In Real Life: (Two of Two) [MFF] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Group Sex] [Anal] [Group Sex] [Creampie]

The morning came quickly, and even though I wanted to go a few more rounds with both of them, I understood when they said they had to go home to see their families.

When I returned home and eventually got some more sleep, I attributed last night’s experience to a one-time thing and ensured I didn’t get my hopes up to repeat performances. Both of them were married even though they were both getting divorces, or so they said.

My thoughts went round and round for the whole day.

Even when I went online and didn’t see either of them there, I felt disappointed and depressed. I had a great time even before the sex.

A day went by then three, and I hadn’t got a word from either of them. I wanted to message them but knew it wouldn’t come off good if I came off desperate.

Kyle was hot on my heels about something or the other.

While I was at work, I saw a familiar face. I moved around the aisles to see Francis. She was shopping with two boys. I decided not to go up, as it might be awkward for her to explain who I was to her sons.

“Hi,” Francis said as I was reorganizing some shelves.

“Hi,” I said with a bit of surprise.

Francis looked on edge as she looked around to make sure the coast was clear.

“You don’t have to,” I said, noticing the behaviour.

“I am not used to this,” Francis said as she peered over my shoulder.

“Like I said, you don’t have to,” I said as I saw a tall Hispanic male walking toward her.

“There you are,” the man said.

“I wasn’t hiding,” Francis said as he approached. “Thank you for the help,” she said to me as she walked away.

“No problem,” I nodded.

Francis dropped a piece of paper. I didn’t pick it up right away as I didn’t want to draw attention. I stepped on it and carried on looking around as I usually did, then when no one was looking, I picked it up.

It was two numbers, with a time on each. I guessed it was the safest time to call or text. There was an F by one and a C by the other.

I decided to go with Francis as she was the one that dropped it.

When the time came, I decided it would be safest to text and not call.

Francis immediately called me back. She explained the past few days; Jimmy had been fighting the divorce even though he still hadn’t moved back in; Chasity threatened to take the kids and leave the state. She wanted the divorce and was willing to go because of it.

I understood the need for her to feel the freedom to do what she wanted, and even though Jimmy was a good father, he sounded like a controlling husband.

Francis was finalizing her divorce. Her husband wasn’t fighting it. If anything, the two of them were on the same page. They were going through everything so that they didn’t need lawyers. When I saw them together, they were getting sports gear for their oldest son.

“Sorry,” Francis said as she went silent. “That was Chas, she wants you to call her.”

“Okay,” I said as we hung up.

Chasity was a mess. She kept apologizing for not being in contact and making me think anything wrong. I told her I understood that she was going through a hard time.

“Am I wrong?” Chasity asked.

It sounded like she was in a small room as I could hear an echo.

“For what? I asked.

“Separating a family, he was a good father and the kids, well, they have been great through all this,” she said.

She went on to tell me she explained as well as she could what was happening, and the three of them understood and wanted to stay with her.

“When my parents got divorced, I went with my father,” I said.

I didn’t talk about my family problems much to anybody, but it seemed like a good time.

“My mother was overbearing and a complete control freak,” I said. “We couldn’t do anything without her say.”

“That’s how Jimmy was, even with the kids, he loved them, but everything had to be in its place, if it wasn’t he would freak out and start yelling,” Chasity said.

I could imagine being in a house with two young boys and a very young girl and how that could be a problem.

“Even when they left toys out, he would start yelling,” Chasity said. “If I was on the phone with someone too long, he would yell and say I was cheating on him. If I liked something on my Facebook page, he would say I was trying to get with the person, male or female.”

“Horrid,” I said.

“Listen to me, venting to you,” Chasity said.

“My father stuck in there, actually,” I said as I remembered something. “He went to her mother and talked to her about it, my grandma was nothing like my mother, I think that’s what made things go easier.”

“That would be Jimmy’s dad, Gregory,” Chasity said as if a lightbulb went off. “Thank you, thank you so much!”

