Losing my virginity as a college freshman Part 2 [MF]

I apologize for the slow start, parts 2 and 3 will get into the good stuff! Part 1 really just set the scene of how it all went down for background purposes.

I saw the 3 dots pop up on the phone screen, letting me know Carly was texting me back. Thank God! I definitely didn’t want her to think I was texting her too early.

“Bahahahaha I was so embarrassed to write that out in a note to you! Im glad the thought of us together is tempting for you though ;)” she replied, further hinting that she was into me sexually.

“Wow I can’t believe she’s already being this open about us hooking up!” I thought to myself. I felt a tiny throb in my cock as I imagined her fit body riding me hard. If I hadn’t just drained my balls I would definitely be jerking off again.

“Well when a girl as attractive as you says something like that to a guy, it’s hard to imagine not being tempted!” I replied.

“You’re just sending me compliments now hoping that you get lucky tonight!” She replied.

“Well, she’s not wrong! I should probably dial it back a bit though, you just met her tonight for God’s sake!” I thought.

“In all seriousness, I did have a really good time tonight, it was awesome to meet you! I can’t believe you haven’t been to any of Mike’s parties yet this year!” I texted her.

“Yeah I’ve tried to get off to a good start this semester so I’ve held back from going out too much! Speaking of which, I’ve gotta get up early to hit the gym before my 8 o’clock class tomorrow morning! Thanks for texting me tonight :) make sure you do tomorrow too!!” She replied.

Oddly enough, I was relieved she was the one bringing the conversation to a close for the night. I needed to get some rest too since it was only a Wednesday and I had a few too many beers in me to be confident I’d make it to class in the morning.

“I will for sure! See you soon hopefully!” I responded.

With that, I drifted off to sleep, hoping to dream of Carly and I fucking each other’s brains out.

Over the next couple weeks, I continued to text Carly and we were really getting along well. She was still holding back from going out too much so I didn’t see her often except for in passing when I was hanging out with Mike. She was so laid back and funny, super easy to get along with. She definitely knew how to blur the lines between flirting and teasing too, so she had me absolutely hooked. Finally, after about 3 weeks, Mike was having another party and Carly told me she was going to go.

Since I was good friends with Mike, I got to the house early to help get things set up and the keg tapped, etc etc. I had a couple drinks by the time Carly showed up.

She was wearing unbelievably tight jeans with a white v-neck shirt, somewhat see-through, exposing the black bra she had on underneath. Just like before, her toned legs were visible through her jeans and her bra was fighting a losing battle. Her tits weren’t overly large, a border between a C and D cup, but they were so perky it was hard to miss them, especially against her toned midsection. Her brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail with a red bandana to accompany the look. She was stunning.

“Hey Jimmy!” She shouted excitedly when she saw me, waving. She ran over and hugged me immediately, pressing her tits against my chest and wrapping her arms around my neck. I could feel her pelvis pushing against mine.

“Hey, what’s up!” I said, matching her enthusiasm. “Took you long enough to get here!” I teased.

She gave me a playful pout and grabbed a drink. I wasn’t sure but I think she had a couple before getting to the party.

The party was a blast and I spent a lot of the time playing drinking games and hanging out with Carly. She introduced me to a few of her other friends and it was just overall a really fun time. After a few hours, we were flirting pretty seriously, hugging and playfully joking with each other. Near the end of the party, we decided to play a game called “Never Have I Ever.”

(If you’ve never played before, and I’m sure there are variations, here’s how we did: you sit in a circle with one person as the leader. Everyone else holds up 3 fingers. The goal is for the leader to say “Never have I ever [insert something they’ve never done]” and if anyone in the circle has done that thing, they put a finger down and take a drink. The main goal is to get everyone to silently admit to doing embarrassing, sexual, etc, things. The first person to put all 3 fingers down finishes their drink and is the leader of the next round.)

I got the pleasure of being the first person designated as leader of the game. “Here’s my chance to find out some more about what Carly’s into,” I thought to myself.

“Never have I ever….,” I began, building the suspense, “given a blowjob!”

