Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 17: Dodged a Bullet [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][creampie][blowjob cleanup]

**17: Dodged a Bullet**

Monica shut the door behind her leaving Paige and I in a trance.

I pulled out of her with cum still boiling inside my shaft. For some fucked up reason, I maintained my erection, probably because of the fact that I was so close to orgasm or the fact that I was aroused by knowing that someone has seen us having sex.

Paige, who was still bent over the desk, uttered, “What the fuck just happened?”

She turned to look at me with worried eyes but then noticed my hard cock flapping around.

She looked up back at my eyes then whispered, “Do you still want to finish?”

Heck, yes. Of course. I must be crazy but yes I want to, I thought. I even justified it in my head by thinking I can’t come out and show my face to Charlotte with this bulge. I need to finish.

Without saying anything else, I walked away and swiftly locked the door then got back behind her and slid my cock into her again.

I bit my lip and quietly moaned while the words *I’m fucked up* began running around my mind.

Paige covered her mouth with her hand again while moving her hips to meet my thrusts and help us both to finish as soon as possible.

I held on to her collar bone and continued pumping her roughly. We were trying so hard to be quiet this time that all I could literally hear were the desk creaking, our heavy breathing, and my thigh slapping on to her ass.

“Hmm, fuck, yeah,” I let out a whispery moan that I can no longer contain.

The thought of my wife sitting just on the other side of this wall behind me made me even more determined to finish. The thrill of it made me hornier than ever and it was so wrong in all angles.

I sped up even more and in a few thrusts, Paige’s uterus began clenching and her legs started shaking. I thought I even heard extremely faint moans slipping out of her mouth.

With the help of her pelvic muscle movements, my cock got squeezed tightly making me come just right after her. I slammed my hips into her so hard that my whole desk moved an inch forward from its original position.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” I whimpered in deep low voice as I fill Paige’s pussy with cream.

I pulled out slowly with our cream flowing out right after my penis. It began dripping down her legs and to her underwear but instead of cleaning up, Paige quickly pulled her yoga pants back into place.

Still in silence, she knelt down in front of me and cleaned off all the mess around my crotch with her tongue.

“No, stop, stop. That’s enough,” I pulled her up as I began feeling another erection creeping up from her blowjob.

She stared at me in the eyes as she licked her lips clean.

I caressed her cheek as I began explaining, “We had our usual check-up. You’re going straight home, okay? Don’t talk too much. Just greet her and tell her you need to go. Let me do all the talking. Act normal. Do you understand?”

She nodded wiping off what I assumed was lipstick stain on my neck.

I then picked up my coat and put it on. Good thing it was long enough to cover or at least cast a shadow on the wet spot on my thigh.

I kissed her shortly then instructed her while I picked up all the stuff that fell off the desk, “You can go out now. I’ll come out in a second.”

She stayed still and stared at my eyes with a worried look asking, “I’m gonna see you again, right?”

“You will. Don’t worry, baby,” I whispered cupping her cheeks before kissing her French for a hot minute.

She then let out a soft smile before turning around to leave. I spanked her ass one more time as I utter, “Call you later.”

After half a minute or so, I walked out of my office to find Paige standing by the door holding onto the knob and was about to leave while my wife stood beside her. They were both smiling at each other probably saying goodbyes.

Monica briefly glanced at me before continuing whatever it was she was doing on her computer.

Paige left and Charlotte finally noticed me standing by my office door. She smiled and I smiled back motioning her to follow me inside.

She closed the door behind her asking, “How’s the clinic?”

“Good. Quite busy,” I answered smiling while looking at the lunch bag she was holding.

“Oh, I, uh, brought you lunch. You really made me happy this morning so I decided I’ll surprise you,” she uttered placing the bag on my desk.

“Thank you. I’m kind of hungry right now, I’m glad you came in time,” I smiled again probably the most smiles I gave her in a span of 5 minutes ever since I found out she cheated.

“Yeah. I’m sorry if I interrupted your work, though. I was honestly surprised to see Paige here,” she then muttered preparing the food on my table.

“Dr. Hall’s her doctor. Like Sadie, she didn’t want anyone to know she’s coming over for check-ups. I hope you could keep it confidential too,” I casually explained quite impressed by how I delivered it.

“Yeah, sure. I understand her. She doesn’t have to worry about it,” she spoke calmly.

I smiled at her trying to see deep into her mind if she’s getting at least a bit of suspicion. I didn’t read any.

She left after we have finished eating lunch. It was the hardest meal I ever had to swallow in my life so far. Every time I look at her, guilt reigned on me tightening my throat and making me feel like choking.

She probably thought that the kiss we shared earlier meant that I was finally ready to start all over again not knowing I had been planning on ending it.

The rest of the day went as normal as it should besides the quick glances I’ve exchanged with Monica.

As soon as the last patient went out, I stood in front of Monica hoping for a serious talk.

“I swear, Dr. Foster. My mouth is sealed. I don’t meddle with other people’s affairs. I have a lot to deal with myself and I don’t have the energy to deal with other people’s issues,” she muttered with her eyes still locked onto the screen.

“I appreciate that, Monica. I am hoping you keep your promise. Just let me know if I could help you with anything,” I smiled trying my hardest not to sound like I was bribing her.

“Sure,” she looked up to me smiling.

– – –

Emily and Jenifer arrived at our house around 7:30pm.

After an hour of dinner, we remained chilling on the dining table sharing a bottle of wine.

Emily sipped wine before uttering, “Oh wait. I’ve heard your neighbor’s daughter was pregnant. Do you guys know Sadie?”

