a coffesion

so… this is a confession and an apology.

i am not a curvy, Mediterranean chick with beautiful emerald eyes.

I am in fact a 43 year old man who spent most of my working life on building sites.

when i was a younger man though, i worked a few bars and restaurants. (i had a bit of fun in my late teens/early 20’s).

unfortunately, a bunch of injuries mean that i can’t really do the kind of work that I used to do. so i went back to school. local college for a year then uni (40 years old) (art school) .

Betty McGraw appeared due to a uni project, the lads were to write a story from a female perspective and vise versa.

the story i wrote wasn’t at all kinky, it was just about some chick walking around an Italian city (i had just been to Milan a few weeks previous) but the girls in our little group all thought it was like a bit of erotica, kink it up a bit they said, they sent me reddit subs, and links to other erotica sites…

i’d never written anything before, never kept a diary or anything like that and im a chap, i am visually stimulated, i like to see a nice pair of tits, not read about them.

but after reading a few stories, getting turned on and i dont mind admitting (i read some sexy stories) i shot my bolt.

so i kinked up the story a bit, added some detail, drew on some experience and wrote that 1st story.

I am the narater, visually, think, a slightly more busty, Selma Hyek.

Gio is basically me when i lived in Cypruss for a bit, how the story goes is not at all how it actually went.

anyway, theres the confession, now for the apology…

sorry chaps, everyone who thought i was who i portrayed myself as.

some of youre messages still made me smile… ;)

so just to clarify, what i write is fiction…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v1ys2b/a_coffesion


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