Sara’s sleeping on her bed after like 2h of fucking (Btw I was thinking to write like the spinoff sex stories with my girlfriends and other girls so let me know if you’re interested) when I got these texts from Dani:

(All conversations were in Spanish so I’ll do my best to interpret them in a similar way)

“I’m pretty drunk cum for me”


“well both”



Now we “flirt” and joke, but this definitely crossed the line. She deleted the messages very fast and wrote:

“Srry I misspelled, pretty drunk come pick me up”. Counting on the fact that it always takes me a while to open the texts. But to her bad luck, this time I opened them right away.

This got me an instant hard on. I don’t know how to explain it but I wasn’t processing the fact that it was my sister, I was just thinking that a girl with whom I’ve always been close to, wrote me that, and it was hot.

“ok, on my way, be careful”. I answered.

I woke up Sara and told her I was going. She was tired after a long day together so she barley opened her eyes and just told me “Be careful babe” and went back to sleep.

I came to pick up Dani. Her two friends, Karli and Leigh, accompanied her to the car. She got in and I asked them if there was someone coming for them.

“We’ll pick up an Uber”

Sadly, where I’m from, girls taking an Uber on the late night is not a good idea so I offered them a ride.

They were pretty drunk, not wasted, but pretty drunk, so not long after I started driving, Karli told me

“What if you drop Dani and Leigh first and drop me off last?”

“That logistically makes no sense”. I said.

They both laughed but Dani turned back and the air turned cold from the look she gave Karli, and said

“Or we could just drop you right here”. With the calmest voice, which made it scarier tbh.

We all laughed and continued the ride. My social battery was low, so I just entered absent mode while they kept talking about the party, until I heard them say

“Dani you turned down all the guys wtf, if you a lesbian you can tell us bitch, I’d definitely kiss you”

“Does your boyfriend here doesn’t give you permission?”. Leigh asked referring to me.

“That’s right”. It was not.

“Hahaha just fucking date already dude”. Karli said. Dani kept silent.

“Sure? You wouldn’t get a chance then”. I could feel Dani getting uncomfortable being the main topic of discussion so I tried “flirting?” back to them to get their attention.

It worked and they focused on teasing me the rest of the road until we dropped them both and there was just Dani and I left.

Dani was trying to hide her obvious drunkenness talking about the party and the games they played. Her attempt was cute to me so I couldn’t resist teasing her to make her a bit nervous with the texts form earlier to see what kind of face she’d make.

“I saw the texts tho”. I said smiling. She froze.

“I didn’t know I was that irresistible even for the mighty Dani, ego booster”. Trying to make it seem less “serious”.

“You fucking wish, it was Karli, she wanted me to invite you all night long telling me she wanted to blow you”

It was a smart lie given what Karli said on the car, except for the fact that she had just told me some moments ago that she had to go look for Karli to say goodbye after she texted me because she got lost with some guy. I let her get away with this one tho, instead, I took a different approach.

“Hmm what a shame, you got my hopes up”. She turned her head to me, betrayed by her own reaction looking surprised, almost excited for a moment, and instantly turned her head back front.

“I believed you thought I was hot”. I continued.

*A long pause*

“Fuck you got me wet”. She said in an annoyed, yet horny way.

Holy shit what? Wtf. I was trying to get her nervous but definitely not horny. I obviously got hard.

“What? WHY?”. I replied as clam as I could possibly be. I mean, how did she go from being in control of herself, trying to hide her current state to just giving up and telling me that I, her brother, got her wet? She must have been very horny to say that shit.

“Dude I just happen to come from a party with very hot dudes and then you are here, and you smell nice, and you look nice…”

“And you tell me you wanted those text to be me?… like you’re a really attractive dude that just happens to be, well, YOU”.

“You got to admit it’s not my fault”. She concluded, continuing to reveal her already obvious drunk state.

“Guess it’s not”. I said. I didn’t know what to fucking say. A thousand things came to mind but I wasn’t sure about any of them.

“Well thanks, I think that’s nice of you to say”. I really did.


“Yeah, and well just so you don’t feel like the weird one; I think you’re very attractive too”. I don’t think that recognizing that you sibling is attractive is weird. The fact that she got wet and I got hard definitely was but I was very pleasingly ignoring it.

“Oh”. she reacted.

“I mean maybe it’s a bit Freudian but physically you are like my second type of girl”. The first was redheads, I love redheads and I had told her before.

“You know… long dark hair, pale skin, tall”. I added.

“Dude that’s like the opposite of your girlfriend”. She most certainly said.

“Yeah, I know. She is hot and I obviously like her but its not my no1 type. I chose her mainly because of who she is”. I said being completely honest.

“Payaso”. (Translated literally means ‘clown’ but we use it to make fun of something we believe to be too corny. I couldn’t think of a word)

Now it came to me. My last girlfriend was the living image of Dani so she must have felt as my reference for a girlfriend and it made her feel confident. So, when I left her to begin dating Sara, she must have believed her a menace.

This didn’t end here tho. Dani had brought two bottles to the party and one of them still had some left, so she took it back with her. She took the bottle from her feet and took a long sip from it right there in the car.

“Dude what are you doing? We are almost home”

“Want some?”. She asked me.

I shook my head. I wasn’t drinking at that time.

“Hmm”. And she took another sip.

“Dani don’t drink too much, you’ll get head sick on your bed, and I’ll definitively be the one to have to clean when you throw up”. I said, foreseeing my destiny.

“Don’t worry, I know when to stop”. I don’t think she did but she wasn’t going to listen to me anyway.

“And if it makes me forget that you got me wet, I’ll take the chance”.

“I won’t forget”. I said, with a cocky smile. She just looked at me with a bratty face.

We remained quiet for the rest of the trip. She kept squeezing her thighs together and I was about to ask her if she wanted to go to the bathroom, but I saw the redness on her face and I soon realized what was going on. She was horny but I didn’t want to embarrass her so I acted as if I didn’t notice.

However, with the combination of being both drunk and horny, her inhibitions were completely off and as soon as we entered the house, she grabbed my arm and said:

“You better not come near my room cause I’m going to finger myself so fucking hard”. And went upstairs immediately.

I just stood there, with my mouth open. We’ve already talked about masturbation and it was not a secret that we sometimes do it, as everyone does. But she has never talked to me that way.

I was dying to go and listen to her, but I knew it was wrong and I was pretty hungry, so I ate the typical 3am snack and went to bed.

A couple of years later, she would reveal to me that what she said, was an invitation.

Don’t worry, this was just the beginning.



  1. Don’t worry about English not being tour native language, you wrote this wonderfully.
    I’m looking forward to more!

  2. For someone for whom English is a second language, that was really well written!

  3. Interested in what the text said to confuse “cum” with “come” in Spanish. South American Spanish?

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