My best friend indirectly got me laid [FM]

My best friend is one of the few souls on earth who knows my username so she’ll read this. I obviously had to change details, but y’all should get the gist.

I’ve talked about my best friend before, but it’s hard to adequately capture the depths of our relationship. She is tragically very straight, but we love each other like sisters.

She is my person.

Weirdly enough, we actually met because we were both casually hooking up with the same guy. He was once like, “I know this is weird but I’m also seeing this girl who reminds me a lot of you and I just think y’all would get along.”

We did. I’ve never clicked with ANYONE as quickly as I did with her. We moved in together within a month of meeting each other and have been inseparable ever since.

*Yes we have made out many times but I promise there is nothing else there. She is so straight she doesn’t like her own vagina.*

There was a magical time in life when we lived together when we were both single and we SLAYED! Before I had GWS, I had her. Every time we fucked we’d tell each other every single detail. She was my muse.

I was once fucking a guy and I looked him in the eye and said, “This is so good! I can’t wait to tell my best friend about this.” We used to have these color changing lamps we would tap when one of us was fucking so we knew when the other was getting laid.

*You get it. We’re close.*

Anyway, when we were younger I always wondered if she would get married. I mean she’s a hot lawyer who loves fucking and plays videos games, so I’d call her the definition of a catch, but that woman’s sex drive is through the damn roof! She puts me to shame. I didn’t know who would be good enough or satisfy her on any level. She’s too smart.

Luckily, she found her soulmate. He’s hella hot, brilliant, and can keep up with her. I adore him. Not as much as I adore her, but he’s one of my favorite people to be around.

With those two though? I’ve never seen any two people quite as attracted to each other. Hot damn, they have constant tension.

The result? They fuck like rabbits.

Anyway, onetime we all went to a wedding together and booked and airbnb that was kind of a two bedroom. It was more like a studio with a weird wall in between but there was no door… which means they couldn’t fuck all weekend.

However, the morning of the wedding the two of them hop in the shower while I’m lying in bed with my boyfriend and we just start hearing *bang, bang, bang, bang.*

It’s so awkward. We’re just lying there, eyes to the ceiling, listening to our best friends fuck.

“I can’t tell if I’m turned on or terrified,” he says.

“I’m… kind of turned on.”

“We can’t have sex. What if they finish and come out and find us fucking?”

“What if we tried to beat them?” I asked.


“Yeah, don’t worry about me. Let’s see how fast we can get you off.”

I rub his crotch and he’s hard within two seconds. He then immediately flips me on all fours, pulls my pajama pants down, and pushes himself into me.

“Can I go fast?” He says.

“I’m pretty sure they’re on edge so you better.”

He slams into me and I have to put my face into the pillow to keep from moaning. He pulls my hair though and I have to grit my teeth to stay quiet.

I’m not exactly expecting to get off, but NGL, hearing them banging in the background is doing this for me. I start building and dig my fingers into the mattress. He starts going harder and I have to hold the headboard.

Meanwhile I hear them speeding up on the background. “They’re close,” I say.

“So am I.”

He slams into me again and I actually feel myself reach the edge. The problem is, I’m not quiet.

I push my head into the pillow so I can muffle my scream when I come and feel my boyfriend shudder as he does the same.

Then we hear the shower turn off so we jump back under the covers and get dressed quickly.

My best friend comes out and announces she’s in a good mood.

“I think we all are,” my boyfriend says.



  1. Sounds like your best friend and her partner have a lovely relationship. Are they still like that to this day lol?

    That ending is fucking hilarious.

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