Randal the Nice Guy – Part 6

Preface: You’ll want to read the first parts of this story for context. My wife and I often make up stories in bed for each other and I decided to go a step farther and share on here. We would love to hear what your thoughts are on this adventure. Thanks.

Part 6

“Take your clothes off. You won’t be needing them any more tonight.” Randal barked as his first order of their new deal. He was curious how far this would go, how far he would go. Would she break at some point and give up? Would he? If Randal was being honest with himself he was probably more scared of this new Randal than Chloe was. She had hinted earlier to being with rough guys before. This was all new to Randal. He was blazing his own new trail through a completely new branch of sexuality for him. Chloe and Randal would experience this side of him for the first time, together, tonight. Randal was nervous, but excited. He was curious how Chloe felt but he had already vered too far off the nice guy path to look back. He was in this for his own desires now.

Chloe reached over and unbuckled the seat belt. She was immediately smacked hard across the thigh once again, in almost the exact same spot as before. She cried out, “OHHWWW!” This time, without the silencer of the panties in her mouth, it was much louder and filled the car several times over.

Randal snapped at her, “I didn’t say take your seat belt off! You’re not off to a great start, Chloe.” Randal was testing her at this point. He wanted to know if she was fully committed to this adventure or not.

“I’m so sorry, sir.” Chloe responded. She grabbed the seat belt and pulled it back across her chest. Just then another hard “SLAP!”. Same thigh. Somehow he had managed to fit his hand into the same handprint as the second slap. “Chloe’s eyes began to well up. She was trying so hard not to start crying. She knew once she let go she would not be able to hold back anymore.

“Did I say to put it back on?” He questioned demandingly.

“No, sir. I’m so sorry sir.” Chloe said through her gritted teeth, trying so hard to hold back the tears.

“You keep calling me ‘Nice Guy’. Well you’re really starting to act like a stupid bitch.” Randal said, almost too comfortably. He had never spoken to a woman like that before. It was so far out of character for him but seemed to flow from his mouth with ease. He was even a bit taken aback by himself. He paused for a moment to recalibrate, only he didn’t feel any adjustments being made. The nice guy was still in him and was causing him to question himself after each action, though powerless to stop this new creature being created in this moment.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll try not to act like a stupid bitch anymore.” Chloe caught herself saying, confirming her commitment to Randal. While Randal was surprising himself with this newfound darkness escaping him, Chloe was just as surprised at the newfound weakness she was exhibiting. While she has always liked stronger willed men she had never experienced a situation as volatile as this. She was confused and shocked. She had no foundation from which to pull potential scenarios for what might happen next. Each moment brought something new and fresh and scary. She felt herself folding into the role. Her thigh was on fire, her eyes were millimeters away from dropping their first tear. She felt herself shaking. But there was something else welling up inside her. She felt that familiar dampness growing between her legs. She had just created a mess just a short while earlier, but this was a new fresh feeling. Was she truly enjoying this, she thought to herself.

She released the seat belt to retract back into its holding. She quickly grabbed the bottom of her top and slid it up over her head. Having no bra on, she had once again freed her amazing tits. Randal especially enjoyed their motions as she continued to move around causing each breast to bounce and sway in a perfect unison. Her large nipples, which be it from the cool or sexual tention in the air, were rock hard at this point. Lifting her ass into the air she slid her skirt off the dropping her bare ass onto the cool leather seat. She then folded both items neatly and presented them to Randal. He hadn’t asked for this additional step but he took note and saw it as her submission into her role for the evening. He felt that was her way of letting him know she was offering herself for whatever he wanted. That little addition really turned him on.

Randal wasn’t a weak man. Quite the contrary. He was very confident and strong. However, he had never felt this kind of power before. To himself he acknowledged that this new power he was feeling in fact came from Chloe. She had just offered him a great deal of power to control her and he was loving every bit of it.

“Get out of the car and walk to the front.” Randal ordered as he unbuckled his seat belt and exited the car.

Chloe followed suit, exiting the car. The cold dew on the grass contrasted the hard underlying rocks against her feet as Chloe gently trekked to the front of the car. Though it was summer, the cool evening air was still enough to put a slight chill on her naked skin causing slight goose bumps across her entire body. She shivered slightly, due to both the coolness of the evening and the nervousness of what she was walking into. Upon reaching the front of the car she stood nervous and shivering, hands clasped together in front of her, and eyes pointed at the ground.

