Emily’s public adventures part 9, naked hiking leads to more… [FFF, MF, public nudity, group sex]

[Catch up with Emily’s previous adventures here.](https://www.reddit.com/user/mporn595/comments/tgcsk7/emilys_public_adventures/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

The weather looked to be even better than Emily thought it would be. It was going to be a crystal-clear sky. It would be neither too hot nor too cold. Perfect for what she had planned. Last night she texted Ryan and Anna. She told them to come over in the morning and to be ready to go for a hike. She had done a lot of research and found the perfect spot for them to hike. Emily put together a backpack yesterday with everything she thought they might need. She placed it in the trunk of her car. She told Ryan to park on the street. They would be taking Emily’s car.

Emily’s doorbell rang shortly before 9:00 AM. She let Ryan and Anna into the house. She gave them a kiss on the cheek as they entered. They were a little surprised to see that Emily was naked.

“Morning ladies.” Emily said.

“I love your outfit.” Ryan giggled.

“I am glad you like it. Why don’t you two get changed as well.” Emily said with a smile.

She watched as the two women shrugged and took their clothes off. Once everyone was naked Emily said, “I have an exciting day planned for us.”

Anna ran her hand over Emily’s ass, “We are looking forward to whatever you have planned.”

Emily sat them down at the kitchen table and served them a hearty breakfast. They had a nice time catching up. Emily was glad that Ryan was off. She didn’t always have Saturdays off. She wanted Ryan to join them today. Once everyone was done eating and the dishes cleaned up Emily stood up.

“Okay, time to put on what we will be wearing today.” Emily said with a smile. She reached beside her and picked up a pair of socks and her runners.

Ryan and Anna looked at each other and smiled. They found their socks and put them back on. Once everyone had their shoes tied up Emily led them to the garage.

“I hope you are okay with a naked car ride.” Emily said with a big grin.

“Sure, why not.” Ryan said.

“I would follow you naked through downtown if you asked.” Anna responded.

They all got into the car. Emily opened the garage door and back out of the driveway. She headed towards the highway. “It will be a bit of a drive.” Emily said mysteriously.

“You’re taking us somewhere naked?” Ryan asked.

“Yes, but I think you guys will like it.” Emily said.

When they were on the highway, they would wave to the trucks that were high enough to look down into the car. Anna noticed one trucker was ready with his camera as they passed. Anna waved at him. Eventually they pulled into a parking lot at the head of a hiking trail. There was a sign up that warned hikers that this was a clothing optional hiking trail.

“You found a hiking trail where we can be naked.” Anna said excitedly.

“I did. I packed one backpack. I have three sundresses in there just in case. I have water and some energy bars. I also have some toys in case we want to get adventurous out there.” Emily said.

“Oh, this is exciting.” Ryan said.

Emily got out of the car. She heard the other two doors open and saw Ryan and Anna step out of the other side of the car. Emily went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. She pulled out her backpack and locked the car. She put her keys in the backpack. The three ladies turned as another car pulled into the parking area. Emily saw the eyes of the guy who was driving bulge. The woman sitting beside him started yelling at him. The car continued driving and left the parking area. Emily guessed that the guy hadn’t told his girlfriend what type of hiking trail he was taking her to.

None of the women have ever hiked this trail before so it didn’t matter who led. Anna started off towards the trail. Ryan followed behind Anna with Emily bringing up the rear. Emily was enjoying watching the two women ahead of her. Anna was fit but Ryan brought it to a whole other level. Her abs were clearly visible today. Her tight ass bounced as they walked.

They had been walking for about half an hour when they heard footsteps approaching them. There was a fit couple walking towards them. They were both naked. The man was wearing a backpack while the woman was completely naked her bush glistening in the sunlight.

As they got close the man spoke up, “Are you guys looking to hike for a while?”

Anna responded, “We are.”

“Just a warning. In a while you will get to a clearing, just past that there is a guy hiding taking pictures.” The man said.

“Creepy.” Anna said.