This one got the usual oohs and ahhs, because typically most of the girls immediately go down one finger while most of the guys don’t. I watched Carly out of the corner of my eye as she was sitting next to me. I saw her take a drink and put a finger down, as she playfully elbowed me in the ribs. “I guess she’s into it!” I thought to myself.

“Okay, okay, a little bit less easy this time. Never have I ever….done anal!”

This got the usual laughs as it’s kind of hit or miss depending on the group. A couple of my buddies put their fingers down but I didn’t notice Carly take a drink, though she was laughing pretty hard.

“Okay maybe that was too much too quick,” I wondered to myself.

“Never have I ever….done sexual stuff in public!”

This one I wasn’t expecting. Most people just laughed and didn’t take a drink or put a finger down. But I noticed Carly take a drink and realized she only had one finger left up! I looked over at her and she blushed, definitely embarrassed but I could tell she wasn’t upset that I knew.

“Okay only a couple people left with 1 finger, let’s see who I can get. Never have I ever….had a threesome!”

Again, the usual chatter and lighter accompanied the question. However, I guess Carly never had! Another one of her friends was the first one to put all 3 fingers down and finished her drink, taking on the role of leader. I felt Carly put her hand on my knee under the table and give it a slight squeeze. I looked over and she winked at me as she began to run it up my leg a bit before letting go, obviously teasing me. I blushed and smiled at her. It was unspoken it we both knew what this night would eventually turn into, especially now that we’re openly talking about sexual experiences.

We played a few more rounds and eventually Carly became the leader. She surprisingly kept it a bit more mild until she noticed I only had one finger left. She looked at me before saying anything and slyly smiled before saying, “Never have I ever….wanted to fuck my friend’s sister!”

This one was different because it was definitely highly specific and targeted at me, although not everyone there caught onto that. She stared directly at me after saying it, waiting for my answer intently. I laughed and put my finger down and finished my drink, not caring that it most likely gave away to everyone that I had a serious thing for Carly. By that point, everyone had just about had enough and the party was starting to die down.

I needed to have more time with Carly. I saw her getting her things together and walked over to her, hoping she would initiate something to get us alone together.

She noticed me walking over and smiled, twirling her somewhat messier hair in her fingers. “Just who I was looking for!” She said coyly. “Wanna walk me home?”

“Absolutely, what kind of guy would I be if I turned that down!”

She laughed and grabbed my hand, leading me out the door as we shouted goodbye to everyone still there.

We joked during the short walk to Carly’s house, Carly occasionally walking slightly in front of me to show off her tight ass in her jeans. She kept looking over her shoulder to see if she could catch me looking. Finally, we walked in the door and up to her bedroom since her roommate was asleep on the couch.

She closed the door behind me after I walked in as I laid down on her bed.

“Oh sure just go ahead and make yourself at home!” She sarcastically joked.

“Why don’t you join me?” I say, patting the bed beside me.

“I will, but I don’t want to lay beside you…” Carly says as she slowly walks towards the foot of the bed, bending down to put her hands on the bed first, allowing me to see inside of her shirt and a full view of her cleavage. She continues towards me, eventually getting into a crawling position as she makes her way over top of my body until we’re face to face, her legs straddling me.

I feel my cock stiffening rapidly, anticipating what is going to come next. We make eye contact and she says “I want to be on top of you…” as she bites her lip and then leans in to kiss me. I feel a heat rush over me, fully realizing that this is the moment I’ve been anticipating for so long. I kiss her back deeply as I run my hand down her back to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

She presses against me harder as I feel her mouth open slightly, her tongue shooting out and into my mouth, dancing back and forth as I try desperately to keep up with my own tongue.

My cock at this point is straining against my underwear, testing the limits of my shorts. I throb as I wish for Carly’s hand to wrap around my cock. I then feel Carly’s hand on my chest, running over my shirt and downwards until she begins to pull upward, signifying she wants me to take it off. I oblige and sit up, ripping off my shirt as fast as I can. When I finally get it off I see Carly has also removed her shirt and has her hands behind her back, attempting to undo her bra. I see the straps loosen and the bra move slightly, before she brings her hands back to the front, grabs the center of the bra and removes it completely, revealing her phenomenal breasts.