“How have you behaved tonight, Chloe?” Questioned Randal.

“Like a spoiled bitch?” Chloe responded unsure what Randal was looking for. She had guessed correct.

“That’s right. And what happens to spoiled little bitches?”

“They get punished?” she said, again unsure if her response would be adequate.

“Correct. Bend over and place your hands on the hood.” He ordered.

Chloe did as instructed. She bent over and placed both hands on the hood of the car. The car was still running with the headlights on. Even though she stood between the lights, the brightness was enough to illuminate her naked pale body. The warmth of the hood felt good to her and she continued to shiver. Then, out of nowhere like a knife had just pierced her skin she felt Randal’s hand on her ass. He hadn’t struck her. It was just that the cold unexpected touch shot through her body creating a new kind of sensation.

Randal continued touching her body. Dragging his hands along her goose-bump covered skin, from her ass up along her bare back to her neck creating new bumps every step of the way. Randal’s hands felt amazing to Chloe. She had never felt a man touch her so softly, her skin tingling from the sensation of his touches.

Though she was still cold and shivering she could feel the warmth growing once again down between her legs. As his touching continued she felt the unmistakable feeling of moisture building up between her legs.

Down past her ass to her thighs he trailed his hands. Every inch of the trip his hands never broke contact with her skin. Down her legs to her ankles. Slowly he walked his hands back up the inside of her thigh sending his strong hands, inverted, between her milky white thick thighs and grabbing the inside of both them. Then with a single strong force he separated her legs, setting her off balance and exposing her wet puffy mound.

Chloe’s mouth opened quickly as she gasped for air, quickly spreading her legs and repositioning her feet to regain her balance. As her legs spread open a clear strand of Chloe’s juices dripped down and landed on her thigh just above her knee. It was noticeable enough that it caught Randal’s eye.

“Looks like you might be enjoying this. Do you like the feeling of my hands on your body?” Randal asked. Chloe didn’t immediately answer.

Chloe had teased Randal many times over the years. Being best friends with Lorelei long before Lorelei and Randal met, created a different dynamic in the relationship. Lorelei would share intimate details of her relationship with Randal over the years. Though Chloe may not have realized it at the time, many of the intimate details were shared to intentionally create jealousy. Lorelei loved to watch Chloe squirm. Lorelei gets off knowing other women desire her man. On a few drunken occasions there had even been times Chloe felt comfortable enough to share some of her own fantasies about Randal with Lorelei. Unknown to Chloe, Lorelei would take those fantasies home and share them as her own with Randal, just so she could watch what these sexual fantasies did to him. Those shared fantasies along with the external desire to have him gawk at her caused Chloe to tease him more by wearing slightly more revealing clothing when she was around him and constantly offering up playful touches or “accidental” bumps. Though each of them had desires for one another, neither of them had realized it, until now.

“Yes, sir. I love the feeling of your hands on my body.” Chloe finally offered up.

Randal’s fingers found the stray string of juices on her inner thigh. He drew circles on her thigh with the wetness as he trailed his fingers back up to its origin. Using two fingers he pressed on her lips until they slid in between the two folds. Then he curled his fingers slightly until they found the spot they were searching for. Then Randal straightened his fingers again, driving both fingers easily past her wet walls and into her warm pussy.

Chloe’s mouth again shot open as she took in a large breath and then let out a hard moan, “HMMHmmmhmm!!”

Randal drove his fingers deep inside her. The feeling of the warm pool inside her body was exhilarating to him. He pulled his fingers all the way out and rubbed the liquid around her entrance before forcefully shoving them back in. He enjoyed swirling his finger inside her pussy, mixing her juices that never seems to stop flowing. Having missed out on a sexual adventure with his own wife and then being teased all evening by Chloe, he was finally having his release, his moment to feel what his eyes had been trying so desperately to avoid. Even though Randal had already ventured this far, it was at this moment that he finally committed to what he would do on this night.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v164ik/randal_the_nice_guy_part_6