“Yeah, we thought so too. We turned around and came back. We were looking forward to a day of hiking.” The woman said.

“What side of the trail is he hiding on?” Anna asked.

“If you are walking up the trail, he is on the right-hand side about fifty or sixty feet in.” The man said.

“Thanks for letting us know. We will be careful.” Anna said.

Emily admired the man’s physique and swinging cock when he passed her. He clearly took care of his body.

They walked on for a few more minutes. Anna stopped and turned to face the other two. “I have a plan.” Anna said. She continued, “I think once we get to the clearing you two keep walking. I will detour and try to sneak up behind him. Once I give the signal you girls come and help me confront him.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Emily asked.

“Yes, I think it is rude that he is trying to capture people like that. If he was set up right on the trail and got permission that would be one thing, but we can catch him in the act. I will take his memory cards if he doesn’t delete the pictures he has taken without permission.” Anna said angrily.

“Should we put the sundresses on?” Emily asked.

“No, I don’t think so. I want him to be distracted by your amazing bodies.” Anna said with an evil smile.

After walking for a while longer they got to the clearing. Emily and Ryan continued on the trail after the clearing while Anna moved off into the forest. Anna had never mentioned to the other two that she grew up hunting with her father. She knew how to move through the forest with little to no noise.

Anna stealthily moved through the forest. She could see a man in camouflage gear crouched with a big camera. Anna picked up a big stick. She was directly behind him and could see Emily and Ryan on the trail. He was snapping pictures and so focused on the two women on the trail he didn’t hear Anna behind him.

Holding the stick high Anna yelled out, “What the fuck are you doing!”

The pervert turned with a shocked look on his face. “Please, don’t hit me.” He stammered.

Anna could see that Emily and Ryan were making their way to the pervert.

“If you move, I will hit you so hard it will take you a week to wake up.” Anna warned.

The pervert put his hands up, his big camera hanging from a strap around his neck.

When Emily walked up Anna said, “Grab his camera.” She then addressed Ryan, “You go through his gear and see if he has any more cameras and find any more memory cards.”

Emily has the same brand of DSLR as the pervert. She went through the pictures and saw her and Ryan walking. She kept scrolling and found the couple that they had seen earlier. Emily formatted the memory card and then held down the shutter release. She held it for a long time filling up the camera with pictures of the forest floor. She filled up the memory card and formatted it again.

He had two other memory cards. Emily put those in the camera and found that they were empty.

“I am tempted to keep your gear.” Anna said.

“Please don’t. I promise I won’t take any more pictures here.” The pervert pleaded.

“Ever?” Anna asked.

“Yes, I promise I will never take a picture here again.” The pervert said.

Emily removed her backpack and took out her cell phone. She didn’t have any service here, but the camera worked fine. She took a couple of pictures of the pervert.

“We are going to watch you walk down the trail. If we see you look back or if we see you again today, we will be sending these pictures to the police.” Emily warned him.

“I understand.” The pervert said.

Emily packed up his gear and the four of them walked out of the forest towards the path. When they got to the trail Emily handed him his camera bag. He put it on and started walking down the path towards the parking area. They waited until he walked out of sight to start walking again.

“Well, that was fun.” Anna said with a big grin.

“Do you think he will be back?” Ryan asked.

“Probably but not today.” Anna said. She continued, “That confrontation has gotten me a bit frisky. If you ladies would like to follow me back into the forest, I noticed a small clearing not too far from where we were.”

Emily and Ryan followed Anna back into the forest. After ten minutes they came to a small clearing. The sun was shining, and it looked perfect. They walked into the clearing admiring the tranquility. Emily put her backpack on the ground. She opened it up and dug out a blanket.

“That was some good foresight.” Anna said.

“Well, I thought there was a chance we might get a bit frisky on our walk.” Emily said.

Anna walked up to Emily and started to kiss her. Emily wrapped her arms around Anna. Ryan walked up beside them and ran her hands over Emily and Anna’s butts. Anna moved a leg out. Ryan slid her hand between the two women and cupped Anna’s pussy. She slid her finger into Anna’s slit and found that Anna was very wet. She pulled her hand back and licked her finger.