I admire them for a moment, noticing their almond and perky shape, her nipples as hard as glass pointing directly at me. She notices me starting and grabs them herself, squeezing them tightly before lunging back at me, continuing our kissing from before.

I then feel her hand running down my stomach to my waistline, running a couple fingers under the waistband of my shorts. My cock, under tremendous strain from throbbing in my pants, shoots out from under my waistline and catches Carly by surprise as I hear her catch her breath for a quick moment, not expecting my cock to be so hard already. She traces her finger over the tip for a moment before we break free from our embrace. She sits upright and scoots backwards as she takes hold of my shorts, pulling them off completely.

My cock stands erect, pulsing in the dim light, waiting for Carly’s next move. I see her smile her approval of my size, maybe she wasn’t expecting me to be this big? Either way, I know it’s not monstrous but I’m happy she is enjoying it.

She bends down near my cock, grabbing it gently with her hand as she puts it next to her face as if she is measuring it’s size against herself. She makes eye contact with me as she slowly raises her head and opens her mouth, taking in the head of my manhood in her warm mouth.

I moan at the amazing feeling of my cock in her mouth, the moment I’ve been replaying for weeks now in my head. She keeps my cock where it is for a moment, flicking it with her tongue, making me fidget slightly. She then lowers her eyes and takes another couple inches into her mouth, moving her hand as she does so in a stroking and twisting motion.

Carly bobs her head up and down, each time taking slightly more of my cock in her mouth. I am amazed at how good she is at sucking my cock. She squeezes tighter and picks up the speed slightly as she goes, eventually fitting nearly my entire cock in her mouth. I feel myself hitting the back of her throat but she doesn’t gag, just continues to take more and more until she is eventually at the base, holding it for a moment before returning to her stroking technique. I feel her moan in her mouth as there is a slight vibration around my cock.

I look closer to see she is using her free hand to play with herself, her hand down the front of her jeans, tickling her wetness below.

Upon seeing that, I feel the sensation that there is no returning from. I am going to cum. No! Not yet! I can’t cum yet! This moment is too perfect! I can’t let her down like this!

There is no turning back. She bobs her head faster, potentially realizing I am trying to keep myself from cumming. I wait as long as I can before shouting out, “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum!”

She hears me and accepts the challenge, sucking faster and jerking harder until I feel myself climax, erupting my hot cum into her mouth. I feel her tongue retreat for a moment before returning to surround my cock as I shoot my cum into her mouth repeatedly, pulsing it hard and deep. She never releases me from her mouth until I am completely emptied, exhausted and slightly embarrassed for not being able to hold back.

Finally she looks at me, my cock still in her mouth. I feel her swallow as she opens her mouth, releasing my now slowly shrinking manhood. She runs her fingers across her lips to clean off anything extra and smiles at me.

“Not bad, huh?” She says as she laughs, unable to refrain from the slightly awkward situation we are now in.

“No that was fucking amazing!” I say, unable to think of anything clever. “I’m sorry I went so early! That was unreal!”

Carly smiles, “Yeah, it’s always come natural to me for whatever reason. I’m happy you enjoyed yourself! Obviously!”

She gets off the bed and takes her pants off and puts on a pair of shorts before getting back into bed beside me. I pull my shorts back on as well, wondering if she’s upset.

She rolls over and puts her arm around me, her hand on my chest and her head on my shoulder, cuddled closed. I feel her bare breasts against my ribs, her nipples still slightly hard.

“I’m really sorry I couldn’t return the favor,” I say apologetically.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll do this again soon. Besides, I can’t expect you to go twice in one night! I was able to get myself off pretty good anyway while your massive dick was down my throat,” she says teasingly.

I’m relieved but still upset I wasn’t able to finally have sex. The moment was perfect. At least Carly isn’t upset about it.

As I’m thinking to myself, I hear a small noise and realize Carly has fallen asleep on my chest, her mouth open slightly letting out a faint snore.

“I hope she still feels this way in the morning,” I think to myself.

*Part 3 coming soon where I finally lose my virginity!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v3eak3/losing_my_virginity_as_a_college_freshman_part_2


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