After that talk with both of them, things got better quickly. Jimmy’s dad came to town a few days after the discussion. From what Chasity said, Jimmy straightened up and stopped fighting her.

Like she said before, they had a strong family, and I was sure since Jimmy was a family man hearing that he was wrong coming from his father made him turn about.

Francis’s divorce went through without a hitch, and things were back to normal before long.

Seeing them both back online and chatting made me feel good.

‘So, when are we getting together again,’ Francis asked as we were in a group text.

‘Soon, I hope,’ Chasity replied.

‘Thought with everything you two would like some time alone,’ I said.

‘Oh no,’ Francis said. ‘Not getting off that easily!’

“Definitely not, can’t lay two women with good cock, and then bail,’ Chasity said. ‘It’s not polite!’

‘I told you, it’s not that big,’ I said.

‘It might not be porn star big or what some would say is huge, but when you have dealt with five inches for so many years, eight is huge,’ Francis said.

‘Six and very thin, pinky finger thin,’ Chasity said.

‘It’s not eight,’ I laughed. ‘Maybe six or close to seven, but not eight.’

‘You might want to remeasure,’ Francis said. ‘I worked in making clothes, I know how to measure with my eyes.’

‘And it felt like it was in my stomach, so definitely bigger than six, I know what six feels like,’ Chasity said.

I was silent for a few, I had measured a long time ago, but I knew dicks didn’t grow bigger after puberty.

‘Wish we could come over and help you,’ Chasity said.

‘My boys could sleep over your house, so you don’t have to get a sitter,’ Francis said.

‘That would be great. I will order pizza and set up the game room for them,’ Chasity said.

‘I guess I should give you my address,’ I said, knowing I had no say in the matter.

I rushed around my house cleaning things and throwing other things into closets so they couldn’t be seen. I even vacuumed and went around cleaning the floors. Then I took a second shower and shaved everything again.

I knew where the night was going, and I wanted to be prepared.

“Beers and pizza,” Francis said as she walked into the house.

Chasity was right behind her.

They both laughed as they sat down on my couch. “What?” I asked.

“The smell,” Chasity smiled. “How fast were you running around the house cleaning?”

“I…” I started to say before Francis shook her head.

“We can smell the cleaning products,” Francis laughed. “It’s nice that you thought about it, and not left the place a mess.”

I sighed.

“How bad was it?” Chasity asked.

I stood up and walked to one of the closets and opened it. There were shoes and clothes thrown in there.

“Bad,” Francis nodded. “Thank you, we appreciate it.”

“Very much,” Chasity nodded.

“So,” Francis said as she reached into her bag. She pulled out a measuring tape. “Here or the bedroom?”

“Fran!” Chasity said.

“It’s been nearly three weeks,” Fran shook her head.

“I know, but,” Chasity said as she looked at her friend. “He might not be up for it, quite yet.”

How little did she know I was already semi-hard, just watching them walk through the door.

“Are you?” Francis asked.

“Come upstairs and find out,” I said as I pointed to the stairs.

Both women ran up the stairs as I got behind them. Seeing their asses sway back and forth as they ran completed my vision.

As we got into the room, clothes fell to the floor, and again I was amazed at how these two women had kids. Their bodies were extremely perfect to look at. I stared as they both got up on my large bed.

“I think he is up for it,” Francis said as she held out the tape.

She measured from root to tip and then held out the tape. “Told you,” Francis said with a smile. “I still have the knack for measuring with my eyes, just under eight inches.”

“Six my ass,” Chasity said, shaking her head. “Usually men brag bigger, not smaller,” she said.

It didn’t take long for us to end up wrapped up together. I could feel one of their hands on my dick and lips on mine. I felt Francis’s big boob in my hand.

Then Chasity smiled and got off the bed.

“Where are you going?” Francis asked.

“You’re not the only one with a surprise,” Chasity said.

