an intense torment [FM]

We had an argument, as usual. The reasons are the most disparate but the truth is that we are too different; ways of thinking, of seeing life, of behaving and treating other people.
Every time a light comes on in my head “It can’t work, it will never work. You two have nothing in common, you are self-destructive together.” This drives me crazy.

We have not spoken for a few hours and sadly this evening we are invited to a ceremony; I have no desire to go with him and pretending is not really for me.

I have a long burgundy dress, with a very tight embroidered bodice with two thin straps and a tulle skirt, the back partially uncovered. I believe he will be wearing his dark blue suit, my favorite.

I arrive in the living room ready to go and he is leaning on the kitchen counter stool, bored with waiting; he gets up to go and absently looks at me, becoming paralyzed… contracts his face, clenching his teeth and stiffening his jaw.
Abruptly grabs the car keys “Hurry up” hisses as he leaves the house.

The journey by car is a torture. He stares at the road with a mono expression on his face and I stare at the car window to my right.
Every now and then – without getting noticed – I observe him from the reflection of the glass. He’s so hot, fuck.
“Stop thinking about it” I keep repeating in my mind “Don’t be silly”.

When we get to the party, we split up. Every person I meet asks me about him “He is around”, I smile, usual questions and usual answers, so much courtesy, so many intrusive requests.
Fortunately, there is no lack of alcohol, I couldn’t do it otherwise.
After a couple of hours I’m at the counter of the open bar with a semi-unknown girl and three unknown guys who are trying it all out.
The situation amuses me, I am tipsy, flirtatious and cheerful, cheeky.
For a moment I look at myself in the mirror placed behind the bartender: my cheeks are flushed, my eyes bright and the bodice of my dress squeezes my breasts into a plunging neckline.
I chuckle at the umpteenth joke of the boy on my left – who keeps putting full glasses in my hand – when I see him out of the corner of my eye from the mirror.

He’s at the opposite end of the counter with a group of his colleagues; next to him a woman – always her, I’ve been telling him for weeks that she tries to flirt with him on every occasion – looks at him ecstatic and talks to him nonstop. He nods at her from time to time as he drinks his scotch and keeps his eyes on my reflection.

I blush in an instant. How long has he been watching me? The smile on my lips disappears. I can’t stop looking at him trying to decipher his eyes.
He is apparently calm, smiles at his friend, sips his drink and his eyes are… deep and flaming.

I feel shake from my arm and gasp, I had forgotten to be in company. I apologize to my interlocutor and ask him to repeat, he – on the other side of the counter – smiles amused for my embarrassment.

I feel hot and red, I hate that he makes fun of me. I suddenly get off the stool and quickly silence my insistent friend “I need some air. Alone.”.
Almost running I reach the immense windows overlooking the green garden, illuminated by the moon. I pass in front of him and his group of friends without giving him a glance and shortly after I am leaning on the balcony, breathing fast, my chest rising and falling.

A sound of footsteps behind me “Did your new friend take your breath away?” he winks.
I sigh deeply “Don’t bother me”.
“In this way you hurt me…” he whispers as I feel his body behind me “… where’s the flirtatious little slut of a few moments ago?” he leans his hands on the balcony, making his body adhere to my back, locking me up.
Bring his face close to my neck, to my nape, I feel his warm breath on my skin, a shiver runs through me as he sniffs my hair.
I almost let myself go in his arms, I feel soft legs, goosebumps and a pressure in my lower abdomen.

“You smell like sex, is it for him or for me that you are so horny?” laughs in my ear.
A cold shower would have been less annoying. “Let me go, please” I reply angrily.
“Otherwise?” he smiles.
“I don’t want to embarrass you in front of your colleagues, move and let me go.”
“You’ve already embarrassed me, you’ve been silly with the jerks of marketing for the whole evening. Do you know how many jokes I had to endure?” he is more serious even though he still tries to smile.
I manage to turn around in his arms, coming to stare at his face “Maybe you’re the jerk since you can’t hold your girlfriend” I insinuate.
His smile disappears, he stares at me for a few moments and then takes two steps back.
I take the opportunity and walk away, going down the stairs that lead to the garden.

I am furious and the worst is that I am furious with myself because I want him so badly.
The garden has very high hedges, it almost looks like a labyrinth, I have been walking for a couple of minutes now continuing to call myself stupid, trying to convince myself that I have to get him out of my head.
“Darling! God, you disappeared in an instant, I couldn’t find you!” he grabs my arms, looks genuinely worried.
“Please, I want to be alone, please …” I whimper.
Keep holding me tight as he studies my face and eyes, his gaze catches fire “You’re a spoiled little girl, you drive me crazy. So convinced of your opinions with your bitchy behaviors, you always expect everyone to follow your orders perfectly and at the slightest denial you become a fury. Too arrogant to admit that you make mistakes too, too proud to admit that you want me. Do you think I don’t know? I can feel it from your smell, from your eyes, from your breath…” speak slowly and in a low voice as he speaks his hands move to my hips, his left arm wraps around my back and his right hand searches for the slit in my dress, he finds it and shortly thereafter his hand is between my wet thighs “… I can feel it from your little pussy” he whispers as his fingers caress my labia majora and his mouth is inches from mine.
“I hate you so much…” I whisper firmly moaning.
At the same moment two of his fingers penetrate me and start to fuck me and he kisses me intensely.