The three of them moved to the blanket. Anna got on her back. Emily straddled her face. A shudder ran through both of them when Anna’s tongue touched Emily’s pussy. Ryan got down on her hands and knees and started licking Anna’s pussy. Anna felt Ryan’s fingers slid into her pussy. Ryan’s tongue combined with her fingers made Anna feel like she was floating. She knew she wasn’t because Emily’s pussy was resting on her face.

Emily got off Anna’s face and started kissing her. She moved down to Anna’s breasts taking a nipple into her mouth. She flicked the nipple with her tongue, feeling Anna quiver. Ryan and Emily traded places. Emily went to work on Anna’s clit. She slid her fingers into Anna’s wet cunt. She could feel Anna start to shake. It wouldn’t be long before Anna would be cumming. Emily looked up from Anna’s pussy to see Ryan licking Anna’s nipple. She heard Anna cry out as she came. She kept licking Anna’s pussy as her orgasm ran through her. When Anna’s orgasm was done Emily had Ryan lay down on the blanket. She spread Ryan’s pussy lips and dove in tasting her friend’s fabulous pussy.

Anna was kissing Ryan and fondling her breasts. She would cup each small breast and then pinch her nipples. Ryan was in heaven. She loved being out in nature with a woman licking her pussy and another one paying attention to her breasts. Her orgasm came quickly. She flooded Emily’s face with her cum. She came hard feeling spent when she came down from her high.

Ryan and Anna moved Emily to the center of the blanket and went to work on her. Anna moved between Emily’s legs and loved running her tongue over the folds of Emily’s pussy. Ryan was licking her own cum off Emily’s face. The attention proved to be effective, and Emily vocalized her orgasm. She held Anna’s face close to her pussy as she came. When her orgasm crested, she pushed Anna away.

Emily exclaimed, “Wow, that was intense!”

“Yes, it was.” Ryan agreed.

“That was exactly what I needed.” Anna said.

They folded the blanket and put it back in the backpack. Anna offered to carry the backpack for a while. They made their way back to the trail. As they exited the woods and walked back to the trail, they saw three naked men walking towards them.

“Are you ladies lost?” Asked the tallest guy.

Emily turned a bit pink, “Ah, no we were just exploring a clearing through the woods here.”

“I am Rob, this is Tony and that is Brian.” The tall guy said.

“I am Emily, this is Ryan and over there is Anna.” Emily responded.

Emily looked at the three men. They were all over six feet tall, but Rob had to be nearly seven feet tall. Rob had clearly defined muscles all over his body and not a trace of hair on his body other than the short brown hair on his head. His cock hung down in front of him down below his balls. Tony was the shortest of the bunch. He was thicker. He was somewhere between muscular and fat. He had black hair all over his chest. His pubic region was trimmed. His cock rested on top of his balls. Brian was pink from head to toe. He was a redhead with light red hair all over his body. He was much thinner than the other two guys. Emily noticed his cock poking out of his red bush.

“Please to meet you ladies. Where are you all headed?” Rob asked.

“Not sure. This is our first time here. We are just exploring.” Emily responded.

“We are headed to the hidden lake if you want to join us.” Rob offered.

“Hidden lake?” Emily asked.

“Yeah, it’s a lake that isn’t on a map. Not a lot of people know about it, so it is rarely busy.” Rob said.

Emily looked at Ryan and Anna. They looked like they would enjoy some male company. The group of six started back up the trail.

“Hey, we saw a guy in camo gear with a camera bag hustling down towards the parking area. Did he bother you guys?” Brian asked.

Anna chuckled, “Actually I am glad that you saw him. Shortly after we started our hike, we were warned by a couple that he was hiding in the woods taking pictures of people on the trail. We came up with a plan to catch him in action. I snuck up behind him while Emily and Ryan acted as bait. We found his memory cards and formatted them and sent him packing.”