“I wonder what, she’s on about?” Francis said.

The two of us continued without her. Francis expertly sucked on my cock as I watched her.

Then she gasped loudly. It was only then that I noticed Chasity had come back into the room and was behind Francis.

“What is that?” Francis said as she started bouncing backwards.

“What do you think?” Chasity said with that same devilish smile.

“You bad girl!” Francis said.

It was then that I noticed Chasity was fucking Francis. I peered to the side and saw the strap on that she was wearing.

“Oh, this is going to be a very fun night,” Francis said as she buried her head back down and sucked on my cock.

Chasity winked at me as she continued to fuck her friend.

“That’s enough,” Chasity said as she pushed Francis to the side of the bed.

Chasity laid down, and I watched as her giant boobs fell all over the place.

“Hop on you nasty bitch!” Chasity said, holding her fake cock.

Francis smiled as she straddled the fake cock standing upright and started riding it. I watched as Francis bounced up and down as she played with Chasity’s huge boobs.

It was then the first night came into my head. I knew what I was going to do, and I moved behind Francis slowly. I pushed her over.

Francis looked back at me as I aimed my cock at her ass. “Holy fuck!”

Francis yelled as the head of my cock entered her ass.

“You wanted this remember,” I said.

“Yes, yes I did,” Francis said as she stared back at me.

Chasity and I started to fuck Francis, and the MILF of the cul de sac screamed and bounced back on the both of us. She loved every moment of it.

I knew it wasn’t the real thing, and she wanted two real cocks in her, but this was the next best thing.

I pushed my cock deep into her ass and grabbed her shoulder as I fucked her.

“Cum in my ass!” Francis yelled.

I held her hips backwards on me as I came inside her ass. Francis flopped to the side. Her chest heaved up and down.

“Going away present,” Chasity smiled.

“Going away?” I asked as I laid down.

“You didn’t tell him?” Chasity asked.

“Didn’t have time,” Francis said.

Francis told me that in a week, she was going back home. Her kids wanted to go back to where they had lived before coming here. Their home was in Indiana, and she had already found an excellent job and a house close to where they had lived before.

I was a bit unhappy about the news, but I understood that she had to do right with her kids. Chasity said she wasn’t leaving, so I would still have her.

The rest of the night, we made it all about Francis so she could have a night to remember.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I thought after Francis left, things between Chasity and I would die down. It was always Francis that got us to do wild and crazy things. Jimmy was gone out of the picture as soon as the ink dried. He even left without a single word of goodbye to his kids.

Chasity said it was like Jimmy. He was good at cutting people off who he felt had done him wrong, and since the kids wanted to be with her and not him, he was going to cut them off.

She had no problems with it as she had made more than him financially, and after asking for a raise, she got a decent promotion.

I was wrong about the change. If anything, things got more intense. Sex was more intimate, and we spent a lot more time together. I even met the kids after a few weeks.

After that, life changed for a big turnaround. I no longer had time to go online and chat. I was always doing something with Chasity and the kids, ball games, gymnastics, going to the beach, and a trampoline studio which I didn’t even know was a thing until her middle son told me about it.

The place was huge and had trampolines everywhere. He was excellent on them. The first time I went, my heart kept racing as he would be in the air and bouncing everywhere. I thought he would get hurt.

As for things with Chasity, it was like she was a different woman with me. She was no longer the shy one, as she was more outgoing and outspoken.

I gave her the freedom to be her. If she wanted to go out with her girlfriends, I didn’t stop her. She even went on a weekend visit with some people from work out of town. She kept asking me if it was okay that there would be guys. I told her I trusted her.

When Chasity came back home, she came to my job and surprised me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Shopping,” Chasity shrugged.

“Thought you didn’t like this place?” I smiled.

“You work here, so I guess I have to get used to it,” Chasity said.

“Where’s the women’s department?”

“Over here,” I said as I walked with her. “What are you looking for?” I asked.

