I cant help to think that my [M] gfs bestfriend [F] wanted to hookup with me (part 1)

I was going to a concert out of town with 2 of my gfs bffs. The night before the concert we decided to get drunk in the hotel room before going out. The friend in question (lets call her Sarah) was wearing a tight black dress that complimented her petite body and light caramel skin. This was the first time i saw her all dressed up and she definitely had my attention.

After a few drinks she decided to hop in the shower. I hear the water turn on and just see her bra fly out the wide open bathroom door. She giggles and yells out “come get my dress, i dont want to get it wet!” Me not wanting to be a creep in front of the other friend, yells back “just throw it!” Again she yells “please! Come get it!” I just ignored her but deep down, i couldnt help but wonder what her drunk mind had in store for me.

She eventually gets out the shower and grabs the bra she had previously thrown. She starts showing it off to me, explaining that its my gfs hand-me-down and that its too tight because her tits are a bit bigger than my gfs. I concur that I indeed recognized the bra and nonchalantly reply that I never realized her chest was bigger, considering they had the same petite frame. The conversation dies down and we end up going out.

When we get back from the party, we’re all ready for a good nights sleep. I offer to sleep on the floor as to not make anyone uncomfortable. After all, these were my gfs best friends. They reassure me that I can sleep in the bed with the considering Im like a brother to them. Sarah, being the smallest, offers to sleep in the middle. I take off my shirt and head to bed.

Side note: Sarah had been single for a while and you could feel her sexual frustration in the air.

(Part 2 coming up)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/v3xivq/i_cant_help_to_think_that_my_m_gfs_bestfriend_f