The guys nodded in admiration. “We’ve heard of a guy who likes to hide up here and take pictures of the nude hikers. I am glad you guys caught him and got him to leave.” Tony added.

As they were walking, they started to walk in pairs. Rob and Emily were at the head of the pack. Tony and Ryan were in the middle with Brian and Anna bringing up the rear. Anna had noticed that Brian seemed to be enjoying looking at Emily and Ryan’s asses as they walked. He appeared to have grown a bit.

They walked for a while before Rob pointed at a small deer trail that veered off the main trail. “This is the path that leads to the lake” Rob said.

“Lead the way.” Emily said. Allowing Rob to walk down the trail first. The alternated guy/girl in single file down the path. Emily wasn’t sure how long they were on the path, but she guessed it was about twenty minutes later that they exited the forest and found the lake.

The lake was beautiful. It must have been glacier fed because it was crystal clear and had a light blue tint to it.

Emily heard Anna exclaim, “Holy shit! This is beautiful!”

“We thought you might like it.” Rob said.

The guys pulled out blankets out of their backpacks. Emily retrieved the backpack from Anna and laid her blanket down as well.

“Is the water cold?” Emily asked.

“You would think it should be, but I have never found it to be too cold.” Rob responded.

Emily sat down on her blanket and untied her shoes; she tucked her socks into the shoes and set them aside. She got up and walked down to the lake. She was surprised that at the edge of the lake it had a small beach. She walked into the water. It was a bit cool but not what she would describe as cold. Emily dove into the water and swam for a bit. She found that no matter how far out she swam she could stand up at any point. Most of the time when she stood up her breasts came out of the water. Occasionally the water was shoulder deep. It was very pleasant.

When Emily walked out of the water all eyes were on her. She looked amazing with the water glistening on her skin. Her nipples were very hard after being in the cool water. She looked around at the people laying near the lake. Ryan and Anna were on their blankets, their legs spread a bit wider than they needed to be. The guys were each on their own blanket. Emily smiled when she saw that she had a reaction from all of them. They all looked like they had chubs.

“See something you like guys?” Emily asked coyly.

“Can you blame us?” Brian asked.

“No, I guess not.” Emily said. She turned to Ryan and Anna, “You guys must go for a swim. It is amazingly refreshing.”

“Okay.” They said in unison.

Everyone watched the two women venture into the water. They watched their cute butts disappear under the water. They both dove in and swam for a while. Emily had moved to the blanket and was letting the sun dry her off. She noticed that her friends were making their way back. She looked over at the three guys and they were watching the girls intently. Emily could see Brian’s cock growing every time his heart beat. Emily looked back at her friend exiting the water. They really did look sexy. She couldn’t blame the guys for getting hard watching them.

Rather than going back to their blanket Ryan and Anna walked up the guys. They looked down at their cocks. They were all nearly at full mast. Emily saw what the women were looking at and decided to join them. There was no conscious choice about who stood in front of which guy. At that point it didn’t matter. They wanted to fool around, and it looked like the guys did as well. In unison the women dropped to their knees. They crawled towards the guys and grabbed a hold of their cocks. It wasn’t long before the women were sucking the guys’ cocks.

“I wasn’t expecting this to happen today, but I am glad we ran into you ladies.” Rob said.

Emily looked up at Rob with his cock in her mouth. She gave him a wink and went back to moving up and down his length. Ryan was sucking on Tony. He was clearly a grower not a shower. She looked over at Emily sucking on Rob. Her guy wasn’t as large as him but when she looked over to Anna, she could tell that her guy had outgrown the one that Anna was sucking. Anna kept having to stop sucking Brian’s cock to pull his red hairs out of her mouth.

The next time Ryan looked over she saw that Anna was bouncing on Brian’s cock. She looked over to see that Emily was doing the same thing. She decided to join the group. She lowered her pussy onto Tony’s cock. She found he hit her in all the right spots. She was really enjoying riding him. Out of the corner of her eye Ryan saw Emily get off Rob. Rob and Emily got up and started heading towards her and Tony. When they got close Emily lowered her pussy onto Tony’s face. Rob stood in front of Ryan. His hard cock was wet with Emily’s love juices. While still bouncing on Tony’s cock Ryan looked up at Rob and nodded her head. He brought his cock closer to Ryan.

