The husband and I had a baby about 7 months ago. I’m only just now starting to feel like myself again in most ways but one. I still struggle to get wet because I’m breastfeeding. The hormones it takes to keep your milk supply going can stop you from getting wet so now we have to use lube, and a lot of it, which I hate. I use to get ridiculously wet, all he needed to do was breath on me and I was ready to go, but now it doesn’t matter what preparations are done, I just don’t get wet. And if we skip it or don’t use enough it hurts. And we have started using condoms again.
Now this sucks big time, we just spent almost two years having unprotected sex. We were trying for a baby for a long time and the whole time I was pregnant I was insanely horny and basically became his cum dump! It was so primal and intimate. Even though the job was done it still felt like something was accomplished everytime he finished inside. But now, sex sucks. But not because of the condoms themselves but because of the way he makes me feel for having him use one.
I dont want another baby right now but soon in the near future. So I don’t want to go on birth control. Plus birth control really messes with my body. And yes, I know absolutely nobody likes to use a condom especially after spending two years without one but he makes me feel awful about it. In a casual conversation he mentioned that the condoms are not a problem but he just feels weird when he talks among all his friends we are the only ones who use them and we have been in the longest committed relationship. It made me feel horrible. And on more than one occasion when we are in the heat of the moment I will stop him and tell him to put one on and he gets an attitude.
One time in particular he sat back and angrily grabbed them and put one on and mentioned that this is so stupid and just killed the mood. And when we started to get busy again it started to hurt and I asked him to use some lub and he did but made comments the whole time like “I miss when we didn’t have to do this”, “I hate the way it feel” ect. So still trying to stay in the mood with this sad feeling in my chest we try again. And it still hurts….he was having trouble staying hard so I didn’t want to mention it but when I couldn’t take it I tried to just say grab some more lube in a nice way. He leaned back even angrier and put a bunch on and said ” If I didn’t have to do all of this unnecessary stuff I wouldn’t be having a problem”. So I just lay there with watery eyes trying to do anything and everything I can to make him cum fast because my mood is gone.
Now, most of the time we have sex in the dark because we don’t want to wake the baby. And I am aware that the lack of visual stimulation may play a part in him having trouble staying hard but even when we have sex in the living room we have issues too. He does try his best in trying to make me beilved its anything but me making him soft like, “its the condoms”, “its hot” “its the pills” (hair enhancement pills) “my knee hurts” ,”the lube”. It’s hard not to think its me in general so lately I have just been tracking my cycle extensively so we can just stick with the pull out method and use condoms around certain times.
And yes I’m very aware the consequences of the pull out method are pregnancy. But it wouldn’t be the end of the world it just something I really don’t want right now. It’s just easier otherwise every single time we have sex I cry because we have to use condoms. I don’t like them either, they pull and burn me if anything I have even more of a reason to dislike them then just them dulling the sensation. I literally am out of ideas on how to make this time easier.
My wife and I are going through something similar, it sucks but it gets easier when breastfeeding stops. It’s hard for us men to understand sometimes.