“Yeah, we know her,” Charlotte replied nodding but glancing at me probably asking for my help in answering Emily’s very personal question.

Bit by bit I was realizing that Paige was right about Emily. This girl is invasive.

Emily reiterated, “Is it true? Is she pregnant?”

I smiled then answered, “Well, we don’t really have the right to tell you that. Why don’t you ask her?”

“Right. She won’t be happy to see me though. She’s my brother’s ex and we didn’t get along well, so to say,” she raised an eyebrow then drank wine again.

“I see,” Charlotte muttered before drinking her wine as well.

I then realized this was gonna be the time for me to excuse myself. No one was looking after the kids since Liz was also with us. We just have the baby monitor placed on the edge of the table to keep watch on.

I gently stood up saying, “I’ll check on the kids. You ladies enjoy the night.”

Emily then raised her index finger in the air muttering, “Wait, Mr. Foster. Before you go, have you and Charlotte here, tried the car thing?”

Charlotte furrowed her brows then shot me a questioning look, “What car thing?”

“You know. A car sex of some sort. Mr. Foster joked about trying it with you when we asked him what he was doing in your car ‘cause it was rocking like crazy,” she mindlessly spilled.

Charlotte nervously laughed as she asked, “Oh really? You guys are naughty, huh. When was this?”

Emily scoffed waving her hand in the air like she was drunk, “Oh come on. You were there, girl. Remember? In the café parking lot? If I remember correctly, you were feeling sick that time. Right, Jen?”

“Yup,” Jenifer confirmed looking far more than tipsy and added, “And—oh, oh! Show her the video, she might remember the place.”

I chuckled trying my best to hold my composure before teasing, “You girls are drunk.”

“Yeah, I think so too,” Charlotte seconded while chuckling.

“But I need to see that video. I’m not gonna be able to sleep without seeing that,” Liz cut in.

At this point, my heart was racing and beating so loud I could almost hear it.

Emily began scrolling through her phone.

With her phone almost just an inch away from her eyes she grunted, “Oh, crap. I can’t find it. It’s here somewhere.”

I had a bit of relief inside me knowing that the absinthe-spiked red wine started to work just when I needed it to.

Emily gave up saying, “Anyway. There’s not much interesting in that video. It’s just the parking lot and your car rocking. You haven’t answered my question, right? Have you guys tried it?”

I laughed again as I replied, “We haven’t. But since you mentioned it, we might in our next road trip.”

“We’ll give you an update, Emily,” Charlotte joked though I could see in her eyes as she glanced at me that it raised a ton of questions in her mind right now.

“Alright, I’m going upstairs. Let me know if I’m needed of anything,” I smiled at Emily and Jenifer then at Charlotte before leaving.

I went to Chloe’s room first and found her already deep in her sleep so I turned off the remaining lights in the nursery then proceeded to check on Charlie.

I found him awake and chatted with him for a while about things in the world he was getting curious about like how can airplanes fly and ships float kind of stuff.

When I got to our bedroom, I remembered I needed to at least clean up the wet spot Paige left on my pants this morning. Though it’s dry now and no longer visible, it would get a bit sticky and slimy when wet with water, which my wife would definitely notice when she does laundry for this week.

Though, I thought I can’t just put my pants in the washer alone. I need to do the entire batch. We do laundry weekly in alternates, I did it last week and so it’s supposedly her turn this week.

Even though it’s around half past nine at night, I gathered all our dirty clothes, excluding Chloe’s baby clothes which were usually done by hand, and went my way down to our laundry area.

I rinsed my pants to get Paige’s cum off then run everything in the washer.

I walked back upstairs and laid down the bed just to rest my back while waiting for the timer to finish.

The entire day must’ve been really physically and emotionally exhausting that I immediately got into a deep nap.

I woke up around 30 minutes later to see Charlotte walking around our bedroom naked. Her guests must’ve already left at last, I thought.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes while mumbling, “I need to get the laundry.”

She turned to face me smiling, “Oh, you’re awake. What laundry?”

“I, uh, I had the time and energy to do it so I decided to run the washer. I left Chloe’s clothes though,” I muttered still not fully awakened from my slumber.

“Wow, thank you, honey. I appreciate that,” she smiled again sitting beside me still fucking naked.

She then reached in and caressed my thigh slowly making her way to my crotch while whispering, “So, when are we gonna try that backseat sex?”

I then stood up gently moving her hand off me as I repeated, “I’ll check the washer.”

Of course, this made her mad and began asking, “What were you doing in that car? In that café. You lied to them and said I was with you. I wasn’t. Who are you with then?”

I guess it was a good thing that Emily didn’t find the video tonight. Even though Paige can’t be seen in that video, Charlotte will learn that date and will definitely trace who I was with that day. This was one thing I told her, I told her I was going out to fetch some stuff with Paige that day. So, she’ll know for sure.

“I told them I was fixing something in the backseat. To be honest, they were being annoying and extremely inappropriate with me and add to that they were filming me. I wanted them to stop peeving me so I had to make something up like you feeling sick in the car so I could get away,” I half lied.

She instantly looked worried after hearing me say this making me feel guilty all over again.

“To be fair, I noticed her flirting you tonight. I thought I was just being paranoid,” she uttered with her brows furrowed in doubt.

– – – – –


*Camping trip’s finally happening in the next chapter which I’ve already finished writing, but I am planning on releasing it along with Ch 19 since Ch 18 is SFW* `unless you guys want me to post it first, let me know.`

Thank you for reading!



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