Ryan opened her mouth and started to suck Emily’s cum off Rob’s cock. She loved the way Emily tasted and tasting her on a dick was fantastic. Brian and Anna wanted to get in on the fun. They made their way over to the foursome. Brian stood in front of Emily. Emily quickly started sucking Brian’s cock wet with Anna’s arousal. Anna walked up to Rob and started to kiss him. Rob extended a hand and cupped Anna’s pussy. His fingers slid into her easily. She was very aroused.

They heard, “Going to cum!” from Tony. In one movement Ryan lifted herself off Tony’s cock and let go of Rob’s cock. She quickly grabbed a hold of Tony’s cock stroking it wet with her own cum. She watched Emily climb off Tony’s face as the first rope of cum shot out of his cock. It landed high up on his chest. The next one shot even further. It landed just below his chin. The third one cleared his head. The fourth shot landed right across his face. Everyone could see the shock on his face as the last couple of shots landed on his belly. As soon as he was done cumming he ran down to the water and dove in.

They watched Anna lay down on the blanket. She looked at Rob and said, “I want you inside me.”

“Okay.” Rob said, getting down on the towel. He slid into Anna feeling her shudder.

Emily looked at Brian and said, “Lay down.” Brian quickly laid down. Emily slid her pussy down on his cock. Ryan lowered her pussy onto Brian’s face. She was facing Emily. Rob turned his head to see Emily and Ryan kissing. It was extremely hot.

Anna looked over and said, “Ryan, bring your pussy here. I need to taste you.”

Ryan got off Brian’s face. When she did Emily moved down and started kissing Brian loving the taste of her friend on his lips.

Ryan lowered her pussy onto Anna’s face. Rob felt Anna quiver again when she started licking her friend’s pussy. He kept thrusting into her when he felt her tense up. He could feel her pussy clamp down on his cock and could hear her muffled cries coming out from under Ryan’s pussy. This proved too much for Rob. He pulled out of Anna and shot his seed across her belly. Ryan cried out from on top of Anna as she started to cum.

While Ryan was cumming Brian said, “I am getting really close.” Emily got off his cock and started to suck his dick. He looked down in shock. He said, “I am going to cum.” He looked down and saw Emily nod. His orgasm shook him to his core. Emily felt his cum hit the back of her throat again and again. When he was done cumming Emily swallowed his load. She pulled his softening cock out of her mouth. She saw a bit of cum leak out the tip of his dick. She went back and licked it up.

Anna had gotten off the blanket. She was heading to the water to rinse off Rob’s cum. Tony was still in the water. Anna swam out to him. He was standing in water up to his shoulders. Anna put her arms around him. She then wrapped her legs around him. Tony could feel the heat of her pussy up against his soft dick. The heat coming off her pussy had the desired effect on his dick. Anna could feel it rise up against her.

“Wow, that is an impressive recharge rate.” Anna whispered to him as she lowered herself onto his cock.

“My best feature is my recharge rate. Sometimes I can come a second time without losing my erection.” Tony confided.

Everyone on the shore were watching the ripples emanating from Tony and Anna. “How can he be ready to go again?” Brian asked.

“It is impressive.” Rob admitted.

They watched for what seemed like a long time. They were all surprised to see Anna dip underwater. They realized that she was sucking his cock under water. When she came up, she turned towards the shore. She opened her mouth and let his cum run out of her mouth.

“Underwater blowjob with cumshot, achievement unlocked!” Shouted Brian.

Anna and Tony made their way back to the blankets. Everyone stretched out on the blankets to relax. Emily grabbed her backpack and got out the energy bars and waters. She handed them out to the girls. The guys grabbed energy bars and water out of their own backpacks. They sat around for a while visiting.

They talked for more than an hour without getting into anything serious. Everyone understood that this hookup was for this hike only. They never exchanged phone numbers or got last names.

