Losing my virginity as a college freshman Part 1 [MF]

I entered college as an 18 year old freshman like the majority of people do. State school, known as somewhat of a party school for being a little on the small side, so I was excited as you can imagine. I had a few friends already at the same university so I guess you could say I already had the “in” with a group of friends who had set up a pretty solid party crowd for most weekends (and week nights).

Before I get too far, I guess I should explain why I was a virgin in college (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but in today’s society it is extremely stigmatized to be a virgin in college).

All throughout high school, I was so incredibly hooked on trying to convince my best girl friend to date me. We had a phenomenal friendship, pretty much from 6th grade through graduation and even into college for a while. I had always had feelings for her but she never reciprocated those feelings, which is totally fine. I just never gave up no matter how many times it didn’t go my way. It never really affected our friendship at all, and I can’t say it’s totally because I was being drug along hopelessly. She had her fair share of times when she would kiss me,seriously flirt with me, and do everything else to make you think a girl would like you. Unfortunately it never worked out and I was left heading to college without much sexual experience to speak of, so I was a little self-conscious about it.

The one regret I have for the whole situation with my friend-zone situation is that I could have had many sexual interactions but refused to give up chasing who I thought was my dream girl. I was athletic, tall, fit but not overly muscular or ripped, just obviously lean/toned, charismatic and outgoing. I had a good many friends and definitely many open invitations to get serious with some other girls in my class. I was too stubborn to ever let those situations materialize however.

I was at school for a few months before I met the girl who I would lose my virginity to. I had recently become friends with her brother Mike and I ended up meeting her when we all went bowling one night.

Mike: “Hey man, we’re gonna pick up my sister tonight on our way to the bowling alley, you don’t care do you?”

Me: “No that’s totally fine, I didn’t know you had a sister! Is she older than us?”

Mike: “No she’s actually in your class, I guess since she hasn’t really hung out with us much yet that I never thought to mention her. Her name’s Carly.”

We drove a couple blocks down the street to the dorm where Carly lived and she was already waiting outside for us to get her. Mike pulled up and rolled the windows down.

“Hurry up and get in, we’re already running a little late!”

Carly: “I’d say! If I’m waiting on you then you have definitely been taking your time getting here! I should’ve just walked!” she joked.

I don’t know how Mike had forgotten to mention his sister. She wasn’t a playboy model or anything but she was definitely an attractive girl. 5’6”, probably about 145 pounds but you could tell she was fit and athletic. Her toned legs were noticeable under her leggings and her chest was straining under her tight fitting tank top. It was hard to tell how big her breasts were but it seemed like she was having a bit of a tough time keeping them held in her shirt. Her brunette hair hung down to chest length with a slight curl to it.

“How did Mike never mention his sister before?” I wondered.

“Hi, I’m Carly!” She said, bubbly as she entered the backseat of the car.

“Hi, I’m Jimmy! Nice to meet you!” I responded, trying to match her enthusiasm.

We continued on to the bowling alley with some general small talk and arrived within 5 minutes. The rest of the group was already waiting for us and we caught grief for being late as you’d expect. Fortunately, when picking lanes (since there were about 12 of us), I was put on the same lane as Carly. She seemed happy when she realized the same thing, as I noticed her smile slightly.

I’m not a good bowler. I can throw a football, baseball, you name it, but I can’t roll the rock. As I entered the final frame with a measly 95, Carly chimed in with a little trash talk.

“I heard only virgins can’t break 100!”

Oh no, my worst fear realized. I never made it known to my friends that I was a virgin, but I also never really had a good comeback to people prodding me about it so they may have known anyway. Regardless, the pressure was on. I needed at least 5 pins to keep from embarrassing myself. I stepped up and sent the ball down the lane, praying it would hit something.

To my surprise it hit dead center and knocked down 8 pins!

“I guess that answers that question!” I say cleverly, turning to face Carly.

She blushed and laughed, happy that I didn’t take the joke seriously. She only had a 64 anyway so it’s not like she was doing any better!

I’m not really sure why but the confidence of her to talk trash to me within 2 hours of meeting me turned me on. We playfully teased each other the rest of the night, definitely hitting it off by the time we were done bowling.

We all got back into your cars once the bowling was done and Mike, Carly, and I were still laughing about a dumb joke I told. We had a few beers in us so it was definitely a more enjoyable ride home.

When we got to Carly’s house, I felt her hand touch my right hip, as she was sitting in the backseat behind me.

“Is that a note?” I wonder as I feel paper under her fingers. It was! Before I could open it, Carly blurted out, “Alright guys I’ll see you later! Thanks for a really fun night!”

We made eye contact as she exited the car and she winked. I was excited to read what the note said but figured I should wait until I’m alone.

“Man you guys really got along great!” Mike said, happy to see we had enjoyed ourselves.

“Yeah she’s a lot of fun!” I said, “You should have had her come around earlier!”

I didn’t want to say what was actually on my mind since it was Mike’s sister. That my sexual tension was bursting at the seams and the idea that a very attractive girl was into me was getting me aroused.

Mike dropped me off at my house and I walked into my room and closed the door, still clutching the note she gave me.

I opened it to see what it said.

“I had a lot of fun tonight! Here’s my number ;) Even if you were a virgin, I think we could change that ;P”

I had to reread it 5 times to make sure I wasn’t imagining things or too drunk to comprehend what it said. Had I really been that much fun tonight? It didn’t matter, I was happy she was feeling the same way.

Just that thought of her being open to fucking me was causing my cock to swell against my underwear. I could feel the pulses of blood making me stiffer and stiffer. Before I texted her, I needed to relieve myself. I laid down on my bed and took my shorts off, my throbbing cock already pointing at the ceiling.

I grabbed ahold firmly and began to stroke slowly, feeling every inch rub against my palm, wishing it was Carly’s hand jerking me off.

I opened up my phone to see if she had an Instagram account and was able to find her easily. Thankfully her account was public. As I was scrolling through her pictures I realized she wasn’t shy about her body. She had a few bikini pics that showed her beautiful tits straining against her thin top.

I jerked faster, imagining what it would be like to have her in the same room, admiring my manhood as she worked it back and forth in her hands. Some precum leaked out of the tip of my dick and I knew I was close to cumming.

I kept scrolling to see another picture which pushed me over the top.

It wasn’t overly sexual but the sexual confidence I imagined she had to take and post it got me going. It was a picture of her flashing her bra under her sweatshirt, holding it up with one hand to expose her bra and her other hand in a rock star pose, her tongue out, and a new tattoo right under both of her breasts. She was showing off and knew it too.

I jerked faster and faster, getting so close to cumming before I finally let myself explode, pulsing cum out of my cock towards the ceiling before arcing downward onto my stomach. Spurt after spurt covering more of my hands and lower stomach. My balls ached as they pushed every ounce out of my cock for Carly.

I laid on the bed for a few moments to gather myself before getting cleaned up.

“God she’s hot as hell! Should I text her tonight or wait until the morning?”

I wrestled with the question for a few minutes before deciding she had already taken the first step, I might as well return the favor.

“Hey Carly, it’s Jimmy! I had a really good time tonight too! Your offer is really tempting ;)” I said, knowing she would understand my reference to her note.

I hit send and immediately became anxious for a response. I saw that the text was delivered and wondered if she had her read receipts on. A couple minutes felt like hours.

Then I saw 3 dots pop up on the screen…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v39fg2/losing_my_virginity_as_a_college_freshman_part_1


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