You’ve heard of roadhead, but have you ever jerked off a pilot in the air? [FM]

Because I have.

I had a dear friend who was a pilot. Tbh, most of our friendship was platonic except this one moment.

We knew each other for years. I never really saw him sexually because when I met him he was dating my best friend.

*Then she fucked my boyfriend so we stopped being best friends and he stopped dating her. That’s another story.*

The Pilot and I continued to hang out after they broke up. He lived in my hometown so I only saw him a few times a year when I was at college, but we always saw each other when I came home. Weirdly enough, he was actually friends with my dad (even with the 30 year age difference) so he was at my house a lot.

Once the three of us were having dinner and my dad was like, “Why don’t you just date him?” when my pilot friend was in the next room.

*My dad was constantly begging me to date folks in my hometown.*

“I am DEFINITELY not going to date him.”

“Why?” My dad asked.

“Because y’all are friends and he used to date my best friend? It’s weird.”

“Give him a chance! Let him take you on a date.”

I did. We went on an actual date which started with him taking me up in his boss’s very tiny plane. I was concerned because had never been in a tiny plane.

“I thought you were fearless, V,” he laughed when we showed up at the tiny airport.

“I have never claimed this.”

“What about logical? I fly this plane 4 times a week. What are the chances of us going down the ONE time you fly with me?”

He had a point.

We flew all over my hometown and were actually having a great time. He kept pointing out things below and started opening up about his past and how bad being cheated on by my ex best friend hurt.

*Again, his ex girlfriend had fucked my ex boyfriend.*

Then, I hear a beeping noise. I look over and my pilot friend says, “Shit! Oh shit!” He starts frantically pressing buttons and then all of a sudden everything goes quiet. He hesitates for a moment and then looks at me with a face of terror. We glide for two seconds and then he grabs the stick in front of him and we DIVE.

It’s the worst roller coaster I’ve ever been on. My entire stomach drops and I scream and start crying. I LITERALLY see the ground horizontal below me.

He then pulls up and turns the engine back on. He was fucking with me.

This does not go over well.

I am so pissed I will not even look at him. I am fully prepared to rip this man’s balls off. He is meanwhile laughing so hard he can’t breathe.

“I’m so sorry,” he finally says. “I thought you’d find it funny.”

“Land the plane.”

“Viola, you know it was joke.”

“Oh yeah, SUCH a funny joke. I genuinely thought we were dying.”

“If I actually thought we were dying I would have kissed you.”

“Oh fuck you.”

“I would really like to kiss you though…”

I ease up a little and we have a long chat. We were both cheated on at the same time and just simply weren’t ok. When he tells me he’s had a crush on me for a while, I explain the logistics of my heartbreak and we agree to be friends.

“Maybe we could make out though,” I suggest.

We did.

For those who haven’t been in a tiny airplane, this is a little difficult. It’s a small space with lots of buttons and levers. Every time we get into it, one of us hits a button and he has to stop.

Finally he puts us on autopilot and pulls me into the back of the plane.

*Yes, this is illegal.*

“Just leave my headphones on,” he says. The cord is so short he can barely even reach the back of the plane though.

Also, there’s another problem in that he’s way too into this.

We make out for all of thirty seconds and he is shuddering and gasping beneath me. He’s fully losing his shit. Almost out of curiosity I put my hand between his legs and give him a squeeze. He jerks forward and cries out.

“Fuck! Stop!” He yells, but it’s too late. The man came in his pants. He apologizes profusely and I laugh.

*I don’t want to brag, but many-a-men have come in their pants with me. I would never laugh normally. Hell! I’ve come from dry humping. It’s flattering. However, this man had pretended to kill me earlier so I’m a little giggly.*

“I think we’re even,” I laugh.

This poor dude has to land a plane with cum-filled pants. I respect it. We remained friends but never hooked up after that.



  1. V I love you, but holy fuck, that was crazy. Here I am thinking I am daring doing it in my backyard with no neighbors for miles.

  2. *reads title*

    So “Top” Gun……*get it*

    Welp guess I have to do this……

    > I was concerned because had never been in a tiny plane.

    *Highway to the danger zone*

    > We glide for two seconds and then he grabs the stick in front of him and we DIVE.

    *Highway to the danger zone*

    > He is meanwhile laughing so hard he can’t breathe.

    *Take my breath away dun dun*

    > Yes, this is illegal.

    *Highway to the danger zone* (they played that song like 3 separate times throughout the film)

    > “Fuck! Stop!” He yells, but it’s too late. The man came in his pants. He apologizes profusely and I laugh.

    “I feel the need…the need for speed!”

    > “I think we’re even,” I laugh.

    “You! You are still dangerous. But you can be my wingman any time.”

    I. Regret. Nothing. Lmao

    At least you’re safe and still friends, cheers Ms. V!

  3. even a story of a hot woman getting someone off was not enough to convince me to ever get in a small private plane. those things are deathtraps.

  4. “Never have I ever…”

    Sorry. We’ve had that conversation, but Jesus Christ…😂😂😂

  5. holy shit this is insane. It made me feel stressed af even though you obviously made it out alive.

  6. I have a good friend who gave her then boyfriend a blow job while he was piloting a small plane. They clearly lived as they are now married. Not sure though if they’ve ever done that again.

  7. Hot but *holy fuck* y’all very easily could have actually died

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