Things had gotten quiet. Emily looked around and it appeared that Tony might be asleep. One of her favourite things to do is to wake a guy up sucking on his dick. She got up and started walking over to Tony. She put her finger to her lips to make sure that the other guys stayed quiet. She got down beside him and started to wake up Tony’s cock. She was impressed with how quickly he started to grow. She wrapped her lips around his cock. She felt him growing in mouth. When he was fully erect, he started to stir. She heard him moan and felt his hand on the back of her head. Emily felt a hand cup her pussy from behind. She felt a hard cock press up against her pussy lips. She arched her back a bit and whoever it was slid deep into her pussy. She moaned on Tony’s cock.

Anna and Ryan motioned for Brian to come over to their blanket. They had him lay down on the blanket. They took turns sucking his cock. Brian was able to reach out and grab Ryan’s leg. He pulled her towards him. She understood what he wanted. While still sucking him she moved her pussy over his face. She loved sixty-nining. It didn’t matter if she was with a guy or a girl. She loved it either way. She felt his tongue exploring her pussy. She was already wet and was getting wetter. She stopped sucking on his cock to kiss Anna.

They took turns kissing either other and sucking Brian’s dick. Anna felt some pre-cum on the top of Brian’s dick. She licked it up and kissed Ryan with the pre-cum on her tongue. Ryan moaned when she tasted the pre-cum. Anna could tell that Ryan and Brian were getting close to cumming. She moved over to Rob. She had him pull out of Emily so she could suck his cock. She sucked him for a bit and then helped him to stick it back in Emily’s pussy.

All three guys were getting close to cumming again. Rob pulled out of Emily’s cunt and stuck his wet cock into Anna’s willing mouth. The girls worked the cocks they were sucking. Grunts could be heard from the guys as each of them shot their loads into the women’s mouths. Once the guys were done cumming they had the women lay down on the blankets and started licking their pussies. It took a bit of time, but each guy made sure the girl they were eating out had an orgasm.

They all cuddled up for a while relaxing after having had intense orgasms. They started to pack up their belongings. It would be a couple of hours hike to get back to the cars.

They started down the path back to the main trail. Once again, they walked alternating boy/girl. Rob led the pack and was the one who missed out. Everyone had a nice ass to look at as they made their way through the forest.

Walking back to the car they encountered a few other naked hikers but at this time of day most of the people heading up the trail were wearing clothes. They all smiled every time they saw people wearing clothes. For some reason you didn’t feel naked when you encountered someone else who was naked but when you met someone who was wearing clothes it made them feel more naked.

By the time they got back to the cars the sun was just starting to set. The girls gave the guys goodbye hugs and kisses and got into their car. Because it was starting to get dark, they had less interactions with trucks on the road on the way home. Anna waved to one trucker who noticed that she was naked. Emily pulled into her garage and lowered the garage door.

The three women walked back into Emily’s house.

“I don’t know about you guys but I am hungry. Should I order some food?” Emily asked.

Anna responded, “Only if you answer the door naked.”

Emily laughed, “Well, of course. It would feel wrong to put on clothes now.”

Emily ordered food for the three of them. It was going to take forty-five to sixty minutes for it to get there.

“We have some time. Should we have a shower?” Emily asked.

“Oh yes, that would be great.” Anna said.

The three of them took a little longer in the shower than they intended. Emily stepped out of the shower and saw a notification that the food would be there in five minutes. She quickly dried off and moved near the front door. The other two noticed her haste and quickly dried off so they could see the delivery person’s reaction.

Ryan grabbed her phone and started recording when the doorbell rang. Emily opened the door wide to see a shocked delivery driver standing there. He held out the bag of food. Emily said, “Let me get you some cash.” Anna walked up naked and took the bag of food from Emily. Emily turned around and bent over to get money out of her purse. Ryan smiled when she saw this. She fondly remembered when she delivered here and got to meet Emily for the first time.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v1qapt/emilys_public_adventures_part_9_naked_hiking