“A new bra or two,” Chasity said.

I laughed as I shook my head. “We don’t sell your size, I doubt any store sells your size,” I said.

“I know, I usually have to go to specialty stores, or order online,” Chasity said as she walked through the rows of bras.

“Then why are you shopping here?” I asked.

I answered a quick question from one of my employees on the intercom system on my ears and around my waist.

“Can they hear me?” Chasity asked as she pointed to the mic and the earpiece.

“No, I have to push to talk,” I said.

“Good,” Chasity said as she picked out a bra. “What do you think?”

“That it would be way too small, and that’s the biggest we carry,” I nodded.

“Come help me try it on,” Chasity said as she pulled on my arm.

Luckily there was no one around as she pulled me into one of the changing rooms.

“Hun, you are very loud,” I said as Chasity unbuckled my belt.

“That’s what this is for,” Chasity said, holding up the bra.

Chasity quickly unbuckled her jeans and straddled me as she sunk on my cock.

“Fuck,” I said as she bounced up and down on my dick in the small changing room.

Chasity stuffed the bra in her mouth as she rode me hard. I could hear all the employees in my ear as my girlfriend rode my cock hard and fast. At the pace she was going, I wouldn’t last long.

‘Thomas, can you come to the deli, customer service,’ one of the deli clerks said over the intercom.

‘Busy with a customer right now, Derek can you get that?’ I replied. As Chasity’s huge boobs bounced in front of my face, they were still trapped inside her shirt, but I could see them bouncing.

‘On my way,’ Derek, one of the assistant managers, said.

I knew I didn’t have long before another problem would occur. Our store was always busy, and I was one of three managers on duty.

“Cum, I know you want to,” Chasity said, taking the bra out of her mouth.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her down on my cock. I came hard, pushing up inside of her.

“There,” Chasity said as she slowly got off me.

I pulled up my pants and zipped up as she put her jeans back on.

“What was that about?” I asked.

“You,” Chasity said as she looked out the door and gave me the all-clear.

“Taking care of my kids this weekend and letting me go on the trip, thought you deserved a reward,” she smiled. “Plus, a nice quickie at work is never a bad thing, right?”

“Right,” I nodded. “Shit, I have to go,” I said as another problem came up.

“Go, I will pay for this and meet you later,” Chasity said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Things got better and better for me. I got a promotion and had a great girlfriend. Then I was hit with a shovel to the face.

Sienna, the youngest, hit me with a question one day while we were eating dinner at Chasity’s house.

“Well?” Brian asked he was the oldest.

I was still stunned. Chasity was just staring back at me.

“What?” I asked. As if I didn’t hear the question.

“Why don’t you live here, instead of over there,” Sienna asked again.

Chasity was still smiling and not offering any help or assistance. Brian and Liam were just like Sienna, just staring at me.

“Didn’t know it was something you all wanted,” I said, trying to deflect the question.

“They’ve talked about it constantly for over two weeks now,” Chasity said as she put her hands under her chin and stared at me. “And I mean constantly!”

“You do like it here, and it’s much bigger than your house,” Brian said.

“Closer to the new store you just started working in,” Liam added.

“Plus, we are here,” Sienna said.

“Told you, constantly,” Chasity smiled.

“Okay,” I nodded. “If it’s okay with mom,” I said.

“Oh, no,” Chasity said as she stood up and started cleaning. “This is between you four, mom is out of this one.”

The four of us talked it over for most of the night, and it was agreed I was moving in.

At first, it was a bit of a struggle as we had to get on the same page about things. There were a few arguments, but never in front of the kids.

Then, one night after having sex, I saw that Chasity wasn’t next to me. I heard crying in the bathroom.

“You, okay?” I asked

“Yeah, just a minute,” Chasity said.

I turned the handle and found it was unlocked. Chasity was sitting on the toilet. “Shit, thought it was locked,” she said, wiping her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, kneeling in front of her.

