Randal the Nice Guy – Part 4

Preface: You’ll want to read the first three parts for context here. Please let me know what you think. I’m curious to know if there’s an audience for this story.

Part 4

Chloe collapsed into a ball in the passenger seat. Her panties had fallen from her mouth and were now resting in her cleavage. The one hand was now resting between her thighs fully covering her engorged pussy. She had pressed stop on the recording with the other hand and placed her phone on the seat.

Randal, now wide eyed, continued to drive, maintaining both hands on the wheel, sitting in uncomfortable silence. While he may not have been as out of breath as Chloe, he did have a very high pulse rate going. He didn’t know what to say. At this point he was honestly afraid to provoke her further and happy it was finally over. He definitely enjoyed the show but he really just wanted this trip to end so he could return home and hopefully wake Lorelei to get some release of his own.

“Could you please fix your clothes now?” Randal pleaded, finally breaking the silence.

“Certainly.” Chloe responded. She grabbed her panties and assessed them. What little material existed of them was soaked between her vaginal and then oral juices. Being useless to her at the moment, she playfully balled them up, reached over the center console and stuffed them into Randal’s front pocket. Randal tried to jerk away but was held in place by his seat belt. Still nervous in the situation he continued with his hands secured to the steering, eventually relaxing once the panties were secured in his pocket. “A momento for the evening, Mr. Too Nice. I hope you were able to enjoy at least some of the show. You do see what we’re talking about though, right?” Chloe asked as she grabbed the hem of her skirt, shimmied it back into place and resituated her top. She reached back and grabbed the seat belt to resecure herself as she continued. “Any non-“nice guy” would not have passed up that opportunity to join in. I was on full display for you and you were so worried about what Lorelei would think that you could barely look at me, let alone reach out and touch me.”

“Who are you kidding? You don’t want Lorelei to find out about tonight any more than I do. If Lorelei knew what you were doing here tonight she would flip on you. At the very least your more than 20 year friendship would be over. And that’s not to mention the physical fight you know would be coming.” Randal said in a defensive voice.

Chloe replied in a bratty matter-of-fact voice, “Exactly my point. I know it’s wrong, I don’t want to get caught but I’m still willing to take the risk just for the fun of it. I know you’re sure not going to say anything to her. You’re the nice guy so I get to have the fun.”

Her words were really starting to wear on him. He couldn’t remember anyone ever using the words “Nice Guy” so many times and in such a mean way. “It’s fine.” He said to himself trying to calm down. “She’s still drunk. She probably won’t even remember most of this evening tomorrow.” He continued in his head.

Just then he heard the notification sound on his phone go off. He reached down, picked up the phone and looked to see who it was from. He was hoping it was from Lorelei because that would mean she’s awake and would improve his odds when he got home. It was in fact from Chloe.

“What the fuck are you texting me for? I’m sitting right next to you.” he said, figuring she was just trying to be annoying. He opened the text and was immediately greeted with a full view of Chloe’s pussy. She had texted him the video. “What the actual fuck? What are you trying to do to me?”

She started laughing hysterically. “Sorry! I couldn’t help myself. I thought it would be funny. I wanted to see the look on that ‘nice guy’ face when you saw my pussy on your phone. You can delete it now.”

Randal had hit his boiling point. He had finally heard those words one too many times tonight and he was losing his mind. “Maybe I don’t delete it. What do you think about that?”

“Ha ha ha” she chuckled. “Not funny. Just delete it and we’ll forget about everything. You win. Mr. Nice Guy wins again.”

“No. I’m serious. What if I go home and tell Lorelei everything you’ve been doing tonight? I have plenty of proof now. I’ve got your panties in my pocket and full video evidence on my phone now. You can kiss the only real friend goodbye. All these years Lorelei has had your back and stood up for you when all your other friends left. And now, finally you’re going to lose that one last best friend. All that “nice guy” bullshit was probably fed to her by you anyway. With you out of the picture, yeah, I think ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ will win.”

“No, no no no no no. Please don’t do this. I’m so sorry. I was drunk. I acted like a fool tonight. I just lost myself for a few minutes. Please don’t throw away my friendship like that. Please, please, please. I’m so sorry. Just deleted the video and I’ll never act like this again.” Chloe pleaded. She had her hands clasped together in a pleading motion as she leaned over closer to him. “What do you want? I’ll give you anything. I’ll do anything for you. Just please delete that video.”

Listening to her pleading, almost crying voice had an effect on Randal, just not the effect he thought it would. A very special opportunity had presented itself. The perfect scenario for him to destroy this “nice guy” image. Could he get away with it, he questioned in his head. Could he actually go through with this? Before he completed his thought he spoke up, “Anything? Are you actually willing to do anything?”

“Yes!” Chloe quickly replied before thinking about what she was saying. “I’ll do anything you want just please delete that video and never mention this to Lorelei.” She requested.

Looking into Randal’s eyes Chloe began to get a sinking feeling in her stomach. “No. This can’t play out like that?” she questioned in her head. She had thought she was safe in the car with Randal. But her eyes were beginning to open and she saw something dark waking up in him.

“Perfect. I’m so, so happy to hear you say that.” Randal said as he slowed his approach to an intersection. He brought the car to a complete stop at a four way intersection even though he didn’t have a stop sign.

“What are you doing, Randal?” Chloe nervously asked.

After a couple minutes of silence, Randal turned right and continued driving. Chloe was getting even more nervous now because the way home for her would have been straight. Chloe turned her head to face forward. She placed her hands together in her lap and sat in silence, almost holding her breath, afraid of what lies ahead.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/v0lv26/randal_the_nice_guy_part_4