“Nothing,” she shook her head.

I gave her my usual look, and she sighed. “I took something from you, that I can’t give back,” she said.

“My credit card, I know about that,” I smiled.

“No,” Chasity said, shaking her head. She sighed again and stared at me as I pushed a stray hair from her face. “The ability to be a father, to your own child,” she said, shaking her head.

“I knew you couldn’t have kids when we started this adventure together,” I said, holding her hand. “Do you see me running away?” Chasity shook her head. “Have I brought it up?”

Again, she shook her head. “I am happy, I didn’t know I could be a father to kids that weren’t my own, but those three are my kids, I care about each one of them as my own.”

‘Wow! Holy fuck! When did that happen?’ I thought as I sat back on the cold tiled floor.

‘Four months ago! Dumbass!’ my other thought shouted. ‘Sienna held your hand at the park and started swinging it and that guy bumped into her, remember!’

That’s right. I nearly tore his head from his shoulders.

“You, okay?” Chasity asked.

I guessed I stopped talking and was staring into space. “Yeah,” I nodded. “I really am, and I really mean it.”

Chasity smiled, and we went back to bed.

Months passed, and Kyle messaged me one time when I was heading home. It had been nearly a year or more since we talked.

‘I heard the news, congratulations!” it read.

‘Thanks,’ I replied.

‘Marrying the hot chick! How does that feel?’ Kyle said.

I still couldn’t believe it. I still pinched myself now and then to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

We were on our way back from the beach, the kids were sleeping in the back, and Chasity popped the question right out of the blue. I had thought about it many times, but I knew she had a rough marriage before and didn’t know if she wanted to get into another one, so I never asked, but she just stared at me as if I was in complete shock.

‘Still can’t believe it,’ I responded.

‘Heard she was the one that popped the question, isn’t that your job?’ Kyle asked.

‘You know Chasity,’ I said.

‘Just wanted to say congrats,’ Kyle said.

‘Thanks, we should catch up sometime,’ I said.

‘Definitely, we still hang out at the bar on Fridays,’ Kyle said.

‘One night we will join you,’ I replied.

We both decided to pop up there and see everyone, and it was just as I remembered it. Lots of people doing the same thing. Even Erica was still in her skimpy clothes getting all of the attention. Kyle was still bouncing around, trying to get laid.

There were a few new faces, but we didn’t stay long. That was our past, and even though it was the main reason we got together, it wasn’t for us anymore. I had a family now and while chatting online was for some, it wasn’t for me.

“Go! Have fun!” Francis said as she shooed us out of the house.

She had come for the wedding and was volunteering to watch the kids while we went on our honeymoon.

Ten days in the tropics, just the two of us.

“You’re a life saver!” Chasity said.

Francis and her new boyfriend waved at us as we got in the car for the airport.

We settled in our seats and were flying in no time. “What?” Chasity said as I stared down the aisle.

“It’s free,” I said.

“What is?” Chasity asked as she looked around.

“The bathroom,” I said with a wink.

“I am very loud!” Chasity whispered.

Even after all this time, Chasity couldn’t stop herself from moaning loudly and saying my name a few times. Luckily for us, the kids’ rooms were upstairs, and our room was downstairs.

“That’s what this is for,” I said as I held out a large cloth.

“You’re so bad,” Chasity said as we headed for the bathroom.

One of the flight attendants saw us and gave us a thumbs up. ‘I will watch out for you,” she whispered.

We thanked her and went into the small bathroom, just like the changing room. Chasity got on top, unlike the last time I lasted a bit longer. Chasity was the first to peek out after it was all done.

“There,” I said as we got back in our seats. “Wish list is done.”

“Now we have to come up with more,” Chasity said as she sunk her head on my shoulder.

I shook my head and carried on reading.



***Author’s Note: This story as well as many other stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](



  1. great series! Can you think of models/actresses that look similar?

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